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Bewithched Flying Isidra

Hi Maggie,
First of all I will present myself.My name is Irene and I’m in the class 1 Revenclaw.
I know you’re going to start studing in this school soon,so I’m going to tell you some things
about this place.
This place is not on the usual places you might imagine,you will need to go to the Skocjanske
Cave and say the words ‘Enpous Uertapus’ to open a magic door and enter into the shool,it
seem to be far but don’t worry,once this letter get to you you will have your own magic
broom to get there.
The school is huge castle full of flying stairs and teleporters to get to your classes.You just
need to tell the number and letter of it and it will take you directly,onece you’re there they
will tell you.
Some of the teachers here might seem to be srict, but don’t worry,they are really nice(except
Mr. Humsward the magic broom class teacher,be careful whit him).You will do the tyical
subjects but this year,you can also choose wheter you want to study potions of other places,
or traditional potions of this place as well as between ridding fying or acuatic animals apart
of terrestial ones.
In this schoo we have the tradition of doing a copetition in which the winner will gat a free
week out of shool and an extra point in the subject the winner want.
One trict,if you don’t want to get homework or you’re to lazy to do them,just say the words
‘Omwhurst ondeus’ and you will see by yourself the magic.
This is all,have agreat first year!

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