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Name: Iqra Hakim

Roll Number: D17576

1. Write a note on how to setup indoor and outdoor environment for
introducing zoology and botany.


Setting Up the Outdoor Environment

The material needed for setting outdoor environment is

 A bird feeder
 A bird bath
 A bird house
These material are set up so that children can observe the wildlife closely. For this
the following steps are needed.

Set Up Bird Feeders

Children are naturally interested in observing birds and other wildlife. The children and teachers can work
together to set up bird feeders outside the classrooms so the children could observe the birds. These feeders
can also be set at various places like garden and trees. Bird food should be added daily in the feeders and
salt licks can also be used to provide birds more nutrition.

Set Up Bird Baths

Bird baths can also be a good way to observe the birds as they are attracted towards water sources. The
bird baths should be kept clean and water should also be changed every day.

Name: Iqra Hakim

Roll Number: D17576

Build Bird Houses

Bird houses can be built with the help of children and also make them build permanent residences. When
they will make their residences the children can observe them as well as their offspring’s better.

Explore Ways to Attract Other Wildlife

Other types of feeders and shelters can be set up for attracting other wildlife too.

Nature Walks

Take the children on nature walks regularly. The children can be given binoculars and magnifying glasses to
observe nature more closely. Practical life lessons on how to behave during nature walks as well care and
respect for environment should be given. Children should be encouraged to carefully explore the animals
and insect world.

Field Trips

Along with the nature walks, field trips like going to safari park, zoos, farms for different animals and
aquariums can also provide children with opportunities to observe animals.

Setting Up the Indoor Environment

The material needed for setting indoor environment:

 pet cages
 aquariums/fish tanks
 terraria
The use of setting indoor environment is to develop care and respect among children for loving other
creatures. And also providing opportunities to observe them.

Keeping Pets

Children love furry animals like cats, dogs, rabbits and birds. Animals can be kept in the classroom
permanently or can be brought temporarily. But proper care of the animal should be made so that nothing
goes wrong with the animal as well as the children.

Name: Iqra Hakim

Roll Number: D17576

Studying Life Cycles

It is very interesting to arrange for opportunities for children to watch different lifecycles of animals to
develop in the class like frog or worm.

Animal Books

Books with animal pictures and description should be made available in the classroom and children should
be encouraged to go through them

Animal Models

Using preserved animals as well as their models in shelves or nature table can also provide exciting
opportunities of observation and lessons in the classroom.


Setting Up the Outdoor Environment

Child-sized gardening tools like that for digging, hoeing, planting, raking, weeding,
watering, harvesting and composting.

The purpose of setting outdoor environment is to enhance the child's knowledge and
interest in plants, develop respect for plants in the child, and make him realize their
great significance. Also to develop child's sense of connectivity and oneness with the
universe and to teach the proper use of garden tools and to enable him to set up and
maintain a garden on his own.

Provision of Gardening Tools

Child-sized gardening tools should be made available for the children as early years
are a great time to introduce gardening to them. Children should be instructed
regarding proper way of holding, using, cleaning and storing each tool. If there is no

Name: Iqra Hakim

Roll Number: D17576

space for garden in the school area the children should be taken to nature walks and
potted plants should be made available in or outside the classroom.

Setting Up/Maintaining the Garden

If a functional garden is attached to the school, then it proves to be a great opportunity

for the children to explore nature. New plants should be added regularly and garden
should be maintained with the help of the children. Children can observe the life cycle
of plants in front of them. And children realize very soon that plants need constant
care and garden should be maintained so that it looks beautiful. Once the children are
familiar with the procedures they can take of the plants themselves. Presence of plants
attracts wild life too, so children get chance to observe wildlife too. The idea of worm
farm and compost heap in the garden develop the idea of not wasting things. Wild
specimens can also be kept in a part of the garden which allow children to observe
different types of leaf shapes, flowers etc. “Not to harm a living thing” should be
strictly observed.

Nature Walks

Take the children on nature walks regularly. The children can be given binoculars and
magnifying glasses to observe nature more closely. Practical life lessons on how to
behave during nature walks as well care and respect for environment should be given.
Children should be encouraged to carefully explore the animals and insect world.

Setting Up the Indoor Environment

Indoor environment is setup to enhance the child's knowledge and interest in plants,
to develop respect for plants in the child and learn proper care and to realize how we
are dependent on plants for food and other reasons.

Name: Iqra Hakim

Roll Number: D17576

Care of Indoor Plants

Indoor plants should be made available in the classroom so that children can carry out
practical life activities to take care of the plants. Information cards about plant's name,
origin, watering needs etc. can also be attached to the pots. The number of plants
should be limited at first and increased as children become skilled to take care of the
plants. The plants can also be added and removed in accordance with the botanical
concepts that are given to the children like flowering, non-flowering, shapes of leaves

Planting New Plants

Methods of planting as much as possible should be introduced to the children. Seeds,

seedlings and sprouting bulbs can be used for planting. It is a full of life activity for
the children.

Relocating Plants

Plants eventually grow in size, so there can be a need of relocating them. The help of
children can be taken in this regard. They can be given instructions verbally before
practically doing the work.

Flower Arrangement

The arrangement of flowers is another way of enjoying the beauty of flowers. It is a

part of morning rituals in Montessori classrooms. Many vases of different shapes and
culture are made available in the classrooms. And material to refill the vases are also
made available.

Name: Iqra Hakim

Roll Number: D17576

Flower and Plant Press

A plant press is a simple device used to dry and preserve plant material. Flower press
devices are commercially available or one can be made easily using newspaper and
sheets of card board. The plant material is placed inside the layers of newspaper, which
is then placed between two sheets of cardboard and kept under pressure using a pile
of books or bricks for a few days. Different parts of the plant can be used in this
process. And children can have used preserved parts in different activities.

Food Preparation

Preparation of food from the plants grown by children is a great activity. Some schools
have enough supply of fruits and vegetables from the garden that they can prepare
everyday snack from it. This also allows the directress to tell which part of the flower
is edible e.g. roots, leaves, flowers etc.

Additional Resources

Along with experiences with real plants, models, pictures and books about plants
should be made available to the children in the classroom and they should be
encouraged to explore them.

2. Explain how the children are introduced to the vertebrates and

invertebrates, five classes of vertebrates and then the body parts of a
typical animal of each class.

Introduction of Vertebrates and Invertebrates to Children

A three dimensional model of vertebral column and sets of pictures of vertebrate and
invertebrate animals are used in this exercise. The purpose of this exercise is to

Name: Iqra Hakim

Roll Number: D17576

enable children to distinguish between vertebrates and invertebrates, to give
vocabulary to the children and to establish the importance of backbone.

Small group of children is invited to work with the directress. The children are
showed the place of the material and then the material is shifted to the workplace.
The model of vertebral column id introduced to the children. The children are also
allowed to feel the model carefully and information regarding the vertebral column
is given by the directress. After that pictures of vertebrate animals are shown to the
children to tell them that these animals are called vertebrates as they have a vertebral
column. The directress asks the children whether they know the names of the
animals, or else gives the names by three period lesson.

Afterwards if the children are interested, “invertebrates” are also introduced to them.
The children are then introduced to the invertebrates, as the animals which do not
possess a backbone. The pictures of invertebrates are shown to the children in the
same way of vertebrates. When all the pictures are known to the children, they are
mixed together. After that a picture representing vertebrates is placed on top of the
table as well as picture representing invertebrates is placed next to it. Ask children to
look at the pictures carefully and place pictures of vertebrates under vertebrate card
and pictures of invertebrates under invertebrate card. After finishing the work, the
children can check the placement of cards by coding at the back of the cards.

Scientific Classification (5 Classes of Vertebrates)

In this exercise classified cards of the five classes of vertebrates are used i.e.

 mammals
 birds

Name: Iqra Hakim

Roll Number: D17576

 fish
 reptiles
 amphibians
and a box with five color coded compartments too separately place the sets of cards.

A small group of children is invited to work with the directress. The cards of
mammals are selected first and shifted to the workplace. The children are asked if
they remember what are vertebrates. The children are then shown the pictures so that
they can observe the special features of the animals such as hair on bodies and young
ones nursing. The children are asked the names of the mammals and if they do not
know the names of the animals then give them three period lesson. Generally,
discuss the different animals of mammal group and repeat the word “mammal” so
that the children become familiar with it. Similarly, the classified cards of other
groups of vertebrates are also introduced to the children.

Animals Jigsaw Puzzles

5 jigsaw puzzles of typical animals of each class of vertebrate’s animals, including:

 Horse (mammal)
 Bird
 Fish
 Frog (amphibian)
 Tortoise (Reptile)
The purpose of this exercise is to introduce the names of different animals of each
class of vertebrates and give special information regarding the parts of those animals.
This exercise also helps to enable child to compare the morphology of animals with
that of humans.
Name: Iqra Hakim

Roll Number: D17576

This exercise is done individually with each child. The child is introduced the animal
puzzles cabinet and shown how to remove the puzzle from the cabinet by telling the
child that it is very fragile material. Then the child is presented to let him know how
to hold the insets properly by the knobs. Ask the child to remove all the pieces of the
puzzle out on the mat. The directress shows how to replace the insets. After this
exercise the directress may continue by asking the child to teach the names of parts
of the animal by giving three period lesson. The directress should teach the names of
the parts, three at a time. The material should be placed back after the exercise.

3. Prepare the following material and send to your tutor along with the

Four-part nomenclature material for the part of a flower.

Two part classified cards of the common fruits in Pakistan.

Name: Iqra Hakim

Roll Number: D17576

4. Carry out any five science experiments mentioned in this book. Take
pictures while working, and send them to your tutors.

Name: Iqra Hakim

Roll Number: D17576

Making a Rain Gauge

Name: Iqra Hakim

Roll Number: D17576

Making an Egg Go Soft

Name: Iqra Hakim

Roll Number: D17576

Rising Coin

Name: Iqra Hakim

Roll Number: D17576

Sing and Float Experiment

Name: Iqra Hakim

Roll Number: D17576

Name: Iqra Hakim

Roll Number: D17576

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