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Respiratory system

Lungs and pleura

1. What are the functions of the pleura cavity and the mediastinum?

2. What are the borders of the thoracic inlet and its contents?

3. What is the vertebral level of the thoracic outlet?

*Describe the borders and contents as well.

4. Explain the details of the intercostal space. (From deep to superficial).

5. Event at the root of the neck can involve:

6. Describe the passage of the esophagus, inferior vena cava and the aorta in relation to the

7. Which dome of the diaphragm is higher?

8. How the precordium separates the mediastinum? Where is it situated in relation to t5?

9. What is the cost-diaphragmic recess? What is its function? Explain the concept of recesses?

10. What are the parts of the parietal pleura?

11. What is the suprapleural membrane?

12. what is the vertebral level of the hilum?

13. The partial pleura is innervated by: (page 193)

*The costal pleura is innervated by:

*Thus, pain will be felt in relation to the:

14. The mediastinal pleura and the parietal pleura are innervated mainly?

15. Pain in the lateral neck and supraclavicular region of the shoulder is related to what
dermatomes? And might indicate a problem in what area?

16. Describe the peripheral reflections of the parietal pleura. Refer to the levels of the ribs/
vertebrae, mediastinum, midclavicular and midaxillary lines.

17. The visceral pleura is continuous with the parietal pleura in the ….

18. The visceral pleura is innervated by….

*is pain usually felt in this area?

19. Which costo-mediastinal recess is larger? Why?

20. The cost diaphragmic recesses are deepest during…. And shallowest during ….. (Page 194)
21. What is the difference between the root of the lung and the hilum?

22. What is the function of the pulmonary ligament?

23. Where do the vagus nerve and the phrenic nerve pass in the mediastinum?

24. Describe how the fissures separate the right lobe:

25. Why are the pulmonary lobes movable against each other?

26. The orientation of the fissures in relations to the ribs and vertebra:


27. What is the ligula of the left lung?

28. The medial surface of the right lung lies adjacent to: 5

29. The medial surface of the left lung lies adjacent to: 4

30. Why foreign bodies are more likely to enter the right main bronchus than the left?

31. Describe the bronchi tree branching:

*What holds the tertiary bronchi together? Is it the same for bronchioles? Page 201

32. What are the bronchopulmonary segments? How many are there?

33. Describe the passage of the arteris and veins in bronchopulmonary segments.

34. Describe the location of the bifurcation of the pulmonary trunk.

35. Describe the root of the right pulmonary artery.

36. Describe the root of the left pulmonary artery.

37. Describe the root of the right and left pulmonary veins.

38. Describe the root of the bronchial vessels.

Respiratory system lesson 3

1. What innervates the larynx?

2. What are the cartilages of the larynx, which ones are paired?

3. Where is the epiglottis located? Describe attachments.

4. What type of membrane of is the main membrane of the larynx? What is its function,
components etc.? page 1085

5. Describe the true and false vocal cords.

6. Explain why the median cricothyroid membrane is approached in cases of air why blockage? In
what cases is it usually approached?

7. What are the 3 parts of the larynx?

8. What is the name of the opening between the arytenoid cartilage and the vocal folds?


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