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: I am God. I promise you that you will have children and

SCENE 1: the

Rescuer (Jesus) will come from your family line. Travel to

Narrator (Santiago) Canaan, You will have children and they will become the
Good morning kids! It’s still very early. What are you all people of a great nation.
doing here?
Sarah: I am a bit worried because I am old so cannot
Belleza (Child 1) travel well.
We are here for another story time!
Abraham: I think we should trust in God and his promise.
Aurelio (Child 2) I think we should go to Canaan.
Yes. You promised us with another story.
Sarah: OK.
Veluz (Child 3)
Have you forgot about it? God: I will make your children like the dust of the Earth.

Narrator (Santiago) Abraham: Wow, the dust of the Earth cannot be counted. I
Of course not. All of you, come here and sit down. I have the think that means we will have lots of children.
perfect story today. Oh, here’s Edilyn. Very well, she will
accompany me today. Sarah: We have been in Canaan for a long time now and
we still do not have any children.
Narrator (Sala)
That’s right. So what will be the story about? God: Abraham, come out at night and look at the stars. I
will give . You that many children. This is a reminder of
Narrator (Santiago) my promise.
This is entitled the Story of Abraham Sacrifice.
Abraham: A few more years have gone by now. I am now
Narrator (Sala): 99 years old.
That’s a good one. Let me start the story. Everyone, listen.
Once upon a time, there was a story in the Bible that tested a God: In the next year Sarah will have a baby.
father's faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. A story that
teaches everyone a valuable lesson. Sarah: I have given up on God’s promise.

A long time in the land of Canaan, there lived a good and Abraham: I am 100 now and Sarah has just had a baby
noble man named Abraham. He was an important man boy. We have called him Isaac.
because God picked his family to play a part in the plan to
rescue the whole world. In order to set this plan in motion, Sarah: God kept his promise, as Isaac had his children,
God made a covenant with him. A covenant is like a big who had more children, who had more children.
promise that lasts forever & God’s covenant with Abraham
was a special one. God: That was the story of my promise to Abraham.
Abraham (Peñones)
Hi, I am Abraham. Scene 2:

Sarah (Tongol) Narrator (Sala)

Hi, my name is Sarah. I am Abraham’s wife.
And 10 years later, Abraham and Sarah had a son named
Abraham (Peñones) Isaac. Abraham loved God with all of his heart and he was so
Sadly, we can’t have children. thankful for the blessings that God had given to him.
However, God was about to put that love to test. In the days of
Sarah (Tongol) Abraham, one of the ways that people showed their love and
This makes us sad because we really want a family. thankfulness was by bringing sacrifices to God. A sacrifice is
like a gift. It’s something that you give to God to show him
Abraham (Peñones) that you are willing to obey him even when it costs you
Today I am 75 years old. something. Usually, people would sacrifice an animal like a
lamb or a goat. But when Isaac reached 25 years old. God As much as it hurts me, I am going to put my trust in our
asked Abraham for a different kind of sacrifice. God said to God.
God (Hicban) Narrator (Santiago)
“This year when you bring me your sacrifice, instead of Isaac did not fully understand, but he trusted his father
killing an animal & giving it to me, I want you to give as much as his father trusted God, so he agreed.
me your only son, Isaac.” Abraham wept as he tied up his precious son and laid
him on the altar they just built together. He reached for
Abraham (Peñones)
his knife in tears and raised it in the air. More than
( Abraham was shocked… )
anything he wanted to cut his son free, but he knew what
No, not Isaac! How can I possibly kill him? How can I
he had to do. He took one last look in his son and said…
give his life away?
Abraham (Peñones)
Narrator (Santiago)
I love you my boy.
But Abraham remembered God’s promise. God told
him… Narrator (Sala)
With that he reached out the knife above Isaac with his
God (Hicban)
hand shaking and his heart hurting. He was willing to
I will make you the father of many nations.
obey God and take the life of his only son. Suddenly, he
heard a loud voice from heaven saying…
Narrator (Santiago)
Abraham knew that it could not happen without a son so
God (Hicban)
he decided to trust God even though he did not know
how it would work out. The next morning, Abraham got
up early, together with his two followers and gathered Narrator (Santiago)
the supplies that they would need for the sacrifice and Abraham froze. He knew that voice, it was God!
the journey of the mountain. He rounded up Isaac,
carrying woods in his back and kissed Sarah goodbye. God (Hicban)
And they began the 3 day journey to mount Moriah. I don’t want you to kill the boy. I want him to live. I now
Isaac had been on these trips of Abraham several times know that you love me because you were willing to
and along the way he realized that something was sacrifice your only son.
Narrator (Santiago)
Isaac (Hicban) Abraham fell to his knees and thanked God, grateful that
Father, we forgot to bring something for the sacrifice. he would not lose his son.

Abraham (Peñones) Abraham (Peñones)

Don’t worry son, God will provide for us the sacrifice. Thank you! Thank you oh, God!

Narrator (Sala) Narrator (Sala)

Abraham was quiet the rest of the trip and Isaac could Abraham cut loose his son and gave him the biggest hug
tell that something was not right. At the sight of the a father has ever given to his son. Just then, they saw a
mountain, he ordered his 2 followers to wait for their ram whose horns are caught in some branches. Isaac
return. When they reached the top, Isaac began helping remembered what Abraham had told him on the way up
his father built an altar out of stoves. After they had the mountain.
finished placing the firewood on top of the altar.
Abraham sat down with Isaac to explain what God was Isaac (Hicban)
asking him to do. But fears filling his eyes, Abraham Look father, God provided an animal for the sacrifice
said… just like you said he would.

Abraham (Peñones) Narrator (Sala)

Son, I love you so much. You are a gift from God to us They sacrificed the animal and went on their way home.
and he has asked me to offer you as a sacrifice to him. He thanked God for his goodness and hug Isaac and then
he knew more than ever that he could trust God with
everything. When they reached home, Isaac told her
mother, Sarah about what had happen. Sarah grew angry
of Abraham for what he did.

Abraham (Peñones)
Oh Sarah, let me explain.

Sarah (Tongol)
About what? About that you really meant to murder
Sarah (Tongol)

You monster! You try to murder our own son? How can
you ever do this to our son?

-back to present-

Narrator (Santiago)
So that’s how the story of Abraham’s sacrifice ended.

Narrator (Sala)
Do you all learn something from the story?

Aurelio (Child 2)
I think that the story of Abraham and Isaac compels
believers to reflect on the relative importance of two
cherished value, care for family and obedience to God.

Belleza (Child 1)
The story also asks the question which value is more

Veluz (Child 3)
I also think that the Bible itself clearly celebrates
abraham’s priorities, urging believers to adopt a similar
ordering values.

Narrator (Santiago)
Very good. You learned a lot from the story. It shows
that you listen very well.

Narrator (Sala)
I hope that you always remember the lesson this story
brought to our lives. Never forget that.

All three children

Yes Ma’am!

-end of play-

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