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Statement of Intent

My magazine covers will represent two different social groups by featuring one male and
one female on each. I think my target audience would not agree with a patriarchal
representation so I will be featuring a self-confident female character who broke the
stereotypes of men dominating the tech world, this is about her being defined by her job
and not her traditional gender-identity on the first edition. She is playing an important role
in inspiring other women to aim high and that they can achieve anything. Her well-paid role
lets her enjoy the finer things in life such as a nice car and moving out to a luxury penthouse
at a young age. This challenges van Zoonen’s ideas on the media industry but will meet the
needs of the target audience. I will also be using a stereotypical setting to shoot the pictures
for the covers to establish each of my mise-en-scenes. This fits in with Hall’s ideas of on
representation. My male model on the second cover will be shown in high end clothing and
in an exotic location. This will be showing the younger audience that anything is possible
and an insight to traveling at a young age. I will be using appropriate media language
conventions to make my magazine distinctive and appealing to the target audience.
Typefaces will be sans-serif to give the product a modern look and the colour palettes will
suit the subject matter. This ties with Barthes ideas on signs connotating meaning but also
Neale’s ideas on genre. I will borrow genre conventions from existing lifestyle magazines
such as the use of coverlines and photography. To show industry compliance and an
understanding of regulation (Livingston and Lunt), I will make sure the magazine carries the
IPSO logo.

My website will be optimised for mobile phones as these will be the preferred method of
viewing for my young target audience. I will ask readers to use social media to share the
message of the magazine by creating hashtags for each story. For example, the female
gaming story on the launch edition will use the hashtag #girlsgaming. Other features on the
website will include quizzes to fill out and an email for readers to write their questions and
opinions to which we will publicly answer on the Instagram and on the website. To add the
interaction on other socials such as the Instagram I will ask readers to share their own
#girlsgaming moments and selfies to increase the engagement and use the ideas of Henry
Jenkins. The website will also cross promote other Hearst UK publications and will meet
with the IPSO regulations so that users feel protected and feel confident about sharing their
stories in accordance with the ideas of Livingstone and Lunt. The website will take ideas
from Hearst UK branding but also have a modern up-to-date use of media language
elements to meet the expectations of the target audience. The navigation bar will mimic
topic sections on the contents pages. Typefaces will be sans-serif throughout with a simple
lexis and direct mode of address to increase engagement. I will use a simpler colour palette
as the two front covers of the magazines will be different on the colours and tones used. My
video elements will be of behind the scenes montages and mostly based around TIK TOK as
this will create a greater level of engagement and will feature my two cover stars.
How do you intend to link your media products to demonstrate your knowledge and
understanding of the digitally convergent nature of your media production?

I will use the call to action on my contents page to promote my website. This will highlight
additional content which is only available online such as the behind-the-scenes content
videos. On the website I will run subscription offers to promote the print magazine. I will
also promote other Hurst UK brands on the website. I will make sure the website is
optimised for mobile use by testing it on a range of phones before the live launch. As well as
this I will use a range of social media apps to cater to the target audience.

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