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The polar challenge -

THE POLAR CHALLENGE . Writing in a book about the charity and

answer some of these quiz

date – 22/1/2022 a1 .

*are there in your country some charity events to raise money for a good cause

*have you ever taken part in one of this? What do you remember some?

In my country , there are many of these , events to raise money.. In fact some ,collect a lots of
food and fruits for the poor-people with less -resources in this areas of the society that they
need much help , there are different events connected with the save and raise money like
Caritas ,and red cross. This companies keep some money for buy products like this for after
order it in this places , in this places it is often full with people without care and they need to
eat more and your families also.

a) Have you ever taken place in one? No I have not taken place in any one, however I have
taken part in charity causes like that . Sometimes in my school the teacher come to explain
the charity organization for this month and we have to bring the next day a tiny money to
this cause , I always participated in some of this.
b) How much money did you raise for the events? .


A Blog : un blog de internet .

a) It´s over a month = hace ya un mes .

b) Daylight: luz diaria.
c) 24 hours of daylight. Weir. Raro.
d) Helps poor and disadvantage people .
e) Is Almost = IS CASI
f) overwelmed * abrumado
g) over head *por encima / por encima de la cabeza .
h) over;
i) late tonight / al anochecer.
a. CAMP: acampar
b. Get up : levanta.
c. Ski .
j) we ski_ esquiarç
k) get afraid : sentir miedo de algo ejemplo : I am afraid. BE AFRAID / TEMERSE .
l) -TENER MIEDO DE ALGO * get afraid of . I have never afraid of a challenge until the
event in Polo .
m) -It´s everything goes to plan : ir según lo planeado.
n) -search : alcanzar , we search the North Pole- alcanzaremos el POLO NORTE.
o) Charity= CARIDAD.
p) Run : recorrer distancia .
q) Disadvantage= desaventajada .
 C:lees un blog escrito por el Blogger de un programa de tele the
1º leer la introducción del tema y responde a unas preguntas . POLAR
CHALLENGE . el reto polar *
What´s Helen done for charity before?

*She has run the 78 MILE ULTRA MARATHON In Namibia , she has
kayaked 3000 kilometres , down the amazon in PERU.
WHATS IS Her most recent challenge event ? How is it different?
Your most recent challenge consist in run the 78 miles marathon , in
Namibia . and she has kayaked 3.200 km down the Amazon . but the
last one was a polar challenge in South pole.

The big difference between the events that she did in the
past consist in run less distance to complete - the Ultra
Marathon in A heat place like Namibia . in addition of that
challenge were less long in run or less distance to complete
respect the polar North where she has decided to do three
more activities in ski, with just one goal to do before arrive
at the end of the world.
. Read the blog Helen and select a number in order 1-9
Over : encima de , por encima , mas de ..
OVER A MONTh todo un mes

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