Position Paper

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TOPIC: Divorce

ISSUE: Legalization of Divorce in the Philippines

THESIS STATEMENT: Divorce should not be legalized in the Philippines because it
doesn’t just ridicule the sanctity of marriage but most of all it is against God’s law.
“To have and to hold from this day forward, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in
health, to love and to cherish, UNTIL DEATH DO US PART”, we often hear these marriage
vows, because these are the usual ones. Have you ever come to think if the bride and groom
always meant what they say during their wedding? Some may answer “of course” but others may
say otherwise. But you know, the answer should always be “YES” and “OF COURSE”.
Marriage is holy union of man and woman. The bible, which is the final and unchanging
authority states in Matthew 19:6 “Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What
therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” When man and woman was joined
in marriage NO MAN/ONE can separate them, be it the state or other parties. This law doesn’t
just govern the Christians but all humanity.
Our country is known as a Christian nation, well then, it is just necessary to live by it.
Allowing divorce to be legalized in our country is opposing and bending our own beliefs as
Christians. I can’t really think of a logical reason why should a self-proclaiming Christian nation
will allow such law to be implemented. It will make us all HYPOCRITES. A lot of people for
sure will object to what I’ve stated and call me idealistic, perfectionist or conservative. But being
faithful to God’s law is far way different from being conservative, more so of being an idealist.
Man and wife should bear in mind that their responsibility as a couple doesn’t end in
stating their vows during their wedding day, thus, it is just the start. Because one of the main
reasons of entering in marriage is not just by being with the love of your life forever but also to
build or start a family. A family that consists of father, mother, and children. If the parents get
divorced or separated, who will be left behind? The CHILDREN! Can the children alone be
called a family? NO! But what if they are no longer happy together? When a home is full of
hatred, deceit, pain, and suffering, is it still necessary for them to be together? Well, let’s go back
to their wedding vows, “in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, to love and to
cherish”, those are their vow to each other, and when they say “I do” it means that they will
always do. Because no family nor relationship is perfect or out of conflicts, there is and will
always have imperfections and conflicts because no body’s perfect, we are all still under God’s
construction, all we need and responsible to do is to accept each other’s flaws and imperfections.
God is teaching us always to be kind to one another, be understanding, be humble, be loving and
accept each other.
People should bear in mind that before entering marriage we must be sure of ourselves
that we are ready and capable to handle the responsibility of being better half of a person. They
should not rush things; we need to pray earnestly to God and wait for the one He sent for us.
Because marriage is not just a contract between two people, hence, it is a sacred covenant of
three- GOD, Man, and Wife.

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