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Reentry Drilling Gives New Life to Aging Fields

A recent burst of technical creativity has produced an abundance of new ways to revitalize old fields and

tap bypassed pockets of oil and gas. However, identifying the best solutions requires a team of experts

with a broad range of skills that cross the traditional boundaries of petroleum engineering disciplines.

David Hill
Eric Neme
Christine Ehlig-Economides
Sugar Land, Texas, USA

Miguel Mollinedo
Maracaibo, Venezuela

Over the last ten years, new technologies

and field strategies have converged,
enabling operators to give new life to old
wells. Now, reviving production from
declining fields has become a major activ-
ity for oil and gas companies, and one that
requires more support to identify the right
technical solutions. Optimizing well output
and economics are the key goals of these
production enhancement projects and ser-
vice companies are actively participating
in achieving these goals.
This growing demand has pressed compa-
nies in the service sector to diversify their
skills and address a wider range of reser-
voir and production problems. It has also stimulated a flurry of technical creativity. To help operators address these questions,
For example, developments in the area of service companies have reorganized to pro-
reentry drilling alone—coiled tubing vide multiple integrated services.1 With this
For help in preparation of this article, thanks to Olivier
Fabvre, Anadrill, The Hague, The Netherlands; Dave drilling (CTD), slimhole measurements- broader outlook comes an extended range of
Bergt, Jaime Bernardini, Ike Nitis and Pearl Chu Leder, while-drilling (MWD) systems and new capabilities, including identifying underper-
Anadrill, Sugar Land, Texas, USA; Jon Elphick and Andy
Rike, Dowell, Sugar Land, Texas; and Chris Prusiecki, completion technologies for multiple side- forming wells and recommending cost-effec-
Anadrill, Dallas, Texas. track boreholes—have produced a wealth tive interventions to increase well productivity
DESC (Design and Evaluation Services for Clients),
NODAL (production system analysis), PowerPak (steer-
of options for maximizing return on invest- and maximize net present value (NPV).2
able motors), RAPID (Reentry and Production Improve- ment (ROI). But which approach offers the With improved capabilities from new
ment Drilling), Slim 1, VIPER and VISPLEX are marks of
Schlumberger. A-Z PackStock is a mark of Smith
best solution; how should it be applied; drilling technologies, a growing number of
Drilling & Completions. and in which wells? wells are candidates for reentry drilling—

4 Oilfield Review
Producing Bypassed Oil

By-passed zone Short-radius




Sidetracking • Sand control
• Section milling Curve drilling • Zone isolation
• Flow control Oil
• Window opening • Medium radius
• Short radius • Gravel pack



■ Improving net present value of old

Completion fields. Reentering wells and drilling hori-
• Connectivity zontal laterals into bypassed zones can
Lateral drilling
• Isolation tap new reserves from existing wellbores.
• Geosteering
• Access
• Drill-in fluids
• Liner hanger
• Underbalance Optimizing Recovery

■ Reentry systems. RAPID services cover the key elements of reentry and multilateral
drilling, from pulling old completions to installing the new one and from drilling fluids
to wireline logging.

short- or medium-radius sidetracks and have been observed. Additionally, in zones

multilaterals, drilled conventionally or with with underlying water, overlying gas, or
coiled tubing. This year, in the USA alone, both, horizontal wells can significantly Lateral
more than 1500 reentry sidetracks will be increase recoverable reserves.5
drilled. By 1999, the number is expected Today, service companies use various
to increase by 25%.3 approaches to address the growing
demand for reentry drilling. Baker Hughes
Revisiting Existing Wellbores INTEQ boosted its reentry drilling services
Reentering wells to gain additional produc- with support from sister company Baker
■ Multiple sidetracks for enhanced pro-
tion is not new. Since the mid-1950s, oil Oil Tools, and gained a reputation as a duction. Additional drainholes (red) can
companies have reentered old wells and reentry specialist in the Gulf of Mexico. fan out from existing wellbores or horizon-
drilled sidetracks to bypass formation dam- Within Schlumberger, RAPID Reentry And tal trunks and improve reservoir drainage.
age or wellbore mechanical problems, and Production Improvement Drilling teams
also to exploit new zones, saving the were created to address this fast-growing Tapping Remote Structures
expense of drilling entirely new wells.4 drilling option. Service under the RAPID
Recent expansion of the reentry drilling mar- umbrella draws on expertise in reservoir
ket, however, owes much to improvements engineering, drilling, directional drilling,
in drilling and completion technology. fluids engineering, petrophysics and com-
Reentry drilling provides a means to pletion engineering—the indispensable ele- Extended reach
reduce horizontal well costs. In addition to ments required to plan, drill and complete Subsea multilaterals
boosting well productivity, reentry drilling successful reentry laterals (above).
can also tap bypassed reserves (top right). Multilaterals
1. Chafcouloff S, Michel G, Trice M, Clark G, Cosad C
Multiple lateral sidetracks can fan out from and Forbes K: ”Integrated Services,” Oilfield Review
an existing wellbore for enhanced access 7, no. 2 (Summer 1995): 11-25. ■ Making small fields economical. Innov-
ative drilling techniques can improve
to reservoirs (middle right). And smaller 2. Net present value is today’s value of an asset
accounting for all future expenditures and income. asset value by tapping small pockets of
isolated pockets of oil and gas can be 3. Data from Spears & Associates: “Drilling and
oil. Using the latest downhole motor and
tapped by extended-reach wells or multi- Production Outlook,” March 1996. geosteering technology, wells extending
several kilometers from offshore platforms
laterals (bottom right). Typically, a hori- 4. Maurer WC: ”Recent Advances in Horizontal
Drilling,” The Journal of Canadian Petroleum can be drilled, eliminating the need for
zontal well will triple or quadruple Technology 34, no. 9 (November 1995): 25-33. additional structures. Multilateral wells
productivity over a vertical well, and in 5. Ehlig-Economides CA, Chan KS and Spath JB: that branch out from a main wellbore can
”Production Enhancement Strategies for Strong access several areas of a field and elimi-
some cases, much larger productivity Bottom Water Drive Reservoirs,” paper SPE 36613, nate the need for new wells.
improvements—up to 17-fold, or more— presented at the 1996 SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, USA,
October 6-9, 1996.
Autumn 1996 5
Well Path
Drainage Slanted well Horizontal well

Permeability (k), md Vertical, k v Horizontal, k h

Thick and Poor kv Good kv
no gas cap or
aquifer Oil

kv kh ≥ 0.1

Thick and Shale Closely spaced

homogeneous, Not recommended: parallel wells preferred
with gas cap Oil risk of premature gas
and/or aquifer Water or water production

Layered kv kh ≥ 0.1 Stacked parallel wells,

preferred over vertical with branch flow

Laminated Intersect as many Not recommended:

layers as possible risk of disappointing
productivity or
recovery due to low
vertical permeability
■ A skilled team of experts. Members of the initial RAPID team,
Intersect vertical and Horizontal well normal
based in Sugar Land, Texas, (front row, left to right) directional
Naturally fractured drilling engineer, Ike Nitis; team leader, with drilling experi-
horizontal fractures to fractures preferred
ence, Eric Neme; completion and drilling engineer, Mark
Stracke; reservoir engineer, Christine Economides, (back row)
multilateral completions engineer, Herve Ohmer and fluids
engineer, David Anderson.
Closely spaced
Naturally fractured short parallel
under waterflood wells normal to The RAPID service was established in 1995
fractures Water injection wells by a business development team in Sugar
Structural compartment One well in multiple Drain each with one Land, Texas, USA (above). The lessons learned
compartments or more wells and the organizational support structure that
has developed are now being duplicated in
locations worldwide, tapping key specialized
skills within all six Schlumberger Oilfield
Stratigraphic compartment One well in multiple Drain each with one Services companies. In microcosm, the func-
compartments or more wells tions of the RAPID group reflect the state of the
art in reentry drilling services today.
In some wells, production enhancement
is best achieved without drilling. To
Elongated compartment Multiple well paths Single well traversing address this need, a targeted effort on pro-
(plan view) slanting from single multiple channels
main trunk duction enhancement was also initiated by
Schlumberger. The front line of this effort is
led by an integrated, cross-product-line
team of engineers engaged in identification
Attic compartments Single well travers- One well bed drilled of candidate wells. This Production
ing multiple beds on strike preferred
Enhancement Group, or PEG, is chiefly
responsible for candidate recognition and

■ Optimizing production. Reservoirs can be classified by drainage

volume (left). For each reservoir more than one well type—vertical,
hydraulically fractured REVIEW
vertical, slanted, horizontal, hydraulically
fractured horizontal, AUTUMN
and multiple 96or stacked laterals—may be
effective. Depending on permeability and reservoir characteristics,
slanted and horizontal reentry drilling are two methods for improv-
ing production and recovery (center and right).
Oilfield Review
Water Coning Candidates for Reentry Drilling same or higher production rates at greatly
Fracturing, reperforating, removing damage reduced drawdown pressures.
with acid, and recompletion are all widely Another reason for reentry drilling is to
used methods to increase production in gain better access to layered reservoirs. If
existing wells, thereby improving the NPV of individual pay zones are
old fields. Now, reentry drilling is generating thick enough to be tar-
high interest for its potential to improve geted by horizontal wells,
recovery from damaged or depleted zones, multiple stacked reentry laterals are a
and tap new zones at lower cost. highly effective strategy. To balance pro-
So when should reentry drilling be used? ductivity—barrels per day per unit of pres-
Many times, traditional techniques may sure drop—from reentry laterals, each
have already been tried unsuccessfully or drainhole can be drilled to an appropriate
may not be advisable. In older wells, reen- length inversely proportional to the flow
try drilling is the best option when there is capacity of that particular layer.
an identifiable reason for a slanted or hori- At less cost than stacked horizontal later-
zontal well path (previous page, left). als, a slanted borehole boosts productivity
■ Water coning during production and
breakthrough if perforations are too close
Reentry drilling from an existing wellbore of layered formations. By
to the oil-water contact. Reducing produc- is less expensive than a new well. And it designing wellbore tra-
tion rate decreases drawdown pressure has the advantage that borehole trajectory jectory with more drilled length in less-
and mitigates coning.
through the production zone is near the productive layers, some conformance
original wellbore where more is known control—balanced productivity from indi-
Water Cresting about the reservoir from cores, logs, test vidual zones—can be achieved. However,
measurements and production history. if early water breakthrough occurs in a
When the existing wellbore passes high-productivity layer, the relative ease of
through or near a gas cap or underlying shutting off production from one of the
aquifer, excess gas or water production usu- stacked laterals compared to shutting off
ally develops. In the absence of a gas cap, a production from a mid-length section of a
traditional strategy to delay bottom water slanted well may, in the long run, favor
breakthrough is to perforate near the top of using a stacked lateral strategy.
the productive interval. However, the pres- A slanted well can produce a marginal
sure gradient due to radial flow toward the increase in productivity over a vertical well
well is often sufficient to draw water in laminated formations
upward in the shape of a cone (above left). where beds are too thin
Once water reaches the deepest perfora- for horizontal drilling. Often hydrocarbon
tions, it may be preferentially produced zones are missed or not produced in origi-
because of higher mobility. nal completions. Such intervals can be
Even in the absence of a higher mobility reperforated and a hydraulic fracture may
■ Effectively producing from horizontal contact, the strong bottom waterdrive can significantly improve productivity. However,
laterals. Drawdown pressure in a horizon-
tal lateral is lower than in a vertical well- cause excess water production.8 Because when the interval is thin, reentry drilling of a
bore for similar production rates. horizontal wells drilled near the top of an horizontal lateral will outperform a
oil zone and above the oil-water contact hydraulic fracture.
solution design. 6 PEG engineers perform produce a linear pressure gradient normal
6. A production enhancement article will appear in a
technical and economic analysis of prob- to the well path, bottom water will rise in forthcoming issue of Oilfield Review. Also see the dis-
lem wells and fields, and then design, with the shape of a crest instead of a cone (left). cussion of the DESC Design and Evaluation Services
for Clients program: Baltz J, Bumgardner S, Hatlen J,
the support of appropriate experts, such as The advancing crest-shaped water front Swartzlander H, Basham P, Blessen A, Sarrafian F,
RAPID teams in the case of reentry drilling, displaces more oil than a cone-shaped Schneider M, Clayton D, Frank T, Gordon D, Taylor B,
Kniffin M, Mueller F, Newlands D and White DJ:
the optimal solution. Depending on the advance, which leads to greater recovery “The DESC Engineer Redefines Work,” Oilfield
production problems encountered, solu- by virtue of flow geometry. Review 7, no. 2 (Summer 1995): 40-50.
7. Ehlig-Economides CA, Mowat GR and Corbett C:
tions may include new well logs, reevalua- In formations where sand control is ”Techniques for Multibranch Well Trajectory design
tion of existing logs, drilling new or reentry required, reentry laterals may avoid the in the Context of a Three-Dimensional Reservoir
Model,” paper SPE 35505, presented at the
wells, reperforating, well stimulation treat- need for expensive gravel-packed comple- SPE/Norwegian Petroleum Society 3-D Reservoir
ments or other workover techniques.7 The tions to improve production rates while Modeling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April
16-17, 1996.
goal is to provide the best-in-class service minimizing sanding problems. Compared
8. Mobility is the ratio of permeability to viscosity.
for every production problem. to vertical wells, horizontal wells allow the Low-gravity crude oils have high enough viscosity
and hence, lower mobility than formation water.

Autumn 1996 7
In some reservoirs, stratigraphic compart- Candidate Recognition Analysis
mentalization due to depositional processes Field A B C D E F
may account for bypassed Net thickness, m 14 37 19 6 8 9
hydrocarbons both verti- True vertical depth, m 2400 2400 2800 2800 2500 2400
cally and horizontally. Permeability, md 3 3 1.5 5 4 6
Vertical permeability good in average good poor poor poor
Facies with considerable upper
contrasts in flow charac- Pressure, psi 4000 3000 3800 4000 3689 3615
teristics may serve as bar- Initial pressure, psi 4335 3703 4262 4144 3792 3615
Vertical skin 5 12 10 5 5 5
riers or conduits. In some cases, reservoir
sands may be too thin to be individually
Production rate, m3/d
identified in a seismic section, but have suf- Vertical well (damaged) 24 22 23 38 37 69
ficient areal extent to be visible in seismic Vertical well, skin = 1 41 63 56 59 58 99
amplitude maps for a given structural hori- Vertical well after fracturing 70 94 86 98 97 156
zon. In such cases, horizontal wells may be Horizontal well, forecast 156 95 169 242 236 323
an ideal strategy for producing thin forma-
Production ratios
tions and for extended reach into remote Horizontal/damaged vertical 6.5 4.3 7.3 6.4 6.4 4.7
hydrocarbon sands. Horizontal/vertical, skin = 1 3.8 1.5 3.0 4.1 4.1 3.3
A major application of horizontal wells Horizontal/fractured vertical 2.2 1.0 2.0 2.5 2.4 2.1
has been in naturally fractured formations Payback (days) 20 33 18 13 13 10
like the Austin Chalk in ■ Candidate recognition in the Former Soviet Union (FSU). Field data (top) are used to
south Texas. When hori- calculate production rates (middle) for various well scenarios, including vertical well
zontal wells are drilled normal (perpendic- with original damaged skin, vertical well with skin reduced to unity, vertical well after
fracturing and reentry horizontal well with a skin of unity. Only horizontal wells with
ular) to natural fracture planes, they provide predicted production improvement that was greater than two times the fractured verti-
an excellent plumbing system for enhanc- cal well case were considered as lateral reentry candidates. These wells would have
ing production. Locating natural fractures the fastest payout time.
and determining their orientation are cru-
cial to getting the best well design in these different reservoir bodies as possible. The tion as long as possible. Each well can also
formations. A horizontal well normal to latter case implies drilling in a direction be drilled to the optimal productive length
natural fractures usually provides better normal to the elongation, which, for a flu- within the formation.
productivity than a vertical well stimulated vial reservoir, means drilling perpendicular
by hydraulic fracturing. Although natural to the downhill direction at the time of Reentry Candidate Recognition in Action
fractures are usually vertical, shallower deposition. Another approach might be The Western Siberian region in the Former
reservoirs and overpressured zones may multibranch wells, designed to target chan- Soviet Union contains reservoirs that have
have horizontal fractures open to flow. In nels identified with borehole seismic mea- been produced for 10 to 50 years using
these formations, vertical and slanted wells surements in the horizontal trunk well. conventional vertical wells. Often a simple
are reasonable choices. However, in over- Another application for horizontal drilling workover, such as reperforating, acid stim-
pressured deep formations, it may be advis- deals with a special structural geometry ulation or hydraulic fracture treatment, sig-
able to prop the natural fractures open to called attic compartments. nificantly improves production. But in
avoid loss of productivity as production In these cases, steeply dip- some cases, a better solution is to reenter
proceeds and pore pressure declines. ping beds may be in con- existing wells and drill a horizontal lateral.
Elongated reservoirs can be the result of tact with an up-dip gas cap or down-dip In September 1995, the RAPID team was
fluvial deposition or significant faulting. aquifer. One strategy is to drill a horizontal approached to assist in choosing the best
Both environments are well that passes through several beds, but option for layered reservoirs with thick oil
natural candidates for stays sufficiently below up-dip gas or above columns, where, typically, vertical wells
horizontal drilling. In down-dip water. Although this would seem penetrate the entire productive thickness.
either case, there are to be an efficient approach, it suffers distinct Reservoirs are then progressively drained
apparent drilling strate- disadvantages. Flow is commingled among from the bottom up, plugging back and
gies, depending on the objective for the layers, and gas or water breakthrough will abandoning depleted zones over time.
well. For example, wellbores can be main- interfere with production from other layers. Production from vertically isolated zones is
tained in an elongated reservoir body, or A better strategy might be to drill multiple never commingled in any well.
directionally drilled to encounter as many horizontal wells, each on strike and staying
in a given bed. The advantage of this
approach is that each well maintains an
optimal distance from gas-oil or oil-water
contacts, thus delaying multiphase produc-

8 Oilfield Review
To accommodate this request, a question- Evaluating Productivity Improvement
naire was designed to collect data from
several reservoirs. Six wells were selected
that appeared to be particularly promising.
For each of the six cases, productivity
improvement expected from a horizontal
lateral was calculated (see “Evaluating
Two 300-ft
Productivity Improvement,” right). Because stacked laterals

Bottomhole flow flowing pressure, psi

vertical wells had been drilled through the 6500
entire productive oil column, shallow ft
zones were damaged during drilling as Tubing head pressure = 1678 psi 1200
mud weight was increased to reach total 600 ft
depth. The sensitivity to skin damage was 5500 300 ft
investigated to compare production rate
improvements that could be achieved from Tubing head pressure= 300 psi
a vertical workover, hydraulic fracture and
4500 Single slanted
horizontal lateral. laterals
To evaluate the potential productivity
improvement from a horizontal well reen-
try, a lateral drainhole length of 750 ft
[229 m] was assumed for all cases. An ideal 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000

target skin of unity in the lateral was Liquid flow rate, B/D
assumed for productivity comparisons (pre-
■ Stacked laterals compared to slanted wellbores. A NODAL sensitivity analysis compares two stacked lateral
vious page). Only horizontal wells calcu-
boreholes to various lengths of a single slanted wellbore path through two thick, clean sands in a Gulf of Mex-
lated to be twice as productive as ico reservoir.
fracture-stimulated vertical wells were con-
sidered as candidates for lateral reentry. In the Gulf of Mexico, there are many clean sands inflow performance relationship (IPR) to slanted
The most favorable production enhance- with high permeabilities—often in excess of 1000 or horizontal wellbore length. Because of fric-
ment plan called for medium-radius drilling md—but completion designs must provide sand tion-induced pressure drop in the small internal
with VISPLEX drilling fluid, and completion control. A typical example illustrates the use of flow diameter, the IPR curves converge for longer
of the lateral section with a predrilled liner.9 reentry drilling under these conditions. tunnel lengths, and there is little productivity
Proof of the validity of this approach will A previously drilled well path was deviated at gain between drilling a 1200-ft [366-m] and a
come from results of the drilling program,
about 35˚ through the productive sand and 2400-ft [732-m] hole. The red curve is the total
scheduled to begin later this year.
hydraulically fractured for stimulation and sand productivity of two 300-ft [91-m] stacked laterals,
An interesting application for reentry
control. The post-treatment well test indicated a one in each layer. Because of the shorter length,
drilling in difficult structures occurred in
north Texas, where, the operator, TRIO, was high skin of 40 and a permeability of about 180 md. and therefore less frictional resistance, the two
drilling vertical wells through mound- Because the reservoir contained two approximately stacked short (300-ft) laterals should outperform
shaped reefs. The reefs are seen on 3D seis- 40-ft [12-m] thick, clean sands separated by a one long (2400-ft) slanted well.
mic surveys, but hydrocarbons have shale bed, the question was whether to design a This illustrates the impact of tubing diameter
migrated into traps, caused by dolomitiza- slanted reentry well or two stacked laterals. on reentry laterals in high-permeability forma-
tion, which cannot be identified by seismic Since the design was for a reentry well, lateral tions. Since drilling horizontal or slanted wells
surveys. Wells are usually drilled into the diameter was limited to 6 in. [15 cm]. The lateral increases production rates, frictional pressure
center of the reefs, but this is somewhat of a completion called for a prepacked screen and drop in the tubing or lateral can limit production
hit-or-miss proposition. gravel pack for sand control, leaving the internal potential. In this case, another solution could be

9. VISPLEX mud (containing a mixed-metal hydroxide) is

flow diameter at just under 2 in. [5 cm]. A NODAL to plan to produce the lateral or laterals at a
a high shear-thinning (thixotropic) drilling fluid, pri- sensitivity study for this case shows two families lower drawdown pressure. This solution could
marily used for milling windows in casing, which is
also used as a drilling and a drill-in fluid. The mud- of curves (above). The green curves show the avoid the need for expensive sand control mea-
cake produced is easily removed from the formation. effect of lowering surface pressure on vertical sures—prepack screen or gravel pack. Net pre-
flow performance. The steep climb at high rates sent value analysis, accounting for the costs of
suggests, to experienced reservoir engineers, various options and coupled with production fore-
that larger tubing would allow higher flow rates. casts for each design, can provide a way to select
However, the cost of replacing tubing was prohib- the optimal solution.
itive. The blue curves show sensitivity of the

Autumn 1996 9
Well Performance Analysis tion rates (left). The implemented solution
cost 95% less than horizontal drilling with
Tubing size, in. 2 7/8 3 1/2 4 1/2 5 1/2 7
coiled tubing and was immediately avail-
Flow diameter, in. 2.441 2.992 3.958 5.012 6.276
500 able for every producing well in the field.
Gas production from wells worked over
(installed in well) according to this recommendation doubled
Vertical well inflow from about 1 to 2 MMscf/D.
Wellhead pressure, psig

performance curve
Reentry Drilling Systems
When reentry drilling is the optimal solu-
tion, one of the first decisions is to choose
200 between conventional and coiled tubing
drilling (CTD). Through-tubing reentry and
Tubing uptake curves
underbalanced CTD is an economical solu-
100 tion for drilling and workover operations on
rigless platforms. Underbalanced drilling
minimizes formation damage and increases
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 drilling penetration rates.
Gas rate, Mscf/D The majority of older wells will be reen-
tered by conventional drilling with long-
■ Well performance analysis. In RAPID reservoir analysis, selecting a production radius—greater than 500-ft [152-m]—or
improvement plan begins with well performance matching. In this example, the well medium-radius—200- to 500-ft [61- to
inflow performance relationship (IPR)—wellhead pressure versus flow rate—includes 153-m]—sidetracks. However, there is a
several tubing uptake curves. Flow rate can be significantly increased by changing to
larger diameter tubing. major trend toward reentry drilling with
short-radius—40- to 100-ft [12- to 30-m]—
drilling.10 Short-radius sidetracks require
After a dry-hole vertical well was drilled, bons at about 62° inclination. The reentry articulated drilling systems, which are highly
Anadrill was approached to plan a sidetrack sidetrack turned a $230,000 vertical dry effective in competent formations that can
from the vertical well, building angle hole into a well that produced 200 BOPD. be completed without liners or other com-
quickly to laterally traverse the reef and Sidetrack cost, including completion, was pletion hardware. Short-radius drilling tech-
increase the chance of intersecting areas of about $140,000. niques, whether by conventional means or
vugs—large spaces in the formation—that Another example comes from a major with coiled tubing, allow drillers to turn well
hold oil. The well had been drilled with a oil company in Houston, Texas, that asked trajectories in a much shorter distance than
77⁄8-in. vertical hole through the reef, but the RAPID team for horizontal drilling was previously possible. This allows kicking
because of the small areal size of the struc- recommendations in the difficult condi- off below well hardware, if required, or
ture, only a maximum 500-ft [152-m] hori- tions of a south Texas gas field. The reser- drilling a curve and lateral section com-
zontal displacement was available for a voir was depleted to 300 psi [2070 kPa] at pletely within a reservoir to avoid problems
lateral borehole. It is difficult to get a long- a depth of 10,000 ft [3048 m]. Even with overlying formations.
or medium-radius sidetrack turned in such a drilling with air would result in severe Multilateral drilling, an increasingly popu-
short distance and it is also a challenge to overbalance conditions that could dam- lar drilling strategy in new wells, uses multi-
kick off with a small-diameter drill bit inside age the reservoir. Although coiled tubing ple horizontal sidetracks from a primary
such a large open hole. drilling was the only practical drilling trunk in a parent well. This technique can
The proposed solution was unique. The technique, anticipated production would make small fields economical and reduce
hole was plugged with cement to about not justify the cost of this option. the number of wells needed to drain a reser-
100 ft [30 m] above the planned kickoff The RAPID team examined well condi- voir. Fewer wellheads significantly reduce
point (KOP). A smaller, 63⁄4-in. pilot hole tions and field performance, and discov- the cost of subsea completions and tie-back
was drilled to the KOP with a 43⁄4-in. bot- ered that the 15-year-old completion design operations. The multilateral geometry can be
tomhole assembly (BHA). Then a 61⁄2-in. bit used in the 80 producing wells of this field simple opposing laterals in the same hori-
was placed on the BHA with a 43⁄4-in., 3°- contained a flow restriction that limited zontal formation for better penetration, or
bend motor. The smaller bit was used to production rates. Well performance analy- stacked laterals to gain access, in multilay-
prevent damage to the cement pilot hole sis indicated that reengineered completions ered reservoirs for example, to formations at
while running in to the KOP with the bent using larger tubing would double produc- different depths. A multilateral pattern can
motor. The BHA drilled the curved section be used in the same horizon to drain larger
at a rate of 27°/100 ft and found hydrocar-

10 Oilfield Review






















angled laterals in a fan-shaped pattern.

Reentry Well Engineering

Preparing a well for reentry drilling can

involve a range of services from supplying

the workover rig, pulling the old comple-
tion and cement squeezing old perforations
to fishing debris from wells and cased-hole

reservoir areas through parallel laterals or as

milling systems.12 Complete engineering

and technical support come from Smith
specialists, but crosstraining allows Anadrill
drillers to run Smith equipment.
Sidetracking out of casing begins with a
gyro survey of the existing hole to precisely
determine location of the casing. A correla-
tion log pinpoints the target formation.
Using these data, kickoff depth and position

and retract for tripping. Length of the

milled section depends on several fac-
tors—nominal ID and casing coupling
diameter, bit diameter, and bent housing

■Section milling. A specialized bottomhole

assembly cuts through the casing and into
the cement at a chosen depth (A). Cutter
blades extend from the tool when needed

motor angle (B). After milling (C), cement

is placed across the open interval and
new hole is drilled by kicking off of this
plug (D). When milling is complete, the
logging for corrosion and formation evalu- of the milled section are chosen. A cement- lower section of the original well is perma-
ation. Depending on well design and con- bond log shows whether there is good nently isolated from the sidetrack (E).
ditions, there are several possible reentry cement behind the proposed milled section.
scenarios ranging from kicking off in open If not, an underreamer is run between
hole or cased-hole sidetracks using a whip- milling and plug-setting operations to clean
stock to cut a window through the side of up bad cement and enlarge the borehole.13
the casing—window milling—to cutting a For section milling, about 60 ft [18 m] of
complete section out of the casing or casing is milled if the kickoff is to be steered
liner—section milling.11 magnetically out of a vertical well (above).
To provide efficient section milling The milled length of casing can be reduced 10. Maurer, reference 4.
and window opening capabilities, if a gyro is used to steer the BHA. A compe- 11. Ehlig-Economides C: ”Improving Production Using
Re-Entry Drilling Techniques,” Petroleum Engineer
Schlumberger formed an alliance with tent cement plug is then set across the International 68, no. 9 (September 1996): 32-33.
Smith Drilling & Completions. This partner- milled section. To avoid magnetic interfer- 12. Bell S: “Milling Applications Demonstrate
ship allows the RAPID group to provide ence, the plug is dressed with a bit to the Versatility,” Petroleum Engineer International 66,
no. 3, Supplement (March 1994): 12-15.
worldwide sidetracking services, including kickoff point 20 ft [6 m] from the lower cas- 13. Hill D, Askew W, Tracy P and Koval V: “A
permanent and retrievable whipstocks, and ing stub. The disadvantages of section milling Predictable and Efficient Short Radius Drilling
System,” paper IADC/SPE 35049, presented at the
are that it requires a secure cement plug for 1996 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, New Orleans,
proper sidetracking, and there is a risk of not Louisiana, USA, March 12-15, 1996.

Autumn 1996 11

■ Window milling. Operations to

cut an opening out of the casing
begin by running and orienting a
retrievable whipstock, which is
used to guide mills in the lateral
direction (A). After the whipstock
anchor is set, the attaching pin is
sheared and a starter mill initi-
ates the window cut a few inches
into the casing (B). The window
mill does the bulk of the milling,
and is run together with string, or
watermelon, mills that open up
and smooth out the new opening
through the casing wall (C). Once
milling is completed, lateral
drilling can start (D). The whip-
stock is used to guide BHAs and
completion equipment into the
lateral sidetrack (E). After the lat-
eral is completed, the whipstock
can be removed to allow access
to lower formations (F and G).

12 Oilfield Review
Vertical Profile Plan View

0 ft

True vertical depth, ft

5200 N
Top of sand line

Actual wellbore profile

467-ft drilling limit
Bottom of sand
1000 ft

-50 300 500 1000 1500 1750
Lateral section displacement, ft

■ Short-radius drilling in Texas. Frequently the challenge is to drill a short-radius reentry 1600 ft
lateral into a small target zone and remain within the hydrocarbon pay while avoiding
lease boundaries. In this well, lease restrictions and state regulations defined a narrow Actual wellbore path
116-ft [35-m] target for the first 700 ft [213 m] followed by a turn to the left (right). The
target was entered with a 77-ft [23-m] radius and a whipstock set at 5159 ft [1572 m]. 0 ft 500 ft 800 ft
Drilling continued horizontally with the same BHA. Ability to rotate the Anadrill short- E
radius drilling system resulted in excellent directional control along the horizontal lat-
eral. In addition to avoiding lease boundaries, the wellbore was maintained within the
pay zone for most of its 1600-ft [488-m] length (above).

being able to reenter the lower casing stub operation. Window milling, on the other
after drilling the lateral. Drilling penetration hand, uses a whipstock that provides a
rates are often limited by the ability to clean positive sidetracking mechanism, but
cuttings from the well, and once the well- requires several gyro runs to orient both
bore turns horizontal, cuttings removal is the whipstock and drilling assembly.
even more difficult. Modern milling tools are Cutting a window also requires multiple
designed to create small, nonclogging cut- milling operations and a shallower kickoff
tings that are easily removed from the well. depth due to the rathole needed for the
Polymer muds are more effective for milling subsequent drilling assemblies.
than clay-base muds. Oil-base muds are not Whichever system is used, once entry to
recommended for milling operations.14 the formation is gained, there are more
An alternative to section milling is to cut a choices to be made. Besides standard
window in the casing. This requires setting medium-radius drilling, several recently
■ A roadmap for the driller. Before reentry
an oriented whipstock and milling an open- introduced options for reentry drilling sys- drilling begins, a detailed plan is
ing in the casing (previous page). After the tems can make well reentries more cost- designed. At the Schlumberger Sugar
whipstock is set in position, the bolt con- effective. 15 Short-radius drilling, coiled Land District in Texas, Catherine Ortiz,
a Drilling Planning Center engineer,
necting the starter mill to the whipstock is tubing drilling, and multilaterals are each reviews a trilateral plan with Steve
sheared. Then rotation is started and car- candidates for thorough cost-benefit Thurston, a well planning engineer,
bide tips on the nose of the starter mill cut analysis (right). before her crew leaves for a job sched-
uled to start within 24 hours.
into the casing wall. In the next stage, a
window is cut into the casing using a win- Short-Radius Systems
dow-milling bit, which is forced into the Short-radius wells are drilled to avoid tra-
casing and the formation by the angle on versing problem formations that would oth-
the whipstock face. The window is erwise require a liner to isolate, or because
enlarged or polished using the window wells must be kicked off below hardware,
mill and one or more watermelon mills run such as an external casing shoe.16 In some
14. “Tips for a Successful Re-Entry,” Petroleum Engineer
directly below the drill collars. formations, the kickoff and lateral can be International 66, no. 3, Supplement (March 1994):
Section milling offers several advantages kept entirely in the pay zone, avoiding 8-9.
15. Ehlig-Economides et al, reference 5.
over window milling. It can eliminate the shale beds and reducing the risk of stuck
16. Leazer C and Marquez MR: “Short-Radius Drilling
need for gyroscopic orientation, moves the pipe (above). Expands Horizontal Well Applications,” Petroleum
kickoff depth closer to the target for a given Engineer International 67, no. 4 (April 1995): 21,
23-24, 26.
curve radius and requires only one milling

Autumn 1996 13
The Anadrill short-radius drilling system
Atlantic Ocean uses a 4-ft [1.2-m] rigid motor section with
a surface-adjustable standoff as the third
point of contact to control radius of curva-
ture (below). This system maintains contin-
uous contact with the borehole, allowing
predictable build rates and easy control of
the horizontal section. This also avoids the
need to prepare different motors for each
Peninsula section of the well.17 Directional control is
de Guajira Peninsula de
Paraguana monitored with a Slim 1 retrievable MWD
Cerrejon system that includes a gamma ray measure-
Gulf of Venezuela
La Vela ment for geological correlations. This MWD
Guasare de Coro tool was designed to communicate with the
El Mamon surface through mud-pulse telemetry during
angle-build drilling to a 40-ft minimum
Las Palmas/Tiguje
Monte Clar
radius of curvature. The directional sensor
has been placed in the lowest position,
directly above the motor power section, for
Pacific Ocean Bolivar fields enhanced trajectory control.18
One recent example of production
San Lorenzo enhancement through short-radius drilling
took place in OXY’s Alturitas field, 30 miles
Boca Lake Poco
Escalante Maracaibo
[48 km] west of Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela
(left). The target Marcelina reservoir lies
Rosario below a coal stringer that is difficult to drill
■ Location of the Alturitas field in Venezuela, South America. at any inclination other than vertical, which
made horizontal drilling uneconomical

The curved section is drilled with a specifi- motor. On a short-radius system, however,
cally designed short-radius system. The the three points of contact have to be posi-
short-radius BHA consists of a drill bit, artic- tioned below the motor knuckle joint. Fishing head
ulated motor, flexible nonmagnetic drill col- Articulations are needed to allow the
lar housing and MWD systems. High- motor to pass around sharp bends and
strength drillpipe is run immediately above have no effect on angle build rate. They
the BHA for easy passage through the curved also allow rotary drilling. Both roller cone Mud pulser
section. Drillstring in the vertical well sec- or polycrystalline diamond (PDC) bits can
tion usually contains standard drillpipe. be used at the operator’s discretion to han-
The curvature of borehole drilled by a dle different formation characteristics. Battery module
conventional—long- or medium-radius—
downhole motor is defined by three points Gamma-ray detector
of contact between the BHA and borehole
wall—generally the drill bit, the near-bit Upper
articulation Direction and
stabilizer and the first stabilizer above the
inclination systems
Power section



■ Short-radius drilling system. The

Anadrill PowerPak XF short-radius drilling 17. Hill et al, reference 13.
Adjustable standoff
system consists of an articulated BHA
1.5 ° Fixed bend 18. Hutchinson M: “Innovative Short Radius Drilling
Rotating near-bit stabilizer with the Slim 1 slim and retrievable MWD System Demonstrates Greater Flexibility and
system. Build angle is controlled by a sur- Directional Control,” Petroleum Engineer
face-adjustable standoff at the top of the International 68, no. 10, Supplement (October
short rigid motor section behind the bit. 1996): 14-15.

14 Oilfield Review
until short-radius drilling technology Vertical Profile
became available.
Alturitas 22 was producing 300 BOPD 10920
[47 m3/d], so the objective was to increase

True vertical depth, ft

production by drilling a horizontal lateral 10940

using the Anadrill short-radius drilling sys- 10960

tem. The plan was to set a retrievable whip-
stock in the 95⁄8-in. casing, mill a window, 10980
drill the curve and lateral, and then place 11000 5

the well on production. The retrievable

whipstock allows the original completion 11020

to be reentered, if necessary, or more later-

als to be added at a later date. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
An A-Z PackStock was set at 10,895 ft Lateral section displacement, ft
[3321 m] and a 20-ft [6-m] window, ■ Alturitas well profile. The drilling plan called for a short-radius lateral to the bottom of
including about 9 ft [3 m] of formation, the pay, then the lateral was allowed to angle up—cutting through each sand layer
was milled using a gel mud to improve before turning back down, again cutting through each of the layers. Once the bottom
sand was reached, drilling stopped—1933 ft [589 m] from the kickoff point. This lateral
removal of cuttings. Inclination at 10,915 ft produced a sevenfold improvement in production rate over the original vertical well.
[3327 m] was 3°. The mud system was
changed to oil-base and the BHA was VIPER Coiled Tubing Drilling System
replaced with an Anadrill short-radius
drilling system. In another 84 ft [26 m] of
drilling, 90° inclination was achieved,
placing the lateral well within the target
depth of 10,988 to 11,003 ft [3349 to
3354 m] (above right).
Drilling continued horizontally through
the reservoir, which consisted of a series of
sandstone layers. The horizontal lateral was
VIPER BHA with PowerPak motor
allowed to angle upward from the lower-
most layer, crossing all the sandstone mem-
bers for about half the lateral length. The A B C D
wellbore was then steered downward
again, staying within the pay. Drilling was
stopped after the well path had descended A B
back through the entire sand sequence—a Drilling head module Logging tool

horizontal distance of 1933 ft [589 m] Coiled tubing Check Pressure transducers, Gamma-ray sensors
from the kickoff point. and wireline valves and electronics and electronics
Success of this project can be measured
by current production and cost. The lateral
Wet Electrical Telemetry Directional and inclination
was left as an openhole completion flow- connect disconnect and power sensors and electronics
ing 2000 BOPD [318 m3/d]—nearly a sev-
enfold rate increase over the production of
a typical vertical well in this field. The cost
of this workover was $3.2 million, com- C D
pared to an original well cost of $2.4 mil- Orienting tool Steerable motor
lion, a nominal increase in cost relative to
Motor, gear train
the improvement in production. OXY plans and bearing section Articulation
to drill more wells of this type.

Coiled Tubing Systems Motor/power Nonmagnetic Surface-adjustable

electronics power section bent housing
One of the newer technologies developed
for the reentry market is coiled tubing
drilling (right). This approach is attractive ■ Coiled tubing drilling system. The VIPER system consists of a wireline-powered BHA
that includes an instrument package for directional control as well as gamma ray,
temperature and pressure measurements, a PowerPak downhole motor, an orienting
tool that can rotate continuously and a circulating sub. Data and downhole commands
are transmitted via a cable that is pumped down inside the coiled tubing.

Autumn 1996 15
when drilling rig mobilization costs are
prohibitive. The most successful applica-
tion of CTD is through-tubing reentry com-
bined with underbalanced drilling. Coiled

tubing allows more precise control of low
downhole hydrostatic pressure. Not having
to pull production tubing and kill the well
Shallow or makes this technology attractive.19
depleted reservoirs
New coiled tubing directional BHAs pro-
vide improved directional control and effi-
ciency. One such system, called VIPER
technology, is a wireline-powered BHA that
includes a downhole orienting tool for
directional control and MWD system for
reservoirs directional measurements. Both are oper-
ated from surface via wireline-supplied
power and signals. Without the wireline,
signal transmission is impossible in under-
balanced drilling environments where
foamed, aerated or nitrogenated mud is
used. The wireline system also increases
Fractured the data transmission rate by several orders
reservoirs of magnitude over mud-pulse systems,
allowing surface control of sensors.
Another VIPER system benefit is improved
coiled tubing drilling efficiency. The elec-
■ Multilateral drilling for improving productivity. In depleted zones, a network of later- tric motor in the orienting tool offers higher
als increases the length of wellbore in contact with the reservoir (top lateral), which torque, as well as accurate and uninter-
also reduces adverse pressure drawdown effects. Several isolated layers can also be
tapped from the same wellbore (middle laterals). In a fractured reservoir, dual laterals rupted directional control. Continuous
intersect twice as many fractures (bottom laterals). slow rotation of the motor drills a smoother
borehole profile, allowing longer-reach
drilling by reducing friction and dogleg
curves. The ability to continuously monitor
5700 downhole pressure during drilling, tripping
and circulating ensures accurate mainte-
True vertical depth, ft

nance of underbalanced conditions.
10°/100 ft build
Top of Multilateral Systems
6500 Austin Chalk Multilateral drilling places more than one
Eagleford drainhole into one or more hydrocarbon
intervals (above left). Improved recovery and
6900 False Buda
Buda reduced well construction costs, through
Georgetown reuse of the parent borehole and surface
7300 equipment, make multilaterals an attractive
0 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800
option. The cost of preparing an existing well
Lateral section displacement, ft is the same regardless of how many laterals
are drilled. Multilaterals, therefore, cost less
■ Typical Austin Chalk quadrilateral openhole (barefoot) completion drilled for Union per lateral than single lateral wells.20 Slot
Pacific Resources. management is improved, and the expense of
drilling additional parent wellbores is elimi-
nated.21 Additional reservoirs can be tapped
by drainholes that could not have been

16 Oilfield Review
Open Hole drilled previously, and production rates per ter in the trunk, which allows lateral
wellhead can be much greater. branches to be drilled in any sequence,
The most basic multilateral application is and allows standard tubing and packer
openhole, or barefoot, completions in completion strings to be run. An outlet port
Sidetracking and drilling
from Anadrill
competent carbonates like the south Texas will support a liner hanger and packer,
Austin Chalk (previous page, bottom). making it possible to run any type of stan-
Drill-in fluids from Dowell Anadrill has drilled more than 50 such dard completion in the lateral, and
wells to date. Lateral drainholes intersect enabling good sand control practices, iso-
natural fractures, increasing production lation and flow control.
from a single well. Inability to perform
workovers, however, is a drawback. These The Outlook
are essentially throw-away wells with com- An explosion of new technologies coupled
mingled flow and no chance of turning off with a collapsing of conventional bound-
water production. aries between different oilfield services has
given operating companies the widest pos-
Completing Multilateral Wells sible range of solutions to increase recovery
In general, three completion options are in aging fields. A comprehensive toolbox
available for reentry multilateral wells for production optimization through reentry
(left). Wells can be left open as in the drilling and completion can be provided by
Cemented Liner Austin Chalk, cased and perforated, or groups like the RAPID team. The potential
completed with some variation of a pro- value of these services is dramatic.
duction screen. Thousands of wells have been drilled and
Packers, liners,
completion fluids Soft formations that produce from matrix completed conventionally. Using reentry
from Dowell permeability require normal completions, techniques to increase production from just
such as slotted liners and gravel packs in a fraction of these wells will be equivalent
Tubing-conveyed each branch, connected mechanically to the to discovering several giant new fields.
perforating from
main wellbore trunk. This connection has to —RCH, JMK, AM
Wireline & Testing
be pressure-tight to maintain zone isolation.
Furthermore, when different reservoir types 19. For more information on coiled tubing drilling see:
Bigio D, Rike A, Christian A, Collins J, Hardman D,
are produced through the same multilateral Doremus D, Tracy P, Glass G, Joergensen NB, and
well, selective accessibility to each lateral Stephens D: “Coiled Tubing Takes Center Stage,”
Oilfield Review 6, no. 4 (October 1994): 9-23.
may be necessary throughout the life of the 20. For some examples showing some cost details of
well. Complete control of each drainhole is reentry multilateral drilling: Hall D: “Multi-Lateral
Horizontal Wells Optimizing a 5-Spot Waterflood,”
essential to avoid jeopardizing production presented at the SPE Permian Basin Oil & Gas
of the entire multilateral system when one Recovery Conference, Midland, Texas, USA, March
27-29, 1996.
drain is depleted or produces excessive
21. On offshore wells, a slot is a space that accommo-
water or gas. dates one wellhead in a template secured to the
Today, most lateral connections are built ocean floor. A template has a limited number of
slots, which cannot be changed once the template
Prepacked Screen or Slotted Liner downhole and rely on good cement to pro- is installed. If one well waters out or is dry, that slot
vide a seal and isolation. Schlumberger is is already used up. Reentry drilling, however, gives
new life to the slot because it allows bypassing
developing hardware systems that allow unproductive zones with a new drainhole.
separate completions for each branch of
External casing packers,
the well. These systems include surface-
completion fluids,
Maraseal and screen
built junctions that can extend into any
from Dowell portion of the well—vertical or horizon-
tal—and each branch can be easily and
Packers from selectively accessed. With such systems,
Wireline & Testing there are no reductions in internal diame-

■ Reentry completion options. Reentry lat-

erals may be left as openhole completions
in competent formations like the south
Texas Austin Chalk (top). Alternatively,
laterals can be cased, cemented and per-
forated (middle). More complex comple-
tions, such as gravel-pack completions,
are also available (bottom).

Autumn 1996 17
Quo Vadis, Extreme Overbalance?

Perforating and surging techniques using very high wellbore pressures promise dramatic, cost-effective

improvement in initial well productivity—under the right conditions. But what are those conditions, and how

do the procedures work? Leading investigators look at the basics of these new completion methods, and

examine lessons learned to date from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska and the North American midcontinent.

Larry Behrmann In the vast majority of wells today, the achieve enough underbalance to generate
Klaus Huber moment of truth—do we have a producer, sufficient flow rate for cleaning, but not too
Bryan McDonald or a hole in the ground?—is revealed much to collapse the perforations and drive
Rosharon, Texas, USA through underbalance perforating. When sand into the well. Theoretical and applied
perforating guns fire, pressure in the well- studies have focused on defining the opti-
Benoît Couët bore is below that of the reservoir, creating a mal underbalance for ranges of reservoir
Ridgefield, Connecticut, USA pressure differential that helps clean the per- pressure, permeability and rock strength.2
foration tunnels. Formation fluids rush into With a good theoretical foundation and a
John Dees the tunnels and flush out metallic charge record of favorable results, underbalance
Consultant debris, surrounding crushed rock, and sands perforating reigned as the unchallenged
Dallas, Texas or clays that were driven into the tunnels. If champion until a few years ago, when a
the drawdown is large enough, inflow can handful of investigators turned underbal-
Ron Folse sweep away enough debris to open the most ance on its head (next page ). Building on
Marathon Oil Company conductive natural path between the forma- experimental work by the US Department of
Lafayette, Louisiana, USA tion and wellbore. Energy and others, Oryx Energy and ARCO
Two-way communication along this path independently developed new completion
Pat Handren is essential for optimal well completion and techniques utilizing extreme overbal-
Oryx Energy productivity. When a well goes straight into ance—perforating with wellbore pressure
Dallas, Texas production, clogged perforations will limit significantly above the level required to frac-
inflow of hydrocarbons. If intervention is ture the formation. The patented Oryx and
Joe Schmidt planned, perforations need to be clear to ARCO methods differ in their approach, but
ARCO Alaska, Inc. accept treatment fluids carrying proppant each involves a process that may generically
Anchorage, Alaska, USA for fracturing, gravel for sand control, or be called extreme overbalance perforating
acid. Hydraulic fracturing and prepacking (EOP) and a related method of forcing an
Phil Snider perforations ahead of gravel packing benefit extreme overbalance pressure into existing
Marathon Oil Company from removal of crushed sand that can perforations, called extreme overbalance
Houston, Texas reduce injectivity and elevate fracture initia- surging (EOB surging).3
tion pressures or lead to early screenout of Perforating underbalance or with extreme
proppant during fracture stimulations.1 overbalance are in many ways opposites,
For help in preparation of this article, thanks to Bob
Cooper, Dowell, Houston, Texas, USA; Ray Dickes,
Underbalance perforating works across a but they are not mirror images of each other.
Glen Edwards, Joe Hromas, Bjorn Langseth, Al Salsman broad range of rock properties and reservoir In underbalance perforating, the goal is to
and Mike Selewach, Schlumberger Perforating & Testing conditions. Its applicability decreases, how- create a channel and clean the channel with
Center, Rosharon, Texas; Roger Card, Jack Elbel, Mark
Mack and Ken Nolte, Dowell, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA; ever, with a decline in reservoir pressure,
Roger Keese, Dowell, Anchorage, Alaska, USA; George permeability or rock strength. The trick is to
King, Amoco Exploration and Production Technology
Group, Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Terry Green, Dowell,
Sugar Land, Texas.
NODAL and X-Tools are marks of Schlumberger.

18 Oilfield Review
1865 1910 1948 1975 1980 1993

10 to 30 ft

Arrows illustrate pressure differentials

■The first 130 years of perforating. 1865: Tin torpedoes filled with gunpowder, and later with nitroglycerin, are lowered to the depth of
interest and detonated. 1910: The single-knife casing “ripper” involves a mechanical blade that rotates to puncture a hole in the casing.
1948: The first shaped charges, developed by Welex Jet Perforating Company, are applied to oil wells, generally with a slight overbal-
ance for well control. 1970s: Underbalance, under investigation for 20 years, is tied with perforating by Roy Vann. Continued work by
others through the 1980s accelerates its popularity. 1980s: Propellant fracturing produced fractures from the burst of pressure developed
by rapid burning of propellant. Although still under investigation, the method encounters problems operationally and in reproducibility.
1993: Extreme overbalance perforating, pioneered by Oryx Energy Company, succeeds in commercial wells.

flow from the formation, then stimulate or ing an initial wave of interest, only a small Field experience has also broadened, with
gravel pack later as necessary. In extreme but devout core of proponents continues to about 900 EOP jobs performed to date,
overbalance methods, the idea is to simulta- carry the torch—last year about half the mostly in North America. Marathon per-
neously create and stimulate the channel, extreme overbalance jobs in North America formed extreme overbalance procedures in
which develops into a small biwing fracture were performed by only five operating 20% of its wells in 1995 and expects that
that obviates the need for cleaning the per- companies. Nevertheless, limited but per- number to reach 35% in 1997. As more
foration tunnel. Some operators have also sistent curiosity from the industry refuses to data accumulate, the case for extreme over-
proposed extreme overbalance methods that die. In 1994, seventeen operating and ser- balance resurfaces, each time with a bit
simultaneously place resin for sand control vice companies jointly sponsored experi- more ammunition. The technique has
or acid for etching fracture faces.4 ments on large blocks of sandstone to clearly established a niche, yet its applica-
Since extreme overbalance methods investigate EOP fracture mechanics and bility remains incompletely defined. Where
became commercial in 1990, their applica- ways to optimize pressure requirements are extreme overbalance methods today,
tion has taken a roller coaster ride. Follow- and perforation design. and what promise do they hold?

1. Screenout is the point at which no more proppant can 3. Three early works: The ARCO method:
be pumped into a hydraulic fracture system without Bundy TE and Elmer MJ: “Perforating a High-Pressure Petitjean L, Couët B, Abel JC, Schmidt JH and Fergu-
an increase in pump pressure. Early, or premature, Gas Well Overbalanced in Mud: Is It Really That son KR: “Well Productivity Improvement Using
screenout is caused by an impermeable bridging of Bad?” paper SPE 16894, presented at the 62nd SPE Extreme Overbalance Perforating and Surging—Case
material across the fluid pathway that prevents further Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, History,” paper SPE 30527, presented at the 70th SPE
extension and propping of the fracture. Texas, USA, September 27-30, 1987. Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas,
2. King GE, Anderson A and Bingham M: “A Field Study Cipolla CL, Branagan PT and Lee SJ: “Fracture Design Texas, USA, October 22-25, 1995.
of Underbalance Pressures Necessary to Obtain Clean Considerations in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs,” For a more recent version of the same work:
Perforations Using Tubing-Conveyed Perforating,” paper SPE 17607, presented at the 1988 SPE Interna- Couët B, Petitjean L, Abel JC, Schmidt JH and Fergu-
paper SPE 14321, presented at the 60th SPE Annual tional Meeting on Petroleum Engineering, Tianjin, son KR: “Well-Productivity Improvement by Use of
Technical Conference and Exhibition, Las Vegas, China, November 1-4, 1988. Rapid Overbalance Perforation Extension: Case His-
Nevada, USA, September 22-25, 1985. tory,” Journal of Petroleum Technology 48, no. 2
Northrup DA and Frohne K-H: “The Multiwell Experi-
Tariq SM: “New, Generalized Criteria for Determining ment—A Field Laboratory in Tight Gas Sandstone (February 1996): 154-159.
the Level of Underbalance for Obtaining Clean Perfo- Reservoirs,” Journal of Petroleum Technology 42, 4. Handren PJ and Dees JM: “A New Method of Over-
rations,” paper SPE 20636, presented at the 65th SPE no. 6 (June 1990): 772-779. balance Perforating and Surging of Resin for Sand
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Control,” paper SPE 26545, presented at the 68th SPE
The Oryx method:
Orleans, Louisiana, USA, September 23-26, 1990. Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Hous-
Handren PJ, Jupp TB and Dees JM: “Overbalance Per-
Behrmann LA: “Underbalance Criteria for Minimum ton, Texas, USA, October 3-6, 1993.
forating and Stimulation Methods for Wells,” paper
Perforation Damage,” paper SPE 30081, presented at
SPE 26515, presented at the 68th SPE Annual Techni-
the SPE European Formation Damage Control Confer-
cal Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, USA,
ence, The Hague, The Netherlands, May 15-16, 1995.
October 3-6, 1993.

Autumn 1996 19

6000 Well A Well B

Wellhead pressure, psi


Well A

4500 2600 ft gas

4000 Actual
Modeled 4984 ft liquid
Well B

-40 -20 0 20 40
Time, sec
6753 ft liquid
The EOP Why and How ■The 30-second moment of truth. Modeled
John Dees and Pat Handren, extreme over- (solid line) and actual data (circles) for pres-
sure drop in two ARCO wells (above). The
balance pioneers at the Sun Company (now 5472 ft gas
slower decay in Well A is due to greater
Oryx Energy), began investigating overbal- friction produced by a large volume of
ance methods in the late 1980s when fluid (right). The goal is to minimize friction
underbalance failed to give good results in losses, increasing propagation speed, min-
West Texas fields. The Oryx team found imizing leakoff into the formation and
maximizing fracture length. (From Coüet Surge disk
what others had also observed for some et al, reference 3.)
time: Correctly applied underbalance perfo-
rating can be compromised by fairly com-
mon reservoir and operational conditions. If
reservoir pressure is low or depleted, the
pressure differential may be insufficient to
clean perforations. Likewise, if permeability ■Extreme overbal-
is low—probably less than 10 millidarcies ance perforating.
Most procedures
(md), but the value depends on reservoir follow a variant of 4000 to 8000 psi
pressure and oil viscosity—formation fluid this basic (0.8 to 1.4 psi /ft)
may not flow vigorously enough for clean- approach.
N2 Pump
ing. And if rock strength is low, underbal-
ance pressure differential large enough for
effective cleaning may collapse the forma-
tion and necessitate further intervention to
save the well.
Underbalance perforating can also be hin-
dered by more complex problems. Improper
killing of a well, for example, can replug Casing
perforations with filter cake that may not be Pressurized N2
dislodged during production.5 Sometimes, Hydrostatic or
despite good reservoir pressure and perme- atmospheric
ability, the damaged zone reaches deep Packer 30 to
enough to limit the effectiveness of under- 90 ft above valve
balance. Also, when permeability varies Fracturing fluid
8000 to 12,000 psi
dramatically—such as a thin, 1-darcy layer Isolation valve:
sandwiched between two thick 10-md lay- either retrievable
SXPV or permanent 50 to 100 ft,
ers—the thicker sections will dominate the SXAR equipment less often to 300 ft
flow properties and can reduce the effec-
tiveness of underbalance.6
Extreme overbalance perforating can
sidestep these problems. In EOP comple- Pay Invaded
tions, tubing pressure is increased before the zone zone
guns are fired and then released into the
wellbore with gun detonation. At this point,

20 Oilfield Review
because wellbore pressure exceeds rock press it. Rarely does the liquid fall through since the gas would quickly leak off into the
yield strength, perforating initiates one or the gas because compressed gas, typically formation. Some operators, who have wells
more small fractures. These fractures do not at about 4000 psi [27,500 kPa], develops a with large tubular volumes, continue apply-
develop the length or height of conventional density of 1 to 3 lbm/gal [0.12 to 0.36 ing pressure as the gas enters the perfora-
hydraulic fractures, but the event lasts long g/cm3] and a high surface tension. This cre- tions. The gas also acts as an abrasive that
enough to push the fractures beyond the ates an interface which, in the small diame- scours the perforation. In either case—stop-
zone damaged by invasion and past the tip ter of tubing, prevents liquid from displacing ping as the gas hits the perforations or con-
of the perforation ( previous page, top ). gas. Because the surface pressure of gas can tinuing—the higher the pressure and larger
While EOP fractures are shorter in length reach 10,000 psi [69 MPa] or more, tubing- the gas volume (a larger “spring”), the
and height, they may develop greater width conveyed perforating (TCP) guns are usually greater the fracturing power.
and so possibly have a higher conductivity preferred over wireline-conveyed guns Pressure generated at the perforations dur-
per foot than hydraulic fractures. because they are operationally easier to ing EOP or EOB surging must be high
Most EOP jobs follow the same basic pro- handle at high pressures. enough to overcome two obstacles: it must
cedure (previous page, bottom ). Perforating With detonation of the guns, the liquid is exceed the minimum in-situ rock stress,
guns are lowered to the depth of interest, driven at very high flow rates by the rapidly and it must fracture through any imperme-
then spotted to the top of the guns is a small expanding gas and rushes into the perfora- able debris barrier remaining in the perfora-
amount of liquid selected for the well con- tions. Because the liquid is nearly incom- tion. The debris barrier often defeats the
ditions—brine, lease crude, fracturing fluid, pressible, it acts as a wedge that initiates conventional process of perforation break-
acid or liquid with proppant. All or most of fractures, extending the effective wellbore down and cleanup.7 Modeling shows that
the wellbore above the liquid is filled with radius. Erosion from the liquid and any to overwhelm the barrier, the extreme over-
compressible gas, usually nitrogen, less entrained proppant flowing at more than balance pressure gradient usually needs to
often carbon dioxide or air. The gas col- 100 bbl/min [16 m3/min] may scour the for- reach at least 1.4 psi per foot [31.6 kPa/m]
umn is then pressured up, like a tightly mation, creating stable flow channels. In of well depth.8 This gradient produces a
squeezed coil spring. Sometimes liquid is many EOP jobs, the event is timed to stop fracture radius that is on the order of 10 to
also spotted above the gas to further com- just when the gas reaches the perforations, 20 ft [3 to 6 m] although it may extend up
to 30 ft [9 m].
Time 1 Time 2 In the high-energy context of extreme
overbalance, flow restriction due to perfora-
tion damage has such a minor effect on per-
4000 to 8000 psi
(0.8 to 1.4 psi /ft) foration conductivity as to become almost
irrelevant. Charge debris has no time to
N2 Pump N2 Pump harden and is thought to be pulverized and
blown far back into the created cracks, like
a mashed up cork pushed into a wine bot-
tle. The low permeability of the shattered
zone is more than compensated for by the
high permeability of the fractures. In addi-
tion, gas jetting into the tunnel at nearly the
speed of sound may erode and scour walls
of the tunnels and fractures.
An extension of this method involves
pumping additional fluid at a high rate
Pressurized N2 immediately following EOP or EOB surging,
with or without proppant, to drive the frac-
tures farther (left ). Pump rates have to be
Rupture disk
5. Mason JN, Behrmann LA, Dees JM and Kessler N:
Tip of “Block Tests Model of the Near-Wellbore in a Perfo-
Fracturing fluid fracture rated Sandstone,” paper SPE 28554, presented at the
69th SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibi-
tion, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, September 25-28,
Pay zone 6. Hsai T-Y and Behrmann LA: “Perforating Skin as a
Function of Rock Permeability and Underbalance,”
paper SPE 22810, presented at the 66th SPE Annual
Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas,
Invaded zone USA, October 3-6, 1991.
7. Behrmann LA and McDonald B: “Underbalance or
Extreme Overbalance,” paper SPE 31083, presented at
■Extreme overbalance surging. Surging is performed on wells with existing perforations. the SPE International Symposium on Formation
It may follow immediately after perforating or a few hours to a few days later. In general, Damage Control, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA, February
the sooner after perforating, the more effective the surge. Comparison of time 1 (left) and 14-15, 1996.
time 2 (right) shows the penetration of fluid into the rock and propagation of the fracture 8. Prudhoe Bay seems to be the exception. ARCO
over time. reports good results there with only 1.1 psi/ft
[24.2 kPa/m].

Autumn 1996 21
high enough to keep the fluid above the for- duced initially at twice that rate and its EOP wells, and about 80% of wells that
mation fracture pressure. The injection rate depleted in 3 years instead of 7 to 10 years. were surged after EOP. Marathon finds that
needed for success depends on formation EOP also facilitates lower treating pressure EOP operations average one day longer, but
characteristics and in some cases, up to due to creation of a more conductive flow produce first oil one to three days earlier.
15,000 ft3/min [420 m3/min] has been used. path. In addition, EOP and EOB surging Some operators use EOP as a cost-effective
ARCO also developed a gas-surging tech- allow for placement of a higher percentage way to identify hydraulic fracturing candi-
nique that enhances hydraulic fracturing in of proppant when followed by a conven- dates, as a means to minimize near-well-
wells previously perforated. (see “Elements tional frac job. ARCO, for example, reports bore tortuosity and thereby reduce hydraulic
of EOP Design: Operations,” page 31.)9 placement of 95% of sand in extended- fracturing costs (less fluid pumped and
What can be expected from an extreme reach wells, probably due to higher conduc- lower surface pressures), or as a low-cost
overbalance operation? Recoverable tivity of flow paths into the formation.11 It means to establish a high flow rate early.
reserves may be increased, and under favor- formerly placed only 35% of sand. The biggest benefit of EOP, however, is the
able conditions production rates can The economics of extreme overbalance is ability to place more sand and prevent a
increase dramatically, due to reduction in not clear-cut, and has contributed to skepti- near-wellbore screenout during a subse-
near-wellbore pressure loss and in reservoir cism. One-to-one comparison with conven- quent frac job.
skin—70% of EOP wells show a negative tional completions is sometimes difficult. Costs for EOP can vary widely, and depend
skin (see “EOP for Skin Reduction,” Should EOP be compared to underbalance mostly on availability of compressed nitro-
below ).10 In one Oryx field, where conven- perforating alone, or to perforating and gen. With easily accessible nitrogen, tubu-
tionally completed wells—fracture treated hydraulic fracturing? While the latter may lars fit for EOP pressures, and a completion
with 20,000 gallons [3180 m3] of gelled seem logical, in practice EOP does not fully that would normally include TCP guns, EOP
diesel and 20,000 lbm [9070 kg] of 20/40 replace hydraulic fracturing. Marathon, for costs slightly more than a small hydraulic
sand—produced 500 Mcf/D, EOP wells pro- example, will later frac more than a third of fracture. If nitrogen is not readily available,

EOP for Skin Reduction

In 1994, Marathon stood at a completion cross- biwing fracture. Previous jobs were at two shots from 1000 to 800 psi [5512 kPa] means that skin
roads in an eastern New Mexico gas field. In the per foot (spf), but this low shot density was plays an increasingly significant role in well pro-
30-year-old field, Marathon and other operators thought to contribute to high skin. Inflow perfor- ductivity. Because every well intervention risks
produced from 35 wells, each making 4 to 6 mance and NODAL analysis indicated that 4 spf an increase in skin, Marathon is attempting the
MMcf/D. In a typical completion, skin averaged would probably result in more effective acid place- least intrusive completion strategy: air drilling in
around 50 but reached as high as 150. The reser- ment. Deep penetrators were used to reduce flow slight underbalance and completing open hole
voir, an upper Pennsylvanian carbonate, averaged restriction thought to be associated with big-hole (barefoot), without perforations. The carbonate is
39 md with a reservoir pressure of about 1000 psi charges. And the pressure gradient was designed fractured enough to produce without perforations,
[6890 kPa]. Could skin be reduced? to be 1.4 psi/ft—low by today’s standards, in yet competent enough to withstand production.
Studying the success of nearby operators who which some jobs are designed at 2 psi/ft Other operators in the region report wells produc-
use extreme overbalance methods, Marathon [45 kPa/ft]. ing over 5 MMcf/D with this approach.
decided to try extreme overbalance surging to About 500 ft [152 m] of fluid was spotted at the If reservoir pressures were 2000 to 3000 psi
reduce skin. The first candidate well was in the bottom of the string, and the tubing was charged [13.8 MPa to 21 MPa], according to Ron Folse,
North Indian basin section, with a perforated with N2. Fluid pumped after the gas achieved a a Marathon engineer who works in the field,
interval of 171 ft [52 m]. flow rate of 200 bbl/min [31.8 m3/min] after the then extreme overbalance might be the method of
A fairly conventional completion design was guns had fired. When the well came in, skin was choice. But with the lower reservoir pressures,
used for extreme overbalance surging with acid. computed at 5, a dramatic 10-fold reduction. Marathon is able to drill underbalance with air,
A 60° shot phasing was chosen to evenly distribute Well production was higher than expected—over 5 and with the barefoot completion achieve the ben-
20% HCl acid and encourage development of a MMcf/D, compared to 4 MMcf/D for conventionally efit of minimizing completion skin. Proof of this
completed wells. Although completion costs were new method is pending pressure transient analy-
about 8% higher, the initial rate gain quickly paid sis, which is expected to indicate a lower skin and
back the higher cost. Today, the well continues less fluid invasion than with EOP.
producing at a higher rate than conventionally
completed wells of similar age.
Since this job in 1994, Marathon has moved
toward a new completion strategy. During the two
years of production, decline in reservoir pressure

22 Oilfield Review
EOP can cost more than twice that of a con-
ventional completion. While EOP wells pay
out faster, with higher initial production, it

ss l
hor imum
remains unclear under what conditions the fracture plane
long-term payout from EOP is comparable to

that of hydraulic fracturing.
Economic uncertainty aside, the lack of Maximum Maximum
early enthusiasm for these methods also horizontal stress horizontal stress
resulted from unclear explanations for their
success and benefits, and inconsistent Created
results probably related to misapplication.
Today, with the analysis of more data, the
proper role of EOP is coming into focus.
Central to this understanding is an apprecia-
tion of EOP mechanics.

Are EOP Fractures Different?

The most effective fracture, regardless of the ■The ideal relationship between perforations and the in-situ stress field.
generating mechanism, paves an autobahn Fractures aligned with the direction of maximum horizontal stress will open
in the plane of least resistance, against the minimum horizontal stress.
between the reservoir and wellbore: a sin- The closer the fracture and maximum stress planes align, the less tortuosity
gle, straight parting of significant width with fractures develop, resulting in less pressure drop. Fractures generally initiate
few smaller, competing fractures. This ideal at the sandface, the base of the perforation where it meets the formation.

■Timing of down-
hole events. A Perforation
Whereas hydraulic
Overbalance Created
fracturing can last
Propellant fracture
tens of minutes to
Hydraulic hours, extreme

overbalance perfo-
rating is finished in
20 or 30 seconds.

1000 1000 1000

µsec msec sec 30°
Logarithmic time
Preferred fracture
would be achieved with perforations 180° fracture propagates as long as the treatment
apart and aligned with the maximum in-situ continues—and it doesn’t screen out or
stress (top ). But this direction, called the dehydrate. This gradual buildup of pressure
preferred fracture plane (PFP), is often is equivalent to opening a door by pushing
unknown, and many operators cannot yet it slowly (above ). Two events probably take
■A long way to Tipperary. Hydraulic frac-
routinely control gun orientation. Still, it is place. First, multiple fractures may develop
tures may have to march around the bore-
possible to approach this ideal with both from the perforation base or tip, depending hole circumference before extending into
hydraulic fracturing and EOP. They work by on proximity of perforations to the PFP and the formation, depending on the distance
different mechanisms, however, and pro- on shot phasing.12 If perforations are more between the perforation and the preferred
duce fractures with different characteristics. than 30° from the PFP, fractures may take fracture plane (PFP). Here are two scenar-
ios for a 120° phased gun with conven-
In hydraulic fracturing, pressure at the rock circuitous routes around the cement-forma- tional hydraulic fracturing. If the perfora-
face rises gradually from a slight overbal- tion interface before turning to align in the tion lies in the PFP (A), one wing of the
ance to the point of failure, after which the PFP (right ). fracture will initiate from the perforation,
and the other winds around the borehole
from the perforation base until it turns into
9. Petitjean et al, reference 3. 11. Couët et al, reference 3. the PFP. If the perforation is 30° or more
10. Skin is a dimensionless value that refers to the pres- 12. Phasing is the angle between shots. Phasing of 180° from the PFP (B), multiple parallel fractures
sure drop near the wellbore during production or means two shots in opposite directions, whereas a may develop from the perforation.
intervention. The pressure drop indicates a resis- 120° phasing distributes three shots around the well- (Adapted from Behrmann and McDonald,
tance to flow attributable to reduction in permeabil- bore circumference, one every 120° degrees.
reference 7.)
ity near the wellbore occurring during drilling, com-
pletion or operations. A positive skin value denotes
formation damage; a negative skin indicates an
increased ease with which fluid can flow between
the wellbore and formation.

Autumn 1996 23
By contrast, an EOP fracture is produced
A A Created
by a sudden burst of pressure. This high-rate Perforation fracture
pressurization of the rock results in a rate-
dependent fracture mechanism that
approaches the ideal fracture system more
Preferred fracture plane
closely than hydraulic fracturing. Instead of
opening the door by pushing gradually, an
EOP operation is analogous to breaking the
door down with a sledgehammer. Because B
B extreme overbalance pressure overwhelms
the fracture breakdown pressure, EOP frac- 15 to 30°
30° tures initially overwhelm the in-situ stress
field and probably extend straight from the
wellbore, like spokes from the hub of a
wheel, then turn gradually into the PFP
(left ). Fractures may form at all perforations,
but extend only from those nearest the PFP, C
creating a biwing fracture.
Multiple parallel fractures are not seen in 30 to 60°
■The long and short of EOP. If a perforation EOP studies, possibly because the sudden
is more than 45° from the PFP, EOP frac- pressure load closes the microannulus
tures tend to propagate immediately from between the cement and formation, shutting
a point on the wellbore wall aligned with off a path for secondary fractures. Another
the PFP, rather than wind around the well-
bore from another initiation point (A). possible explanation for the absence of mul-
The channel shown between the perfora- tiple fractures is that rate-dependent fracture
tion and fracture develops after the frac- initiation favors only weakest portions of the > 60°
ture initiates and is eroded during the EOP rock. This observation is borne out in con-
process. Where perforations are within 45° ventional fracturing, where high-rate injec-
of the PFP (B), fractures initiate from the
perforation. Only small fractures initiate tion is known to minimize creation of multi-
from perforations more than 45° from the ple fractures. EOP also allows a larger angle
PFP. These fractures do not grow. Note that between the PFP and perforations before
fractures initially ignore the in-situ stress fractures ignore the perforations and initiate
field and probably extend straight from
the wellbore. Within a few wellbore diame- at a site on the wellbore aligned with the
ters they turn into the PFP. The absence PFP (right ).13 ■Rate of reorientation of an extreme over-
of multiple parallel fractures is thought to balance fracture into the PFP. Angles of
be related to the sudden pressure load EOP Candidates less than 15° (A) result in rapid reorienta-
on the cement-by-formation microannulus, tion. From 15 to 30° (B), reorientation is
Widely accepted candidate criteria for EOP more gradual. At 30 to 60° (C), the fracture
sealing off a path for the development of
secondary fractures. are low permeability (below about 10 md), initiates at the base of the perforation and
reservoir pressure insufficient to achieve runs parallel to the tunnel before turning.
The second event is development of a sin- cleaning with underbalance, a highly Beyond 60° (D), the fracture ignores the
perforation and initiates at the sandface.
gle, dominant biwing fracture initiating at mobile clay content, and the need to estab-
[From Salsman A, Behrmann L and Brown-
the borehole wall. Within about two well- lish a fracture in multiple layers, even those ing G: “Extreme Overbalance Perforating,”
bore diameters, this major fracture curves with different mechanical or flow properties. The Perforating and Testing Review 8,
until it aligns with the PFP, and becomes Other reasons to use EOP are reduction in no. 1 (May 1995): 1-8.]
responsible for most communication near-wellbore damage and pressure drop
between the wellbore and formation. Com- associated with poor linkage of fractures fol- Dees lists two leading reasons for EOP:
peting with it, however, may be the many lowing underbalance perforating, to avoid immediate indication of well producibility
small, curving fractures near the wellbore. several days of swabbing before the results (which can be delayed with underbalance
These fractures act as chokes that increase of underbalance perforating are known, and perforating) and skin reduction. Behrmann
the near-wellbore pressure drop. to eliminate near-wellbore tortuosity during and McDonald also list as applications
hydraulic fracture stimulation of extended- diversion of acid in carbonates and intersec-
reach wells.14 tion of natural fractures.15 Other authors

24 Oilfield Review
0.1 md

1.0 md

Fracture extension, m

10 md

100 md

1 darcy
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time, sec

■Theoretical modeling of fracture extension versus time for various permeabilities.

The zone of fracture extension corresponds to the sloping section of the curves. Where the
curves flatten indicates the time after which only fracture erosion takes place. At 100 md,
fracture extension reaches its maximum of about 10 m in 15 seconds. The remaining time
probably represents only erosion in the fracture. Fracture extension in a 0.1-md setting
continues for about 30 seconds and reaches 45 m [148 ft]. (From Couët et al, reference 3.)

present several scenarios for application of the energy available to propagate a fracture and leakoff result in significantly shorter frac-
EOP in high-permeability settings, often for is proportional to: tures (above ).
placement of acid or proppant. Marathon Work by Petitjean and Couët indicates that
(pressure gradient × depth) – in-situ stress
engineers, on the other hand, use EOP in at 100 md, up to 80% of fluid can leak off in
the Rocky Mountains of the USA mainly in in which the in-situ stress is given by the less than 10 seconds, limiting an already
hard rocks, where they assume perforations fracture gradient × depth, so the expression short fracturing event. 16 Some operators
penetrate only 10 in. [25 cm] and so remain becomes: place the cutoff at 100 md, although others
in the damaged zone. In hard rocks, EOP have claimed success at 1 darcy. John Dees,
(pressure gradient – fracture gradient) ×
drives the effective wellbore radius well who has a patent on continuous pumping
beyond the damaged zone. immediately after the extreme overbalance
The majority of extreme overbalance pro- The fracture gradient may vary from 0.4 to event, maintains that EOP followed by surg-
ponents view it as complementary to con- 1 psi/ft [9 to 22 kPa/m], with a typical value ing with resin can succeed even with perme-
ventional underbalance perforating and as a of 0.7 psi/ft [15.8 kPa/m], so that with ability in the 1-darcy range.
precursor to conventional hydraulic fractur- increasing depth, the gradient difference Pat Handren considers permeability-length
ing. Bryan McDonald, who studies extreme can be reduced. Even with the lower pres- a more useful parameter than permeability
overbalance methods for Schlumberger, has sure gradients required in deep wells, depth alone. This takes into consideration vertically
ranked variables that influence the choice can become a limiting factor at 10,000 to variable permeability, which can affect flow
between EOP and underbalance perforating. 15,000 ft [3000 to 4500 m]. properties. Handren’s breakpoint is about 20
In order of importance, the leading variables Technique, however, sometimes compen- md-ft. If permeability hits this value, Han-
are as follows: sates for physical limitations. Oryx has suc- dren would choose underbalance perforat-
Well depth—The limiting influence with cessfully treated an interval at 19,000 ft ing—unless reservoir pore pressure is below
depth is friction between the fluid and tubu- [5790 m] by placing calcium bromide water 0.35 psi/ft [8 kPa/m] in which case he prefers
lars, which reduces ability to deliver suffi- above nitrogen to deliver 24,000 psi [165 EOP to be sure perforations are cleaned. At
cient pressure at the perforations. The mini- MPa] at the perforations. “We always place permeability around 1 darcy, some forma-
mum pressure gradient was originally less than 1000 ft [300 m] of fluid on bot- tions may be friable enough to require EOP
placed at 1.2 psi/ft [27 kPa/m], but this has tom,” said Pat Handren of Oryx. “This way, with injection of resin to prevent sand from
inched up as insufficient pressure was energy goes into fracturing, not into over-
thought responsible for early failures. Some coming fluid friction.” Still, most operators 13. Behrmann and McDonald, reference 7.
operators today use gradients as high as 4 are more comfortable performing EOP 14. Petitjean et al, reference 3, ARCO method.
psi/ft [90 kPa/m]. In general, deeper wells above 10,000 ft true vertical depth. 15. Behrmann and McDonald, reference 7.
require a lower pressure gradient because Permeability—There may be no more con- 16. Petitjean et al, reference 3.

troversial an EOP topic than how permeable

is too permeable. The concern is that leakoff
will outpace the flow rate needed to main-
tain a pressure that exceeds rock strength
and extends the fractures. High rates of spurt

Autumn 1996 25
flowing out the tunnel or to prevent the tun- Elements of EOP Design: Hardware Before After
nel from collapsing. To one degree or another, the first genera-
Tubular and wellhead ratings— Tubing tion of EOP jobs was constrained by precon-
diameter and pressure ratings limit gas pres- ditions of the well completions. Now, oper-
sure and volume, which determine horse- ators recognize that success of the
power deliverable at the perforations. Bigger procedure often relies on planning comple-
is always better, and biggest and strongest is tions to optimize EOP jobs. The main con-
best. At a minimum, tubing needs to endure straints are surface-control equipment and
1.4 psi/ft. ARCO uses up to 7-in. tubing on tubular ratings. ARCO makes routine use of
the North Slope in Alaska, USA, and a wellhead isolation tool, or tree saver. This
Marathon has moved from 31/2-in. to 41/2-in. device fits on top of the wellhead and has a
tubing wherever possible. mandrel that extends through the wellhead,
Likewise, wellhead pressure control sealing in the tubular. Downhole, Oryx will
equipment must at least match tubular rat- use casing with a higher pressure rating, and Shock
ing. The objective is to have tubulars that run cement bond logs to determine whether absorber
can safely withstand the pressures neces- the interval to be perforated is fully
sary to deliver a fracturing pressure at the cemented. When cement bond cannot be
perforations. ARCO’s rapid overpressured confirmed, Oryx prefers to keep pressure
perforation extension, or ROPE, method only on the tubing, using an isolation valve Shear
owes much of its development to the to avoid exceeding the casing burst rating.17 pins
opportunity at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, of In addition, Oryx uses the largest possible
working on closely spaced wells with large tubing diameter to deliver the largest possi-
tubing (more than 2 7/8 in.). ble volume of gas, and always pressure tests
Perforated interval length—Dissipation of tubing to be sure it meets its rating.
pressure over distance limits the interval After the completion configuration, the Air
length that can be effectively treated with next most important variable is wellbore chamber
extreme overbalance. Treatments on inter- fluid composition. All operators agree that
vals of up to 1000 ft have been performed whatever type and quantity of fluid are piston
in a few wells, but most operators are confi- used, friction reduction polymers are a
dent that uniform, effective treatments can must. In many operations, they are already a
be carried out over only 70 to 100 ft [21 to given. A review of fluid design criteria and
30 m]. Shot density and permeability also their application has been prepared by John Pressure
influence treatable interval length. As a Dees (below ). ports
rule, Oryx finds that 1 shot every 2 ft [60 EOP calls for new thinking about down- Firing pin
cm] will maintain sufficient pressure over hole equipment, from the firing head to the
several hundred feet. Marathon prefers to guns. A new kind of firing head, for exam-
limit intervals to about 50 ft [15 m]. ple, has been designed to better accommo-

Reservoir Conditions Fluid Type

Sandstone (some carbonates) 2% KCl water
Sandstone with water retention 2% KCl water with alcohol
Carbonate 15 to 20% HCl
Sandstone with severe Less crude
water sensitivity
Carbonate and sandstone 10% acetic acid
Shaly low-pressure gas, 10% acetic acid or 1.5% HF ■EOF firing head before and after firing.
or <1000 psi The firing head nests inside either a pro-
duction valve or a gun release system,
Heavy oil, paraffin present or well Xylene and is designed for no-delay firing.
drilled with oil-base mud
Gas sandstone <1000 psi Diesel

■Rules of thumb in fluid selection.

26 Oilfield Review
date the special needs of EOP jobs. Conven- SXAR Equipment Detonating Cord Initiated, Guns Dropped,
as Assembled Guns Shot Pressure Applied
tional TCP firing heads are activated by posi-
tive pressure, but have a hydraulic time-
delay mechanism that stalls firing for up to
15 minutes until activating pressure is bled
off to achieve underbalance. This delay is
unnecessary with EOP—good safety practice housing
minimizes exposure of surface and down-
hole equipment to high pressure. For this
purpose, Schlumberger introduced the EOF-
BA extreme overbalance firing head, which
has no time delay (previous page, right ). The
firing head starts the train of events leading
to gun detonation when pressure exceeds
the predetermined strength of shear pins. pin
This pressure drives an operating piston
upward to release a firing pin. Because the
piston must move against gravity, the firing
head is unaffected by vertical drops.
The EOF firing head nests inside either a
gun-release or an isolation valve system,
depending on completion type. The Explo-
sively Initiated Automatic Release (SXAR) Release
system is used for permanent completions, piston
in which the guns are fired and immediately
dropped into the rathole, allowing the well Break
to come on line immediately after perforat- plugs
ing (right ). The Explosively Initiated Produc-
tion Valve (SXPV) is used for “shoot-and-
pull” operations, in which the well is often
killed and the guns removed to provide an
unobstructed flow path, to run the comple-
tion string or to perform other work such as
a frac job.
In both completion types, safety and well
performance depend on quick and precisely
timed release of pressure. The valve and
gun-release system must assure that release
of pressure from the tubing is synchronized
with detonation of the guns, thereby keep- Applied Hydrostatic Atmospheric
ing excess pressure off the casing. If unper-
forated casing is subjected to extreme over-
balance pressure, it can damage mechanical ■SXAR system for extreme overbalance operations. A member of the X-Tool equipment
components in the well, cause a packer family for permanent completions, in which guns are dropped into the wellbore rathole
leak, blow packers uphole (packers are after firing, this completion tool makes use of a break-plug mechanism for rapid release
of guns and allows production immediately after perforating. Applied pressure (red),
often the weakest link), burst casing or col- before and after activation, is typically 10,000 psi.
lapse perforating guns.
For this reason, Schlumberger developed a
unique mechanism that assures rapid

17. For a safety checklist prepared by Oryx, see the

appendix in Handren et al, reference 3.

Autumn 1996 27
■Heart of the X-Tool release of pressure only when perforation is
system, before and
after detonation. certain. The heart of this device is a stack of
Whole break plugs break plugs that have high compressive
(beside the golf ball) strength, but low lateral strength (left ). The
support the trip plugs can support the compressive force of
mechanism, but
the pressure applied to the valve, but not
shatter when the
detonating cord, high lateral stress. The detonating cord
passing through passes through the plugs and if it undergoes
their center, under- a high-order detonation—which virtually
goes a high-order assures firing of the guns—the lateral shock
detonation. This vir-
tually assures that of the cord detonation shatters the plugs and
guns release or the trips the mechanism. Because the SXPV and
production valve SXAR are activated by the detonation train
opens at the that fires the shaped charges, there is little
moment the guns
chance of loading the casing prematurely.
fire, safely keeping
high pressure off The SXPV and SXAR belong to a family of
casing, packers and five new completion tools, the X-Tools, that
surface equipment. make use of this gun-activation method.
The SXPV design enhances EOP perfor-
SXPV Equipment Detonating Cord mance by opening the flow ports faster than
as Assembled Initiated, Guns Shot Pressure Applied
any other valve (below left ). Rapid transfer
of pressure to the perforations is essential,
Flow ports since a typical EOP event lasts 15 seconds
Flow ports open at most, and must take advantage of each
second to maximize the amount of work
applied to the formation. Loss of time con-
veying fluid from the tubing to the perfora-
tion translates into reduction in fracture
length and possibly in fracture width.
The SXPV valve begins opening 8 to 20
Firing head
milliseconds (msec) after gun detonation,
and is fully open after another 4 msec (next
page, top ). This high-speed operation means
the valve opens fully before fluid pressure
starts transferring from the tubing to the per-
cord tube foration tunnels. With a conventional,
adapter hydraulically activated valve, detonation to
full opening of the valve can take a full sec-
ond, or 10% of a typical 10-second EOB
Operating event. This time delay means that less energy
piston goes into creation of fractures, resulting in
less fracture length (next page, bottom ). In
addition, the SXPV flow ports provide a flow
area 11/2 times that of the tubing diameter,
which minimizes friction and maximizes
transfer of pressure from the tubing.
In permanent completions, where guns are
Release pins dropped into the rathole after detonation,
Support the release system must overcome two engi-
neering challenges: It must assure isolation
Break plug of completion hardware from gun shock,
which can unseat packers, and it must over-
Break plugs come friction in deviated wells that prevents
the guns from falling. Unassisted, guns usu-
ally will not drop until well deviation
reaches 40 to 45°. Excessive sanding and
debris can also prevent gun release.

■SXPV equipment for EOP. This X-Tool is used when wells are killed to remove guns—
shoot-and-pull—for unobstructed flow, running completions or to perform other work.
Break plugs ensure rapid opening of the production valve. Red is applied pressure, blue
shows hydrostatic and green is atmospheric pressure.
28 Oilfield Review
■A simplified view
7000 Pulse lasts 15 to 20 seconds of the first millisec-
Gun shock after this point
onds of perforating.
6000 The SXPV valve
begins opening as

Extreme overbalance pulse

5000 early as 8 msec
after gun detona-
4000 tion, and is fully

Pressure, psi
open after another
3000 4 msec. Rapid
opening means the
valve opens fully
X-valve before fluid pres-
opens sure starts transfer-
1000 Gun
firing ring from tubing to
Hydrostatic the perforation tun-
0 nels, maximizing
energy that goes
-1000 into creation of
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time, msec

wellbore fluid inflow

Jet interaction with

Maximum annulus
Jet tail formed

Slug exits gun

pressure from
wellbore fluid

Gun open to
gun swell

End of
0 1000
Time, µsec


Fracture radius, m




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time, sec

■How valve speed makes a difference. The more energy that goes into creating
fractures, the greater potential to extend fracture length. In these five ARCO wells,
examples A, B, D and E had enough nitrogen to cause significant erosion, whereas
example C ran out of gas, literally, before the curve plateaued and fractures
reached full extension. (From Petitjean et al, reference 3.)

Autumn 1996 29
Accelerometer Hydrophone Shot phasing also plays a role. In vertical
wells, a minimum of 120° phasing will typi-
cally result in two thirds of the perforations
lying within 45° of the PFP, the maximum
distance before EOP fractures start forming
away from perforations. Phasing choice is
also affected by procedures following EOP.
If EOP is a precursor to hydraulic fracturing,
a single biwing fracture is most desirable. In
this case, 60, 90 or 120° phasing is optimal.
Guns fired
and dropped However, if matrix acidizing is to follow,
then a higher, 45° phasing will help dis-
tribute acid around the wellbore.
While most operators use 60 to 120°
phasing, ARCO prefers 180°. Based on
large near-wellbore pressure losses in Prud-
3.07 sec (66.68 ft)

hoe Bay wells deviated 30 to 50°, ARCO

determined that multiple fractures were
developing from 60° phase shots. By
changing shot phasing to 180°, the pressure
drop fell from 2000 psi [13.8 MPa] to under
500 psi [3445 kPa], which contributed to
placement of a larger amount of proppant.
“We think this suggests a single, biwing frac-
ture,” said Joe Schmidt, the ARCO engineer
Guns hit who helped develop the ROPE program. In
bridge plug
gun systems with phasing other than 60°,
maximum benefit is obtained by keeping the
■Fastest gun this side of the Pecos. The shot detection same alignment for all gun segments.
system, which records accelerometer and acoustic Shot density—the number of shots per ver-
(hydrophone) signals during gun firing, documents tical foot—becomes increasingly important
the rapid gun release of the SXAR system. In this well, in longer perforation intervals. Too high a
a 150-ft gun deviated 76° dropped in 3.07 seconds into
a 66-ft [20-m] rathole. density can result in excessive leakoff. Too
low a density can result in longer exposure
The SXAR addresses both shock and fric- The guns themselves provide the final link of tubulars to high pressure and increased
tion problems by timing the firing of guns in the perforating chain. Charge type can risk of unseating a packer. In general,
shortly after disintegration of the last break significantly influence results. Failure of because extreme overbalance procedures
plug. At the instant the guns fire, they have some early EOP jobs was traced to a kind of produce instantaneous flow at 100 to 200
already been released, so the shock wave is screenout caused by plugging of perfora- barrels per minute, a rule of thumb is a shot
expended overcoming friction rather than tions with debris. Evidence for this was sur- density two to four times normal. ARCO,
traveling up the completion string. Tests and face pressure that did not decline after the for example, typically shoots EOP jobs at 4
field trials show the system works in a range guns went off. Investigators discovered that shots per foot using 120° phasing over a
of settings. In vertical wells, guns drop at 20 perforator debris behaves differently under 20-ft interval.
ft/sec [6 m/sec] and reach terminal speed a different settings. It can be permeable under
few milliseconds after release.18 The detona- the slowly rising pressures of hydraulic frac-
tion shock also effectively moves guns in turing, which can pump through some
highly deviated wells. In one well, the SXAR debris. But to the high-speed extreme over-
system successfully released a 150-ft [46-m] balance pressure pulse, debris can act as an
gun that was deviated 76° at the top and impermeable barrier. Behrmann and col-
86° at bottom (above ). leagues demonstrated that in EOP jobs,
accumulation of this debris, and subsequent
increase in pressure required to blast
through it, is minimized by use of deep pen-
etrators instead of big-hole charges.

30 Oilfield Review
Elements of EOP Design: Operations Comparison of Extreme Overbalance Methodologies
Today’s extreme overbalance operations fol- ARCO Marathon Oryx
low one of two basic routes: perforating as a
Reservoir Properties
stand-alone event followed by pumping, or
perforating and surging at the same time Interval, ft 20 to 60 20 to 120 4 to 1501
(right ). In the Oryx method, EOP is followed Depth, ft 8000 to 15,000 4000 to 9000 4000 to 15,000
by high-rate pumping. In wells that are Bottomhole pressure, psi 10,000 to 11,000 500 to 4000 500 to 11,000
already perforated, Oryx finds that continued
Permeability, md 10 to 300 10 to 150 <100 or 100 to 300 if
pumping after overbalance surge can reduce pressure insufficient
skin, as long as the pumping precedes flow for underbalance
from the reservoir.19 The surge method, using perforating
a frangible disk or expendable plug, has Job Design
proved to reduce pressure requirements of
Gradient,2 psi 1.2 to 1.6 1.8 to 2.1 1.4 to 3.0
subsequent hydraulic fracturing.
ARCO, working on the Alaskan North Fluid/gas <300 ft fluid; N2 at <1000 ft fluid; N2 at <1000 ft fluid; N2 at
>50,000 scf, with >50,000 scf, with 50,000 to 100,000
Slope, reports similar results with its ROPE slick water on top slick water on top scf, with slick water
method and, since 1994, a high-energy ver- and 15% acid on top
sion nicknamed HE ROPE. The main differ- Guns TCP guns; wireline TCP guns, usually TCP guns, 60° or
ence between the Oryx and ARCO methods guns with big-hole 60° phasing, 120° phasing, 4 or
is that ARCO uses nearby wells as holding charges for new 4 to 6 spf more spf
tanks for high-pressure nitrogen. Instead of completions;
pumping, ARCO pressures up nitrogen in 180° phasing
nearby wells, connected by hard line to the Other Surge disk for previ- Proppant carrier over Resin gel typical for
treated well. A plug is set in the tubing tail of ously perfed wells TCP carrier sand control
the storage well, and both the target well Large-diameter tubu- Surge disk for previ- Clean fluids
lars to reduce friction ously perfed wells essential to success
and storage well are simultaneously pres- loss and increase N2
sured. At the appropriate time, the surge disk Pump after all jobs,
volume same day or
ruptures with firing of the perforating guns, High-Energy ROPE next day
releasing all the gas into the target well. method, in which N2
The HE ROPE method uses nearly 100% in a nearby well is
nitrogen, with a small amount—10 to 20 bbl pressured and piped
to the well being
[1.6 to 3.2 m3]—of liquid over the guns. Bot- treated
tomhole pressure exceeds 10,000 psi, with
an overbalance of about 6500 psi [45 MPa].
The high pressure and high volume of nitro- 40% of wells with Increased production Negative skin on 88%
production increase rates and oil cuts of wells
gen lead to injection rates close to 270 bar-
of 10 to 20% in highly saturated No increase in
rels per minute [40 m3/min]. This rate results intervals
80% of wells requiring recoverable reserves,
in greater fracture width, erosion of the for- low frac pressure Completion time just in recovery rate
mation by gas and reduced near-wellbore when frac job follows reduced 30% Fractures likely to
pressure losses.20 The high-energy version Additional 15 to 20% Completion cost stay in zone due to
doubles fracture radius over conventional of frac sand placed reduced 11% low volume and short
ROPE, and because fractures tend to propa- 35% of TCP jobs period of fluid/gas
gate in a straight line, also allows for better fraced later inflow
Higher percentage of EOP as screening for
18. Huber K and Egey J: “SDET-B Confirms SXAR Fast frac sand placed other treatments: if
Release and High Speed of Dropping Guns,” The no response to EOP,
Perforating and Testing Review 6, no. 3 (October no further intervention
1993): 19. planned
19. Dees JM and Handren PJ: “Extreme Overbalance 1 With significant wellbore storage effect, the interval maximum rises to 500 ft.
Perforating Improves Well Performance,” World Oil
2 Achieved gradients sometimes fall slightly below the designed value, mainly because crews may feel more comfortable with lower
215, no. 1 (January 1994): 96-98. pressures. At the 1.4-psi gradient, however, the pressure on tubulars is usually no greater than that encountered during screenout
20. Couët et al, reference 3. of a conventional frac job, although EOP pressure may be applied for a longer period.

Autumn 1996 31
Extreme Overbalance Perforating Underbalance Hydraulic Fracturing

ho xim
riz um Time 1 Time 1
■The many become on
one. Extreme over- ls
balance perforating ss
in a horizontal well
causes a single frac-
ture to develop from
multiple perfora-
tions, since the
applied pressure
exceeds in-situ m ss
imu stre
stress. By time 2 Min ontal
r i z
(bottom left), separate ho
fractures from sepa-
rate perforations Time 2 Time 2
have merged and
rotated into the
plane of maximum
horiztonal stress.
With hydraulic frac-
turing in the same
stress scenario (right),
separate fractures

height control during fracturing of thin inter- ■Hot proppant.

vals (above ). A gamma ray
Several operators have looked into sus- tracer log in a
Marathon well
pending proppant in extreme overbalance shows a concentra-
fluids, in hopes of blowing it into the perfo- tion of tagged
rations and propping the fractures. Most proppant in perfo-
efforts have failed because of the high shear rations (yellow)
rate of fluid-proppant mixtures. At pump More proppant
appears to have
rates used in treatments, the fluid becomes been injected into
a “plug” and will not flow. Another prob- the upper two inter-
lem is suspending the proppant uniformly vals than into the
in the fluid while it is being pumped down bottom interval.
Subsequent produc-
the tubing. tion testing con-
Nevertheless, progress has been made. firmed that there
Marathon, for example, along with Owen was no communi-
Oil Tools has developed a proppant deliv- cation behind pipe.
ery system positioned just above the guns (From Snider et al,
reference 21.)
that minimizes difficulties of mixing prop-
pant with completion fluids (such as uncer-
tain suspension time and increased viscos-
ity). Marathon has run tests with 200 to 400
lbm [90 to 180 kg] of radioactively tagged
proppant. Gamma ray scanning logs run Work is just starting on EOP in horizontal overbalance methods in this setting may
afterward indicate no proppant in the wells, which present a new range of chal- require a higher pressure gradient, well
rathole and high radioactivity at perforation lenges related to gravity. An underbalance above 1.4 psi/ft, to pulverize and move
entrances (right ).21 “We know it’s going into perforating experiment at TerraTek shows debris that tends to fall to the low side of the
the holes,” said Phil Snider of Marathon. that detonation products could not be hole. Mobil and Halliburton have used EOP
“But we still don’t know if we’re running flushed from down-side perforations in a successfully in a horizontal well at 15,693 ft
enough proppant volume, or for enough wellbore deviated 29°, even with a 400-psi [4783 m] true vertical depth to tap a tight
time, to get effective propping.” [2756 kPa] underbalance differential. Based gas reservoir. Perforating guns were con-
on this result, some operators are using ori- veyed on drillpipe.22
ented guns and perforating horizontal drains
on the top and sides only. Applying extreme

32 Oilfield Review
Unanswered Questions Does EOP mean that subsequent frac One trend that may prove fruitful is the
“Most of the time, we know when extreme jobs require more or less horsepower? recent move away from the pressure gradi-
overbalance will work,” said Phil Snider of Again, experience is ambiguous. Some ent rule and toward the tubular limit
Marathon. “But the few jobs that go wrong operators report always needing less horse- rule—selecting the highest pressure safely
are the ones driving our research.” power, while others say sometimes less, allowed by the tubular rating. ARCO, for
This sentiment informs much of today’s sometimes more. Oryx finds that regardless example, keeps pressure to within 80% of
investigations into extreme overbalance of horsepower required, EOP jobs always tubular burst rating. However, it is still
methods. But as knowledge increases, so do result in placement of a higher proppant unclear whether more pressure is always
the apparent number of unknowns. Most concentration during subsequent frac jobs. better. By contrast, there is a move toward
workers in EOP have a wish list of what The treatment screens out, for example, at larger diameter tubing, which typically has a
would make their lives easier and more pro- 8 lbm/gal [958 kg/m3] instead of 4 lbm/gal lower pressure rating but allows a higher
ductive. Highlights of this list include the [479 kg/m3]. volume of gas. Also under investigation is
following questions: the use of proppant carriers, which have
What is the pressure-rise time? Knowing Where Are You Going, EOP? been tried in only a few dozen wells.
the shape and exact length of the pressure- There are parallels between the develop- ARCO has been looking to test the ROPE
time curve from the moment of gun dis- ment of extreme overbalance perforating method, with its precise control of fracture
charge will allow calculation of the number and tubing-conveyed perforating. In the height, on coal degasification projects,
of fractures and fracture width. In addition, 1970s, TCP burst on the scene with Roy where water intrusion often limits develop-
watching what happens in the first few sec- Vann’s innovative designs for downhole ment. Another possible use of this method is
onds can shed light on friction levels to opti- equipment. Hailed by proponents as a per- in remote wells, where highly mobile nitro-
mize job design. To achieve this, Snider is forating panacea, and by others as an aber- gen generation equipment could be readily
using a downhole high-speed pressure gauge ration that would soon disappear, it was ini- moved on site.
that measures 20,000 data points per sec- tially adopted by a few operators. Trial and “We think of EOP not as a replacement for
ond. Early results indicate that perforation error smoothed out the rough edges, con- the hydraulic frac,” said Joe Schmidt of
and fluid influx may behave more as a single vincing the industry at large of its technical ARCO, “but as a pretreatment for fast return.
event than as two distinct ones. In addition, and economic benefits. Eventually, TCP set- If we have trouble with a conventional frac
results indicate that optimization requires tled in as a niche service, which today because of earth stresses or well deviation,
limiting flow restrictions in tubing and accounts for more than 25% of the perforat- this works.”
reducing the height of liquid in tubulars.23 ing business. Schmidt’s view represents that of many
How does gun system design affect frac- EOP emerged in a slightly different con- workers trying to define the limits of the
tures—big hole or deep penetrators? 24 text. After 1986, low and stable oil prices EOP frontier. True, it is known to work in
Marathon’s experience indicates that big- instigated a flurry of engineering creativity, some settings, and yes, the mechanics may
hole charges may lay down filter cake that moving completion designs toward further not be clear, but that is simply a problem
prevents injection of the surge. Except for specialization and producing a change in that will wash away with more study.
gravel packing, deep penetrators are gener- perspective. The idea of “completion equals “We know just about all we can about
ally the charge of choice. plumbing”—seals, tubulars, valves and underbalance perforating,” said Phil Snider
How conductive are EOP fractures, and packers—began to give way to the view that of Marathon Oil Company. “Extreme over-
how long do they work? Experience shows “completion equals well optimization.” By balance still presents the possibility of dis-
that short, unpropped fracs have a useful life the beginning of the 1990s, the completions covering new benefits.” —JMK
of 6 to 12 months. As Marathon has world was no longer neatly divided into
observed, proppant may pack EOP perfora- wireline, slickline, tubing and coiled tubing 21. Oriold F and Snider PM: “TCP Proppant Carrier Sys-
tion tunnels, but may function more as an techniques. Now the approach is to find the tems for Extreme Overbalance Perforating: Experi-
ence to Date,”paper CIM 96-82, presented at the
abrasive than a proppant. And the abrasive best mix of solutions to optimize recovery. 47th Annual Technical Meeting of the Petroleum
action decreases near the fracture tip, as Extreme overbalance is one such develop- Society, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 10-12, 1996.
flow velocity decreases. In support of this ment that blurs old boundaries. Usually per- Snider PM, Hall FR and Whisonant RJ: “Experiences
with High Energy Stimulations for Enhancing Near-
claim, large gains in well productivity with formed on tubing, EOP can be achieved Wellbore Conductivity,” paper SPE 35321, presented
the addition of a small volume of prop- with wireline; it also marries perforating and at the International Petroleum Conference and Exhi-
pant—100 to 200 lbm [45 to 90 kg]—sug- pumping, and inches toward stimulating, bition, Villahermosa, Mexico, March 5-7, 1996.
gest scouring as the mode of action. Bauxite but stops short at near-wellbore enhance- 22. Chambers MR, Mueller MW and Grossmann A:
“Well Completion Design and Operations for a
has proved to provide better scouring than ment. In the continuum of well treatments, Deep Horizontal Well with Multiple Fractures,”
conventional frac sand. it more closely resembles matrix acidizing paper SPE 30417, presented at SPE Offshore Europe
1995, Aberdeen, Scotland, September 5-8, 1995.
Over what distance do EOP fractures turn? than hydraulic fracturing, although its tech-
23. Snider et al, reference 21.
Experiments in large blocks of rock indicate niques borrow more from the latter.
24. A big-hole charge increases hole diameter at the
turning is complete in two or three wellbore Whether EOP will join the mainstream in expense of penetration depth. Hole diameter in cas-
diameters, but there is evidence that in situ, the style of TCP or remain a small niche ser- ing is two to three times greater than with a deep
penetrator, but penetration is substantially reduced.
turning may take 5 to 10 ft [0.6 to 3 m]. vice depends mainly on proof of its eco-
nomic viability. This proof requires further
technical refinements so that results can be
clearly related to technique.

Autumn 1996 33
Multipurpose Service Vessels:
Versatile Toolkits for Well Intervention

The oil industry’s push toward greater efficiency and more integrated services is profoundly impacting

marine support activities. New concepts and designs that offer an expanded range of capabilities from

a single vessel rather than multiple boats and barges are rapidly transforming the face of well workover

and remediation operations. This article describes how innovative approaches are solving logistics and

performance problems that have challenged offshore operators and service providers for decades.

Sam Adamson In today’s oil field, delivering cost-effective advances is ushering in a new era of perfor-
Francisco Cupello solutions to difficult problems is para- mance from offshore barges and lift boats.
John Hicks mount. As oil companies continue their Former single-purpose or limited-use ves-
Malcolm Keenleyside intense drive to lower finding and produc- sels are being retrofitted to enhance effi-
Las Morochas, Venezuela ing costs and increase efficiency in every ciency and upgraded to add capabilities.
facet of operations, service companies are Purpose-built vessels, which can swiftly
Dave Formas working closely with them as proactive deliver a wide spectrum of services, with
Claude Gabillard
solution-providers. Success hinges on fewer constraints and with a smaller cadre
Montrouge, France
exploiting the new business relationships of highly skilled personnel, are being
that have sprouted and thrived during the designed and commissioned in key oil-
Francisco Gamarra
past few years, typified by a proliferation of producing regions worldwide.
Alexis Sanchez
alliances and integrated services contracts. To put it simply, today you can have a
Lagoven SA
Tia Juana, Venezuela At the core of these initiatives are align- Swiss Army knife at your disposal instead
ment of fundamental goals and an unparal- of a common penknife.
leled application of cutting-edge technol-
ogy targeted at productivity enhancement.1 Progress in the Lake
Cooperative operator-service company Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela remains one of
programs are closely examining the cost- the most prolific oil-producing areas of the
For help in preparation of this article, thanks to Larry effectiveness of oilfield equipment used world—contributing over 1.5 million
Hibbard and Yves Lemoign, Sedco Forex, Montrouge,
throughout the field development cycle. BOPD [240,000 m3/d] to help satisfy the
WASP is a mark of Schlumberger. Swiss Army is a mark Radically different approaches are being ever-increasing global demand for energy.
of Victorinox. adopted to reduce logistical complexity and This represents more than 50% of the 2.9
1. Chafcouloff S, Michel G, Trice M, Clark G, Cosad C
and Forbes K: “Integrated Services,” Oilfield Review 7,
nonproductive time, deficiencies associated million BOPD [460,800 m3/d] produced
no. 2 (Summer 1995): 11-25. with many long-standing practices. This is by Venezuela. Lake Maracaibo is also
Austin CB, Dole S, Chmilowski W, Vernon G, Heidt particularly true for well construction, inter- home to a unique field development
JH, Lewis R, Thompson J, Vinson M and Watson T:
“Alliances in the Oil Field,” Oilfield Review 7, no. 2 vention and remediation where a combina- scheme of over 11,000 wells and a unique
(Summer 1995): 26-39. tion of innovative thinking and technical set of well maintenance problems.
2. Offshore 55, no. 5 (May 1995): 36.
State-owned Petroleos de Venezuela SA
3. “Venezuela Awards Exploration Risk Contracts,” Oil &
Gas Journal 94, no. 30 (July 22, 1996): 28-29. (PdVSA) has committed to more than dou-

34 Oilfield Review

Tia Juana

ble oil production capacity by the year newly assigned areas are projected at 7 to
2005 with an impressive assembly of 23 billion bbl [1 to 3.6 billion m3].3 Lake Maracaibo
drilling and workover programs. Three- Lagoven, the company that along with sis-
La Ceiba
dimensional seismic mapping of the entire ter affiliates Maraven and Corpoven consti-
Lake, completed in 1994, paved the way tute PdVSA, has seized the initiative with a
for a new, intensive exploration campaign vengeance. In 1994, for example, 77 mil- Venezuela
that has already led to several important lion bbl [12 million m3] of light crude were
light-oil discoveries.2 added to reserves with three major discover- 54%
PdVSA’s programs are being comple- ies in the Lake that helped boost Lagoven’s Heavy Medium
mented by aggressive efforts from interna- production. Currently, Lagoven maintains Crude production
tional oil companies, including Mobil, over 8000 wells and produces about 14%
Enron, British Petroleum, Shell, Amoco, 730,000 BOPD [116,000 m3/d] from 4940 Light
Maxus, Conoco and Elf Aquitaine, as they active wells mainly in the eastern sector of
develop acreage acquired in recent offer- the Lake (right). Water depths in the sector ■ Lagoven operations in Lake Maracaibo.
ings. Earlier this year, Venezuela leased average about 60 ft [18 m] and well depths Lagoven produces from over 4900 active
acreage in the first bidding round since it average around 4000 ft [1220 m]. wells, mainly in the Campo-Costanero-
Bolivar region of the Lake (light blue).
reopened to foreign investment in 1993. Of the total number of wells, nearly 1000 Eighty-three percent of the wells produce
Profit-sharing contracts covering explo- are presently shut-in, and as many as 4000 medium to heavy crude. Nearly 4000 out
ration on eight tracts with a combined area require some type of workover operation. of a total inventory of over 8000 wells cur-
rently require some type of workover.
of 18,000 km2 [6950 square miles] were As the fields in this area of the Lake have
awarded. Undiscovered oil reserves in the matured, the need for more frequent and

Autumn 1996 35
Current Future

Conventional drilling and workover barges; support

barges (cementing, coiled tubing, gravel packing, logging) Integrated multipurpose units

Major scheduling and Streamlined scheduling

logistics problems and logistics

Excessive Stable platform,

weather-related delays enhanced mooring capabilities

Organization and Efficient, multiskilled

communications deficiencies organization

Insufficient, poor-quality data Rapid, high-quality data generation

■ Evolution in well workover practices. The logistical and coordination problems and excessive downtime currently experienced using
single-service barges can be solved by integrated, multipurpose vessels capable of more rapid, efficient, less costly operations.

complex workover and remediation proce- tolerance to waves. Delays waiting for The changeover will, of necessity, be evo-
dures has grown accordingly. weather to improve increase nonproduc- lutionary. The progression from dedicated,
Although wells in Lake Maracaibo are tive time. The scene evokes visions of a single-use barges to custom-designed, mul-
technically “offshore,” many operations are queue of rain-delayed jets awaiting takeoff tipurpose vessels is currently passing
reminiscent of land development. Flat-bot- at a major airport. These constraints, and through an interim stage—barge retrofitting.
tom barges with cantilevered derrick sets having a limited fleet of service vessels,
are used for drilling. Historically, Lagoven restrict rig-based workovers to about 400 More Than a Cosmetic Makeover
built drilling barges up to 220 ft [67 m] in per year, far fewer than needed. For several years, service companies have
length and then adapted them for a range Lagoven’s efforts to sustain production sporadically reconfigured—or retrofitted—
of workover functions. An array of separate from depleting zones and increase overall drilling and specialty service barges to
barges, outfitted to provide one or two spe- hydrocarbon recovery rely heavily on well increase functionality by adding dedicated
cialty services each, such as cementing reentries and workovers. Lagoven views equipment. These attempts represented the
and coiled tubing, supports the drilling and this as the most economical way to first valid steps toward more efficient well
workover barges. Currently, Lagoven owns enhance hydrocarbon production and stop workover services. Today, efforts are more
11 out of 28 barges and three jackups ser- its primary nemesis—water production. directed and less experimental.
vicing its sector of the Lake. This, in turn, has prompted a rethinking A notable effort by Dowell, based on
When well construction or intervention about how workovers should be per- work in the late 1980s when barges were
tasks call for multiple barges in a pre- formed. An evaluation of existing deficien- first outfitted with coiled tubing units, has
arranged sequence, the logistics of barge cies and benefits from an integrated ser- helped bolster confidence in coiled tubing
scheduling and positioning are compli- vices approach convinced Lagoven to drilling on the Lake. A 140-ft [43-m] barge
cated and inefficient. Time spent waiting propose multipurpose barges for delivering was specially configured to support either
for the next barge to arrive is often exces- a suite of services from a single vessel. conventional or coiled tubing drilling. To
sive. Lake Maracaibo is prone to rapid Smaller, more flexible and cost-effective, date, nearly 50 wells have been drilled
weather fluctuations, further impeding these vessels solve scheduling problems from the barge with coiled tubing. Initially,
operations since most barges have minimal and eliminate the excessive downtime
plaguing current operations (above).

36 Oilfield Review
■ The Lagoven
406. This can-
tilevered drilling
barge has been
retrofitted to pro-
vide integrated
services by
adding coiled
tubing and fluid
mixing, blending
and pumping

hole sizes were 37⁄8-in. diameter. Now, wells ■ Reconfigured

are being drilled through shallow gas areas Lagoven 406
deck layout with
with diameters as great as 123⁄4 in. Well cas- new equipment.
ing, up to 10 3⁄4 in. in diameter, is run and Coiled The addition of
Coiled tubing tubing coiled tubing
cemented with the same unit. The success of reel power pack and WASP sand
this approach paved the way for the even Drill floor
mixer modules
more ambitious efforts that followed. on the deck level
Recently, two barges in the Lagoven provides addi-
Engine Engine tional flexibility
fleet—Lagoven 405 and Lagoven 406— for well workover
and and Tanks
were retrofitted. Lagoven 406 (LV-406), a WASP pump pump and remediation
cantilevered drilling barge with on-board sand programs.
derrick set and wireline logging unit, was
the first vessel with hoisting and rotating
capabilities to be retrofitted (above). Work-
ing alongside Lagoven, Schlumberger Oil- Deck level
field Services, with Sedco Forex as project
manager, reconfigured the barge in order
to provide integrated services.
The barge was delivered for retrofitting in
mid-February 1996 and equipped with a
1.5-in. diameter coiled tubing unit (control
cabin, power pack, reel and injector head),
WASP water and sand proportioning mixer
for blending gravel pack slurries, fluid fil-
tering system, silo, displacement tanks and
recirculating pump—replacing the bare
pipe racks on the deck of LV-406 (right).

Autumn 1996 37
Upgraded piping and new systems for
air, water, fuel and electricity were added.
During the construction phase, a premium
was placed on efficient use of deck space.
Since the reconfiguration primarily
involved coiled tubing and pumping
equipment, a team of experienced Dowell
engineers was appointed to define an opti-
mal deck arrangement (left).
Although over 100,000 lbm [45,360 kg]
were added to the vessel, the excellent load-
bearing capacity of LV-406 ensured that vari-
able deck load limits were not exceeded. A
comprehensive stability analysis conducted
by a naval architect confirmed that vessel
stability would not be compromised.
The reconfigured barge was placed in
operation in mid-April 1996 (below left). In
its first few months of operation, the retrofit-
ted LV-406 has mainly performed horizontal
well cleanouts and cement plug place-
ments with coiled tubing, as well as wire-
line operations, including perforating and
■ Deck and mez-
setting bridge plugs or permanent packers.
zanine levels
showing individ- Previously, cleanouts of produced sand
ual equipment required use of larger diameter drillpipe or
modules. Optimal
contracting for a separate coiled tubing
module place-
ment was deter- barge to work in tandem with LV-406. The
mined by a team former was expensive and time-consuming;
of experienced
the latter meant dealing with ever-present
Dowell engineers.
The placement of scheduling and positioning problems. With
each unit was two barges, the well would often sand up
based on control,
again after cleanout, before the rig could be
interface and pip-
ing criteria. repositioned to install a prepacked sand-
control screen.
With the retrofitted LV-406, however,
cleanout of a 3000-ft [914-m] horizontal
section typically requires only 17 hours
compared to 36 hours with multiple barge
operations, a savings of 53%. Worked-over
wells now produce sand-free.
According to Francisco Gamarra, Drilling
and Workover Manager for Lagoven’s Tia
Juana District and Alexis Sanchez,
■ Looking across Workover Engineer in charge of LV-406,
the deck toward
the cantilevered $220,000 and 15 days were saved working
derrick. One goal over the first 10 wells.
of the retrofitted “With everything now on the same barge,
design was a
functional, safe multiple barge moves have been eliminated
and uncluttered and logistics have improved significantly,”
deck. Equipment says Gamarra. “We have taken a major step
modules are
arranged for forward in the quality and efficiency of our
easy change-out operations. Cross-training between coiled
and efficient tubing and conventional workover experts
delivery of the
widest possible
range of services.

38 Oilfield Review
has reduced rig-up time. Based on this suc-
cess, we plan to convert our remaining
barges over the next three years.” 1 Coiled tubing reel
2 Injector head
Designing the Ultimate Toolkit 3 Jib, 8.5 metric ton capability
Retrofitting has its place as a logical, 3
4 Injector head (working position)
intermediate measure. The long-term goal, 5 Riser
however, is a fleet of versatile, purpose- 6 BOP stack
built vessels. “We don’t have a single
mindset on how to accomplish this. We 2

are willing to listen to the innovative ideas

service companies are proposing,”
Gamarra indicates.
Designing vessels for the stringent 5 Helideck
workover and intervention activities
e x p e c te d in th e fu ture requires an 6
exhaustive analysis of the parameters
Main deck
affecting practices on the Lake. What
basic vessel structure should be used?
How can deck equipment best be inte-
grated to maximize functionality and effi-
ciency? Reconfiguration of LV-406 pro-
v id e d inva lu a b le e x perience in the
■ Barge configuration. Starting with a clean slate, Schlumberger engineers designed a
definition and selection process—high- customized vessel—PRISA—to fulfill the well workover and intervention needs of
lighting what worked and what didn’t. Lagoven. The efficient, compact design affords modular flexibility and adheres to
The assessment required three iterations, stringent quality, health, safety and environmental guidelines. The barge version of
PRISA is shown with a modified cantilevered derrick, supplemented by a coiled tubing
with each revision giving a tighter, more unit for reentry and underbalanced drilling.
cost-effective design.
The result is a new vessel concept called
PRISA—a Spanish term which translates ”to
do things quickly”—symbolizing the objec-
tive established at the outset. PRISA is envi-
1 Crane, 100-ft boom length
sioned as the solution to Lagoven’s
2 Folding mast
workover and intervention needs for the
3 Drill floor
future—a multipurpose unit that reduces
4 Stern thrusters
logistical complexity, improves operational
5 Bow thruster
flexibility and efficiency, and decreases
time spent waiting on weather. 1
Two design variations are possible. The 2
first is a barge style, 180 ft [55 m] in length
with a 4000-ft2 [370-m2] deck, capable of 3
operating in water depths to 150 ft [46 m],
Main deck
wave heights to 6 ft [1.8 m] and surface
currents to 2 knots (above right). Bottom deck
4 5
The second is a self-propelled, lift-boat
style, 180 ft long with a 6000-ft2 [558-m2]
deck, able to operate in water depths to
100 ft [30 m] (right). This configuration is
bottom-supported for better stability over a
wider range of environmental conditions.

■ Lift-boat configuration. This self-propelled version of PRISA is equipped with bow and
stern thrusters to permit easy mobilization and precise positioning.

Autumn 1996 39
Maximum horizontal extension,
well depth, 2000 ft
8000 ft

plug 6 1/4-in. sidetrack with drillpipe
or coiled tubing

existing wellbore, Target
7-in. casing reservoir

■ Well reentry and drilling of laterals with drillpipe or coiled tubing. The ambitious workover and production enhancement pro-
grams of Lagoven emphasize reentry of existing wells to drill deviated or horizontal sections to reach previously untapped areas of
the reservoir.

Services in both configurations include: niques will proliferate rapidly as crucial ele- ing system decrease waiting-on-weather
• conventional well repair and workover, ments in the long-term production improve- time. Better equipment layout, modular
including workover fluid services ment strategy for Lake Maracaibo. Late in construction and tighter organization of
• conventional reentry drilling and snub- 1996, Lagoven plans to drill two wells using deck personnel reduce nonproductive time.
bing (barge configuration only) multilateral technology. For 1997, this num- Quality, health, safety and environmental
• coiled tubing drilling, including under- ber jumps to 25. performance improves, combined with
balanced air or foam drilling with PRISA includes an integral, cantilevered lower operating and maintenance costs—
quick changeover to conventional derrick and major support facilities—moor- overall, an impressive list of benefits.
drilling and pulling mode in the barge ing system, crane, living quarters, power Lagoven currently envisions construction of
configuration generation, and fluid pumping and storage up to six such vessels to support its produc-
• measurements- and logging-while- equipment. The deck space is readily tion enhancement initiative.
drilling accessible by the main crane, allowing effi-
• wireline logging and perforating cient placement of service modules. Indonesia and West Africa:
• pumping mud, cement, acid, gravel Hydraulic and power units support multi- Reflecting Similar Needs
packs and completion fluids ple applications. The well workover and intervention market
• slick-line operations. Automation and process control maxi- in Indonesia is sizable. As primary fields
But the design goes further, providing mize productivity during running, tripping mature, they require increased attention.
capabilities for reentry and production and pulling of completion equipment. A Estimates indicate that this market will
improvement drilling of short-radius hori- central control cabin monitors functions in grow in the near term, with yearly
zontal sections and multilaterals (see “Reen- the derrick and on the drill floor, as well as workover targets of 500 wells or more.
try Drilling Gives New Life to Aging Fields,” electric and slick-line operations. Today, there simply aren’t enough service
page 4) from existing wellbores with casing In stark contrast to existing vessels, PRISA vessels. Oil companies plan workovers
sizes up to 7 in. [18 cm] (above). These tech- simplifies logistics and enhances onboard using the available, diverse assortment of
operator-service company coordination,
(continued on page 43)
allowing rapid, sequenced operations. The
stable platform and an advanced position-

40 Oilfield Review
A New Generation of Capabilities

Performance and reliability in compact packag-

ing have epitomized the last decade of computer Radio room/
wheel house
and electronics breakthroughs. In similar fash-
ion, technical innovations are streamlining oil- controls Navigation mast
field equipment, decreasing failure rates and Crane with
delivering increasingly accurate data more 120-ft boom
rapidly. Whether it’s onboard processing for Jack house
seismic surveys, revolutionary downhole wire- Helideck
Flare boom
line logging tools, or integrated fluid mixing and
blending systems, an insistence on speed, quali- 14 ft thruster
ty and versatility is permeating the industry.
7 ft Anchor
Offshore well construction, maintenance and Stern rack
intervention services that require vessel support
300 ft
are being closely scrutinized. These tasks can be
performed more efficiently and cost-effectively
with multipurpose service vessels—MPSVs—
than with an assembly of traditional, single-ser-
vice units. With the number of deviated, horizon-
tal and multilateral wells mushrooming, and
revisited reservoirs requiring more complex well
completion schemes, custom-designed vessels
are increasingly viewed as the preferred equip- ■Multipurpose Service Vessel. Outboard profile of the MPSV showing the primary control, lifting and propul-
ment of choice. sion systems.
Multipurpose service vessels provide the ser-
vice company with an arsenal of capabilities and MPSVs required the combined strengths and It is smaller than a normal jackup, requires less
integrated platforms for delivering a veritable expertise of the Schlumberger Oilfield Services steel and is sleeker than the flat-bottom barges
smorgasbord of services. At the same time, they companies—led by Sedco Forex for vessel man- typically used in areas like Lake Maracaibo.
offer oil companies more options for improving agement and drilling expertise, Anadrill for direc- The MPSV is equipped with four legs. This
hydrocarbon recovery and extending the life tional drilling and measurements-while-drilling configuration saves time during vessel moves,
expectancies of offshore wells. The MPSV is a services, Wireline & Testing for logging and well improves safety, reduces maintenance costs and
win-win solution for both parties. testing services, and Dowell for pumping, fluids provides greater space for equipment on and
In late 1995, a self-propelled MPSV, Irish Sea engineering and coiled tubing services. below the main deck.
Pioneer, was commissioned by Halliburton Energy The resulting design adheres to the fundamen- The MPSV has a streamlined bow and stern to
Services for well workover and intervention activ- tal quality, health, safety and environmental minimize hull resistance, and utilizes state-of-the-
ities in the BHP Petroleum Liverpool Bay field off tenets being applied uniformly by Schlumberger art azimuthal thrusters for precise station keeping
the west coast of England. It is the largest such worldwide and conforms to standards estab- and maneuverability. It can be used safely in
vessel built to date and underscores the benefits lished by regulating organizations, including the water depths as shallow as 10 ft [3 m] or as deep
that operators and service companies alike per- American Bureau of Shipping and International as 170 ft [52 m] and is stable in 60-knot winds
ceive in the MPSV concept.1 Maritime Organization, and initiatives such as and 29-ft [9-m] waves. Fully-retractable spud cans
The MPSV initiative within Schlumberger is a Safety Of Life At Sea. are integrated into the hull design, minimizing
natural outgrowth of the drive toward integrating The chosen blueprint is a jackup-style vessel— drag during transit. Top and bottom jetting capa-
services and supplying value-added solutions in properly termed a lift boat—with four, 300-ft bilities aid removal when leaving location.
direct response to client needs. Defining specifi- [91-m] legs (above). The vessel is self-propelled The MPSV is self-elevating with leg-jacking
cations for and designing the first-generation at speeds up to 6 knots, compared to jackups that speeds of 6 to 8 ft/min [1.8 to 2.4 m/min], five
are towed at a sluggish 1 to 2 knots by tugboats. times faster than a conventional jackup. A
1. O’Callaghan MJ: “Jackup Workover Platform Begins
New Era in Europe,” Offshore 55, no. 12 (December
power-generation system that isolates propulsion
1995): 42-43. functions from jacking functions ensures that the

Autumn 1996 41
vessel can maintain accurate position, even in high currents, during jack-
ing operations and when adjacent to wellheads.
The 6000-ft2 deck is open, usable and supports a 1.5 million-lbm
[0.7 million-kg] deck load with the legs elevated and a 1.0 million-lbm 1 Container
[0.5 million-kg] load at other times. Twin 100-ton cranes with 120-ft
2 Surge tank
[37-m] booms are capable of moving equipment modules onto and around or knock-out
the vessel, and are qualified for major lifts directly to and from attended drum

platforms or wellheads. The cranes revolve a full 360° without interference 3 Crude oil
export pump
from the legs, increasing flexibility and reducing deck space requirements.
To permit extended, 24-hour operation, accommodations and water 1 Twin pump 4 Control skid
production facilities are provided for up to 60 people, as operations skid
5 Gauge tank
dictate. Additional personnel can be housed in temporary modules on 2 Nitrogen 1 6 Air
storage tank 1 2 2
the main deck, if necessary. Quarters are located for ready access to the compressor
helideck and lifeboats or life rafts. 3 Nitrogen
3 3 5 6
7 Oil manifold
MPSV services cover the spectrum from routine, daily repair and mainte- pump 1 4
2 8 Production
nance on wells and platforms to short or extended well tests, horizontal 7 separator
production logging and acid stimulation with coiled tubing, and drilling mud 1 Burner head 8
9 Lab cabin
treatment. The MPSV can be equipped as an early production system during 2 Crude oil 8
the initial stages of field development, allowing operators to fully evaluate reinjection 9 8 10 Logging
pump 2 cabin
reservoir potential while generating immediate cash flow. 10
A single process-control system, ergonomically designed primary con-
trol cabin and modular, integrated equipment layout simplify operations,
improve safety and permit staffing by a smaller cadre of multiskilled ■ Equipment configuration for extended well testing. The large, accessible deck
personnel than with a random assortment of single-purpose vessels. provides ample room for the variety of equipment modules needed to support an
extended well test.
Modularity allows rapid, easy customization. In the extended-well-test-
ing mode, the vessel is outfitted with production separators, surge tanks
or knock-out drums, export and reinjection pumps, a special logging
cabin, a twin, high-pressure pumping skid, flare boom and burner (top).
For horizontal production logging, a coiled tubing unit—including
power pack, reel and injector head—blender, a twin, high-pressure
pumping skid, production pump, and surge tank or knock-out drum are 1 Logging
used (bottom). For acid stimulation, a pressure-swing absorption nitrogen cabin
unit and acid storage tank are added. Other coiled tubing applications— 2 Container
nitrogen lift, logging and cementing—can be accommodated easily.
3 Surge tank
Electric or hydraulic high-volume, high-pressure pumps can be added to or knock-out
extend the operating range of coiled tubing and snubbing units. drum
For well repair activities, a cantilever, mast and hoisting facilities, mud 4 Gauge tank
pumps, fluid storage tanks and mud treatment skids are provided. The
5 Air
cantilever offers versatility by permitting direct positioning over the well- compressor
head. The MPSV can also serve as a diving-support vessel or as a tempo- 3
2 5
1 Twin pump 6 Crude oil
rary logistics and supply vessel for platforms or other offshore facilities. 1
skid reinjection
4 pump
Currently, MPSVs based on this design are being evaluated for
2 Blender
diverse areas, such as the Gulf of Mexico, west coast of Africa, 2 7 Oil manifold
3 Power pack 6
Malaysia and Indonesia.
1 8 Production
4 Reel 3 separator
5 Injector 4 8 9 Choke
head manifold

■Equipment configuration for horizontal production logging. The addition of a

coiled tubing unit and auxiliary equipment supports logging of horizontal wells, a
key duty expected for MPSVs as the emphasis on horizontal and multilateral wells
expands worldwide.

42 Oilfield Review
boats and barges, and must live with the reduced through multitasking and cross- Managing a Successful Changeover
technical and operational restrictions inher- training in several services. The drive to eliminate core inefficiencies in
ent in their designs. High-efficiency, flexible The vessel is capable of running and equipment and operations is spreading
units—at least four just to satisfy the demands pulling completions and can incorporate a globally as a result of open communica-
of major international players—are desper- derrick with rotating capabilities to drill out tions and teamwork between operators and
ately needed both to increase workover fre- cement, mill windows and washover service companies. The results are innova-
quency and to optimize scheduling. downhole equipment. Onboard living tive concepts to solve industry problems
The majority of today’s fleet are floaters, quarters and support facilities allow 24- that have lingered for decades.
mainly flat-top barges. Historically, these hour operation. Advances in offshore support vessel
were the cheapest to build and operate A generalized strategy, based on MPSVs, design and functionality are opening up
while offering modest flexibility. But they is emerging to satisfy the burgeoning needs new avenues for greater productivity and
have severe limitations, require substantial of the Indonesian workover market. Even- efficiency. The evolution from single-pur-
marine support—up to three auxiliary boats tually, when service vessel capabilities pose to retrofitted designs and from inte-
for moving and positioning—and large expand sufficiently, there will be an addi- grated service vessels to custom-designed,
crews, 50% greater staffing than for effi- tional benefit—the size, complexity and multipurpose vessels has been a phased,
cient vessels. They are also highly sensitive cost of production platforms will decrease but relatively rapid, one. While each oil-
to weather, often unusable if swells exceed substantially since fewer, lighter facilities producing area has specialized needs that
a few feet. Nonproductive time rigging up, will be needed. must be fully addressed during design,
rigging down and waiting on weather runs Similar well servicing challenges and operators and service companies are real-
as high as 40 to 50%. These barges can opportunities exist off the west coast of izing that a common strategy, MPSVs, can
interface only with platforms equipped with Africa. Here, MPSVs will have to meet the be the ultimate answer—a versatile toolkit
a derrick set or designed to accommodate a rigorous demands of a wide range of for well intervention.
rig or coiled tubing unit. This lack of con- clients and incorporate servicing modules Implementation, however, is the real
formance restricts certain operations and for well testing, early production facilities, challenge. It will require investing capital in
promotes substandard quality and safety. wireline logging and coiled tubing. new equipment, instilling an across-the-
With a purpose-built intervention unit, This means more deck space, variable board commitment to quality and efficiency
capabilities to run completions, perforate load capacity, hefty cranes, permanent in offshore servicing, and training a large
and clean up wells—common practices in onboard equipment and a large workshop number of multiskilled teams to staff these
many parts of world, but currently difficult to carry out maintenance and repair work vessels. The potential rewards in terms of
to impossible in Indonesia—can be added. on platforms and wellheads. Many such productivity enhancement and improved
Today, importing specialized units for these operations are currently performed by con- field economics, however, are enormous.
purposes is an option, but usually prohibi- ventional drilling jackups at high day rates. —DEO
tive due to mobilization costs and incom- Like operations in Indonesia, a nearly
patibilities with platform designs. identical MPSV concept provides the
A Schlumberger study outlines the ideal answer. Since it is designed to be moved fre-
solution: a versatile, self-propelled, multi- quently, mobilization is rapid and easy.
purpose service vessel—or MPSV—to min- Transit times and costs are reduced, and
imize transport time and the amount of towing vessels are not required. To be finan-
marine support needed (see “A New Gen- cially attractive to operators, costs must be
eration of Capabilities,” page 41). Modular lower than for conventional drilling jackups.
construction allows fit-for-purpose equip- The MPSV is expected to bring greater func-
ment sets to be placed and changed out tionality at considerably lower day rates.
rapidly and efficiently on deck, reducing
rig-up and rig-down time. The vessel has a
working deck at the same level as those on
production platforms to minimize lost time
and eliminate the need to transfer equip-
ment from barge to platform. The vessel’s
deck accommodates most service equip-
ment for greater efficiency, safety and
improved communications. Staffing is

Autumn 1996 43
Environmental Applications of
Oilfield Technology

Darwin Ellis Investigation of subsurface sites before and after disposal of

Ridgefield, Connecticut, USA
hazardous waste is a new and growing field for oilfield technology.
Bob Engelman Whether the problem is identifying and monitoring contaminated
John Fruchter
Bill Shipp layers in the subsurface or characterizing a potential waste
Battelle Pacific Northwest
repository, techniques designed for hydrocarbon exploration and
National Laboratory
Richland, Washington, USA production are finding applications in a new environment.

Robert Jensen
Keeping the Earth’s ecosystem a safe and hazardous and radioactive waste. (For defi-
Rick Lewis
healthy place to live and work is a chal- nitions of types of waste see “Hazardous
Englewood, Colorado, USA
lenge today and will remain so into the 21st Waste and Radiation Basics,” page 48.)
century. For thousands of years, humanity Successful application of oilfield technol-
Hugh Scott
has sought protection from natural hazards ogy for disposal site characterization and
Sugar Land, Texas, USA
and defense against predators and foes. monitoring is based on understanding the
Ironically, some activities designed to pro- differences and similarities between the E&P
Steve Trent
vide such protection—the energy, defense industry and the environmental manage-
Bechtel Hanford Inc.
and medical industries—also threaten us ment industry. The most significant differ-
Richland, Washington
with another danger: hazardous and ence is in the economic incentives in the
radioactive waste. To safeguard against two fields. In the oil industry, the driving
unnecessary exposure to these wastes, gov- force behind use of technology is increased
For help in preparation of this article, thanks to Andrew ernments now regulate the treatment, dis- oil recovery, leading to increased profits. In
Bowden and Robert Chaplow, United Kingdom Nirex
Limited, Harwell, Oxford, England; Kevin Dodds, posal and storage of industrial leftovers. A contrast, in environmental management the
Schlumberger Wireline & Testing, Aberdeen, Scotland; whole new industry, for management of driver is cost-effective protection of people
Philippe Guerendel, Rachel Kornberg, Richard Parker,
Simon Robson and Pieter van der Groen, GeoQuest,
environmental protection, has sprung up to and the environment in compliance with
Gatwick, England; Michael Kane, Schlumberger-Doll defy this new danger with technologies tai- government regulations. In the latter case,
Research, Ridgefield, Connecticut, USA; Greg Kubala, lored to the specific substances and hydro- simple, inexpensive technologies are usually
Schlumberger Limited, Sugar Land, Texas, USA; and Tim
Scheibe and Steve Yabusaki, Battelle Pacific Northwest geological settings in question. chosen over sophisticated, expensive ones.
National Laboratory, Richland, Washington, USA. The goals of environmental management Soil and groundwater samples are more rou-
FMI (Fullbore Formation MicroImager), Formation are many: to minimize generation of and tine data sources than borehole logs; in
MicroScanner, Litho-Density and UBI (Ultrasonic Bore-
hole Imager) are marks of Schlumberger.
exposure to hazardous waste; to dispose of some environmental management firms
waste in a manner that meets government “logging” is a term generally associated with
regulations and community standards; and forestry, not with boreholes.
to assess, monitor and remediate damage In spite of the emphasis on low-cost solu-
caused by disposal gone awry. Several disci- tions, the environmental management
plines, including agriculture, soil and industry worldwide has annual revenues
groundwater engineering, and hydrocarbon estimated at $250 billion. Demonstrating
exploration and production (E&P), are con- the value of E&P technologies is a first step
tributing measurement methods, modeling, to ensuring that site evaluation and restora-
and treatment and containment technolo- tion efforts harness the most effective tech-
gies to achieve these goals. This article nologies available.
examines how oilfield technologies are The main similarity between the oilfield
helping to identify and characterize zones and environmental management industries
where waste or other substances have accu- is the need to describe subsurface fluid
mulated after leakage or disposal and to behavior through cost-effective technologies
assess potential subsurface repositories for ( next page ). This implies accurate

44 Oilfield Review
■ Characterization of soil, rock and fluids for managing
environmental protection. As in the oil field, description
of subsurface layers and prediction of fluid movement
require cost-effective technologies.
measurement of fluid constituents and pre- CANADA
diction of their movement with time. Other UNITED STATES
similarities—such as the actions taken to
mobilize, extract or contain fluids—depend
on the disposition of fluids and the desired Seattle
results. In the oil field, the goal is to extract WASHINGTON
the maximum percentage of hydrocarbons
while keeping injected or connate water ■ Hanford Site on
away from producing wells. In the arena of Richland the banks of the
waste disposal, characterization is required Columbia River in
for design of repositories, so that hazardous the state of Wash-
materials are kept out of aquifers and reser- ington, USA, chosen
in the 1940s for its
voirs that may communicate with the sur- remote location and
face ecosystem. Whenever water supplies ample supply of
are threatened to unacceptable levels, N Reactor cooling water.
action is necessary to extract, treat or iso-
late the contaminants.
In both industries, characterization of the

lu m
subsurface is essential. The following case

studies show how technologies designed for Ri

understanding hydrocarbon reservoirs are r
being advanced to address this need.

Hanford Site, Washington State, USA

Hanford Site
An example of successful application of E&P Boundary
technology for environmental management
is the delineation and monitoring of radioac-
tive and hazardous wastes in the sedimen-
tary layers below the Hanford Site in Wash- er
a Riv
ington, managed by the US Department of kim Richland
Energy (DOE) in the northwestern USA. 0 km 10
Built on the banks of the Columbia River in 0 miles 10
the 1940s, Hanford is the site of the world’s
first full-scale nuclear reactor and spent-fuel
reprocessing plant, designed to produce plu- Plutonium was produced at Hanford from cal separation process, or reprocessing, was
tonium (239Pu) for atomic weapons (above 1944 to 1987. At one time up to nine reac- placed in single- and double-shelled car-
right ). The location was chosen for its tors and five reprocessing plants were active bon-steel tanks ( below ). The tanks were
remoteness, ease of defense, mild climate, at the site. All are still present, though inac- encased in cement and buried in “tank
ample supply of electricity and availability of tive and scheduled for decontamination and farms” located on the Hanford site central
water for cooling the reaction process. decommissioning. High-level radioactive plateau, approximately 10 miles [16 km]
waste from the plutonium extraction chemi- west of the Columbia River and about 200 ft

Processed Filtered
Liquid level gauge
air intake air exhaust
detection pit

Liquid tank

Sludge Carbon Annular space

steel for leak detection
■ Tanks for storing waste from nuclear reactors. Of the 177 tanks
at Hanford, 28 are double-shelled and 149 are single-shelled.
The carbon-steel tanks (left) are encased in cement and buried
(right). Sixty-seven of the single-shelled tanks have leaked.

46 Oilfield Review
Depth, ft
HNGS Cobalt-60-in. pCi/g HNGS Cesium-137-in. pCi/g
0.1 10,000 0.1 10,000




< <
< <
< <
Cobalt-60 Activity from 222-S Laboratory Cs-137 Activity from 222-S Laboratory
60 < <
< <

■ Comparisons between laboratory (dots) and HNGS-logged values (solid curve) for cobalt, 60Co, (left) and cesium, 137Cs (right). At
radioactivity concentrations less than about 2 pCi/g, laboratory measurements are not sensitive enough to give quantitative read-
ings, while the HNGS maintains sensitivity.

[60 m] above the water table. Tank waste centrations were to be reported in pico-
includes about 250,000 metric tons of Curies per gram (pCi/g).
mostly sodium nitrite and nitrate plus 215 To achieve these objectives, the Hostile
million Curies of mostly cesium (137Cs) and Natural Gamma Ray Sonde (HNGS), which
strontium (90Sr) and smaller quantities of measures the energy of incident gamma
various metal hydroxides. With time, how- rays with two scintillation detectors, was
ever, 67 of the 149 single-shelled tanks adapted to allow interpretation of high lev-
(none of the 28 double-shelled tanks) have els of radioactivity and man-made
leaked or are suspected to have leaked. It is isotopes.2 This required modifications to the
now the responsibility of the US DOE to tool gain regulation system and new meth-
clean up the site, and the DOE has awarded ods for constructing elemental standards for
the environmental restoration contract to ■ Unsaturated matrix. Air in the pore calibration. No 60Co- or 137Cs-rich test for-
Bechtel Hanford Inc. This contract includes space requires new models for deriving mations or API test pits were available, as
porosity from density measurements.
cleanup of groundwater and soil and are used for Th, U and K. Calibration was
decommissioning of surplus facilities. The initial effort focused on modification achieved through measurements in scaled
If the exact locations of leaked contami- of natural gamma ray spectroscopy and models of field conditions built in a labora-
nants are not known, they must be identi- neutron porosity tools. The natural gamma tory and combined with Monte Carlo simu-
fied cost-effectively before restoration is ray system was aimed at efficient identifica- lations for normalization. The sonde was
undertaken. Though several large plumes of tion of gamma-emitting waste and litho- also turned upside down so that the detec-
contaminated groundwater exist beneath logic correlation. Neutron porosity logs tors—now 4 ft [1.3 m] from the bottom
Hanford, most of the waste intentionally or were to be used for characterization of instead of 40 ft [13 m]—could log more of
unintentionally released into the subsurface hydrogeologic properties. Specifically, they the borehole. Acceptable comparisons are
remains in the vadose zone—the partially would help determine moisture content. found between HNGS-logged values and
saturated layers above the water table. Unlike in fully saturated environments, radioactivity of samples evaluated in the
Observation boreholes drilled in the tank moisture content in unsaturated sediments laboratory (top).
farms and surrounding areas are air-filled is not equal to porosity (above ). An additional objective of the CRADA was
and steel-cased with no cement and no Data quality objectives (DQOs) were to measure formation moisture. Without
rathole. They occasionally contain radioac- established for each of the measurements, human intervention or natural disturbance,
tive contamination. Ordinary cased-hole based on requirements set by a CRADA such as earthquakes, waste is assumed to
logging tools and interpretation techniques committee consisting of data users, technol- stay where it is placed, discharged or leaked
are ineffective in this environment. Under a ogy providers, state and federal regulatory as long as it is not dispersed by fluid flow. If
cooperative research and development agency representatives and service com-
agreement (CRADA)—initiated and funded pany representatives. For natural gamma 1. Ellis DV, Perchonok RA, Scott HD and Stoller C:
“Adapting Wireline Logging Tools for Environmental
by the Department of Energy—with groups measurements, the DQOs included opera- Logging Applications,” Transactions of the SPWLA
at the Hanford site, Schlumberger modified tion in high-level radioactive fields and 36th Annual Logging Symposium, June 26-29, 1995,
Paris, France, paper C.
existing wireline logging tools and con- identification of man-made radioisotopes of
2. For background on the HNGS: Flanagan WD, Bram-
ducted extensive computer and laboratory cobalt (60Co) and cesium (137Cs) in addition blett RL, Galford JE, Hertzog RC, Plasek RE and Ole-
modeling to calibrate tool responses to the to naturally occurring radioisotopes tho- sen JR: “A New Generation Nuclear Logging System,”
unique operating conditions.1 rium (Th), uranium (U) and potassium (K) Transactions of the SPWLA 32nd Annual Logging
Symposium, Midland, Texas, USA, June 16-19, 1991,
measured during oilwell logging. All con- paper Y.

Autumn 1996 47
liquid, or moisture, is not present, contami- Cutaway View of Injection Experiment
nants are immobile, and so less likely to
■ Tracer-injection
move away from the site. The DQO set experiment at Han-
accuracy standards for measuring moisture ford. Cesium and
in formations of up to 40% porosity with strontium injected
12.5%, 30% and 50% of the porosity filled in the central hole
(left) in 1980 were
with water. Standards were also set for mea- monitored using
surements in beds of different thicknesses Schlumberger
and through different casing size. The nuclear probes in
Accelerator Porosity Sonde (APS), a neutron observation holes
porosity tool that emits neutrons and detects (red) 15 years later
them again after they have interacted with
hydrogen in the formation, was chosen.3
No calibration standards existed for log- Well Numbering Scheme
ging moisture content, so these had to be Injector well
designed and built. By carefully mixing dry
pure-quartz sand, SiO2, and aluminum tri-
hydrate, Al(OH3)—a dry material containing
a known amount of equivalent bound
water—and presettling the mixes on vibrat-
ing tables, well understood moisture models
were created.4 Precision and accuracy of
the moisture measurements were demon- E-7 E-5 E-3 E-1 A-1 A-3 A-5 A-7
strated to meet or exceed required specifica-
tions in tests on the specially designed cali-
bration standards.
The natural gamma and moisture measure-
ments were successful, so the CRADA was
extended to develop a through-casing den-
sity measurement for porosity determination.
The Litho-Density Sonde, an openhole den-
sity tool, was altered for this purpose. This

Hazardous Waste and Radiation Basics

Every country uses different terminology to cate- Within the radioactive waste category, there Radiation Basics
gorize hazardous waste, but the two main types may be further distinctions depending on the con- The four principal types of nuclear radiation are
contrasted here are nonradioactive and radioac- centration levels of radioactive material and the alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays and
tive. Nonradioactive hazardous waste means half-life of the radionuclides. Low-level radioac- neutrons. Alpha and beta particles are both
chemicals and materials that are toxic, corrosive, tive waste, such as clothing, equipment and soil charged, so they are easily stopped by electro-
reactive or ignitable. These may include hydro- contaminated with minute concentrations of static forces in matter. An alpha particle is a
carbons, explosives, asbestos, metals, solvents, radioactivity, or medical and oilfield tracers that helium atom nucleus, and can be stopped by
medical wastes, pesticides and polychlorinated decay rapidly with time, constitute the largest paper, clothing or skin. Beta particles—high-
biphenyls—PCBs. In the groundwater, many of volume of radioactive waste. These wastes are energy electrons—can be stopped by a thin sheet
these contaminants are considered hazardous generally considered safe if stored in the shallow of metal or wood, but will penetrate water or
at levels several parts per billion (ppb). In the subsurface. High-level radioactive waste, such as skin. Gamma rays and neutrons are highly pene-
US, for example, groundwater limits in ppb spent fuel from nuclear reactors, must be iso- trating and require dense shields, such as lead or
are 0.5 for PCBs, 5 for benzene, 5 for carbon lated from the surface for thousands of years. thick concrete. Natural radiation from the sun and
tetrachloride and 15 for lead. Limits in soil Standards of isolation differ from country to earth makes up about 82% of the average per-
may be different. country. In the United States, the Environmental son’s exposure to radiation. The rest typically
Protection Agency standards state that a high- comes from medical sources, such as X-rays.2
1. “Committed to Results: An Introduction to DOE’s Environ-
mental Management Program,” Office of Environmental level waste repository may pose no greater risk
Management, US Department of Energy, Washington DC, than unmined uranium ore from which the high-
USA, Document DOE/EM-0152P (April 1994).
2. For more on radiation effects and oilfield practice: Bram- level waste was produced.1
blett D, Kurkoski P and Racster C: “Advancing Wellsite
Radiation Safety,” Oilfield Review 2, no. 4 (October 1990):

48 Oilfield Review
■ Nuclear log data
density logging sonde irradiates formations
1800 interpolated along
with medium-energy gamma rays that col- a transect of the
lide with electrons in the formation. With injection test vol-
each collision, a gamma ray loses some of its ume. The matrix
energy and continues. The reduced-energy bulk density logs
1400 (top) from the Litho-
gamma rays that reach the detector are Density tool chart
counted as an indication of the electron den- 1200 the natural sedi-
sity of the formation. mentary layering of
The Litho-Density algorithm for measuring 1000 the Hanford forma-

density was calibrated to compensate for tion. The gross
800 gamma ray logs
casing and the air gap between casing and Matrix Bulk Density
(middle) from the
formation, since there is no annular fill mate- 600 HNGS show the
rial in the Hanford holes. Laboratory experi- same layering, as
2.03 400 well as the anoma-
ments were conducted at the Schlumberger 1.9
1.8 E-1 A -1
A-3 A -5 A -7
1.7 E-7 E-5 E-3 lously high levels of
Environmental Effects Calibration Facility in 1.6
200 134Cs radioactivity
Houston, Texas, USA to verify that the new 1.4
1.3 near the injection
1.2 00
algorithm performed within the data quality 1.12 N 00 1200 14 well. Moisture logs
0 800 10
400 60 m
objectives set by the CRADA committee. c (bottom) from the
The modified measurement techniques APS show no
anomaly associated
have been run commercially in 75 bore- with the injection,
holes at Hanford, including an injection 1800 indicating that the
experiment designed to predict subsurface formation has
transport models (previous page ).5 Radioac- reequilibrated to its
preinjection mois-
tive tracers 134Cs and strontium (85Sr) were ture profile. This
injected in a central well in 1980. These are INJ
1400 means the injected
short-lived isotopes of the same elements radionuclides are
whose long-lived isotopes, 137Cs and 90Sr, 1200 immobile.
have contaminated portions of the Hanford

subsurface.6 In 1995, the three modified
nuclear probes were run in eight holes 800
Gross Gamma
along a transect of the injection test volume
AEI 600
(right ). Density logs from the Litho-Density
tool chart the natural sedimentary layering 76.4 400
A-5 A-7
of the shallow unconsolidated formation. E-1 A-1 A-3
E-7 E-5 E-3
Gamma ray logs from the HNGS show the 60.0
same layering, as well as noticeably high 48.0
44.0 1400
N 00 1200
0 800 10
levels of 134Cs radioactivity near the injec- 400 60 m c
tion well. Moisture logs from the APS show
no anomaly associated with tracer injection.
The logging was able to locate the 15-
year-old cesium plume and verify that the 1800
only detectable 134Cs remaining from the
injection was located near the injection 1600
point. No strontium was detected. During
the 15 years since the injection, 85Sr had 1400

3. For background on the APS: Flanagan et al, reference

2; and Scott HD, Wraight PD, Thornton JL, Olesen J-R,

Hertzog RC, McKeon DC, DasGupta T and Albertin IJ: 1000

“Response of a Multidetector Pulsed Neutron Porosity
Tool,” Transactions of the SPWLA 35th Annual Log- Volumetric Fraction 800
ging Symposium, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, June 19-22, of Water
1994, paper J. % 600
4. Engelman RE, Lewis RE, Stromswold DC and Hearst
JR: “Calibration Models for Measuring Moisture in 22.5 400
Undersaturated Formations by Neutron Logging,” 20.0 A -3 A -5 A -7
E-1 A -1
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Report PNL-
16.0 E-7 E-5 E-3
14.0 200
10801 (1995). 12.0
5. Fayer MJ, Lewis RE, Engelman RE, Pearson AL, Murray 1400
00 1200
CJ, Smoot JL, Randall RR, Wegener WH and Lu AH:
0 800 10
400 60
“Reevaluation of a Subsurface Injection Experiment cm
for Testing Flow and Transport Models,” Pacific North-
west National Laboratory Report PNL-10860 (Decem-
ber 1995).
6. The half-life of 134Cs is 2.06 years and that of 85Sr is
64.8 days—short compared to 30.2 years for 137Cs
and 27.7 years for 90Sr.

Autumn 1996 49
LDS Short-Spaced Detector Counts (Source Removed)

Depth, ft
100 10,000,000

HNGS Gross Gamma

100 API 10,000,000







■ Natural gamma and Litho-Density logs revealing a highly

radioactive, contaminated zone less than a foot thick at the Han-
ford N reactor site. Natural gamma readings taken by the HNGS
ran off scale at 200,000 API units at a depth of 10 ft [3m], but the
Litho-Density tool delineated the thin contaminated layer.

decayed to less than 0.01% of the original ■ Hanford worker on

amount, and 134Cs to less than 1%. The fact duty in the highly
that after 15 years Cs was detected only restricted zone
around a tank farm.
near the injection point is an indication of
the high sorption potential in the sediments.
In another part of the Hanford facility, at the
N reactor site near the river, Bechtel Hanford To design a remediation program, Bechtel Safe Logging at Hanford
has recently completed a limited field investi- must locate and quantify the volume of con- Working near hazardous waste requires pre-
gation of two radioactive liquid waste dis- taminated soil and groundwater in a cost- cautions and special training to assure
posal facilities (LWDFs). An LWDF is an engi- effective way. Usually, subsurface samples worker health and safety. At contaminated
neered soil-column waste disposal system are collected and analyzed to help charac- sites, access to all areas is highly restricted
designed for reactor effluent disposal. Starting terize the contaminated volume. The use of and monitored (above).
in 1963, demineralized Columbia River cool- well logs enhances the characterization by Training required for workers at Hanford
ing water was run through the N reactor. giving continuous readings with depth, and other US environmental management
Sometimes the cooling water became con- reduces worker exposure to contaminants, sites includes a 40-hour Occupational
taminated with radioactive waste products. and helps keep costs down. In one area, the Safety and Health Administration course,
This water was discharged into LWDFs up to cost of a multimillion-dollar characteriza- consisting of instruction on hazardous
millions of gallons per day. From there it per- tion program was cut in half by optimizing materials, cardiopulmonary resuscitation
colated through surface layers, and most of the drilling and sampling plan and supple- and emergency first aid, and training on
the contaminants were retained in the soil menting it with logs. use of respirators and special personal pro-
column. Tritium and strontium were among The logs revealed a highly contaminated tective equipment (PPE).
those contaminants that reached the ground- zone less than a foot thick (above left). Nat- There are four levels of PPE, from A for the
water and eventually contaminated some ural gamma readings taken by the HNGS most stringent requirements to D for the
river bank seeps—known as the N-springs. A ran off scale at 200,000 API units and were least. Level D, reminiscent of oilfield opera-
second facility was constructed farther from unable to resolve the bed thickness, but the tions, requires steel-toed shoes, coveralls,
the river in 1985, but contamination in the Litho-Density tool without the logging eye protection, gloves and hard-hat. Level C
groundwater and N-springs remained. Cur- source maintained gain and delineated the requires chemical-resistant clothing and
rently a “pump and treat” process has been thin contaminated layer. boots, inner and outer chemical-resistant
implemented to protect the Columbia River The integration of sample analysis and log gloves and a full-face air-purifying mask with
from contaminant migration. Contaminants data is providing a quantitative measure of specially designed filters to remove antici-
are pumped, or extracted, for treatment at the the concentration and thickness of the con- pated contaminants. For level B, the highest
surface. Bechtel and Battelle Pacific North- taminated layer. The results will be used by PPE level required at Hanford, impermeable
west National Laboratory (PNNL) are investi- Bechtel engineers to assess the feasibility of suits and supplied-air respirators are
gating permeable barriers for long-term pro- restoring the environment near the N reactor required (next page, top left). The respira-
tection of the river (see “Containing to a condition to be determined by the DOE tors— connected to portable air tanks or to
Contaminants,” next page). and state and federal regulatory agencies. stationary air tanks with umbilicals—are

50 Oilfield Review

Containing Contaminants



{ |
Reagent injection

Liquid waste disposal facility

Mixed waste

Vadose zone
Uranium Technetium
Chromate treatment
Saturated zone Treated waste
Chlorinated solvents barrier

Confining layer

■ Dressed for work. Personal protective ■ Injectable permeable barrier concept. Contaminants flow through a volume of injected treatment material
equipment (PPE) level B is required for this that acts as a subsurface filter.
worker lowering a video camera into a
hole at Hanford. The worker must be Current practice for addressing a subsurface vol- west National Laboratory (PNNL) are capitalizing
qualified through special safety training
to wear a respirator and to operate equip- ume of liquid hazardous waste, or plume, is to on the dispersive nature of the contaminants to do
ment near hazardous materials. pump and treat the liquid. Once the contaminated part of the work. Treatment is accomplished by
liquid is located, it is pumped out and treated creation of a permeable barrier—also called a
necessary for work at Hanford where the to remove or neutralize the contamination. In permeable reactive wall—to treat the contami-
exact combination of contaminants to be some cases the treated water is reinjected. nated liquids as they pass through.
encountered is unknown. Level A, an abso- Pumping continues until the incoming liquid is Permeable barriers can be constructed by at
lutely impermeable “moon-suit,” is required contaminant free, at which point the site may be least two different methods. The first, and sim-
when there is risk of contaminants that can
considered restored—but subject to further plest, is a ditch filled with gravel or absorbent or
be absorbed through the skin.
On-site health and radiation protection monitoring. This process may take years. chemically reducing material through which
technologists caution workers on all aspects When contaminants attain parts per billion con- waste liquids are drained. Gravel ditches are
of job safety. Typically the biggest health risk centrations, often the process of treatment known as trenches, and typically are used to treat
to Hanford workers is overheating brought reaches an asymptotic level. solvent-contaminated shallow groundwater by
on by the cumbersome protective equipment
This technique may have some merit in homo- aeration. Absorbent minerals such as zeolites,
and the high summer temperatures—in
excess of 100°F [38°C]. The technologists’ geneous formations, but inhomogeneities— which act like “kitty litter,” can trap some spe-
role ranges from reminders about bringing the bane of the oil and gas reservoir—also cific contaminants. Reducing agents, such as
water to drink when it’s hot out and where plague environmental management sites. In an finely ground particles of iron, are sometimes
workers can sit during lunch breaks, to mon- inhomogeneous formation, pumping draws liquid effective for treating some contaminants, espe-
itoring tools for contamination as they come only from high-permeability zones. In cases of cially chromate, uranium and chlorinated sol-
out of the hole. Any tool found with the
large permeability contrast, it can be easier to vents. Chemically reducing treatments work by
smallest amount of contamination is wiped
clean, and the contaminated cloth disposed pump liquid from a high-permeability zone miles reducing the valence state of the contaminant.
of in an impermeable barrel stored on site. away than from a low-permeability zone only a This reduction in valence destroys organic con-
Field crew at the Schlumberger Wireline & few feet away. Pumping may continue until water taminants, such as chlorinated solvents, and
Testing division in Bakersfield, California, comes out clean, but a few months later, moni- causes certain metallic contaminants to precipi-
USA who work at the Hanford site, and
toring may indicate that the water is contami- tate, trapping them in the filter.
those at the division in Charleston, West Vir-
ginia, USA—in preparation for work at the nated again due to the desorption of contami- If the contaminants are already deep below the
Savannah River site in South Carolina, nants from the soil. ground surface, conventional trenching methods
USA—have completed training required for Rather than pumping contaminated liquids to will not be able to reach them. Researchers at
logging hazardous waste sites.7 the surface, scientists at Battelle Pacific North- PNNL are investigating a second category—the
(continued on page 54) injectable permeable barrier—that acts as a sub-
surface filter to treat spreading contaminated liq-
7. Savannah River, near Aiken, South Carolina, is a
DOE-managed site where tritium was produced. uids (above). Injectable permeable barriers have

Autumn 1996 51
1000 ■Laboratory experiment testing removal of chro- been tested in the laboratory and in pilot-scale
Influent mate contamination. Soil reduced, or treated, with field experiments at Hanford. In addition to
sodium dithionite was then flushed with contami-
nated liquid containing chromate. Concentration of absorbent filters and chemical-reducing materi-
chromate in the contaminated water (influent) was als, iron-reducing bacterial treatments—
held at more than 800 parts per billion (ppb). More
than 120 pore volumes of liquid had passed before similar to those applied in the oil field to treat
Chromate, ppb

there was evidence of chromate in the liquid filtering sour wells—have been tested.
through the treated soil (effluent).
Laboratory tests conducted on soils reduced
by one chemical agent, sodium dithionite,
indicate a strong ability to treat chromate-con-
taminated liquid (left). Soils treated with dithion-
ite were able to filter up to 120 contaminated
0 60 120 180 240
pore volumes.
Pore volumes A field experiment monitored the same reac-
tion, but at full scale (left). Dithionite was
■Hanford chromate- injected to reduce the iron in a volume of the sub-
H5-13 removal field experi- surface, then chromate was injected. Chromate
ment. Sodium dithionite
was injected in a layer in levels were sampled in monitor wells surround-
the central well to treat ing the injector out to a radius of 90 ft [27 m].
H5-12 H5-14 the shaded volume.
Over the course of more than ten months, in wells
Chromate was then
Groundwater injected in the central monitored within 30 ft [9 m] of the injector, no
flow direction
well and chromate con- chromate was detected (below).
H5-3p H5-4p H5-1B
H5-5p H5-11 centrations were moni-
tored in 10 nearby wells. Similar tests are under way for examining the
ability of the technique to handle greater time
H5-g H5-10
Injection well and length scales. A current experiment is using
Transect Treated volume a line of injector wells to treat a 2000-ft [608-m]
wide chromate plume, already identified on the
0 10 20 30 Hanford site.
Scale, ft N
Modeling the distribution of fluids and contami-
80 80 nants is a vital part of planning any containment
February 27, 1996 or treatment effort. As in the case of oil and gas

70 March 26, 1996 reservoirs, small-scale variations in formation

May 7, 1996 properties can have large-scale effects on ulti-
Detection limit = 8 ppb mate fluid distribution.
60 60
60 Scientists at PNNL are simulating fluid and con-
Chromium concentration, ppb

taminant flow through small but realistically

50 50
50 complicated 3D volumes in hopes of understand-
ing flow in larger volumes. A 3D cube represent-
40 ing part of a complexly layered river sand has
been constructed based on field observations on
30 a meandering river (next page, bottom). Migration
of a nonreactive tracer through the cube has been

20 20 20 modeled at a series of five time steps (next page,

top).1 Tracer migration is constrained by low-per-
meability features in the model volume.

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
H5-15 H5-3p H5-4p H5-5p H5-9 H5-10 H5-11 H5-1B H5-12 H5-13

■Chromate levels monitored in wells surrounding the injector. Wells within 30 ft of the injector showed no 1. For a video rendition see the PNNL web site:
chromate for more than ten months after injection.

Oilfield Review
Time Step 1 Time Step 2 Time Step 3

Time Step 4 Time Step 5

■Simulated nonreactive tracer transport through the
3D model at five different time steps. Tracer particles
were released as an instantanous pulse in a plane at
the rear of the cube (white line), and their movement
is constrained by the low-permeability layers. Using
massively parallel computers and particle-tracking
methods, transport was simulated through the model
composed of nearly 17 million grid cells. Further
description of these studies—including an animation
of the particle plume—is available on the world-wide
web at:

representation of per-
meability distribution in
a complexly layered
river sand. Yellow-green
represents high perme-
ability and blue repre-
sents low permeability.
The small-scale sedi-
mentary features are
based on field observa-
tions on a meandering
river in Indiana, USA.
Development of this
model is described in
Scheibe TD and Frey-
berg DL: “Use of Sedi-
mentological Informa-
tion for Geometric
Simulation of Natural
Porous Media Struc-
ture,” Water Resources
Research 31, no. 12
(1995): 3259-3270.

Autumn 1996 53
aging a national facility for underground
storage of solid intermediate- and some low-
level radioactive waste. Geologic and hydro-
logic investigations have been in progress
around Sellafield in West Cumbria, England
since 1989, to determine whether a site
adjacent to the existing nuclear establish-
ment is suitable for a deep repository (left).9
Groundwater is the most likely medium by
which radioactive waste from a repository
could return to the surface. Controls on
groundwater flow include driving forces,
such as gravity and salinity, and also the
geometry of rock units and properties of the
rock mass, such as permeability and fracture
The building blocks for the geological site
characterization consist of 27 deep bore-
holes, some down to 1900 m [6200 ft] and
the majority with continuous core; 2000 km
[1250 miles] of 2D seismic data and 8000
km [5000 miles] of airborne geophysical
data. Hydrogeological testing and ground-
water sampling provide additional informa-
tion on flow properties of the volcanic for-
mation targeted for study.
A volume of the Borrowdale Volcanic
Group at about 650 m [2133 ft] below sea
level, is under consideration as an under-
ground laboratory, or rock characterization
facility (RCF). The RCF is being constructed
to permit detailed examination and testing
of rock at depth before selecting a final
repository design and location. Investiga-
tions have shown that groundwater flow
within the volcanic formations occurs
through a limited number of fractures, and
current work focuses on characterizing
hydrogeologically significant fractures.
Many techniques developed to identify
and characterize fractures in the oil field are
playing the same role at Sellafield. Integra-
tion of several measurements at many scales
■ Sellafield—concept for a UK national facility for solid intermediate-level and low- is essential for determining which fractures
level radioactive waste. Geological and hydrologic investigations are under way to are open and connected. At the finest scale,
determine whether the site is suitable as a deep repository.
electrical conductivity logs of the borehole

Characterization Before Storage years—no small task. The subsurface vol-

8. “Going Underground,” United Kingdom Nirex Lim-
A primary lesson learned from the restora- ume selected should be an effective shield, ited, Harwell, Oxford, England (November 1993).
tion of sites contaminated with hazardous remain tectonically stable, reduce contact of 9. Chaplow R: “The Geology and Hydrogeology of
materials is that future waste storage facili- waste with groundwater and air, and con- Sellafield: An Overview,” Quarterly Journal of Engi-
ties must be engineered with care. Countries tain no useful mineral resources that would neering Geology 29 (1996): S1- S12.
10. Michie U: “The Geological Framework of the
that rely on nuclear energy are taking a hard tempt human intervention. The storage facil- Sellafield Area and Its Relationship to Hydrogeol-
look at how to manage the inevitable waste ity should allow for retrieval of the waste at ogy,” Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology 29
products. Most countries plan deep under- such time that technologies become avail- (1996): S13-S27.
ground repositories, and the search contin- able for treatment. Some countries, includ- 11. For a description of the technique: Hornby BE, Luthi
SM and Plumb RA: “Comparison of Fracture Aper-
ues for the best locations. ing Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, tures Computed from Electrical Borehole Scans and
The goal is to isolate hazardous material Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and the USA Reflected Stoneley Waves: An Integrated Interpreta-
tion,” The Log Analyst 23, no. 1 (January-February
from the surface for tens of thousands of have identified locations that appear to have 1992): 50-66.
many of the desired qualities.8
In the UK, United Kingdom Nirex Limited
(Nirex) is responsible for providing and man-

54 Oilfield Review
wall, such Formation MicroScanner and FMI ■ Fracture orienta-
Fullbore Formation MicroImager scans, tion and aperture
show where fractures intersect boreholes. visualized with
the UBI Ultrasonic
These borehole images help identify and Borehole Imager
orient fractures, but may also be combined tool. Like thread
with other data, such as sonic waveforms, to winding around
calculate fracture aperture.11 a spool, ultrasonic
scans of the bore-
Fracture orientation and aperture may also hole track hole
be interpreted on borehole scans made by rugosity in detail.
the UBI Ultrasonic Borehole Imager tool. In this image,
The UBI tool takes 180 transit-time samples breakouts—stress-
around the borehole circumference for related damage in
the plane of least
every 0.2 in. [0.5 cm] the tool moves horizontal stress—
uphole. Transit times converted to distance are seen on oppo-
yield an image that looks like a mold of the site sides of the
5322 borehole.
borehole. Where fractures intersect the

Depth, ft
borehole, extra rugosity may occur, and the
3D UBI image allows visualization of these
geometries. Stress-related borehole damage 5323
may also occur in the direction of least hori-
zontal stress and manifest itself as hole
enlargement, or breakouts, on opposite
sides of the borehole (right). The breakout
direction is an important clue to the stress 5
regime present in the Sellafield area.
Looking beyond the wellbore, borehole 5325 0
acoustic reflection surveying (BARS) offers a
greater range of penetration for fracture
0 -5
tracking. Similar to surface seismic surveys 5
but recorded in the borehole, this new tech-
nique can image fractures extending as far
as 30 ft [9 m] away from the borehole
(below). In other situations, BARS images

P Waves Converted Waves

3700 3700 ■ Borehole acoustic
reflection surveys
(BARS) for tracking
fractures far from
the borehole. In
this case, sonic-fre-
quency data from
3750 3750 a research proto-
type tool were
migrated to obtain
reflections of pri-
mary (P) waves
(left) and converted
Depth, ft

waves (right).
3800 3800 The center of each
image corresponds
to the wellbore
position (yellow).
Fractures identified
on borehole tele-
viewer images are
3850 3850 plotted in black
along the borehole.

3900 3900
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 -20 -10 0 10 20

Distance from borehole, ft Distance from borehole, ft

Autumn 1996 55
may be obtained of fractures and other fea- The signals of interest—those from reflec- nificant fractures, flow tests have been car-
tures near but not necessarily intersecting tions—arrive after the primary (P) and ried out. Testing is conducted while the
the borehole. These sonic waveform data before the shear (S) waves that are typically drilling rig is on location, and with a
are acquired with multiple source and analyzed for borehole sonic slowness val- workover rig after drilling. Long-term moni-
receiver arrays on a single tool. For Nirex, ues (left). Borehole acoustic reflection sur- toring and testing with permanent multi-
BARS data were recorded with a research veys are processed using seismic data-pro- packer systems is continuing in several
prototype tool; commercial introduction of cessing algorithms, and yield both P and S boreholes (below right).12 These systems
the service is scheduled for early 1997. reflections. Shear waves help image fea- allow liquid samples and pressures to be
tures at high angles to the borehole, and are analyzed at multiple levels in any one bore-
better than P waves at resolving some near- hole with only one tool position.
P-Wave Converted-Wave wellbore features. Hydraulic conductivity of the volcanic for-
Reflection Reflections At a larger length scale, seismic images mation is typically low, even measured over
have been obtained for several pairs of bore- fractured intervals. Most fractures intersect-
holes (below left). Seismic travel-time data ing boreholes have no detectable flow, but
are acquired with a downhole seismic those that do are characterized and related
source in one borehole and the Cross Well to structural features such as faults. As more
Seismic Imager—an array of 16 hydrophone data are acquired and interpreted to help
receivers spaced at 4 m [13 ft]—in the build and test conceptual models, scientists
second one. Travel times are processed to at Nirex will improve their understanding of
P yield an image of velocities in the inter- the controls on groundwater flow through
P P borehole region. Abrupt changes in veloc- the subsurface volume.
ity, represented by changes in color, indi-
cate discontinuities. Combined with other Future Efforts
log data, borehole-to-borehole correla- Many challenges await the environmental
tions become clear, reinforcing the inte- management industry. Parties responsible
S grated interpretation (next page). For for hazardous waste sites and repositories
Transmitter example, fractures evident in one borehole need to be able to make informed deci-
can be tracked across seismic images, and sions. Service providers help by acquiring
■ Reflections recorded in a borehole linked with fracture indicators in neigh- data and turning them into usable informa-
acoustic reflection survey. Primary (P) boring boreholes. tion. The application of wireline logging to
waves (left) and shear (S) waves (right)
reflect at different angles and can be
Incorporating flow information is vital to site characterization and monitoring pro-
used to image different features or por- an integrated interpretation. To identify sig-
tions of the same feature. 12. Sutton JS: “Hydrogeological Testing in the Sellafield
Area,” Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology 29
(1996): S29-S38.

Depth, m




■ Network of boreholes linked with crosswell seismic images. The ■ Multipacker systems for long-term hydrogeologic monitoring
shaded “curtains” between pairs of holes signify the areas that and testing. These systems have been deployed to depths of
have been imaged with a seismic source in one hole and an array 1500 m [4920 ft] with up to 30 zones isolated in any one borehole.
of hydrophone receivers in the other.

56 Oilfield Review
vides a comprehensive body of information
and early warning of possible problems. If Borehole 2 Cross-well Borehole 4
migration of contaminants is discovered, Formation
Sonic Velocity Tomogram Sonic FMI Images
then there is time for an informed decision Depth, m
Depth, m
Dips Dips
on whether to remediate. If the choice is to Orientation BH 2 Offset, m BH 4 Orientation

N S N VDL 0 50 100 150 VDL N S N

do nothing—either because the problem 400
isn’t severe enough or more time is required
to develop the proper technology—the site
still must be monitored for regulatory pur- 450
poses and for continued decision making.
If action is required, adequate characteri-
zation of the site is necessary to build con- 500

ceptual models for simulating treatment and

optimizing treatment strategies. During 550
remediation, monitoring can provide valu- 550

able feedback that ensures success. And 2 3

once remediation has been achieved, fur- 600

ther monitoring is required. Geophysical 3

logging provides a means for permanent 4

and remote monitoring. 650 4
The environmental management industry
is growing at different rates in different 700
countries, and changing as it grows. Manag- 700

ing the vast amount of data requires special 5

skills and tools. The rapid pace at which 6
new technologies are introduced leads
some environmental managers to predict
that the industry is moving toward deferred 800
remediation. Full site characterization—
with sensitive detection of contaminant 7 850
migration before it exceeds regulatory 850

guidelines—allows time for solutions to

tough problems to be developed. Regula- 900
tions also change, usually becoming more
stringent and all-embracing. Information
8 950
from geophysical logging allows the design 950

of environmental management schemes 10

flexible enough to accommodate changes. 1000
Also predicted is a move toward perfor- 1000

mance-based compliance, in which govern- 11

ments regulate what the end results of com- 1050

pliance and remediation should be, but not 12

how to achieve them. As the industry

evolves, environmental management firms 1100

will continue to require technologies that Apparent

Dips of: VDL Flow Zone Flow Zone VDL
Dips of:
solve problems in a cost-effective manner so Fault Waveform 1 Waveform 1 Fault
4200 5600 7000
that decisions can be made in a framework Pseudo-
15 35
0 to 10000 us 0 to 10000 us
.30 150.0 Pseudo-
of knowledge. —LS Conductivity
Velocity, m/sec
mho mho

■ Complete set of image data for one pair of boreholes—B2 (left) and B4 (right). Dipmeter
stick plots (track 1) indicate apparent dip of identifiable fractures (red sticks). A Forma-
tion MicroScanner image (track 2) shows disruptions at depths corresponding to the
stick plot. Sonic waveform displays (track 3) plot fracture indicators as breaks in the
continuity of vertical color stripes. The event at 650 m in B2 can be tracked across the
crosshole seismic image (center) to a similar signal in the sonic display of B4 at 840 m.
High-velocity (orange) and low-velocity (blue) zones indicate different lithologies. Lin-
ear discontinuities in color may be interpreted as fractures. Intervals in which flow is
detected in B2 (blue circles) and B4 (purple circles) are plotted on either side of the
cross-well image. Logs for B4 are in the reverse order of those for B2, with the exception
of an FMI image in B4 instead of a Formation MicroScanner image.

Autumn 1996 57

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