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Sergia Esguerra Memorial Foundation Inc.


.NET Framework
SY: 2022-2023(1st Quarter)
Senior High School
Quiz #4

Name: __Jaybie S. Caoile______ Date: July 8, 2022______

Grade Level: 11________________________

Test I. Fill in the blanks

1. _function name_________ is the name given to the function.

2. __return data________ specifies the type of data given back to the calling

3. _note_________ is a required at the end of function declaration.

4. _data type_________ is a lists that specifies the data type of each variable.

5. _Defintion- function_________ is a set of statements working together with

common goal.

6. __________ is an operating system environment that can execute computer code.

7. __________ is the traditional windows operating system.

8. __________ is a logical division intended to prevent name conflicts.

9. __________ is a logical partitioning of the objects, methods, functions and data.

10. __________ is comprised of the namespaces that provide access to the system.

Test II. Give the meaning of the following.

1. HTTP Hypertext Transfer protocol _____________________

2. URL Uniform Resource Locators _________________________________

3. CLI common Language Infranstructure ____________________

4. BCL Base class Library____________________________

Sergia Esguerra Memorial Foundation Inc.
.NET Framework
SY: 2022-2023(1st Quarter)
Senior High School
Quiz #4

5. FCL Full container Load _______________________________________

6. OS Operating system_________________________________________

7. CLR common Language runtime ________________________________

8. MIT ________________________________________________

9. JIT Just in time___________________________________

10. ADL ________________________________________________

Test III. Identification.

A. 4 storage specifiers
1. auto
2. extern
3. static
4. register
B. 3 components associated with functions
1. The declaration
2. The calling statement
3. The function definition

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