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First person:

Hey guys. Today we are gonna peep into a minimalist’s lifestyle and get to know what does it actually take to
be one. So first things first, to follow the minimalism approach in your life you need to utilize least possible
materials and get the most out of it. Waking up in the morning? Train your body to naturally wake up and GET
RID OF that alarm clock. For clothing use only a pair and wrap a sheet around while washing that. Simple!
Taking your food? Just use that one damn bowl for cereals, coffee or soup. Making your food? Hah get rid of
that milk or meat or even that cheese. And happiness? You better get rid of that as well! Wait, wait, wait!
We’re talking about minimalism and not explaining some cult’s rules right?

It’s the excess you have to get rid of not your necessities. Minimalism is a very simple practice. You ask how?
I’ll show you. See right now I am packing all my books which I practically do not use anymore. I am going to
simply pack these into this box (while packing the books securely into the box) neatly and donate to somebody
who really needs them (passing the box to the right).

Second person:

(Starts by taking the box from left hand side) Yes as (the first person’s name) mentioned these clothes are
gonna go to the needy right now. You know what? There are tons of things, if you have a quick glance around
your room, which are actually for no use to you. BUT it’s needed by somebody else. Ah! Like this Cricket
ball/bat. I barely play cricket now…. Why don’t I just share with a kid who really needs it? (Passing the bat to
the right)

Third person:

(Starting by taking the bat/ball from the left) Yes! Exactly… you see after choosing minimalistic approach in my
life I really feel the need of removing all these unnecessary photo frames from my room and keep a single one
as a décor! (Setting only one photo on the wall the person says). So, you are curious what do I do with the
rest? Well as these are in very good condition, I am just going to sell these and use that money to feed the
furry friends from our area! You could help me too! (Passing the box full of photo frames to the right)

Fourth person:

(Taking that box from the left and putting it aside). But friends do you really think in the age of digitization only
getting rid of your materialistic stuffs will bring the boon of minimalism into your life? Unfortunately NO! We
need inner peace and perhaps a quick digital detox. (Showing her phone while switching off and putting
towards right out of camera) Yes and that’s how my friends you can too use other electronic equipments as
less as possible to minimalize the impact of these into your life.

Fifth person:

(Taking the phone from left and putting on the ground) So for us girls it is always like- “I have nothing to wear”

But we all know which all are hiding behind the closet. We do not, I REPEAT – We do not need so many items
of clothing to survive. Minimalism also teaches us the art of reuse and recycle! And if both are not possible we
can always go to a nearby orphanage and donate just like the way I am doing today! (While packing the


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