Repositioning English Learners Funds of Knowledge For Scientific Practices

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Repositioning English Learners’ Funds of

Knowledge for Scientific Practices

Aria Razfar & Ambareen Nasir

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Funds of Knowledge for Scientific Practices, Theory Into Practice, 58:3, 226-235, DOI:

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Theory Into Practice, 58:226–235, 2019
Copyright © The College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University
ISSN: 0040-5841 print/1543-0421 online

Aria Razfar
Ambareen Nasir

Repositioning English Learners’

Funds of Knowledge for Scientific

For more than 3 decades, education researchers a dearth of research on the process of gathering,
have called on teachers to use funds of knowledge selecting, planning, and implementing science-
(FoK) as a way of creating more culturally rele- funds in particular. In this article, we conceptua-
vant, responsive, and sustaining pedagogies. This lize how FoK research can move toward more
is particularly important in the domains of science, dynamic and hybrid forms of teaching and learn-
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) ing through positioning theory. Positioning theory
education, specifically mathematics and science. provides a valuable framework for how teachers
FoK research in this area has addressed how can gather, select, plan, and implement English
teachers have made connections to STEM, planned learners’ science-funds to teach the science stan-
curriculum, and the challenges of integrating dards by repositioning the role of language, non-
funds in STEM education. There remains school funds, and interaction in the classroom.

practices. According to NGSS: “Effective tea-

S ince the advent of Next Generation Science
Standards (NGSS), teachers of English lear-
ners (ELs) have been encouraged to draw on the
chers ask questions that elicit students’ funds of
knowledge related to science topics. They also
funds of knowledge (FoK) approach to connect use cultural artifacts and community resources in
science learning with EL’s everyday cultural ways that are academically meaningful and cul-
turally relevant” (NGSS, 2013, p. 7).
EL students are currently not served by the
Aria Razfar is Professor of Education and Linguistics predominant practices in science, technology,
at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Ambareen engineering, and mathematics (STEM) instruction
Nasir is Teaching Professor and Instructional specia- because teachers are not adequately prepared to
list at Loyola University of Chicago. gather, select, plan, and implement curriculum
Correspondence should be addressed to Aria based on students’ FoK. EL students‘ learning is
Razfar, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, enhanced when teachers draw upon their lives
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago. E-mail:
outside of school to design activities that foster

Razfar and Nasir Repositioning English Learners’ Funds of Knowledge for Scientific Practices

an expanded view of what counts as science Gathering FoK

(Razfar, 2013). For educators, this means consid-
More recently, many FoK researchers have
ering how they will gather a variety of FoK (e.-
steered away from a household unit of analysis,
g., popular culture, family practices) and requires
and have provided more expansive methods to
purposeful decision making to select FoK for
access funds that are not rooted in studying the
developing scientific meaning. We define science-
geographical space of homes. FoK has often
funds (SFs) as nonschool cultural practices that
reified static and dichotomous assumptions of
can be used to develop formal scientific knowl-
knowledge in terms of in-school and out-of-
edge, practices, and dispositions. Although gather-
school (Gonzalez, 2005); however, positioning
ing is necessary, it is not sufficient for effectively
theory serves to foreground the in-between and
drawing on SFs to learn formal science. In addi-
hybrid nature of scientific practices in schools
tion, teachers of ELs must be proficient in gather-
and beyond. How central are students’ FoK to
ing, selecting, planning, and implementing science
the learning goals of schools? For example,
standards through SFs. Our research has investi-
framing a mathematical word problem around
gated how teachers use students‘ background
ethnic foods versus exploring the deeper social,
experiences to develop scientific literacy, includ-
political, historical, and economic disparities in
ing best practices in evaluating scientific claims
housing policies. Positioning foreground the sta-
and evidence, and we offer demonstrations of
tus ascribed to what counts as knowing and who
what we‘ve found. In contrast to background
is knowledgeable. Thus, repositioning is
knowledge, FoK offers a more central role for
a change in the status of whose knowledge
how to think about students’ out-of-school experi-
counts and who is knowledgeable.
ences and learning. Our research has shown how
One major nuance in adapting FoK is gather-
teachers (re)positioned the role of language in
ing funds from in-school contexts, specifically
developing scientific literacy while leveraging
student classroom discourses (Bouillion &
EL’s SFs to develop scientific practices such as
Gomez, 2001; Fraser-Abder, Doria, Yang, &
claims and evidence. Hence, positioning theory
De Jesus, 2010). For instance, as a participant
and FoK serve to make these connections, per-
observer, Hedges, Cullen, and Jordan (2010)
spectives, and challenges more explicit in the
situated defining funds as popular culture and
classroom. After reviewing the research, we pro-
interests and used an interpretivist methodology
vide examples from our research of practicing
(Flick, 2006) to document children’s funds dur-
teachers using these theories to guide their instruc-
ing informal and formal class discussions.
tion and benefit students.
Upadhyay (2005) studied funds as lived experi-
ences and accessed students’ funds through
science classroom discussions. Riojas-Cortez
and Belinda (2009) learned adult funds by
Gathering and Selecting FoK: Connections,
audio and video recording workshops at
Perspectives, and Challenges a family literacy institute. Furthermore, Smythe
and Toohey (2009) exhibited funds through
FoK research related to science and math
community spaces defined as a 2–3 km radius
education reveals how teachers make epistemo- around the school. Methods to access community
logical connections, generate new perspectives, funds included community scans both quantita-
and encounter challenges when gathering and
tively via socioeconomic and demographic data,
selecting funds of knowledge for the purposes abstract mapping, and qualitatively through con-
of STEM learning. crete mapping.

(Re)Positioning Language and Literacy within Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Schooling Communities

Selecting Funds With Mathematics and a “connected-science” curriculum bridging stu-

Science dents’ funds to solve the problem of pollution
nearby their community river. The findings from
The research shows how funds can connect to
the study reflect a bidirectional partnership with
the (language) learning of mathematics and science.
local organizations, where the (language) learn-
For instance, Conant, Rosebery, Warren, &
ing experiences of students are enriched and the
Hudicourt-Barnes (2001) show how FoK is
organization benefited from students’ science
a legitimate source for teaching science. Conant
experiment findings. When a connected-science
and colleagues showed how implementing an inno-
curriculum is repositioned at the center of learn-
vative curriculum that interconnects Haitian stu-
ing activities in schools, the status of such
dents’ knowledge on drum rhythms to the science
knowledge and what counts as mathematics and
of wave sounds. Students generated sound waves
science is redefined (Razfar, 2013). An example
from computer software to develop inscriptions as
of this comes from mathematics education,
a resource to analyze and compare different sounds,
where Kahn and Civil (2001) drew on gardening
thus illustrating how children’s ideas and ways of
funds, with the assistance of parents’ gardening
knowing outside the classroom are scientific.
expertise and students’ interest to design
Similarly, Andrews and Yee (2006) showed how
a Navajo weave, to connect the mathematics
mathematical connections are made through FoK.
objectives of area, perimeter, and graphing. The
Their study found students’ demonstrating mathe-
teacher in the study recognized that identifying
matical practices, such as managing money, in their
continued mathematics problems in gardening
out-of school knowledge. They provided vivid
that was relevant to the lives of the community,
descriptions of out-of-school mathematical learning
allowed the curriculum to develop and build
that was rarely acknowledged in their formal school
deeper mathematical understandings. Therefore,
spaces. They also argued that when educators
connecting funds to a single problem (i.e., design
attempt to connecting funds to mathematics, they
a weave) can evolve to multiple mathematics
need to consider the dynamic nature of funds chan-
problems to solve (i.e., area of irregular shape).
ging as new learning and new interests emerge over
As early FoK research emphasized making
time. However, topics such as money may be more
connections to out-of-school learning and the
apparent for teachers to identify mathematics in
decentering of dominant perspectives (e.g.,
students’ funds, but topics such as drums may be
Eurocentric approaches to geometry), more
difficult to readily view as scientific. For instance,
hybrid manifestations of FoK emerged (Barton
Conant et al. (2001) briefly identified that the tea-
& Tan, 2009; Moje et al., 2004). The research of
cher initially did not see the science in drums.
Barton and Tan (2009) examined hybrid spaces
Therefore, even though these studies affirm the
to bridge cultural knowledge and experiences to
nature of funds can be scientific and mathematical,
academic knowledge. The researchers studied
there still needs further analysis on how teachers
students’ funds as they emerged in the classroom
come to see these funds as mathematics and science.
discourse and transformed three hybrid spaces
Static ideologies of mathematics and science inhibit
for learning: physical, political, and pedagogical.
alternative stances (Razfar et al., 2015).
The physical space changed to resemble the
Making the connections visible is not only
environment that students’ were familiar with
imperative for teachers, but for students as
in their out-of-school lives, such as the class-
well. Bouillion and Gomez (2001) described
room being similar to a kitchen setting. The
a dual problem where students may not see
political space shifted as students became the
how science in school connects to their lived
experts and the teacher a facilitator.
experiences and, subsequently, schools may not
Pedagogical practices also transformed as stu-
see how students’ experiences have scientific
dents became coplanners to their curriculum.
value and learning. The authors proposed

Razfar and Nasir Repositioning English Learners’ Funds of Knowledge for Scientific Practices

These hybrid spaces reflected students’ increase Challenges to Conceptualize Math and
in participation to talk and act in scientific ways. Science With Funds
merging literature on FoK shows that explor-
ing funds can reposition science and mathematics
within the classroom and beyond. Gonzalez,
Teachers’ Perspectives on a Curriculum With
Andrade, Civil, and Moll (2001) identified the
“discourse of mathematicians have not included
perspectives on the situated nature of knowledge,
The literature on FoK in mathematics and
nor on the language of power” (p. 258). The
science also addresses teachers’ perspectives on
finding from their study reveals challenges to
planning and instructing a curriculum grounded in
uncover mathematics in everyday life situations.
funds. Upadhyay (2009) researched a case study of
For instance, a parent exhibited mathematical
a teacher learning to integrate Hmong culture into
practices of sewing skirts, but was unable to pro-
science instruction. The findings indicate balancing
vide mathematics logic for how and why she cut
cultural tension between Hmong students and non-
the proportions. This points to the importance of
Hmong students when implementing lessons. For
more academic, generalizable, and vertical modes
instance, the teacher negotiated ways to activate
of learning. On the other hand, the mathematics
connections simultaneously between funds from
researcher, Marta Civil, explained, “My training
non-Hmong and Hmong students’ connections
in academic/school math may make it harder to
when teaching the objective of mixtures and solu-
see other forms of mathematics” (p. 259) such as
tions. The teacher recognized the need to cross
mathematics in sewing. Conceptualizing mathe-
both cultures and navigate terms (i.e., gasoline in
matics meant to explore the tension between con-
the United States vs. petrol in Hmong) that are
ceptualizing everyday mathematics in funds
familiar to all students. Furthermore, teacher-
versus academic notions of mathematics from
researcher Sandoval-Taylor (2005) described the
formal schooling. Additional research from
problem of how much advance planning to do to
Hammond (2001) explains challenges to perceiv-
develop a mathematics curriculum with construc-
ing science between parents and architects. The
tion funds. Balancing the teachers’ academic
authors framed conceptualizing science from
objectives and students’ interests was resolved
a multicultural perspective to “multi science” (p.
when the teacher recognized coconstructing minia-
986) framework, which includes integrating indi-
ctivities in the unit that would be student-led, based
genous science, personal science, and Western
on topics they wanted to explore. The teacher also
modern science. The study researched building
accounts negotiating what the assessment would
a Mien-American house, where parents, students,
include, because topics like construction were not
and architects assisted in the science construction.
a common theme to work with and fewer resources
However, the researchers found conflict between
were accessible to teach with. However, the author
what materials would work best from Western
advocated that pursuing a curriculum grounded in
building materials, advocated by the architect,
funds requires negotiating curriculum, and search-
and/or Mien building materials, such as saplings.
ing for alternative resources to relinquish teacher-
The intercultural tension arisen revealed to be an
directed instruction. Both of these studies reflected
additive learning experience as various ideas
how teachers navigate curricular tensions, such as
about science, technology, and problem solving
teaching to multiple students’ diverse funds and
emerged. Therefore, the study implications show
coconstructing curriculum with students’ funds.
how different perspectives on science, rooted in
However, further analysis is needed on teachers’
funds and culture, can make negotiated meanings
negotiating curricular tension that doesn’t occur in
in the context of solving problems. However,
single-instances, but evolve longitudinally through-
Hammond (2001) acknowledged that parents’
out the school year.

(Re)Positioning Language and Literacy within Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Schooling Communities

building funds were privileged and students’ knowing, positioning theory argues for a more
funds needs to be explored further to contextua- conscious and egalitarian stance.
lize their learning. Although what counts as Positioning and repositioning allows educa-
mathematics and science is contested in these tors to be purposeful in the places (e.g., homes)
studies, further research needs to pay attention to and spaces (e.g., pop culture and media) they go
how teachers’ position mathematics and science to gather FoK. As the drums example showed,
in students’ funds to lesson plan and teach, so that positioning and repositioning expands how we
students’ can become aware of theorizing mathe- select what counts as science funds beyond pre-
matics and science in their lived experiences. defined topics derived from standards. The stan-
dards do not need to be the starting point for
gathering and selecting funds. Rather funds of
Positioning Theory and Funds of Knowledge knowledge should guide how we plan in relation
to state standards.
There has been a push for a more hybrid and Positioning theory has planted the seed for more
dynamic form of FoK theory by incorporating dynamic understandings of how out-of-school
tenets of positioning theory (Gonzales, 2005). funds can drive in-school learning. They provided
Positioning theory is about how people locate an alternative method for connecting funds beyond
themselves through discourse of all types, because an isolated curriculum topic and into how learning
“it is with words that we ascribe rights and claim was socially organized. As teachers move into the
them for ourselves and place duties on others” planning and implantation phase, they need to con-
(Moghadam and Harré, 2010, p. 3). Positioning sider how FoK shape the physical, political, and
theory foregrounds the role of power and privi- pedagogical spaces of their classrooms (Barton &
lege in locating one’s identity as with us or Tan, 2009). In addition, positioning theory helps
against us and has the potential to constrain the expands these connections to values, beliefs, and
types of allowable contributions within interac- even contested ideologies (e.g., Sosa & Gomez,
tions (Harré, 2012). Epistemologically, this can 2012). This combination emphasized the multipli-
play a crucial role when trying to integrate non- city of beliefs and values as they are instantiated in
school knowledge within school spaces. everyday teacher practice.
Individuals have the ability to hold seemingly The rise of ELs throughout the United States
contradictory positions simultaneously. As stu- has prompted many researchers to consider more
dents makes sense of tasks within classroom inter- dynamic forms of FoK and the curriculum (Lee
actions, teachers focus on the complex array of & Buxton, 2013). In our professional develop-
choices being made by seemingly contradictory ment work, we have been leveraging SFs with
demands (Sosa & Gomez, 2012). This type of teachers of ELs in a large urban context for more
FoK is similar to constructivist frameworks that than a decade (Razfar et al., 2015). In one of our
seek to determine what information and experi- case studies (Poplar Elementary), we examined
ences students bring into the classroom that are three self-identifying Spanish/English bilingual
relevant to learning scientific principles and build- teachers with varying degrees of expertise in
ing scientific models. These types of “folk the- science, as well as alignment with using FoK
ories” and phenomenological primitives are (Troiano, 2012). Table 1 reflects the Poplar tea-
essential starting points for developing formal chers’ variation in their science education back-
understandings of scientific concepts (diSessa, ground according to their years of teaching,
Gillespie, & Easterly, 2004). However, rather education degrees, and grade taught.
than position these dominant perspectives as Vanessa was a veteran teacher with 15 years of
“inarticulate explanatory primitives” (diSessa experience. Her academic specialty is in early
et al., 2004, p. 846), which can be construed in childhood education but she has shifted to
a lower status vis a vis “articulate” forms of become a middle school educator for the past

Razfar and Nasir Repositioning English Learners’ Funds of Knowledge for Scientific Practices

Table 1.
Participating Teachers.
Teacher Ethnicity Languages Grade Years of Teaching Education Degrees
Vanessa Mexican English 5 15 yrs Masters in early childhood
Anna Mexican American English 6th 5 yrs Bachelors of Arts
Mona Mexican American English 4th 3 yrs Bachelors of Science
Spanish Pursuing science endorsement

4 years. Additionally, she self-identifies as because it is not an everyday language.”

Mexican and considers her native language to be Consequently, her experiences with the language
Spanish. Anna refers to herself as Mexican of science in English were limited and contrib-
American bilingual woman in Spanish and uted to science becoming her weakest subject to
English. She is a self-contained sixth-grade edu- teach. In contrast, Anna represents herself as
cator with 5 years of science teaching experience. a proficient science teacher. Her science peda-
Finally, Mona identifies herself as a Mexican gogy draws on following a structure of proce-
American, having only 3 years of experience dures predefined in a scripted science
educating third graders. Furthermore, she was curriculum, for example the Investigating Earth
the only teacher in her cohort with formal science Systems (IES). Anna saw herself bilingually pro-
schooling experiences. ficient in the language of science, so she mod-
The Poplar teachers significantly varied in ified the IES to engage her students in bilingual
how they viewed themselves as science educa- discussions in Spanish and English to make
tors. Figure 1 shows how the participants posi- scientific discourse accessible to her students.
tion themselves as either expert, proficient, or Our final participant, Mona, identifies as an
novice teachers based on how they viewed them- expert in her scientific pedagogical content
selves on their level of scientific pedagogical knowledge. She considers herself to be
knowledge content and skills. For instance, a scientist who “fell in love with science and
even though Vanessa had the greatest number being an explorer.” Unlike Vanessa and Anna,
of years teaching science, she positioned herself Mona often engaged in designing her own
as a novice science teacher. Vanessa claimed she science activities. Furthermore, she would pro-
was not proficient in English “to speak science vide academic Spanish for science instruction

Novice Proficient Expert

Vanessa Anna Mona

Especially the science is my For the past five years I follow a I have a strong science
weakness…difficult for me to scripted approach to background in chemistry, earth
speak science because it is not Investigating Earth Systems science, and biology. I fell in
an everyday language (IES) curriculum love with science and being an

(Focus Group)

Figure 1. Initial Teacher Identified Science Expertise.

(Re)Positioning Language and Literacy within Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Schooling Communities

because her students are newly exited from the community service acts, to prevent the world
transitional bilingual program. from becoming a “ball of garbage.” Mona
leads the conversation by having them recall
what they remember about global warming.
Mona asks, “What’s happening with global
Planning and Implementing Through warming?” Initially, students chime in predic-
Repositioning Fok Narrative Events able responses such as “the ice is melting,”
“polar bears are becoming endangered,” and
Mona’s classroom was filled with an abundance “animals are going to die!” As Mona begins
of FoK narrative events where she successfully to connect this to life-cycle themes discussed
drew on these funds for teaching her science objec- previously, Jesse interjects (lines 1–2):
tives. When previewing Poplar school’s magazine 01 Jesse: and in 2012 the world is going to
subscription to Scholastic News for Kids, Mona end so all of this doesn’t
found a connection to this reading with her FoK 02 matter!
curriculum. The article “Kids Who Care,” shared
how 11-year-old Ashley Imbrogno started her own This was an idea that had been murmured before,
community service organization that sewed blan- but Mona did not engage it during the lesson as it
kets and distributed them to sick children and seemed distal to the scientific learning goals.
senior citizens in hospitals during the holiday sea- However, in this episode she chooses to engage it
sons. Even though this article was not found in with the goal of developing the scientific discourse
a science journal, Mona transformed the purpose practice of claims and evidence (lines 3–4):
for her students to read the passages through 03 Mona: Yes! You guys keeping saying in
a scientific lens. For instance, she developed 2012 the world is going to end.
a scientific objective asking her students to com- 04 Where did you read about this?
pare Ashley’s community service investigation
procedures to students’ own self-designed commu- At this point, Jesse reveals many of the house-
nity projects. First, students were to identify the hold and community funds available to him say-
strategies Ashley used to design her community ing, “computer, my sister’s friend, library” and
service. Next, students were to formulate their own even the “guy in the bar.” He also mentions that
questions based on community problems that they he “went to a scientist” who confirmed that “the
wanted to investigate. Then, students would world is going to end because there a lot of
develop a technological design for how they problems going on.” As Mona pushes forward
could investigate a community problem. Also stu- with a question, “What problems are going on?”
dents collected data by researching community A conversation about “the life cycle” in light of
members using interviews and obtaining informa- recent environmental disasters like Hurricane
tion from online sources. Finally, students com- Katrina and Andrew follows (lines 6–12):
posed a poster presentation to represent their
06 Jesse:The life cycle.
research on ways they would solve their commu-
nity problems.
07 Jacob: The life cycle? Oh yeah, there’s
Prior to reading the article, Mona had gath-
lot of tornadoes, hurricanes,
ered FoK from several lunch talks with her
08 hurricane Katrina the one we read
students where she learned their older siblings
were required to obtain community service
09 Chris: Hurricane Andrew
hours in high school. Mona examined these
10 Melly:Even the Bible says it. It’s
familial funds to plan asking a FoK question
going to happen.
related to the reading if community service
11 Jesse: Yeah, and the Bible told me to
was fair or unfair. Maria expresses the envir-
say it the world is going to end.
onmental urgency to clean our world, through

Razfar and Nasir Repositioning English Learners’ Funds of Knowledge for Scientific Practices

12 Maria:But we don’t know when it’s a proof, but rather privileges the computer as
going to happen. a credible source of information (lines 18–22):

Mona used these varying responses as an 18 Jesse: Look it up in the computer

opportunity to mediate science learning by creat- 19 Mona: Just because it has something on
ing a discourse on scientific claims and evidences. the computer doesn’t mean it’s
For instance, she extends the conversation by 20 true. Okay, Okay! Here’s a perfect
inviting Jesse to share scientific evidence when example of this. Your MySpace.
she asks, “Where did you read this?” Jesse 21 Maria has she is 16 years old. Is
responds by listing several sources such as the Maria 16 years old?
“computer, his sister … guy at the bar and 22 SS: [No:oooo!
a scientist.” Rather than immediately dismissing Mona was having students reflect that their
these claims as nonscientific, Mona legitimizes knowledge is important, hence she allowed them
her students’ to draw on their funds to foster to share their funds of knowledge, but in the
a FoK narrative. By doing so, her students are context of what counts as science there needs
able to contribute to a scientific discussion to be a distinction between what counts as sub-
through sharing their funds. Also, Mona positions jective versus objective evidence (lines 23–34):
herself as a learner to gather and select further
SFs to examine and mediate if there is a possible 23 Mona: No. But it’s on the computer why
connection to students funds and scientific prac- isn’t it true (mocks)? There’s a
tices. Therefore, she invited the class to elaborate 24 difference between good research
on problems contributing to the world ending to (.) I’m sorry, I take that back,
find authentic evidence for students claim. The not
students cited examples from in-class readings 25 good. But there’s a difference
about natural disasters occurring, such as between research that can be
Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Andrew to proven
claim that the frequency of these examples will 26 and research that people put up
result in the world ending. A normally nonparti- there. People can put anything
cipating student, Melly chimed into the conversa- they
tion providing a climactic point that the Bible is 27 want on the Internet you need to
a sound source indicating the end of the time. know that for other projects you
Here, Mona acknowledged the religious evidence, 28 do and other research projects
but also expanded how students’ FoK conflicts you do. You know how we use the
with scientific standards of proof. Hence, Mona 29 computer to do research pro-
returns the conversation back to the scientific jects? There’s only a certain
practice of claims and evidences (lines 14–16): website I
30 go to because I trust that website
14 Mona: How she is asking you a question? (.) That website is going to
If you’re going to say 31 tell me the truth about things
15 something, if you’re going to because it’s credible. It
say the world is going to end in means it
2012 32 has like information that can be
16 you have to have proof. What is proven. Now with other stuff that
the proof that you found? 33 we’ve gotten, I don’t like to
Mona viewed this as an opportunity to teach just Google whatever you want
scientific practices and have Jesse think about because
proofs for his claims. Jesse did not identify 34 a lot of different stuff comes up.

(Re)Positioning Language and Literacy within Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Schooling Communities

In this context, students and the teacher were Barton, A. C., & Tan, E. (2009). Funds of knowledge
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