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The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20)

Relation Extraction Exploiting Full Dependency Forests

Lifeng Jin,1∗† Linfeng Song,2† Yue Zhang,3,4 Kun Xu,2 Wei-yun Ma,5* Dong Yu2
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
Tencent AI Lab, Bellevue, WA, USA
Institute of Advanced Technology, Westlake Institute for Advanced Study
School of Engineering, Westlake Universtiy
Academia Sinica

Dependency syntax has long been recognized as a crucial
source of features for relation extraction. Previous work con-
siders 1-best trees produced by a parser during preprocessing.
However, error propagation from the out-of-domain parser
may impact the relation extraction performance. We propose
to leverage full dependency forests for this task, where a
full dependency forest encodes all possible trees. Such rep-
resentations of full dependency forests provide a differen-
tiable connection between a parser and a relation extrac-
tion model, and thus we are also able to study adjusting the
parser parameters based on end-task loss. Experiments on
three datasets show that full dependency forests and parser
adjustment give significant improvements over carefully de-
signed baselines, showing state-of-the-art or competitive per-
formances on biomedical or newswire benchmarks. Figure 1: (a) 1-best dependency tree and (b) 3-dimensional
full dependency forest for a biomedical sentence. Associated
1 Introduction mentions are in different colors. Phrase “calcium modulated
As a central task in automatically extracting information, re- cyclases” are broken in the 1-best tree, because “modulated”
lation extraction (Chinchor, 1998) aims to determine the re- and “calcium” are erroneously treated as the sentence main
lation between a pair of entity mentions. It has been shown verb and a modifier of the main subject, respectively.
to be useful to general-purpose natural language understand-
ing and other downstream tasks, such as knowledge-base
completion (Surdeanu et al., 2012; Riedel et al., 2013) and Recent work (Xu et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2015; Miwa and
KBQA (Yih et al., 2015; Xu et al., 2016; Yu et al., 2017). Bansal, 2016; Zhang, Qi, and Manning, 2018; Fu, Li, and
In the biomedical domain, it can help doctors make accurate Ma, 2019) adopting neural models also saw improvements
decisions by mining supportive or contradictory evidences when incorporating syntactic information into the models.
from recently published research articles (Quirk and Poon, In addition to the news domain, syntax is also crucial for
2017; Peng et al., 2017). This is important as there are thou- relation extraction in biomedical domain (Quirk and Poon,
sands of new medical articles released everyday, making it 2017; Peng et al., 2017; Song et al., 2018), and one im-
impossible to track them manually. portant reason is that biomedical sentences usually contain
Syntactic features have been shown useful for relation ex- more domain-specific words (e.g. new medicines, molecules
traction. Early work utilized surface features (Mooney and and gene IDs) than newswire text. These words introduce
Bunescu, 2006) or shallow syntactic information (e.g. base- more data sparsity, hindering the effectiveness of surface
NP chunks) (Zhou et al., 2005). Subsequent research (Cu- features. Compared with sequential surface-level structures,
lotta and Sorensen, 2004; Bunescu and Mooney, 2005; Jiang syntax helps to model word-to-word relations by drawing
and Zhai, 2007; Zhou et al., 2007; Nguyen, Moschitti, and direct connections between distant yet syntactically related
Riccardi, 2009) suggested using syntax trees for better cap- words, and thus capturing informative structural knowledge
turing long-range dependencies (e.g. via kernel functions). than surface features.

Work done when L. Jin and W. Ma were at Tencent AI Lab. Existing syntax-based relation extraction models, how-

Equal contribution ever, can suffer from two major issues. First, they take the
Copyright  c 2020, Association for the Advancement of Artificial 1-best trees generated during preprocessing, and thus error
Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All rights reserved. propagation is introduced because of parsing mistakes. This

can be much severer for the biomedical domain, where pars- Zhang, Liu, and Song, 2018) to encode a 1-best dependency
ing accuracies can be significantly worse than the news do- tree. They extract features from the sentence and the depen-
main (McClosky and Charniak, 2008; Candito, Anguiano, dency tree, respectively. Similar model frameworks (Zhang,
and Seddah, 2011). Figure 1(a) shows the 1-best depen- Qi, and Manning, 2018; Song et al., 2018; Zhu et al., 2019)
dency tree of a biomedical sentence in our dataset, where have recently shown highly competitive performances for
the dependency tree contains a serious mistake. In particular, relation extraction using 1-best trees.
the phrase “calcium modulated cyclases” is broken because
“modulated” is mistakenly considered as the main verb of 3.1 Bi-LSTM layer
the whole sentence, and “calcium” is predicated as the mod- Given an input sentence w1 , w2 , . . . , wN , we first represent
ifier of the main subject in the sentence. Second, 1-best trees the input words with their embeddings e1 , e2 . . . eN .1 A Bi-
are discrete structures, which adds an additional layer of dif- LSTM layer is used to encode the sentences:
ficulties if we want to finetune the parser parameters during
relation extraction training (Yogatama et al., 2017). ←
−(0) ←−(0)
h i = LSTMl ( h i+1 , ei )
In this paper, we tackle these two issues above by leverag- →
− (0) →
− (0) (1)
ing full dependency forests for relation extraction. As shown h i = LSTMr ( h i−1 , ei ),
in Figure 1(b), we define a full forest as a 3-dimensional ten-
sor, with each point representing the conditional probabil- The state of each word wi is generated by concatenating the
ity p(wj , l|wi ) of one word wi modifying another word wj states in both directions:
with a relation l. Compared with a 1-best tree, a full depen- (0) ←−(0) →
− (0)
hi = [ h i ; h i ] (2)
dency forest efficiently represents all possible dependency
trees within a compact and dense structure, containing all 3.2 GRN layer
possible trees (including the gold tree).
We directly mine useful knowledge from each full forest As a next step, a 1-best dependency tree from a dependency
using a convolutional neural network (CNN) (LeCun, Ben- parser is organized as a directed graph DT = V , E,
gio, and others, 1995). CNNs have shown to be effective on where V includes all words w1 , w2 , . . . , wN and E =
handling dense multi-dimensional data, such as images and {(wj , l, wi )}|wj ∈V,wi ∈V represents all dependency edges.
videos. In order to allow our model to learn useful features Each triple (wj , l, wi ) corresponds to a dependency edge,
associated with the target mentions during encoding, we pa- where wj modifies wi with an arc label l ∈ L. Each word
rameterize our convolutional kernels with the target mention wi is associated with a hidden state, which is initialized with
pairs. Similar parameterization of convolutional kernels was the Bi-LSTM output hi . The state representation of the en-
recently studied on aspect-based sentiment analysis (Huang tire tree includes all word states:
and Carley, 2018) and demonstrated positive effects. (0)
h(0) = {hi }wi ∈V (3)
Results on two relation extraction benchmarks in biomed-
ical domain and one benchmark in general news domain To capture non-local information over the tree, GRN
show that our method outperforms the best previous num- adopts an iterative message passing framework, performing
bers and strong baselines that use 1-best dependency trees as information exchange between directly connected words in
features, achieving the state-of-the-art or competitive perfor- each iteration. As a result, each word state is updated by ab-
mances in the literature. To our knowledge, we are the first sorbing a larger context through the process, and a sequence
to study full dependency forests and task-oriented parser ad- of states h(0) , h(1) , . . . is generated for the entire tree. The
justment for relation extraction, showing their advantages final state h(T ) = GRN(h(0) , T ) is used to represent the
over using 1-best discrete trees. Our code is now available dependency tree. Below we give more details:
at https://github.com/lifengjin/xxx. Message passing The message passing framework takes
two main steps within each iteration: message calculation
2 Task definition and state update. Take wi at iteration t for example. In
Formally, the input to our task is a sentence s = w1 , w2 , the first step, two messages m↑i and m↓i are calculated by
. . . , wN , where N is the number of words in the sentence summing up the messages from its children and parent in
and wi is the i-th input word. s is annotated with the bound- the dependency tree, respectively, and a message from a
ary information (ξ1 : ξ2 and ζ1 : ζ2 ) of associated mentions child/parent consists of its hidden states concatenated with
(ξ and ζ). We focus on the binary relation extraction set- the corresponding edge label embedding:
ting (Quirk and Poon, 2017), where the number of associated 
m↑i =
mentions is two. The output is a relation from a predefined [hj ; el ]
relation set R = (r1 , . . . , rM , None), where “None” means (wj ,l,wi )∈E(·,·,i)
that no relation holds for the mentions.  (4)
= [hk ; elrev ],
(wi ,l,wk )∈E(i,·,·)
3 Baseline: using 1-best trees
Our baseline model stacks a bidirectional LSTM layer to 1
For model variables, lowercase italic letters are for scalars and
encode an input sentence with a graph recurrent network indices, lowercase bold letters are for vectors, uppercase letters are
(GRN) (Song et al., 2018; Beck, Haffari, and Cohn, 2018; for matrices and uppercase bold letters are for higher order tensors.

Forest Generator log p(r|s, ξ, ζ; θ) Forest representation F Data-dependent CNN

Full dependency forest




Feed-forward ROOT
Data dependent kernels
root Role
nsubj …

Kernel generation network

ROOT Role …

Biaffine transformations


ROOT Role of calcium modulated cyclades in … retinal projection …

Forest Encoder ROOT Role of calcium modulated cyclades in … retinal projection …

Figure 2: Model framework containing a forest generator and a forest encoder based on data dependent CNN.

where E(·,·,i) and E(i,·,·) represent the edges connected with 4 Model: using full dependency forests
wi as head and modifier, respectively, and ex represents the A full dependency forest is a fully connected graph, where
embedding of label x. lrev is the reversed version of original the vertices are input words and each edge represents a
label l (e.g. “amod-rev” is the reversed version of “amod”). dependency relation l (such as “subj” and “nmod”) be-
Next, GRN adopts standard LSTM operations (Hochreiter tween two words. An edge is also associated with a weight
and Schmidhuber, 1997) to update its hidden state hi that represents the conditional probability of the relation
with the integrated message, taking a cell ci to record p(wj , l|wi ). Compared with 1-best trees, full dependency
(t) forests encode all possible dependency relations with their
memory for hi : parser confidence scores. In order to efficiently encode them,
we represent each forest as a 3-dimensional tensor of proba-
hi , ci = LSTM([m↑i ; m↓i ], ci
(t) (t) (t−1)
), (5) bilities, with the first two dimensions corresponding to input
words and the remaining dimension corresponding to depen-
where cell vector ci is initialized as a vector of zeros. dency arcs, as shown in Figure 1(b).
The same process repeats for T iterations. Starting from Our model is similar to the baseline by stacking a Bi-
h(0) of the Bi-LSTM layer, increasingly informed hidden LSTM layer to process each input sentence with a network
states h(t) are obtained with increasing iterations and h(T ) based on convolutional operations to handle full dependency
is used as the final representation of each word. forests. We use a first-order graph-based dependency parser
(Dozat and Manning, 2017) for generating full dependency
forests (shown in the left part of Figure 2). The Bi-LSTM
3.3 Relation prediction layer (shown in the right bottom corner of Figure 2) is iden-
Taking the outputs h(T ) of the GRN layer, we calculate the tical with our baseline as described in Section 3.1.
representation vectors of the two target mentions ξ and ζ by
averaging among their tokens: 4.1 Forest generation
As shown in Figure 2, the forest generator takes the neural
(T ) (T )
hξ = favg (hξ1 :ξ2 ); hζ = favg (hζ1 :ζ2 ) (6) network architecture of the deep biaffine parser (Dozat and
Manning, 2017), where input words w1 , . . . , wN are first
where ξ1 : ξ2 and ζ1 : ζ2 represent the spans of ξ and ζ, represented by their embeddings, before being processed by
respectively, and favg is the averaging function. Finally, the a Bi-LSTM layer to obtain their contextual representations
representations of both mentions are concatenated to be the r1 , . . . , rN . As a next step, the representations for a word wi
input of a logistic regression classifier: being the head or the dependent of any dependency relation
are calculated by passing its contextual vector ri through the
y = softmax(W [hξ ; hζ ] + b), (7) corresponding multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs):

where W and b are model parameters. hdep

i = MLPdep
l (ri ); hhead
i = MLPhead
l (ri ) (8)

Then the scores for all relation labels given a head word wj 4.3 Feature extraction with data-dependent CNN
and a dependent word wi are calculated as: As shown on the top right of Figure 2, each generated for-

est representation is a 3-dimensional tensor (F ), with each
i,j = hhead
j Ul hdep
i + (hhead
j ⊕ hdep
i ) Vl + b l , (9) lowest-rank vector corresponding to the relation and content
of a word pair. We choose to apply convolutional operations
and the scores for each unlabeled arc with any possible head to F , which have been shown effective in handling dense
word given a dependent word wi are calculated as: multi-dimensional data, to extract useful features from this
i = MLPdep head
u (ri ); ĥi = MLPhead
u (ri ) (10) For conventional CNNs, the convolution kernels Wc ∈
i = Ĥ head
Ua ĥdep + Ĥ head
va , (11) Rnf ×nw ×nh ×d are first randomly initialized, where nf , nw
and nh are the kernel count, kernel width and height, respec-
where Ul , Vl , bl , Ua and va are all model parameters. Fi- tively. As the next step, the kernels are applied to each con-
nally the conditional probability of each label l and each volutional region F̃(i,j) = F(i:i+nw ;j:j+nh ;·) with the coor-
head word wj given a dependent word wi is calculated as: dinate of its upper left element being (i, j, 0), and the output
of the convolution is:
p(wj , l|wi ) = p(l|wj , wi ) × p(wj |wi ) C(·,i,j) = ReLU(Wc F̃(i,j) + bc ), (15)
i,j )(l) × softmax(si
= softmax(slabel head
)(j) , (12) where bc is trainable parameter representing kernel bias. On
top of the convolution outputs, max pooling is then applied
where (x) in the subscript represents choosing the x-th item to reduce C into a vector ĉ ∈ Rnf by keeping the maximal
from the corresponding vector. value for each filter: ĉ = fmax (C), and ĉ will be part of the
Given the words of an input sentence, the probabilities input to our final relation predictor (Section 4.4).
from Equation 12 can be organized into a rank-3 tensor. This One major drawback of conventional CNNs for relation
exactly fits our forest definition, so that no further modifica- extraction is that their kernels only depend on the input sen-
tion is required before the probabilities are processed by our tence, and thus the extracted features will be the same for
model. For the baseline, we apply a minimum spanning tree the same sentence. However, for relation extraction, one sen-
algorithm over the outputs to generate the 1-best tree, which tence can contain more than two mentions and the relations
is then encoded by a GRN described in Section 3.2. for different pairs of mentions in the same sentence can be
entirely different. In order for our feature extraction proce-
4.2 Forest representation dure to be aware of the target mentions that are critical for
predicting the correct relation, we introduce data-dependent
The generated forests only contain the probabilities of word- CNN, where a kernel generation network is adopted to pro-
to-word relations without any lexical or relational knowl- duce data-dependent convolution kernels (the orange 3D box
edge, thus it is necessary to integrate these probabilities with in Figure 2) by taking mention representations as inputs.
word and relation embeddings. The middle part of Figure 2 Data-dependent CNN For data-dependent CNN, the con-
visualizes our approach for the integration. In particular, for volution kernels Wc are produced from our kernel genera-
each word pair relation (wj , l, wi ), the word hidden states tion network instead of randomly initialized. Taking the rep-
(0) (0)
(hj and hi , produced by Equation 2) and relation embed- resentation vectors of both target mentions (hξ and hζ as
ding (el ∈ El ) are first concatenated, and then the possible shown in Equation 6), the kernel generation network first
relations are marginalized by a weighted sum: correlates them with a fully-connected layer:
 (0) (0)
hξ,ζ = ReLU(Wd [hξ ; hζ ] + bd ), (16)
hwj ,wi = p(wj , l|wi )[ hj ; hi ; el ] (13) before a set of data-dependent convolution kernels being cal-
l∈L culated with another multi-dimensional layer:
By using a weighted sum, relations with high probabilities Wc = ReLU(Wp hξ,ζ + Bp ), (17)
are highlighted, while other relations are also preserved. As where Wd , bd , Wp , Bp are model parameters. Next, the gen-
a next step, a linear layer is applied on the results of the erated kernels are applied on F to extract useful features,
weighted sum to correlate the concatenated word states and which is identical with Equation 15, before max pooling be-
relation embedding: ing used to calculate ĉ.

hwj ,wi = Wf hwj ,wi + bf (14) 4.4 Relation prediction

For relation prediction, the extracted features (ĉ) are com-
where Wf and bf are trainable parameters. The resulting bined with the mention representations and feed into a lo-
representations are organized following the word order of gistic regression classifier:
the original sentence into a rank-3 tensor F ∈ R|s|×|s|×d , hξ,ζ = ReLU(Wg1 [hξ ; hζ ] + bg1 )+
where |s| is the length of the sentence2 and d is the length of
the representation of a word pair (hwj ,wi ). ReLU(Wg2 ĉ + bg2 ), (18)
y= softmax(Wr hξ,ζ + br ), (19)
With the special symbol ROOT considered as the first word. where Wg1 , bg1 , Wg2 , bg2 , Wr and br are model parameters.

4.5 Comparison with the baseline Phenotype-Gene relation (PGR) (Sousa, Lamurias,
There are two differences between our model and baseline: and Couto, 2019) This dataset concerns the relations be-
one is the syntactic features being used (trees vs forests), the tween human phenotypes (such as diseases) with human
other is the network to encode such features (GRN vs DD- gene, where the relation set is a binary class on whether a
CNN). Empirically, GRN and DDCNN give the best results phenotype is related to a gene. It has 18,451 silver training
for their respective syntax representations, namely trees and instances and 220 high-quality test instances, with each con-
full forests. In our experiments, we introduce more baselines taining mention boundary annotations. We separate the first
to pinpoint the specific gains regarding the syntax and the 15% training instances as our development set.
model structure, respectively. SemEval-2010 task 8 (Hendrickx et al., 2009) The Se-
mEval dataset is a widely used benchmark in recent work
5 Training for general-domain relation extraction. It is a public dataset,
which contains 10,717 instances (8000 for training) with 9
We train the baseline and our model using cross-entropy relations (such as “Cause-Effect” and “Content-Container”)
loss. For each training instance that contains a sentence s and a special “None” class.
with two target mentions ξ and ζ, the cross-entropy loss be-
tween the gold relation r and model distribution is: 6.2 Models
l = − log p(r|s, ξ, ζ; θ), (20) To study the effectiveness of forests, we compare our
method with the following baselines:
where θ represents the model parameters. For models using
parser adjustment, θ includes the parameters of the forest • T REE -GRN: It corresponds to our baseline in Section 3,
generator in addition to other model components. which encodes 1-best trees with a GRN.
• T REE -DDCNN: It is similar to T REE -GRN except that
6 Experiments the 1-best trees are organized as sparse 3D tensors and are
We conduct thorough comparisons between our model lever- encoded with the DDCNN model. This is for calibrating
aging full dependency forests, 1-best trees and only surface the contribution of using forests.
strings on the relation extraction task described in Section 2. • E QUAL -DDCNN: It represents the baseline without any
syntactic information. Taking the DDCNN in Section 4,
6.1 Data it consumes dense forests with equivalent edge weights
Our main goal is to perform biomedical relation extrac- instead of parser generated probabilities.
tion, as the parsing errors are much severer in the biomedi- • R ANDOM FT-DDCNN: It adopts our model in Section 4
cal domain than in the news domain. We choose two stan- with parser adjustment based on the relation extraction
dard benchmarks in the biomedical domain, where pars- loss, except that the parser is initialized randomly.
ing performance drops dramatically due to domain variance
• F OREST-CNN: It takes the model in Section 4, but using
and unknown words. In addition, we conduct evaluation on
a regular CNN to consume forests.
SemEval-2010 task 8 (Hendrickx et al., 2009), a benchmark
dataset for relation extraction in the news domain. We further compare two versions of our model with or with-
BioCreative VI CPR (Krallinger et al., 2017) This task out finetuning:
focuses on the relations between chemical compounds (such • F OREST-DDCNN: It represents our model in Section 4
as drugs) and proteins (such as genes). The corpus contains without parser adjustment for relation extraction training.
1020, 612 and 800 extracted PubMed3 abstracts for training,
development and testing, respectively. All abstracts are man- • F OREST FT-DDCNN: It shows our model in Section 4
ually annotated with the mention boundaries and their rela- with parser adjustment. This model takes the same num-
tions. The data provides three types of NEs: “CHEMICAL”, ber of parameters as R ANDOM FT-DDCNN.
“GENE-Y” and “GENE-N”, and the relation set R contains
5 regular relations (“CPR:3”, “CPR:4”, “CPR:5”, “CPR:6”
6.3 Settings
and “CPR:9”) and the “None” relation. We segment each We pretrain our parser (Dozat and Manning, 2017) on the
abstract into sentences, keeping only the sentences that con- Penn Treebank (PTB) (Marcus and Marcinkiewicz, 1993)
tain at least a chemical mention and a protein mention. As converted to Stanford Dependency v3.5 to obtain 1-best
a result, we obtain 16,107 training, 10,030 development and trees and full dependency forests. Using standard PTB data
14,269 testing instances, in which around 23% have regu- split (section 02–21 for training, 22 for development and 23
lar relations. By doing this, we effectively sacrifice cross- for testing), the parser gives UAS and LAS scores of 95.7
sentence relations (which are rare) by treating their relation and 94.6, respectively.
as “None”. This is necessary for efficient generation of de- For biomedical experiments, word embeddings of our
pendency structures since directly parsing a short paragraph baseline and model are initialized with the 200-dimensional
is slow and introduces more errors. We report F1 scores of BioASQ vectors4 pretrained on 10M abstracts of biomedical
the full test set for a fair comparison, using all gold regular articles, while we use 300-dimensional Glove embeddings5
relations to calculate recalls. 4
3 5
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ https://nlp.stanford.edu/projects/glove/

Syntax type Model test F1 Tree UAS/LAS Model test F1
GRU+Attn (Liu et al., 2017)† 49.5 T REE -GRN 47.6
Bran (Verga et al., 2018)† 50.8 1K 88.07/85.48
5K 92.63/90.77
T REE -GRN 51.4
Table 2: Test results when less trees are available. The full
Forest-GRN (Song et al., 2019)† 53.4 treebank has 39.8K trees for training.
from using forest, not from adopting a different encoder. The
lower performance of T REE -DDCNN than T REE -GRN is
Table 1: Main results on BioCreative VI CPR. † denotes pre- likely because CNNs are good at handling dense vectors,
vious numbers. We use the same notation for later results. while trees are highly sparse.
Effectiveness of parser pretraining Being in the
pretrained on 840B data for the news-domain experiments. same group, neither E QUAL -DDCNN nor R ANDOM FT-
These embeddings are fixed during relation extraction train- DDCNN uses a treebank to pretrain their parser. Instead,
ing. The dimension of hidden vectors in Bi-LSTM is set to E QUAL -DDCNN ignores parser outputs and takes 3D
200, and the number of filters is also set to 200. We use forests of identical probabilities, which is equivalent to
Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2014), with a learning rate of 0.001, not using any syntactic information. On the other hand,
as the optimizer. For baseline, GRN step T is set to 2. These R ANDOM FT-DDCNN relies only on the relation extrac-
hyperparameter values are chosen based on either report by tion loss to tune its randomly initialized parser parameters.
existing work or development experiments. E QUAL -DDCNN shows a much better performance than
6.4 Main results from large training variance. The reason can be that re-
lation extraction loss is not sufficient for adjusting the
Table 1 compares our models with our baselines and previ- parser parameters well. On the other hand, both F OREST-
ously reported state-of-the-art numbers, where systems us- DDCNN and F OREST FT-DDCNN in the last group show
ing the same type of syntax forms are grouped together. very strong results. In particular, the only difference be-
Among previous work, GRU+Attn (Liu et al., 2017) stacks tween R ANDOM FT-DDCNN and F OREST FT-DDCNN is
a self-attention layer on top of GRU and embedding lay- on whether loading the graph structure with syntax. Based
ers; Bran (Verga et al., 2018) adopts a biaffine self-attention on all the evidence, we can draw the conclusion that syntax
model to simultaneously extract the relations of all mention is useful for relation extraction.
pairs. Both methods use only textual knowledge. As a very Effectiveness of parser finetuning Again, by con-
recent work, Forest-GRN first generates forests as discrete trasting the models in the first group (E QUAL -DDCNN vs
structures by pruning out low-quality edges, before consum- R ANDOM FT-DDCNN) and the models in the last group
ing these forests with a GRN network. (F OREST-DDCNN vs F OREST FT-DDCNN), we can con-
With 1-best dependency trees, the T REE -GRN baseline clude that parser finetuning based on relation extraction loss
gives a slightly better performance over the previous best is helpful when the parser is already at a good initial point
system with only textual features (Bran), showing the use- by treebank-based pretraining.
fulness of dependency information. Using full dependency
forests, F OREST-DDCNN gives a large improvement of 1.7
6.5 Robustness on parsing accuracy
absolute F1 points over T REE -GRN. With parser adjust-
ment, F OREST FT-DDCNN demonstrates a further perfor- We have shown in Section 6.4 that a dependency parser
mance boost of 2.6 absolute points over F OREST-DDCNN, trained with a domain-general treebank can produce high-
demonstrating the usefulness of task-oriented parser finetun- quality forests in a target domain, providing more effective
ing. Also, F OREST FT-DDCNN outperforms Forest-GRN, information over 1-best trees for relation extraction. This is
the previous state-of-the-art model. F OREST-CNN is much based on the assumption that the domain-general treebank is
worse than F OREST-DDCNN, indicating the importance of in a descent scale so that the parsing accuracy in the target
letting CNN be aware of the target mentions. In addition to domain is not very low. As a result, it would be important
the types of syntax being used (tree vs forest), the encoders to evaluate the performances of both tree-based and forest-
are also different (GRN vs DDCNN). We make additional based models when the domain-general treebank only con-
comparison between other baselines and our models to study tains a limited number of trees.
each factor and lead to the following conclusions: Table 2 shows the performance changes of both T REE -
Effectiveness of full dependency forests T REE - GRN and F OREST FT-DDCNN when only 1K or 5K tree-
DDCNN shows a lower F1 score than T REE -GRN, while bank instances are available for parser pretraining. Taking
F OREST-DDCNN is much better than T REE -GRN. Both 1K and 5K gold trees, the performance decrease in terms
results indicate that the gain of F OREST-DDCNN comes of LAS are 9.1 and 3.8 points compared with the num-

Model test F1 Model test F1
BO-LSTM (Lamurias et al., 2019)† 52.3 C-GCN (Zhang, Qi, and Manning, 2018)† 84.8
BioBERT (Lee et al., 2019)† 67.2 C-AGGCN (Guo, Zhang, and Lu, 2019)† 85.7
T REE -GRN 78.9 T REE -GRN 84.6

Table 3: Relation classification results on PGR. Table 4: Results on SemEval-2010 task 8.

ber with full treebank. Using 1K trees, the performances Song et al. (2019) investigated dependency forests for med-
of both models drop significantly due to the greater pars- ical relation extraction. These previous efforts use forests as
ing noise, yet ForestFT-DDCNN still manages to achieve a sparse and discrete structures by pruning out edges of low
slightly better number than T REE -GRN (51.4 test F1) taking parser confidence during preprocessing, while we present
40 times of trees (full treebank). This shows the superiority full dependency forests in a continuous 3D tensor. With full
of our model, especially given the situation that 1K trees dependency forests, no parsing information is lost, and the
are available for many languages. Using 5K trees, ForestFT- parser can be easily adjusted with the loss from the end task.
DDCNN manages to be 3.4-point better than T REE -GRN This superiority was demonstrated by comparing with Song
with the same number of trees. Overall, these results indi- et al. (2019) in our experiments. To our knowledge, we are
cate that ForestFT-DDCNN is more robust to parsing noises the first to investigate full dependency forests, and we are the
than T REE -GRN. first to study syntactic forests for relation extraction under a
strong neural framework.
6.6 Results on PGR
Table 3 shows the comparison with previous work on the 8 Conclusion
PGR testset, where our models are significantly better than Forests are complex structures that are more difficult to gen-
the existing models. This is likely because the previous mod- erate and consume than trees. Because of this reason, previ-
els do not utilize all the information from inputs: BO-LSTM ous research on relation extraction tend to use 1-best trees
takes only the words (without arc labels) along the shortest that are generated during preprocessing, even if this could
dependency path between the target mentions; the pretrained cause severe error propagation. We proposed an efficient and
parameters of BioBERT are kept static during the training of effective relation extraction model that leverage full depen-
relation extraction. dency forests, each of which encodes all valid dependency
Using 1-best dependency trees, T REE -GRN is better than trees into a dense and continuous 3D space. This method al-
BioBERT by a large margin (11.7 points), confirming the lows us to merge a parser into a relation extraction model so
usefulness of syntactic structures. Utilizing full dependency that the parser can be jointly updated based on end-task loss.
forests, F OREST FT-DDCNN gives another boost of 10.0+ Extensive experiments show the superiority of forests for
absolute points from T REE -GRN, showing the usefulness of RE, which significantly outperform all carefully designed
full dependency forests for medical relation extraction. baselines based on 1-best trees or surface strings.
We leave studying the effectiveness of full dependencies
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