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Have this.

Take this. Eat this in the

afternoon with onion.

And yes, don't return

home before evening.

I have to search some work.

I have talked to the rich people.

They too have said that

there is no work today.


Hey! Listen.

Muni, bring curry leaves

when you return.

Listen. Don't return

home before evening.

You didn't bring the vegetables.

Did you forget?

It seems the days have come

to die with hunger.

Why? Didn't you find any work

with the rich people?

Not only rich people. I have

roamed the entire village.

I didn't find any work at any place.

Everybody says the same thing...

...that they don't have any work.

Now eat whatever is there.

I am just adding salt.

This is left in the place of spices.

Everyday the same grass and leaved.

If it continues like this then

I will become a goat one day.

I have told you to prepare

the curry with drumsticks.

There aren't enough

teeth in the mouth.

And look at the taste for food.

Want everything.

Look at this too.

The entire pots are empty.

Want curry with drumsticks.

Bring pulses, rice,

oil and everything...

...from the shop tomorrow.

I cannot fulfill your wish

without all of them.

I will boil it with salt.

Would you be able to chew?

Eating a healthy meal

has remained a dream.

What should I do?

Should I enter the houses

of rich people...

...and loot them for

oil and vegetables.

Bring the entire goods. Flour.

Pulses. Mustard seeds.

Want some chilly powder too.

There is no money with us.

And bring the entire goods.

Hey! Brother. Don't ask

me about that incident.

What should I tell you?

It seemed to be an old feud

by watching the way... suck the blood.

He had an old feud with

Guruswamy whom we met...

...the other day when he was going

to the post office. He...

Greetings, sir.
- Yes, yes.
And then.
- After that Inspector too has come.

He was asking everybody.

He even asked me.

Do you know who has

committed the murder?

I told him that I didn't do it.

Wonderful, Mr. Mishra. Wonderful.

What happened, brother?

Sir, I want some goods.

Flour, pulses, etc.

Yes, yes.

Don't worry, Mr. Mishra.

Nobody can escape the

police these days.

One minute. When will you

clear my previous amount?

I will do it very soon.

You didn't pay a single rupee

for the last two months.

Do you know what your due amount is?

Yes. Five rupees and

twenty five paisa.

How much are you paying? Pay it.

Right now I don't

have anything, sir.

I will clear the entire

amount next month.

Are you wining a lottery next month?

Or are you going to loot some place.

My son's letter has come.

He has written that

he is sending money.

Is it? Do you have a son?

Yes. - How will he send them?

Is he getting them from in-laws?

Next month is my birthday.

Did you hear?

Next month is his birthday.

What will be your age then, Maniya?


I was born before 1886.

I remember everything.

My mother used to distribute sweets

in the entire village...

...on my birthday every year.

Are you fifty years old? I find

you to be seventy year old.

Young man, you have

forgotten one thing.

Last month you took

perfumed oil saying...

...that it was your birthday.

You said that you will get

massage and then take bath.

When did I tell that

I will take bath?

I don't get a bucket full

of water for drinking.

So where will I take bath from.

Whether it is birthday or
death day, you will not...

...get any credit from this shop.

Go. Go. Run away from here.

Don't waste my time.

Okay, sir. Give me a cigarette.

Take it.

Rascal. He was saying that he

will not give any goods...

...until I clear the old debt.

Then the curry with drumsticks
will not be prepared.

Nothing is left with me to cook.

We have to remain hungry

rill afternoon.

Then sell these drumsticks

for whatever price you get.

If we could some money...

...then we can survive till tomorrow.

Yes, yes. Don't think too far.

Go with the goats.

Don't return soon. Let them graze.

Yes, yes. Will you go

to find work today?

I will not go.

Why? - A dead body was found

at the ground near the well.

Dead body? - Police will come...

...and do the inquiry.

It's good for me to

stay at this place.

But what are you afraid of.

I get scared by watching

khaki colour.

If watch them once then

there would be troubles.

I will not go anywhere.

For crying out loud.

Hey! You there. Hey! You, buddy.

Is there any place I can fill it up?

Yes, yes.

'Why is he coming towards me? '

Khaki. He is wearing khaki clothes.

'He must be definitely a

policeman or a soldier.'
'If I run then he will chase me.'

'Maybe he could shoot too.

Hey! Lord Shiva.'


That's a damn fine piece

of sculpture...

...if ever I saw one from anybody.

Yes. No.

Hi! I am from New York.

Franks is the name.

My name is Muni. Everybody knows me.

Ask anybody in the entire village.

Yes. These two goats are mine.

I am telling the truth.

My name is Muni. Yes. Yes.

There are few people

in the village...

...who give false evidence

but you ask anybody.

Everybody will tell you.

Sir, my name is Muni. These two

goats are mine. It's true? Yes.

Yeah! I think I kind

of understand you.

Smoke, pal.

Come, on. Take one.

Yes. No.

Light it.

Are you okay, pal?

Did you come to catch me?

Is it regarding the dead body

at the ground near the well?

Sir, God is the witness.

God knows it.
I don't know anything
in this matter.

I got to know about it today.

M wife has told me that a

dead body was found there.

This kind of thing has never

happened before in our village.

Yes. The people from that

village are scoundrels.

They fight a lot amongst themselves.

Yeah. Yeah. I guess you know

when this horse is made.

Why are you worrying, sir?

I swear I don't know anything.

You go. I am there.

If I find any rascal or hooligan,

I will catch him.

And I will bury him neck deep.

He cannot escape me, sir.

Believe me.

The murderer is not

from this village.

Whoever it might be, he

would be from that place.

Can't you understand even

a simple word of english?

Everybody in this country

seems to know english.

Look, pal.

Let's sit down across there.

And I will talk really slow and

you try and get my meaning.

You see, last august we probably...

...had the hottest summer in history.

I was working in my office

on the fortieth floor...

...of the empire state building.

And I got to thinking
about my vacation.

As soon as I got home,

I told my wife Ruth.

We have got to go to India.

See other civilizations.

That's why I am here.

But you know, my wife Ruth,

she is up in Srinagar.

So I thought to move around

and see more of the country.

And take in some of the culture.

Yes. No.

When I was very small,

I had an uncle...

...who too told interesting

stories like this.

Boy, what is the secret

of your teeth.

How old are you anyway?

No, sir. There isn't any

big animal over here.

There are tigers, cheetahs,

wolves and elephants.

And sometimes they attack

our goats too.

But mostly the people from

that village come...

...and steal them.

But we think that Cheetah

has eaten them.

But let me tell you something.

Thief cannot escape.

The priest knows everything.

Do you know what he does?

He burns the camphor and watches

his face in the flame.
Go and catch him.

His father too will acknowledge it.

And they thrash him.

Hey! I got your drift.

You got some chopping to do.

Even I enjoy a bit of

chopping now and then.

Strictly as a hobby on Sundays.

Do you understand?

Do you want a cigarette, pal?

Okay, sir. Should I leave?

I am getting very late.

Hey! Listen.

I can't believe it.

Is there no one to translate for me?

Oh! Jesus.

Hey! Listen pal. I want

to make a deal with you.

Is that statue yours? Will

you sell that horse to me?

Who? This one.

This one is very old, sir.

I grandfather used to tell its

story when I was very small.

And do you know who has told him.

His grandfather has told

him. And when was it.

When he was very small.

Excuse me. I don't want

to waste your time.

I will take both of them.

This and this.

Who? This one. He is warrior.

And this is his horse.

He is a great warrior.

Listen, pal. Don't waste your

breathe with sales drive.

I appreciate the articles. Don't

bother with the little detail.

Sir, I am not educated.

There was Sanskrit

school in our days.

Brahmin children were

going to study there.

We were in the fields

the entire day.

We slogged there from

the sowing to reaping.

Who had the time to study?

That's why I don't speak english.

Even dogs and cats must be talking

english at your place.

Only officers and high class people

know english in our place.

Yes. There is a postman.

He knows english.

But what will happen

by knowing english.

His wife has eloped last year.

Sir, I will tell you one thing.

Every man should keep a

strict vigil on his wife.

Let anything happen, we are

the one to get blamed.

See you, wiz.

I wish I had my tape

recorder with me.

Your language sounds wonderful.

I get a big kick just out

of listening to you.
Very truth, you know.

This one.
- Yeah.

This warrior is Kshetrapal.

He will sit on this horse over here.

And he protects the entire village.

Watch it. The entire world

will get drowned... the end of materialistic age

Then this form of Lord

Kalki will kill...

...all the sinners holding

a sword in his hand.

Don't worry. Don't worry.

Don't get excited.

I can assure you that this will

have the best home in the U.S. of A.

No. No, sir. I am not telling

that. The priest says so.

This will become very,

very big during... the time of doomsday.

Only the meritorious people

can sit on its back.

And nobody else.

Do you know when it will happen?

How I am going to transport it?

No, problem.

You see my truck over there. I

will just trap in on the top.

That thing can take an elephant.

No. I don't know the entire story.

You meet the priest. He will

tell you the entire story.

No. No. No. I am just

a modest businessman.

I am no millionaire.
My trade is coffee.

Coffee? Do you want to drink coffee?

Then do one thing, sir.

Go to the top straight.

There is a market in the

next village today.

There is a coffee shop over there.

I will say it again, pal.

Ours is a modest business.

Will you accept a hundred

for the horse?

You are a decent man, sir.

You have talked to this poor

old man for sometime.

Otherwise who asks for

others in these days?

How many children do you have?

I said a hundred.

And daughters.

I don't know what the hell

you are talking about.

But this is what I meant.

Do you want change?

Yes, yes. You want change.

Meet the village shopkeeper.

He will give you correct change.

He has got lot of money with him.


He might be having one

lakh rupees gold coins.

Take it. Take it.

No. No. I will not go to him.

He says that the creepers

of his cucumbers...
...are eaten by my goats.

In addition he asks for five

rupees and twenty five paisa.

Okay. Okay. Let's make

you another offer.

Here. Suppose I give ten of these.

Will that make more sense?

Okay? So you want my goats.

Yeah! You got it.

Will you take these goats

in that vehicle, sir?


These goats are lucky.

Sir, I never sat in

a vehicle till now.

These goats will sit in it.

Sir, these two will not

move from their place... long as I am here.

I will go from here.

After that you pick up these two...

...and put them in the vehicle.

Did you understand?

Okay, sir. I am leaving. Hope God

does everything good for you.


Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.

Hi! There. I need some

gas for my truck.

And also I need some help from

those guys up top there... put the horse on the truck.

Do you think that's possible?

I could even pay all
you guys, you know.

Right, sir.

Give some petrol from

the tank to sir.

Jesus. Great jog, guys. Great can.

Where did you get it from? Terrific.

Hey! You guys.

Take it easy down there.

That's things got to go all the

way back home to the U.S. of A.

Oh! God. So much of money?

Where did you get them from?

Sold. I have sold both the goats.

A great sir has come in

khaki clothes. Whiteman.

I felt he was mad. Otherwise

who will buy those goats?

Tell me the truth. Did you steal?

Look, police will come at night.

They will break your bones.

I am getting frightened.

I will go to my parent's house.

Hey! No, no. I am telling the truth.

He gave so much of money and took...

...both the goats in his car.

What is this? The goats are here.

Hey! This is wonderful.

How did you both come back?

I have sold both of you

for hundred rupees.

Did he leave you? Or you both

returned on your own.

Oh! Where did that Whiteman go?

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