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1. what is the difference between emerging and resurgent communicable

Emerging is infections that have recently appeared within a population or those
incidence or geographic range is rapidly increasing. while Re-emerging diseases are
diseases that reappear after they have been on a signifant decline
2.Which factors contribute to the emergence of some infectious diseases such
as malaria and tuberculosis? How about pertussis and diphtheria?​
•Several factors contribute to the emergence and re-emergence of infectious
diseases, but most can be linked with the increasing number of people living and
moving on earth: rapid and intense international travel; overcrowding in cities with
poor sanitation; changes in handling and processing of large quantities of food
How about pertussis and diphtheria?
•Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis are potentially serious bacterial diseases that can
be safely prevented in adults and children with vaccines. Diphtheria causes a thick
membrane-like covering in the back of the throat. It can lead to breathing problems,
paralysis, heart failure, and even death.

3.are there ways to control the recurrence of some infectious diseases

Good hygiene: the primary way to prevent infections
Practice good food-safety techniques to avoid getting sick
Vaccinations are essential if you are to avoid getting sick
Take travel precautions

1. Do you think people are one of the main reasons for the reemergence of
some infectious diseases.explain your answer.​
yes, because With more people living in dense conditions, there is more frequent
contact between more individuals, allowing disease transmission to easily occur. like
Migration and global travel – As it becomes more common for people to travel
throughout the world, it also becomes easier for diseases to travel with them.

1. Are the efforts of DOH enough to protect Filipinos from these diseases?
Justify your answer.
yes, Because their doing their best just to protect us from the virus. But, the other
filipinos aren't follow the rules and regulations from DOH so the virus and diseases
wont stop growing. The major mandate of DOH is to provide national policy direction
and develop national plans, technical standards and guidelines on health. It is
responsible for ensuring access to basic public health services to all Filipinos through
the provision of quality health care and regulation of providers of health goods and

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