Architecture Planning

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A. Discuss the central place theory and give examples. Choose a base map (local) and make
a new map overlay showing the necessary threshold and range of the goods and services
in the area.


The central place theory is an existing theory and practice used in urban planning which
states that there can only be one large central city in any region surrounded by smaller
cities, towns, and hamlets. The proponent of this theory is Walter Christaller and he
introduced this theory in his book entitled “Central Places in Southern Germany” in 1933.
The said theory is concerned with the size and distribution of central places (settlements)
within a system. Central-place theory illustrates how settlements locate in relation to one
another, the amount of market area a central place can control, and why some central
places function as hamlets, villages, towns, or cities. The central city in that given region
will provide goods and services that meet the needs and demands of the people
particularly to those who are living in small cities, towns, and communities. Example of a
large city is Cebu City. Cebu City is the capital city of the province of Cebu, which has the
provision of goods and services for the surrounding market area, and is surrounded by
smaller cities like Naga City, Carcar City, Danao City, Talisay City, and towns like
Alcantara, Argao, Barili, Compostela, Dalaguete, etc. These smaller cities and towns also
have market areas where transaction of goods and services are made and where
commercial dealings are conducted.

The pictures above show the map overlay with the necessary threshold and range of the
goods and services of the area. The red dots shows where the market areas are located
in each of the chosen barangays of Cebu City.

B. Discuss Public choice theory and give an example of its application to urban design.

Public choice theory explains how public decisions are made. It’s a theory that focuses on
people’s decision-making process in the political sphere. In this theory, economic methods
are being applied to the study of political processes. In relation to its application to urban
design, businessmen and politicians are in favor of new development due to the
competitive nature of cities, and this nature encourages them to make developments of
the city for the public. In a general sphere, politics and architecture are said to be in a
close relation since architecture and urbanity involve the use of laws, fundings,
competitions for public projects, etc. Urban planning and design are also necessary as a
response to the market’s failures to achieve specified efficiency objectives. To explain it
in a concise way, since the market is unpredictable, land use planning is needed. It’s
important to gauge or observe the markets to identify if your land use planning is efficient.

C. Design a city using the cosmic model under normative theories. Use the Philippine beliefs
traditions and superstition as the basis for the design.

Using the cosmic model under normative theories, the city is designed with the aid and
inspiration of the Philippine’s beliefs, traditions, and superstitions. As seen in the pictures,
the city is arranged and divided circularly. The center is where the administration or
government buildings are located. It has a fountain built in the center and it is where
important activities happen where people gather to unite and where the main circulation
effectuates. The second division is where the market areas and the settlements of the
people are placed. It is where most of the people carry out their business and activities.
The church is placed in the northern part of the city. its windows are facing in the east
where the good sunlight beams. The church is purposely placed in a manner that it can
easily be seen by the people since religion is seen as a very important value among the
Filipinos and they believe that it strengthens the family and affects all aspects in their daily
lives. Thus, the church is placed in an area where good sunlight beams, which in turn
illuminates the said building and will be eventually noticed by the people easily. Filipinos
believe that the orientation of the windows and house facades should face in the east to
absorb the healthful effects of the morning sun and admit the prevailing southeast breezes
to cool the buildings. They also believe that it brings prosperity to the home. Also, another
reason why the city is arranged circularly because it is to distribute the good energy from
the sun only in the enclosed circle where the buildings are arranged. Streets and buildings
are arranged to express belongingness since Filipinos value this trait. Despite that there’s
a division in the arrangement of buildings, unity is still discernible because they’re confined
in a circle where people can still see each other and do their daily tasks as a community.
D. Reaction paper on the short vlog video “How China builds”.

China has been very progressive when it comes to its architecture ever since the
beginning. They’re rich in culture, and the Chinese value their traditions, cultures, and
beliefs so much. Their architecture is one of the reasons why their country is prominent
and successful. The way they value good energy is very awe-inspiring because they
reflect it in their buildings. An example in which good energy is applied in buildings is in
the city called Hangzhou, which was seen in the short vlog. Hangzhou has become the
fastest-growing city, and many believe it’s because of the city design. The city design
applied Feng Shui, a Chinese belief that the positioning of objects can influence the energy
of the place. This belief improved their daily lives, and it contributed to good energy. They
placed the sun and the moon buildings in front of the river to attract its good energy, and
it flows through them towards the building which is said to be a building that looks like six
people holding hands, the Hangzhou Congress Center. The said building will receive the
energy and beam it across the city, which eventually distributes the good energy all over
the city. They design their interiors, facades, and their city, according to Feng Shui. It’s an
appealing city design since it was reflected and inspired by their own beliefs. They believed
that the better energy used in the city, the better our lives will become.

In my view as an architecture student who also values the traditions and culture of my
country, the video successfully made me feel invigorated and driven. The idea of
connecting their beliefs and buildings is indeed amazing and inspiring because their
architecture doesn’t solely focus on promoting the beauty and culture of their country.
Their designs also benefit the lives of the Chinese people. Because of how they design
their city, you can tell that their buildings alone are capable of communicating to the world
because of how they seem to fit everything about China in these structures. Their buildings
speak for them and that’s why people travel from very distant lands to get to China just to
learn and understand its magnificence. Their city design is well-thought out because they
didn’t just focus on one thing, but they also gave importance to their people’s comfort and

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