Prescription Analysis: Azithromycin 100 MG/ 5mL Signa: Give 7ml Orally OD For 1 Day Then 3.75ml For 5 Days OD

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DISPENSING II (Laboratory)

Azithromycin 100 mg/ 5mL

Signa: give 7ml orally OD for 1st day then

3.75ml for 5 days OD

- No indication of how many bottles were to be dispensed

- 200mg/5mL for pediatric - Usually last for five days and once a day
Azithromycin 500 mg tablet
dispense # 10 tablets

Signa: take 1 tablet two times a day for 5 days

- Azithromycin should only be taken once daily

- Taking two or more times a day may increase the risk of side effects
- For three days only
Over-the-counter drug

PARACETAMOL (BIOGESIC) 500 mg tablets # 50 tablets

Mefenamic acid (Yung commercial ni Susan Roces) 500 tablet # 50 tablets

- No signa included
- Instructions of how and when to take were not given or provided
- Many tablets included may cause hepatotoxicity
- May lead to administration errors such as overdose
Omeprazole 20 mg (Losec 40 mg)
Dispense # 20 capsules

Signa: take 1 capsule orally two times a day after

meals for 10 days
- Should be taken before meals
- Should be taken once daily
- Omeprazole is usually used for acid refluxes or heartburn and indigestion
Maria Cruz 2 y/o , 9 kg Lucena City

Amoxicillin (Pediamox) 125mg/5 ml syrup

Dispense 2 bottles

Signa: give 5 ml orally, three times a day for 7 days

- Available doses are 250mg/5mL oral suspension

- A pharmacist can dispense only one bottle since 105 mL will be sufficient in one
- Ask for the weight of the child
- Proper dosage for infants below 3 months is 20-30mg/kg in divided doses every
12 hours

- Impossible prescription
- Or violative
- The writing is different from the above medications so someone might have
written it after the prescription has been given
- The spelling is also wrong so a patient not a medical professional has wr

Male Patient 50 y/o Lucena City

Sildenafil (Viagra) 50 mg tablet

Signa; take 1 tablet orally If needed

Isosorbide Mononitrate (Imdur) 30 mg tablet Dispense #60

tablet for 30 days

Signa: take 1 tablet orally BID for 30 days

- Sildenafil and isosorbide mononitrate can cause a
sudden fall in blood pressure
Female patient 45 y/o Lucena City

Clotrimazole vaginal tablet (Candid) #1

Sig: As directed
- Incomplete directions
- Administration error may occur

Warfarin tablet
# 15 tablets
Sig: take orally 1 tablet OD or as directed for 10 days.

- No dosage strength indicated

- Tablets to be dispensed exceed the duration
- Once per day usually at night before or after meals
Patient with a history of asthma

Over-the-counter drug

Ibuprofen 400 mg tablet Pare

uminum ka lang ng isang tablet
para sa muscle pain!

Medication order was written by a nurse to his friend.

- Ibuprofen can cause bronchoconstriction to patient

Laboratory result: Hyperkalemia

Enalapril 5 mg tablet
#30 tablets

Signa; take 1 tablet buccally OD for 30 days

Capoten 25 mg tablet
#30 tablets
Signa; take 1 tablet orally BID for 30 days

- Both have the same activity so it may cause hypotension due to synergistic activity

Patient is a expecting mother, 2nd trimester.

Mefenamic acid ( Tempra ) 500 mg # 10 tab

Take I tab TID or prn before meals

Ciprofloxain ( Avelox) 550 mg # 14 capsules

Take 1 cap BID for 3 days

- Both drugs can cause risk to pregnant women

- Tempra is acetaminophen wrong brand name
- Avelox is moxifloxacin
- Ciprofloxacin should be given for five days usually and has 500mg strength

4-month-old baby

Cefixime ( Terge) 100 mg/5 mL #4 bottles


Signa: give 6ml BID for 7 days

- Violative prescription due to no substitution remark
- Wrong brand name should be tergecef

Female college student with severe acne

Roacutane 10 mg capsule # 60 cap

Signa: take 1 cap BID for 30 days.

- Erroneous prescription does not include the generic name

- Isotretinoin is the generic name

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