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amp ingles

1. Not be bothered (not fancy) - no te molestes

2. Be bound (be likely) - estar unido/relacionado/ que conlleva

3. At its height (in the best moment) - a estas alturas (positivo)

4. At that time (then) – Por ese/el momento

5. Ever since (from that point) - desde que

6. For a long time to come (from now on) - sure te in periodo largo de

7. On the outskirts (in the suburbs) - a las afueras

8. Be on good terms with (get on well with) - llevarse bien con alguien

9. Bear in mind (take into consideration) - tener en cuenta

10. Brace yourself for (be prepared) - preparase a ti/si mismo

11.For some... for others (not for everyone) - para algunos … para

12.Pull yourself together (focus on something) - calmarse/prepararse/

venirse arriba
13.Stand the test of time (show its value over a long period) - resistir un
periodo de tiempo

14.On average (as a norm) - normalmente

15.As a result (in the end) - como resultado

16.All in all (on balance) - al fin y al cabo/considerándolo todo

17.Go with the flow (let yourself be influenced by the environment) -

dejarse llevar

18.Instead of (rather than) - en vez de

19.Change your mind (adapt your viewpoint) - cambiar de idea

20.As well as (in addition to) - al igual que

21.As long as (provided that) - siempre que/siempre y cuando

22.I ́ d rather + verb (do) (would prefer) - preferir

23.Regret (not) + ing (feel sorry for) - arrepentirse de

24.Be worth + ing (deserve the effort) - merecer la pena

25.As soon as (at the moment of) - tan pronto como/ en cuanto


1. now / actually
2. advice / advise
3. effect / affect
4. yet / already
5. afraid of / worried about
6. prevent / avoid
7. beside / besides
8. fetch / bring
9. chance / possibility
10. canal / channel /channel
11. conduct / direct
12. continuous /continual
13. chauffeur / driver
14. wonderful /formidable
15. fun / funny
16. go / play
17. comealong with / follow
18. damage / harm
19. discover / invent
20. work / job
21. kind / sympathetic
22. lie / lay
23. borrow / lend
24. nature / countryside
25. take / pass
26. practice / practise
27. priceless / valueless
28. principle / principal / principal / principle
29. rise / raise
30. receipt / recipe
31. remind / remember
32. scenery / view
33. sensitive / sensible
34. take / bring

1. same as
2. similar to
3. different from
5. contrast
6. distinguish
8. discriminate
9. By way of contrast
10. tell apart
11. in common contrary
12. On the
13. On the other hand
14. chalk and
15. worlds apart


1.O 2.B 3.M 4.T. 5.N 6.E 7.R 8. I 9.A

10.H 11.J 12.S 13.D 14.L 15.G 16.Q 17. C.
18.K 19.K 20. F 21. P

1.get on like a house on fire

3.Got it
4. got out of bed on the wrong side
5. getting me down
6. Get away
7. get to grips with
8. get-together
9. got a nerve
10. get lost / get knotted
11. get down to brass tacks
12. Get a grip on yourself
13. got the sack
14. get out of the habit of
15. Get lost / Get knotted
16. got on his nerves
17. getting nowhere
18. get off my back
19. get my act together
20. got my meaning
21. get going


2. City; that i live in
3. Shirt; that was missing from your suitcase
4. Man; who lives next door
5. Magazine; that Jim bought yesterday
6. Woman; who lived below us
7. Woman; who wants to buy our car
8. Clerk; who helped me
9. Girl; who found our cat
10. Restaurant; which was recommended to me
2. Which/ that
3. Who/ that
4. Which/ that
5. Who/ that
6. Which/ that
7. Who/ that
8. Which/ that
9. That
10. Which/ that

2. Which
3. Which
4. Whom
5. Whom
6. Which/ that
7. Who/ that
8. Whom
9. Which / that
10. Who/ that

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