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Attachment 1


CONTRACTOR is committed to working with COMPANY to form a partnership that strives for excellence in HSE
performance during the execution of the CONTRACT.
CONTRACTOR hereby commits to:

• Adopting the "Goal Zero" ethic of attaining zero fatalities, zero injuries, zero occupational illnesses, zero
harmful impact on the environment, and zero significant incidents;

• Adopting the Life-Saving Rules ethic;

• Ensuring that employees return home in the same condition as they arrived at work;

• Promoting a positive culture with employees such that they will intervene to address any unsafe act or
condition, follow the procedures and standards required and be respectful of their neighbours, colleagues
and third parties in conducting their work;

• Providing accommodation and recreation facilities for employees that promote their physical and mental
health and encourage a sense of community;

• Monitoring all workplaces, work activities, and living quarters for any threats to the achievement of "Goal
Zero" and adherence to the Life-Saving Rules;

• Promoting the adoption of the “Goal Zero” ethic and Life-Saving Rules amongst SUBCONTRACTORS by
requiring them to sign and implement a similar commitment.
CONTRACTOR believes that a totally accident and injury free work and living environment is achievable and
CONTRACTOR commits, through its management leadership team and workforce associated with this CONTRACT, to
do its utmost to make that goal a reality in all operations conducted under the CONTRACT. Tolerance of anything
less than this standard at any work site will be unacceptable and CONTRACTOR shall ensure that consequence
management is in place. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that its employees promote and follow the 'Golden Rules' as
described herein and any deviation from those rules will be addressed.
Golden Rules

You and I will:

• Comply with the law, standards and procedures;

• Intervene in unsafe or non-compliant situations;

• Respect our neighbors.

CONTRACTOR will do everything in its power to uphold the "Goal Zero" ethic and achieve a contract free of fatalities,
injuries, occupational illnesses, harm to the environment, and significant incidents.
CONTRACTOR’s assurance as set out in this Appendix II to Section I – FORM OF AGREEMENT is given
notwithstanding any of CONTRACTOR’s rights and obligations with regard to HSE under the CONTRACT.


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