Lesson Plan Active and Passive

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Dagatkidavao Valencia City

High School Department

Daily Lesson Plan in Grade 9 (English)

I. Objectives

          At the end of 1-hour discussion, the students should be able to:
a. differentiate active and passive voice;
b. identify the voice of the verb in each sentence; and
c. rewrite the sentence changing the the voice from active to passive

II. Subject Matter

          Topic: Active and Passive Voice

          Skill: Writing and Grammar
Reference: English 9 Learner’s Material
          Materials:strips of cartolina, manila paper, and pictures

III. Procedure

A. Pre-Reading Activity:
-Checking of Attendance

A.1 Motivation:
Okay, class I want you to listen for a short scenario;
"John saw a pretty girl. He went to talk to her.
Her husband arrived. The husband hit John on the nose."

1. What did the husband do? (Active voice is used in the answer.) answers may vary..
2. What happened to John? (Passive voice is used in the answer.)

Notice on the sentences on the board. Analyze its difference. It tells whether it is
in the form of active or passive voice. That is what we are going to discuss now.

Voice- is the quality of a verb that shows whether the subjects is the doer or receiver
of the action

The Active Voice

Active voice is used to indicate that the subject of the sentence is the doer of the

Let’s start with a very simple sentence.

The boy kicked the ball - S(Subject) + V(verb) + O(Object/receiver of the action)

In the following sentences, note the form of the verb when the subject is the doer of
the action.
1. A student wrote the winning essay.
2. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
3. The chef prepared a delicious meal.

What are the subjects in the sentences? (Student, Alexander Graham Bell, Chef)
Correct. Observe that the subjects’ students, Alexander Graham Bell, Chef are the
doers of the action.
What are the verbs used? (Wrote, invented, prepared)
Very good! Those verbs are transitive verb with directs objects, thus when the subject
of the sentence does the action and the verb has a direct object, we say that the verb is
in the active voice.

The Passive Voice

The passive voice is created when the subject is acted upon, this time my subject is
going to be the ball, because the recipient of the action,

What happen to the ball? The ball kicked.

Good. Now who kicked the ball? The ball was kicked by the boy.
Very good! Now, study the following sentences:

1) The winning essay was written by a students

2) The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham bell.
3) A delicious meals was prepared by the chef.

In each sentence above, observe that the subjects is the receiver instead of being the
doer of the action. Note that the form of the verb when the subjects is the receiver, not
the doer of the action is made up of was+ past participle of the verb. Thus if the
subjects is acted upon, the verb is in the passive voice. Let us have an exercise.

Identify the voice of the verb in each sentence.

1. Raul presented an interesting report. 1. active
2. Baseball was played by Joseph. 2. passive
3. Martin removed the old paint. 3. active
4. The national budget was approved by congress. 4. passive
5. She cooked the breakfast. 5. active

IV. Generalization:
Changing the voice from active to passive. Study the changes in the following

Active Voice Passive Voice

1. The mother carried the baby. 1. The baby was carried by the
2. Father repaired the old chair 2. An old chair was repaired by
3. He invented a breathing device for 3. A breathing device for firefighters
Firefighters. was invented by him.
4. Sam explored the famous underground river. 4. The famous underground river was
explored by Sam.
5. She interviewed the school president. 5. The school president was
interviewed by her.

V. Evaluation:
A. Write A in the blanks before the number if the sentence is active and P if passive.
__A____1. Rommel presented an interesting report.
__A____2. He submitted the annual report of the organization.
__P____3. The town was destroyed by fire.
__P____4. That skyscraper was built in 1934
__P____5. The new product design has been finished.

B. Rewrite each sentence changing the verb from active to passive.

1. He wrote a novel. 1. A novel was written by her.

2. Many people admired Ninoy Aquino. 2. Ninoy Aquino was admired by
many people.
3. He repaired the dripping faucet. 3. The dripping faucet was repaired
by him.
4. The doctor examined the patient. 4. The patient was examined by the
5. She sponsored the education of many 5. The education of many poor
poor students. was sponsored by her.

VI. Agreement:
Write a brief description of the unforgettable experience that you or your friends
created. Use both active and passive voice verbs. Circle each verb and identify its

Prepared by:

English Teacher

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