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Running Head: Wynton Marsalis

Wynton Marsalis


Wynton Marsalis




Wynton Marsalis


Jazz artist Wynton Marsalis is a recipient of the Pulitzer Prize and also is known all over the

globe. Early on in his musical career, he began studying both classical music and jazz, and he

rapidly became aware of the basic distinctions that exist between the two styles of music.

Marsalis's experience at The Juilliard School taught him that the real challenge of musical

performance is not the technical difficulty of the music itself, but rather the emotional

connection to the music and the emotion that it evokes in the audience. Marsalis made his

audition for The Juilliard School when he was 16 years old. The capacity to form a

connection with a target audience.

Marsalis was born into a musical family, as well as both his parents and his elder brother

have been significant influences on his passion for music throughout his life. Both of them

are very skilled musicians who have consistently shown their support for Marsalis' cause.

Marsalis is a highly-respected musician who has accomplished a great deal of success in the

field of jazz as well as the realm of classical music. He is renowned for his ability to

emotionally connect with the music and convey that emotional connection to his audience via

his performances.

The audition at Juilliard is known for being one of the most challenging auditions around.

You will need to perform two pieces that are quite different from one another, as well as

sight-read and sight-sing a piece of music. It is easy to feel overwhelmed when faced with all

of this information. Marsalis was fortunate to have a wonderful instructor who did a good job

of preparing him for the audition. Marsalis learned from his instructor how to approach the

audition with self-assurance and how to maintain his attention on the work at hand. Marsalis's

master instilled in him the most valuable lesson, which was that the most difficult aspect of

performing music is not the piece of music itself in terms of its level of technical complexity.

Wynton Marsalis

Instead, it's the capacity to form an emotional connection with the music and to convey that

connection to the audience in a way that evokes similar feelings in them.

Marsalis has made it a point to constantly work toward accomplishing this goal whenever he

takes the stage (Wynton Marsalis Enterprises, 2022). Any musician who aspires to be

genuinely outstanding must first find an emotional connection with the music and then find a

way to convey that connection to the audience. The amount of room for improvisation is the

primary factor that stands out as the most notable distinction between jazz as well as classical

music. Jazz music is characterized by its heavy reliance on improvisation, in contrast to the

strict adherence to notation that characterizes classical music. Because of this, jazz players

are required to have a high level of creative ability in addition to a deep comprehension of the

music they are performing. On the other manner, classical musicians are expected to have a

high degree of accuracy as well as a strong understanding of music theory. 

One other difference between the two genres is the amount of structure that is employed in

each. Each piece in a classical music repertoire adheres to a highly organized framework,

known as a form (Wynton Marsalis Enterprises, 1997). On the other hand, jazz music is often

far less regimented. This indicates that jazz performers need to have strong improvisational

skills and the ability to create their music within the context of the song that they are

currently performing. The two types of music also vary in the manner in which they are

played. For instance, when performed in a venue such as a concert hall, classical music is

often done so in a very stuffy atmosphere. A nightclub or a coffee shop are common places

for live jazz performances because of their more relaxed atmosphere. Wynton Marsalis is

extremely close with both his father and his elder brother. The three of them spend a lot of

time together. Both of his parents are jazz musicians, and his brother plays the saxophone in a

jazz band. Marsalis developed his passion for music largely because he spent his childhood

seeing both of them perform. "Marsalis' father is a gifted musician, or he has been supportive

Wynton Marsalis

of his son's vocation in the music industry (q on cbc, 2021)." He has never stopped

supporting him in his endeavors to realize his ambitions and is always there for him

whenever he has questions or needs guidance. Marsalis' brother, who is also a highly brilliant

musician, has served throughout Marsalis' life as a wonderful example to look up to. He has

always been quite successful in his work, also he has been eager to assist him whenever he

had a problem that required assistance. Marsalis considers himself very fortunate to have

such a strong bond with both his father and his brother. They are both great musicians,

moreover, they have consistently supported him throughout his career.

Wynton Marsalis


q on cbc. (2021). Wynton Marsalis on segregation, jazzocracy and social change through

music. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2C1PpQGRLE4

Wynton Marsalis Enterprises. (2022). Wynton Marsalis is first jazz musician to win Pulitzer

Prize. Retrieved from https://wyntonmarsalis.org/news/entry/wynton-marsalis-is-first-


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