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September 10, 2019

DTI, Naga City


By virtue of the permission granted, may we request your

kind assistance to allow us to distribute questionnaire to your
respective personnel which serve as a tool of our thesis entitled
“Effect of Inflation to the Selected Stall Holders of Naga City”.
An assessment rest assured that information obtains in this
research will be treated confidentially.

I do hope that this request will merit your kind

consideration and approval which will contribute to the
realization of my study.

Your assistance and cooperation in this regard is considered

with outmost gratitude.

Very truly yours,

Windy Castillet
Queen Quilario
Catherine Samson
Reina Mae Ordiales
Janelle Teoxon
Jason Chan
September 10, 2019

Naga City Peoples Mall


By virtue of the permission granted, may we request your

kind assistance to allow us to distribute questionnaire to
selected stall holders in your jurisdiction which serve as a tool
of our thesis entitled “Effect of Inflation to the Selected Stall
Holders of Naga City”. An assessment rest assured that
information obtains in this research will be treated

I do hope that this request will merit your kind

consideration and approval which will contribute to the
realization of my study.

Your assistance and cooperation in this regard is considered

with outmost gratitude.

Very truly yours,

Windy Castillet
Queen Quilario
Catherine Samson
Reina Mae Ordiales
Janelle Teoxon
Jason Chan
Dear Respondents,

By virtue of the permission granted, may I request your kind

assistance to answer our questionnaire as a tool of our thesis
entitled “Effect of Inflation to the Selected Stall Holders of
Naga City”. An assessment rest assured that information obtains
in this research will be treated confidentially.

I do hope that this request will merit your kind

consideration and approval which will contribute to the
realization of my study.

Your assistance and cooperation in this regard is considered

with outmost gratitude.

Very truly yours,


Effect of Inflation to the Selected Stall Holders of Naga City


(Note: to be answered by entrepreneurs)

DIRECTION: Please check (√) on the box intended for your answer.
(Please do not leave questionnaire blank)

Type of business ownership

____ Sole proprietorship

____ Partnership

____ Cooperative

No. Of Years in Operation

____ 1 – 2 years ____ 4 – 5 years

____ 2 – 4 years ____ 6 years and above

Type of Goods Sold

____ Dried Fish

____ Fruits and vegetables

____ Meat and Fish

____ Grocery

Range of Annual Income

____ 5k – 10k

____ 15k – 20k

____ 25k and above

Part II. Effect of Inflation on social and economical status

4 – Very Much Affected

3 – Affected
2 – Moderately Affected
1 – Not Affected

a. Cost of Living

Indicators Rank
4 3 2 1
1. Can’t pay the bills on time
2. Buy only the basic needs
3. No saving in case of emergency
4. Renting an apartment because can’t
afford to buy a house.
5. No insurance policy

b. Cost of borrowing money

Indicators Rank
4 3 2 1
1.higher borrowing cost
2.Offers short term debt
3.Need collateral before releasing the
4. Small amount of loan granted
5. High interest rate
c. Cost of Doing Business

Indicators Rank
4 3 2 1
1. Low profit
2. Higher rate of labor cost
3.Big capital needed
4.slow business transaction
5.Insuficient cash flow

Part III. Factors that Cause Inflation

Indicators Rank
4 3 2 1
1. increased on consumer demand
2. Value of Foreign Currency
3. Limited supply of goods/commodity
4. Exchange rate
5. National/Government debt

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