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GEC 2123

Art Appreciation
Module 1: The Nature of Arts and Humanities

9/1 Asynchronous: Functions of Art

Art has multiple functions–economic, political, historical, cultural, religious, and

aesthetic–among many. Besides all of these, there are three more commonly cited functions of
art in our world today. The personal function of art is when a masterpiece serves as a vehicle
or means for the artists’ expression of their feelings and thoughts. Art also has a social
function wherein it seeks to influence collective behavior, is created for primarily public use,
and describes a social or collective aspect of existence. Lastly, art has physical functions
wherein it serves as a tool that lightens works, and is used in architectural design and
community planning. For more information and examples, you may watch this video to help you
understand these specific functions: The Functions of Art | Art Appreciation.

For your asynchronous work, carefully follow the instructions below.

1. Choose ONE function of art from the three: personal, social, OR physical.
2. Then, cite ONE specific example of a masterpiece, a work of art that serves well your
chosen function. Attach a picture of your art sample into this document. Remember, any
product of creativity, imagination, and expression is considered an art.
3. Lastly, in ONE well-constructed paragraph, summarize your chosen function, describe
your chosen artwork, and explain why you thought that this particular masterpiece
adheres to your chosen function. Your responses must be written in at least 5
4. Use the table below to organize your responses.

Chosen Function:

Chosen Artwork (Title, Artist, Date/Year of Production, Picture):

GEC 2123
Art Appreciation
Module 1: The Nature of Arts and Humanities

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