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For full access to re ime updates, breaking news, analysis, pricing Interview: VPS exec sees bunker fuel quality alerts surging in 2020 as VLSFO use gathers pace a<¢ uterus mH tr Wanye Stability, cold-flow issues seen with VLSFO Automotive, jet fuel being blended in marine fuel pool Recommends monitoring storage, transfer of fuels closely Singapore — Global fue testing and inepection company Veritas Petroleum Services has seen bunker fuel alerts rise sharply this year, with stability and cold-flw issues coming to the fore due to the increased use of very low sulfur fuel oils, PS group commercial & business development director Steve See said in an interview with S&P Global Platts. ‘The implementation ofthe International Maritime Organization's global low sulfur mandate on Jan. 1 accelerated the use of cleaner bunker fuels, with VLSFOs becoming the chief marine fuel choice to meet compliance, "Alot of stability and cold-flow issues with VLSFOs, plus flash point issues with MGO and VLSFO, have been noted," Bee said Oct. 2, ahead of the 21st Singapore International Bunkering Conference and Exhibition or SIBCON. \VPS has issued 37 bunker slerts to date in 2020 compared with only 18 over the same period of 2019, Bee said. Ofthe total, 17 or 46% were issued for fiash point issues ~ nine for MO, five fr VLSFO and three for HSFO, he sad, adding, \VLSFOs account for 85% ofall fuel samples tested by VPS. ‘The COVID-19 pandemio, which has triggered a drastic drop in crude oil and oll product prices, has added to the complexity "We believe the reduced demand for road and aviation fuels due to the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted ina surplus of ‘these more volatile fuels and as a consequence they have been used as blend components within marine fuels, resulting intowering the flash points of MGO, VLSFO and HSFOs; Bee sai. SHORT SHELF LIFE ‘Acombination of sediment and cold-flow properties are ariong the biggest bunker fuel quality concerns for VLSFOs, Boo said, adding that VPS has also issued five sediment-retated bunker alerts relating to VLSFOS to date in 2020. ‘VLSFO fuels are vulnerable to sediment issues due to the fuels being more complex blends of residual and paraffinic components, Bee said ‘Acombination of cold-flow and stability issues have resulted in VLSFOs requiring much closer fuel management ‘monitoring, as they ean become unstable very quickly he sai. “The average "shel-lfe" ofa VLSFOis ess than three months, compared with six months for HSFO and up to 12 months for MGO, Bee said "We've seen a numberof VLSFOs be delivered on-spec, yet within weeks they have become unstable, Storage and ‘transfer temperatures are key with VLSFOs...therefore their pour points, wax appearance temperatures and wax isappearance temperatures are key parameters to measure along with TSP [total sediment potential" he added VARYING BLENDS “There are now so many clferent fuel types available to ship owners and operators, especially with VLSFOs, in many ‘cases the only common parameter isthe fact they comply to 0.5% sulfur legislation -- after thatthe blends vary enormously Bee said "With regard to off-specification of sulfur within VLSFOs this year, we saw a month-on-manth decrease in samples where sulfur exceeded 0.5% from December 2019 -- 63 to Apri 2020 -- 1.1% -- but then from May, sulfur levels exceeding 0.5% began to Increase again to 3.7% in August,” he said ‘Of the 2.79 of samples having sulfur levels in excess of 0.5%, we found 0.8% exceed the 0.52% sulfur confidence limit” he added. To avoid bunker fuel quality issues in general, Bee said shipowners and operators should try to know as much about the fuels they are purchasing and using, prior to burning the fuel ‘They should monitor the fuel closely in terms of storage and transfer, which will involve advising, instructing and taining, the erew with regard tohanling these new fuels onboard. Inadaltion, they should work closely with an experienced fuel management partner, Bee added,

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