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Political Committee

Topic A: Discussing Neo-colonialism in Africa

Concept School Salvador

Mariana Amado

[“A State in the grip of neo-colonialism is not master of its own destiny. It is this factor

which makes neo-colonialism such a serious threat to world peace.”]1 These are the words said

by Kwame Nkrumah, former president of Ghana. For many states living under said “grip” means

high impact on their economy, environment and sometimes a threat for the sovereignty of their

land. Imacts such as cultural represion are argued by Nigeria saying that it is responsible for

religious and tribal disunity in the country. Research has proved that the current role of the

African states in today's global economy are a consequence of years of colonial rule,

exploitation and imperialism. Neocolonialism is currently happening in Africa and it’s in essence

formed by former colonial powers and developed Asian countries with technologies and

machinery seeking to exploit the African continent. Neo colonialism has brought the

development of modern transport and modern communication systems and through the past years

neocolonialism has enabled capitalist powers to lead other nations through the operations of

international capitalism rather than by means of direct rule. Although impacts such as such as

disunity and cultural imperialism have also been negative for the continent.

[“Both China and African countries are developing countries. We understand each others´

feeling when it comes to economic development and poverty alleviation. Thus China is willing

to make its contribution in the harsh endeavor of African countries in the revival of their national

1 Kwame Nkrumah, Neo-Colonialism, The Last Stage of Imperialism;in 1965 by Thomas Nelson & Sons, Ltd.,
London. Published in the USA by International Publishers Co., Inc., 1966; Transcribed: by Dominic Tweedie.
economies.”]2 These words said by the Chinesse ambassador Zhan, Jun. The delegation of China

is against neo-colonialism and believes that some of these accusations are caused partially by

bias and lack of information. China wwas subjected to colonial aggression and oppression and

went through similar suffering and agony as the majority of African countries. The Chinese

government has advised the Tanzania-Zambia railway construction with financial aid and 50,000

workers and engineers were sent over there while facing economic affliction ourselves. The

railroad is not only an economic lifeline but a symbol of the China-Africa friendship. It's of our

beliefs that for the development of the world the development of Africa is crucial. China-Africa

cooperation is based on equality and mutual respect.

To solve neocolonialism the delegation of China believes the further development of

African countries should be sought and aided by other nations and the AU. With mutually

beneficial cooperation and trade policies implemented first by the African Union, the delegation

belives that we can help African countries and the world achieve global prosperity and peace.

Works Cited:








2 Zhan, Jun

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