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nor by crystallized habit (character).

(2) In painting, the

via Sennar and the Blue Nile, was the only European

early reference to Advent. The first authoritative mention of

To supply their wants the Americans invented modifications in

as to ``whether mice may be bred by putrefaction,'' gives a

Europeans (chiefly British and Germans) 1652, besides 12,490

Sheep-scab is a loathsome skin disease due to an acarian

the emperor Basil II., who put out the eyes of 15,000 Bulgarian

the British army in 1855. It weighed 530 grs., and was made

God speed the plough

filled, or even replaced, by various siliceous minerals like

the contrary, view with favour these schemes, the realization

on account of the exhaustion of oxygen. After the bacteria

Cleitophon, flourished about A.D. 450, perhaps later.

establishments, may be gathered from that of St Bernard's own

New Jersey. Marching on to Morristown, Washington encamped

prohibited. This prohibition against what are generally

the vessel ``being tight, staunch and strong, and every way

COLL. Collega, Coloni, Coloniae.

chosen German king at Frankfort, an honour which he does

son. The third and northernmost temple, separated from

the Alps were long left to the exclusive attention of the

being fastened at their other end on the front of the coat.

&c., these varying results being due to the impurities in the

which perforate the cells, bringing about their destruction.

and may remain in open connexion with it. In certain Teleosteis

not by him. It is said that his harem included six thousand

prescribed ratio, was first expressed as a cubic equation by

that period was introduced by Jethro Tull, a gentleman of

and Ireland in 1905.

stated here that with the exception of these pensions and

the dispersive power increased with the refractive index;

the regiment won for it the distinction of wearing badges

(1485-1492). In March 1505, having received from Emmanuel I.

and South Saskatchewan rivers unite in the Saskatchewan

having been laid down in some common ancestor, although we

attention to his method in his Surdus loquens (Amsterdam,

compassion or mercy, from ileos, pity. The English word

when we regard an object aesthetically we are not in the

unjustly their deserved fate. The passage (Theb. 597-608)

the Swedish counsul's at Cadiz; he sent a few seeds to his

Here its elevation is 718 ft. above the sea and its width 500

given, and it has been very freely drawn upon by all writers

inspired him with an enthusiastic passion for freedom and

eight. The six carts are distributed, one as reserve to the

there enthroned with Ptah of Memphis and Raharakht on either

The Sala de los Abencerrajes (Hall of the Abencerrages) derives

no longer exist; they now form part of the foreshore. On

derive its name from the Indian amassona (boat-destroyer),

legislation, has been adopted in the leading commercial

Trippenhuis, namely, the so-called ``Nightwatch'' and the

which has made the strange term Nihilism (q.v.) a familiar

fidelity; even when they had more exact reports before them, they

of Aegina and was said to have introduced there the worship

articulations of another artist and painter, William Hogarth.

characteristic of his work is the use of stucco. Upon it he

Many reactions serve to distinguish these three types of

Fredericksburg. They had the reputation of being excellent

The industries of Bonhill centre in the calico printing,

arrangement of church, refectory, &c., opening out of a

Alexander I. und die Ergebnisse seiner Lebensarbeit (Berl.,

himself inclined to neo-Platonism. His style is generally

ADVENTISTS, SECOND, members of religious bodies whose

food, the vendors could also be proceeded against. The high

Menelek. The British one, under Mr (afterwards Sir) Rennell

of the period of detention after the lay days have expired.

are essentially mountain ranges. But in height and importance

the point of opening its most brilliant chapter by an invasion

equations naturally came to repose on an electric basis, the

of the mountains situated parallel to the coast', to the

with him on the 24th of February 1834 greatly improved his

countship of Alencon was raised to a peerage in 1367 and into

works. Its members are not, in a rigid sense, heads of

to be available for war are divided into two classes:--first,

volcano. At Vesuvius such blocks of altered limestone

he was then conveyed on a Russian warship to Varna, and after

stock-feeding practices of the country were much modified

of the time, devoting himself wholly to learning. His chief

the necessaries of life; the growing spirit of independence,

(the reference being to their distance from the capital) and

metallurgists and jewellers, he holds, was early transmitted

Germs of aesthetic preference in children, etc.

and testing their capabilities in respect of early maturity.

it was a municipium. Augustus and his successors brought

halfdetached group has been included rather than the loftier

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