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Human Rights Alert

PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750

Fax: 323.488.9697; Email:

Digitally signed by
Joseph Zernik
DN: cn=Joseph
Zernik, o, ou,
email=jz12345@eart, c=US
Date: 2011.07.10
01:33:54 +03'00'

11-07-07 Request to inspect and to copy records of the Supreme Court of Israel




July 7, 2011

Request to inspect and to copy (English translation)

July 7, 2011

Request to inspect and to copy (Hebrew original)

The attached Hebrew record was filed with the Clerk of the Supreme Court of Israel on July 7, 2011.
Dr Zernik was not permitted access to the records on the same date, and was told that he would be informed
regarding his right to access the records on an unspecified future date.
1) None of the requested records is posted on the online public access system of the Supreme Court of
Israel as a signed, valid court record.
2) The case of Bank Ha-Poalim v Finkelstein, a civil case, was selected at random, as a case involving
an individual against a financial institution.
3) The case of Katzav v State of Israel, a criminal case, was selected since it involved a former
government official.

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July 10, 2011

July 7, 2011
Guy Shani, Clerk
Supreme Court of Israel
RE: Request to inspect court records
Dear Clerk Shani:
The undersigned, Dr Joseph Zernik, has published in recent years papers in scholarly journals, pertaining to
the electronic record systems of the courts and prisons and also presented his research in international
conferences. [i ]
Therefore, the undersigned requests, pursuant to the right to access court records, to inspect and to copy
records of the Supreme Court (including records of the High Court of Justice), as outlined below:
Instant request pertains to court records, signed by judge(s), either by hand or digitally, in the manner held by
the Supreme Court as valid and effectual signature.
In addition, the undersigned requests to inspect and to copy the authentication records of the same judicial
records, signed by the Clerk of the Court (either by hand or digitally), or by others, authorized by the Clerk, as
valid and effectual records of the Supreme Court.
Instant request pertains to the following records:
1. Bank Ha-Poalim v Yitzhaq Finkelstein (2074/11), July 5, 2011 Decision;
2. Authentication record of the Decision above;
3. Bank Ha-Poalim v Yitzhaq Finkelstein (2074/11), April 6, 2011 Decision;
4. Authentication record of the Decision above;
5. Bank Ha-Poalim v Yitzhaq Finkelstein (2074/11), March 31, 2011 Decision;
6. Authentication record of the Decision above;
7. Moshe Katzav v State of Israel (3372/11), May 18, 2011 Decision;
8. Authentication record of the Decision above;
9. Moshe Katzav v State of Israel (3372/11), May 9, 2011 Decision;
10. Authentication record of the Decision above;
11. Guidelines of the Supreme Court of Israel, January 11, 2010, by Chief Justice Dorit Beinish;
12. Certification of the above Guidelines by the Clerk of the Supreme Court.
Dr Joseph Zernik

11-07-04 Joseph Zernik,PhD, Biographical Sketch

)Human Rights Alert (NGO

Joseph Zernik, PhD

31440 PO Box 31440, Jerusalem 91313, Israel; ; 91313

72011 ,

," ,
, -[ i ] .
, , )
"( .
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( , , .
(1 2074/11 , 05.07.2011
(2 .
) 3 2074/11 , .06.04.2011
(4 .
(5 2074/11 , 31.03.2011
) 6 .
(7 3372/11 , 18.5.2011
) 8 .
(9 3372/11 , 9.5.2011
(10 .
) 11 , , 01.11.2010
(12 " .


11-07-04 Joseph Zernik,PhD, Biographical Sketch

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