CC Assignment1

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R.NO :- 433024
GR.NO :- 21910188
CLASS :- Btech IT– C1
SUBJECT :- Cloud Computing

Assignment 1: Study the Google Cloud Platform.

What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing, in simple words, is accessing and storing data over the Internet
instead of doing it on your personal hard drive.
It offers services like storage, database, networking, and more over the Internet to
provide faster, innovative, and flexible resources to its customers. The customers get to
pay only for the resources they use, hence helping them lower their operating costs and
run their business infrastructure more efficiently.
Now, among various cloud providers like AWS, Microsoft, VMWare, IBM, etc., Google
Cloud has been the talk of the town in recent years and there are enough reasons behind
it. Let’s begin with starters and understand what Google Cloud is.
What Is Google Cloud Platform?
Google Cloud is a suite of Cloud Computing services offered by Google. The platform
provides various services like compute, storage, networking, Big Data, and many more
that run on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end users like
Google Search and YouTube.
Google server hasn’t gone down in years. So, if you are planning to run your application
on the Google Cloud infrastructure, then you can be assured of your applications being
safe and secure.
About Google Cloud services
This overview introduces some of the commonly used Google Cloud services. For the full
list of services, see the Products and services page.
This overview covers the following types of services:
· Computing and hosting
· Storage
· Databases
· Networking
· Big data
· Machine learning
1) Creating a Linux virtual machine instance.

1. Cloud Console

2. Activate Cloud Shell

3. Create new VM Instance
4. Instance Created
5. Nginx Installed
6. Nginx output

7. Connected with SSH

8. Disconnecting

9. Completion Proof
2) Cloud Console

1. Create a bucket
2. Upload a Picture

3. Make the image public

4. Upload a picture in a new folder
5. Delete the folder

6. Folder Deleted
3) Kubernetes Engine

1. Activate Cloud Shell

2. Set Compute Zone
3. Create a Container

4. Deploy to Cluster
5. Expose port 8080

6. Inspect the deployed app

7. View deployment in browser

8. Delete Cluster
9. Completion Proof

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