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( Tninustpies (rye > ' HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT of INDUSTRIES KD ve divided ind 2 typer thadstonal and mnedeun * ** | snduialphose A most of the imcustices dm ‘the | Pr 4 Celtage aud hevehold | oda i* La@ouk — INoustRy — House Hod wood % Role of women was dominant A Decline > dye to 1c 9 Inthe peated bdweer the two * boot with India beceming. the % Stosted in 1BSY— esto establishment of Hen 4 Tule vinedsbiy, Ge mombat 4 KolRak, % Followed by. FF hone steel | plawt ot port Nowe Creynil Nadu) | American cml wan Suddenly | Guntrease im dernavdl' of textile from india. eopectally. cotton | tentile- | 3 1874 — India's 1 ona steel mill was established at Kull rei apres chctton GH YF aay digove. : i mee GR the is 1908 = Susaceshi movernet A © pre ion of other, | ‘ bof . e “ undvtbies dmcluding Inonk | —auchute sesulted tinker developed Steed indy zrpen duc flo | 9 Succevedul see pont Toor of copital and Lobos a uh Post INDEPENDENCE ERA 2 Piptes paskition jute b cotton How betause the preducing. Aqgions of. balk colton £ jule wort extile dndustry suffered oO afte a to pakistun: Govenmen’ sealiaee ‘The need of approprtale indvattial qo of ernpleyment guration and balomced Aegionol development. 2 There fete Indio allowed Co-existence of Abate aud private Compamies along with plamned directive rrodel, of growth. 4 The evblution of Indian viudvaliies cam be divided into & year plows: Ly Feces on Agucollmre. Ly &mphanin on dancrensing, The eniaking, copacly of industite Ahan establishment of new dvdustty. Therefore the propters uns 4 mode da. textile oud ogie-bared sndustig. & Focus on heawy, ianclvibiy especially, Iron and Steel Induitiy. Ly The lion omd Steel imduitiy war to ack an & proprbrive smn with the growth poles’ being leceded at the backward Segions of Indic « ' Ly Hed Psu's played the mojer iele- ! Ly Along, with thon aml steel Indutiy, lcomobive vndvsiy wor ertpauded and al posilger sindystty. + Ly Ab -Ihe Same time HoT (Hindustan Machine Tents) Hs established in Bomgalete The HMT helped in develapment-of- precinion amd engineer ceds indlusby around f Cducational imatitutes vohich acted as Rous material fe ‘foot — Lpose. sindostiy Acel or Aoftunre aud eleclronicr. ” | | I ae 3° EYP (Rl—66) Ly Fees vina again on ‘the Lonic dandvilizes rthing mock * Could be achieved vm the period, of plomned treliclyr C1n6e~) Ly due ts am political losrdscape of Indice even the unduatial atosled experencing dispatol, and decentralisation te, imdvitiies ore Spread all over the , Indio.» Ly Pecos wor on agie-bared sindvitties suchas VANASPATI INDusTRY ; + LS Focus again Aliizled to the Aapiel qowtt. L cleel pwd Goods of rans Consumption and export ouiented 2 Thin Aewlting outs the famedion ef aleel authowy of hadi. noaleas 1 Development of Nabional Hiphwwciys din Indi an well as raw Heel plants ot salen, VITAYNAGAR cud VISAKHAPATNAM Ly There world be no industizad development din Relig plon-(1978-e) ! oe ' a C6 EYP (i9g0-85) ' L een on etenernte dikerobiclern; populalion covticl) in epopeoh at i Ly NABARD var establiohed in 1962 en the Aeleromenclalion J Stren Committee brides the Reig of Indotn. Gaudi’ Ly Bub othe unelustues feous Abi ted towards Avtomddile "Commercial vehicles, Cement ond durg dmcusbies- L, with coming up of Rajiv Gone gow 1 the focus Abifted' owas High tech and electacnics industies. ' Ly Govt eloated fauting. on expott oriented umnduttiies , Saermpaymert, a sith Coming, up of new undudsiol pelioy in Ina, the ole of public sectot Enbtepales was seduced: God 'slarted umnnihing mete MNC's and Aele ef. gevt- become Jinated to development of Small scale tndustiies * and cotrecking, Aegionel dumbalances . Thesfete in £5 amd a EYP the fees alifted tr Comsemer goods nnd ' electricity imprartirclare ele. * LPG Refolrns Connected the Indian econerny, wilh qletol economy, aud hence to seduce dimbalonced quent and enhance seaports in the lot FyP. | & the policy. of sez wae odepted in the ut 2 2® eyp (208) | The focus qee we Alipted on fedxivg. por i ages : Regional imbalances generating empley ment strsevgl cpr building. as well as Inpraitivelte development. * Hence the cote areas of werk are feces back to menu © factoring Throvgl " pOAKE ININDIA® aaidialine, Skill vppadation “Thacugh Skill evelopment, Employme nt gensialien Froogle SraRT up INDIA A STAND YP Ino ( entacparenversbip self | employynent cumong women of st4sr): AL the Same time India ve pocirg the challenge of climate * Chawye and has hoge oppurtunities in Lithiom Gallery » lect velicles , Solar equipments ‘fook procensing especially tgounig ford , antificial inkelligence A audermation as wellas tleclronie ; “> mere ack, cog! 8 Core Innustrics se toa ment © Ceal @ Gude cil So 2 enn Balk cerbofegal _ cenbipelol , ere f lecalional os wellor kehowiovtal facts play an: tmnportart- “Gale aim the divdvibial’ Aecalion and based on this they. Com be divided dunt 2 broad Colegares, : ; { O Geog phicol Bnon-Geegaprical cies © [GeognnpnicAl FACTERS) © [Raw MATERIAL wt i Sipificoud fa mamafaclacieg. tite ae ps ee Aw : © % Based on the Raw material 8eme indvilties suchas lank heel, manupactoring equepments vee. lenge pono of coal, Ian ote and ore localed near the Row maferial: Ease STOB)[aershenpee IRON! STeeL FlANT] Ly Tsco (raré IRON & STEEL cornpaNy). edtablished in 1407: ly oldest steel plant in India. Ly Tt un based on high grade BokARo Tamsheopur mines (THARKHAND) Ae GURDM AHISAN! Ca ROURKELA DvuR MINES (ODISHA) es SALEM (steee plana} Ly Goal from STHDRIA CTHARKHAND) amd RANIGANT (WesT BENGAL) Ly manganese fem Tara mineeCKENOUTHAR) ODISHA * Ly wATER from SUBERHAREKHA RIVER amd alse ror Darn built on HARKAL RIVER: A Ly bdo well connected by oad amd selwoarpohestk with kala — rvesbet and Chennal. The Kolkaka port lecaled ao at dsskm provides the pott (taanrportation) octlities. Ly The densely populaled. Regions of Thaskhand, Behar and “the Haber of Cheta—Nagprt plateau, provides cheap Jabot. @ ¥ Fob the doage manufactoting Planks vile us of umost significone based on climate , topograpry % A pile should be well connected to maakel os well de Regiors of Saw e— material shovlel have a flat dourd oad generally, awoid “fhe A/gtons of fable ere oY : : xak ‘ : : ee P an dumpottant Acle because extremes la atl devlepmrent vs nd paefened. 1 male % mederale climale ub best miled and hence majctd Te do ene of prenary, region, why 261 of India's macleuns ( snot and 32}: of Indici's lakerus once vis Conceritraled. i: anasto Gui £ Regio 1 fing se fo ter dadtsinl, Regions oleng the weak Coant: 5 \ Beacon 3 “The *AHMEDABAD— VADADARA Joe dial or ndotbial Aegion was developed eee ar an alternative to mumbgi- ou a 3K pore Umoibual Xegé a majet diundusties are cotton dediler, Pebrschernical , Ayothetic fibres, sore | processing, and Diamond cobtirg.. | mymBAl gil oe K The presence oF KANDLA-porT gives " tenpork— Export pocilities ame “the, Vat q Comming oP + BuLLET TRAIN PROTECT: abu expected that there will be dmdegraion of, Thin Jndvibiial, seqion aud alae dispesoal of snlrtites prow? sey Conjosteclormonrkad aegion: : ' — SH Becowne, othe Climaktc pacar the Sipjeacane andully ws recently abapled southwards qu Hamnellocr A Neti a @ TaBooR eae pole becaise it Jb estirated tinod: falov'r Cost- oni encreoned beled 1s erties aah to Gye sin cipfesent butt endusbues- % Inthe Region’ F deme pepelation esp cheop labor ia onedlalde aud thereat “mp «| agio- ivdltes axe located in this Aegiew. ‘ ¥ Bet the medew dndury alo sequire technicalley skill Jaloout. which Js shat in Indio. 2 yerce MAKE IN inoia dwakadive has rot seen the od) af Success that was inabaly enuiseged- © Frama) & Trawepertalion allews fortes mevernentef- aww material ar well os famed fanrahed goed: . Ly Hence: fot the: cinduttiial. development, o well bb nced | rple tiomapetlation Ayton which will cup Complementa gole to each other 4s ewential Or (@ (MARKET) Ly In recent Ymes fo Jabout, redoction ce tramapettation cost as well as fs : eae 6} ctranepattodion £ Infinabecrtute Railways" mort of the indvibties ave locoled neav the market. Lingact the traditional duduaiiad fegtory ¢ Indio. axe. kel tiented wurduatial segiews: be Coral mee Mar T Ls Hegch neo UMCMEe EE a oe Lo Cevtier Ly-the loealion, of pebicrcheniroal sandvaliy, textile pear, dds dhe cull edt bony rade dented Jousaads” maaket. . % & with the dleveleprnent of pipelines, petroleum definition z£ even Sore lion k.Ateel ake docated for aucay. frorn Row, material producing, 30970 which helps im , @Balonced Region al. development { (© duclapmerd op ne easel ovd Vedi kegiows (Case stony VISAKHAPATNAM IRON & STEEL PLANT) Intas —> shark with weber "oe Gk dn the 1% Shee! plant houierg.o. viniqee locabion os at vis loaxed near the maskel talus on the Coast. se AL aio one of rash advasnced —|RONCRE —TamsHED » “CoAL steel plead in Indio. whith end i ky RASHTRIYA ISPAT NIG LimereD - roARKET j VISAKHAPATNAM, IRON ETEEL PLANT 3K Zt helped 9 develeping the yioakhapaknam Reson: at vs based ove { @ Imported duane A Coal horn o dale . © liquefied hon che fre CHorA-NAgPOR, PLATENY © The deslapmerl of precune nebuovk has helped dn Hionnaperting. the Lenate fot long. dstamcon even for BplLADILA NINES of CHATTISGARN - @ nekcrel gor 2% ourdlable frorn the KRISHNA ~ Gonaviel «BASIN: ; * mest of Requarerrents of mineialy Sch ar dimestene are ' | brovgt from mp, chat tesanaly thovste well established read neluodtk- : The coasted lecation of thi plant: gives iba unique adadloge becowst “101: of Gal and Juen dle us irnpotted from aushalia. and raos.- finished preduct Ge, steel vis exported be TPAN : auc KoREA + | : : * ab w anintenialed Is. plawt threug’ which liquid steel can be made with the develepmert Of CHENNAI INDUSTRIAL: center: sk there has been mde demand feb I[s tn this Aegton, especially, sin the automobile imdusteg. 2k In additien to siedegraded Ils plaud, nomereus mini Steel plawts hove Come aac the ceurtin. i ; These ane plows which axe Smaller , imshend of blank fournce they use electric ferrore: * hey have the Copacity ble 10000 — 509000 ternes Of éteel - # The mini Ateel plots use Strap Lien and sponge len as a. Saw moderial. # Tharepre they. are nt docaled ta the Jegion o due dle. bol are mostly docated in derertialived Asegiors Suck. as ascund “the cihes- fr ot lal basnye ini steel plavd with in wv a populalion x tolakhs: S rep * The Benepils of mana steel flab ace A = T ®lecalined sevice of Raw makeria® 7 F B Recyoled favo material cow be vied avd re fore ther ax wescnment friendly. | Bere ae neu itn it alma Ce ed ae pais tlh len ll acl @ steel. : @ mt mini steel daw helped in decentaliration 4 shel i( * In decent years mini steel plots axe clovingal way |, ee @ iam i i aR weater ds the moth nmpotheutt tack sinfloncing the lecational choice of. cnlustiy * “Thetezche dmdvities are + lecaled near either Rivee, oval ob amy segien where huge qualities of water anailaHe. InDusTRy WATER REAUREMENT Clit]ton) ‘ STEEL 3,00,000 OIL REFINING 25,600 a RAYON 10,00, 600 PAPER | |° 1,173,000 ° LEATHER 6,940,000 @[Now GeograrnicaL FacToRs| @ # ndvatiy are localed oreurd huge vibe cerbier.. © Koveannen Paeres) % Inplvence Undvittiol locations Hrcogle by Subsidies 4 Tauifs Ly Sez's © [inner wera) ¥ Says thal ivelchies tends + develop ot the places of thet Giginal establishment, : ] & the diginal Coste vray. have disappeared. ci alo Aepleredl to hove geographical Inertia. a Ae pe cevtre becomes undvabial cevitie and ub the | diginal facta Auch ar Sovice of energy get depleted, Stl the foctoug mrauynok ielocote fore the place because. ce fellowing Aeardvr OfLakaa] There vs vost pool of Akilled and experienced dabovt which moty avppot a new deawice A new smnelustiy.. @ ear 4 very well developed avd even jf Ihe local Aavrmeaderial vis ehaveted dk Coun be tmpdt ~ed frome the orstside, Aegion - ' @ [capital] Selling vp new dindusty Requires lob Ca time | _ oud money, which discortages the ertreprencets abib q cay fo medennine the prot of Change “ine econonie proce,” aaliker than 40 abift fo 0 new area. ys ver Unduitites hove Abatled auny. Prors murnbai aud pelhi's CBD (central Busines Outuicl) due to geeyapbicl dnertio the Headquarters of those ndviltics ae there well establidned Maske © Ly Ag the consumers dent alift theis lecabier with indvilties, stherefoie dindushies den't moveto the new location pov the ( feos of decsing dhe moaket bok in Aecent Himes with the Gomi op of C 4 Lion technalegy odvestining sonclvilty amd ined vod , Manapactiive, A moskeling. con bedene | even prem for anny places . Ly Hence dndvitiiad Umestia. va nob ave eotiel yee nduatiies axevr Delhi-Ner » eaalter, ranutachring plowds , wis thad giver vay to news Acphiskicaled procensing, i B. Geowice Settee A mosketing unite In ‘The Same orea- ; PMANUPACTURING [ < DREAS ~ { © BenKING aud Insurance Foiitien- Corton Tec mevara I catton terkle tndustty ds the oldert imduaticg aud Contr bole men: to the employment by the. 1 medeun cobton tertile dndoitcy uars achupin 1818 ale font Claater - ! ' ‘ Ly Buk it wos cleared dover © A Ly The fF Succemtol Cotton tealile tndustiy wins sel-yptn rmembat by GN. Dewar: Uy Today sb so the Laageat cbgunined cece selec of Indias » paevieliong ernloyment +0 Briers wok fetce: b ik» produce ws different Seclovs : O mills @ powerloers Gal) > lage Seale Sundlunbey but the share of mills have jeduced from gor ‘in 150% bo just S*/ In Dore. (Pawerlor”) > mor dnp Kecder volich makes 60+. of clot un India hove duntreared in nvmber after TFs (-Techwrelage. epgroclation fered peherne) > encig epesale wilh expat cvenbed: Lecobional Factors H Colton vis pure fave roakenial avid therefese Colter Lentile in Coun locate -both near the marke-as well ar near the haw rncterial *A Akodog rows thal these cindvitiies ane lreated fodlary sin ‘he Aegions ‘of beat thanapotlalion faculty & qurcialiy neardo the maaket: “the locational facts com be divided mto climale, pouxr, adonmspott aud tebout: | Raw rnederial , (ClitealeS TE kequires howd climale because i The day climate thread breakr: k © TR Explains “the Jecalion of imavithies: in mumbai, Al Surat, Coastal Andhan pradesh amd Coastal Tarwil Nadu. Raw materic! # Inthe earlier period mov of the Colton texdile Undlustiy was located : neat the Aaw material grewbry Aegion because the tianxperbation Cost was sey bye * This ded to developmen of ceviters Such aS KANPUR, SOLAPUR , NAGPUR, HISSAR , AMBALA ete. Bub the oe Soedusty developed Cl the black etl sejion This sindustiy has two advamtages r © Black sole (cotter grewerg Soil) ® Nearnens to the rrasket % MUMBAI & GuyARAT ® well Connected by the Thonsporbation pocililies. wi een 3 Due to the shift of Indlustites towards the cay centres they, Started geting Cheap daloovt- Ingeck- Undusties in India. pamRaveT] developed! asernd ety cevies SoLA PUR dito ps eof Akilled cheap. PRAT PvNE aloes. H trek of. incites cm Indias axe lrcated um the majo Bowsportalion Aouter. After the decentia cdisclion of Colters teatile Lndvtties pom mumbai , inclualaies j anne are tecated on Pe aed to gern A Teel ale anges Ta rojo Communication af power > Curial because of cleaning the Cotten prensirg nd ginning ib. : ne “ iy bericrs Indies most of cottor dentile indudis se Herve in the An) ose located neare coal producing. cortien Masket : f Attra} j x In India. Cotton undue developed around market due to' pats unflvences 2 The port citics of mombai, kolkata provickd on Umpertontsite of limpet well as expott of : | Mee the general shend of. cotton textile indy, in Indio’ shows teat they ore shifting neases to the mosket targeking. both ‘the. domestic asvellos andecnational Coster *y meee Aegions ep rnaakel: baved Collen bentale slutty ane as stow in fg: Dudhubstion of Colton texte ie cndvatty “ty Indies mAnARASHTRA) Zh | | OfmanarnsnTRA | Top posttion (yor) % Membai wor Know cvs ‘Cebtemopalia” Wy L because nivmbai had advantage of ently, boat aud undurtzial inertia G homid climate Ly locakion helped in impab of rrachiney & Expat ca fonished clothes to weat aria 2 Vor population Ertepe Provided a moaket fot. Aeadyrrade clither. Ly power wos cheap amd earily available, irons he jl “1 ums Suateunded by vant tt, black geil Region, Supelying étton Ste by war Connected with hinterland (by sath avd soa: | @ leusrenr] | L In the kecenk times gujesat emerged , Oo fote gqrewing Cotten textile cevitie proclicing over 327) of Cotten textile - 4 Bhmedabad is the slosgest cevhe because + Ly Neawners to mumbai, enjoying Some lrcational. facilities . in mumbai bt Cheap dand ; “% Develepment of Kanola pot © - . : by Discovery ot pelicleum which helped din. agalernexation, efpect of textile inndustiies bet Ayprthetic 4 nobital : 4 Vesipation Thaovd Sasdar Sorovar project, deel fp imcreare (in Superior quality Bt-cotten- Ly cheap Jabevt a4 Compared to mumbai. @ Framitnany) (6) ir we tie preduce Cotton yor sme accounts Ye Yuh of Yon production tn ie & Coirnbalote Gs the most Arnp. cenler. and ib is Known © mancheyter of South India - (Fables of be este ebay.) © frslage of Row moferial] Raw medenral determines 35 of. total produchien cost. India. has daagert area Under Coblor> G6. of arend but dew productivity res Indio. produces only 9) ef wetld's Hn amd hence we need to impest Pron pakistan, kenga, use: Svdar-. O Compelitien prom ypetecgn mrarkels expecially the comrtiles Suh ab SKoREA, TAPAN & TAIWAN. This th Sopriving becourse, “tiene Courndiies donot hive favo rratertal and still prodicce cheap and better quality of terdile than India. _ 6 mast ob the machineries is old with elrelele technology. A secent Suave, had shen thot bo) machineuy in Indeo is chleant 1s yeas old. This ae din Cevitiant to china Where To} of loos are automatic. Olam pa | Su has shown thak areund yhevis w& are lest: weakly baris due fo pewet Shetlage with coal being axsecialed hiv probler has dntrecred. twith global woanniing © renes) Frequent alrikes, in go's Abikes were Commen in every dindustiy bub the Colton textile industry Suffered the ‘mest. This led to stagnalien tothe Gttorn ferdile dindistiy ) gowirg preblern of, dstek prulls, canola wulh Coming up of 4ST and demmntlisalion this eneiganised Seckt Suffered re- pO leanersictely lobed os 2 i Due fo dd rrachinerios, difficult wellting Conditions labovt, Preduchivitis As veug lew an India. fg in India. uvikers homdle 2 Leer oss Compare to So lnems un. Japan aud. £0 looms im USA. oO megacluster _ @ Tors : O fregacleted To reduce the production cost an hdend eae. cluster schemé fol Cotton textile undustiy tn which 3 One: @ Agglemeiakion eftect 6 masteking , 1 Axomgpettation foil © medesnisction , torls & machineries fob which 8 financial Supa ss given undes Technalogy upgradation Fard SehernelTUFg Ls Indkatiil linkages ike cluster go, Rewsrnaleriay. Uy Faeralion of. shan gi Sothat finance vs canily onnilalle 4 Technological Suppo and clesign spots ute grown in only Gemrge—Gramhapitia. delta. fqe dole growing Ae gions Inca. | Oletimare) Keno op ule sind da locaked around the row moterial gpeving aegion: This io hot 4 hemid Region of. wert Bengal, Bihax autl Andhio padesle. : 2 wesk Benge ws largest preducer of, ole followed by @ihow 4 Asso: : @[Labous) —> Requines cheaplabout. @ Requires huge ameunt of woter aud “thitlefote wrest of. the nulls ore lecaled im the Regions of Aivers- 1 O frtonvgs) Rivers provide ear, Cheap Hromapetkation pocililier end there}se. the dutribulion of jote rails in India da a Shown below Oar BENGAL) # Tk ar argent Concentration ca julenills el cecounts fri 85’ of production. ye mest of mills ore located inthe navrow belt which vis ‘loo krvs long, “the bamkes of. R: axle * lonpertart Industizal corte ave @ kolkata ; 2K Reanons fotthis © TiragarH Do ft clevelopment is © IngarDar [ map (ep? @3 ‘fof India's a Ke fee w produced in ~BUbGE — BUDGE hia Aegion. The import 4 ’ jole bs Ly Cosy © coal sin anailale frorn toon Ue a © The dense ly, populated Aegion of. Bengal, Tharkhand 4 Bihat PAovicles cheap clabout. © Kotkata vs o big pat helping won. expat & mpet, cpa od Bornking focilibies. ® Henud climate, wide aivers allow the Setting up dndvihiie, because abundant motte owe! waters owailable Jor \ Parcenting , wanking awd dying. of Gute: : © Fiat dike owambnt , RelRada. enfoys st ober, Problem of Tite wauere ; Phe FS A, 2 Reh tle cud ale dah on expotter of jule after desl: Tobe ds mai 2 ga a ol tet Boca Th my I Inepile of being, high peential ! indeabiy ak sis parcklenvs. a © Ate, nckpendence majety A of fule qiowing, Region went to BS { (Pakistan) now We angle, wale walls Remained um India. nab 0 aie ier : See elf ipa sl eagle en duncaenting. the prices of firsabed goeds. ‘the pactlewe imcrcanes with AMlegal dannporle angie aici @ (de la wT Bahco} te jl rls ee loge eppredation. In 200 Gut had Launched Tite technology rabwvion with focus on jute fearing 1 moaketing , procening technological epatadabten bu the tends Aemaim unwed. © @ [Lenapeliton] Dee to Stegner balton jute scsi dt face Stiff Compe bikin from Tapa, Ketea aud Banglaclenl. Thesel te dun the necent times Jule mill wetkers are bighla, underpaid oud around: 3 oleh mill wetkers hove Left the jobs to.become, gickshow pullers. . © le wdcbontaiy began te cheline im Lode I970'6: wilk repent Leckouls aud Aikes due te union predemr. © Thee hos been Aecely decline in the demand for juledve te coning op of Aprtenic. ie 3 The pealiament of India enacted ule packaging mandlt Ack, lage wil om objedive to protect fute. dndusley and tf Wuntxeare the derrond. National ule Board (Kolkeda)) vs new undertake projec fo expat promction, undertaking, feiss as well ardiveifing aiundo the prodvels. ; i : Nip, Ahmedabed is new ang, din. dlexight Shopping. ea as well ar ips access boplidoeg vlban Covbomers teuraads Jote- i *x with pollutien Cplartic) oud ewwieenmental dlegaedation ncreared There vis high demand for tiles boch a dute bags, {oniabieg Covers, molehing poducts, mobile Covers or well as jule toys : y= \n Japon jute mu ching wis done to protect seil erotion #& National jote head: in 2014 hos engrged in Uncentive. Scheme foe acgptstion of plants and machineries to ' pocilitate, technological: upgtacation ame mndceuriaation of” jule ‘onl. Impseved Cubbivadion AeAcduonced Retting x in 2aie gb: alas Lownched fob jute prcuct diver. —peakion this ds because Gor]. of. Indias Jute vid nobsvitalte Yet product divevification- Vy * OK The Challenge India vee factors ab dumping ‘ob jute products by Bomgladedl. : ‘ ! (India. needs ty divesnify, medeunine an wellas change the perception abot jute sim. national as well avr, unternational market especially ln. bickchep of environmental degteulalion | * wodlen tertile dndusig us ene of the oldert industey ‘in India. having an evicknce ef S000 Be but the medeun woolen » tertile sndunlag vas eshablivhed in Kauput( 1876). tds bitte " maskel os well os aw moltrial ctiented undustig avel mainly found Um Y geqiews- : ; © [PORTA] ws the Header of wsvdlen tertile where the met Corties ore DHARIWAL, AMRITSAR, KHARAR and LUDHIANA ( L The sndusbay on ponjeb vs -baned on ow moserial sorapatbed farm TAK ound wb vs mmeskl, dervincded Ang HosllRy Lounnmiais the biggest conten ot hosiery goede tn lndia., @ us the gna forget produces Ce wotlen. Jewtiler Wrdotites are located around momBA) which mantic —dinbilnes Manel ,. bebivad. on siommpottecl voort thom , fac ete ge usitabin e ope. @ [GP] Komput vs the biggesb contte followed by mairzapur, UARANAS! auc MODINAGAR. @ [GurAKAT] specialises sin blowkels beired en the veel from ketch aud Rajosthan. : \ i b woolen Collage sncustig pootahes in kosher ourd-Hip wihere “snauts” of ferest quality ws preduced, croond. Sina AGAR amd KULU: KASHMIR hare the monopoly, sin piodvetng | “pasHmiNA SHALLLS” flor Goat: Prdblens of Woolen Indué ; @ Biggest preblern as Ahotkage at deal (sheep weol). eee sheep doesn't ‘preduce Sufficient : quantiles of fire quality weet. Gye ir nie hee p yields only sca] cunnom wlaile Avstialian Abeep eer “the yield of akgloswenn There fete govt: hex engaged in Cos breeding 40 thot ig quali vaateunational vecl’ Can be produced @ [eakoF mn) Ly mnest pasts of India enjoy wou weather thacughevt te Yeas even dun nett India-derand fot woot wey only fee 3-4 merit. Ly 85+). wool prodiced im Indios Js ¢ Caspel grade oval erly o eds of apparel grade. Therepete the cost eo anton torte wo Meng big bel 4 & Hence, lndio: vis a. majol expotter 4 Carpet but nck af. Usoulen terctiles. fee @ Lack of, mecteun equipments ® Increasing problem of child dabovt INDUSTRIAL REGIONALISATION IN INoIA ¥ Regional. qeogiophiy focsier on ca fig oud Reqtenal i Sin while onl Ph Refons ast Compared ond omaliys amaliysed- HE he Covrilty. Com be divided tasks agin slate scans A dndvitiial regions XK Induties Yond to conceviiiate due to market fotcer agile. —meralion eject oy govewerenth palcian ante Crary . Known an “ aundutbiol segions’ % The [P altemnph soclisepy iudijtiial davgloprabahin bam * RL Sire arene 10 vandittical Regcons of Indio. vobich © wos later modified by, SINHA- SINHA divided anda . dnt 3 calegotir, © pera INDUSTRIAL RERTONE Ae Hawing work face of mininann cely whens Gf” }es lakhy- : @ [rowor THevSTRIAL Regions] @ fmANUFACTURING t Wininwm IDISTRICTS| * work pace Bee Htep 25000 Wak | Ly The majel dundurbiial aegies are -than 25000 @ MumBAl— PUNE — NASHIK lodustviol Region] [remnbal— [MuroBAl— PUNE — NASHIK Indushriol Region] Reg ton Origin 4p Baila. avle. when the paki bod and the, | js colton deutele dundlustiy war established . * Development of Aetluany (1853) er open vn gawe the pole 40 this cundvibiol. region ae x at Atoxted with Cotton tentile 1 which developed wn the hinder Land + aborisation of mumbai provides, L 6 As the Coal tans rok neasly Pree un the wertenn gata Aegitne. y After dependence setting ep of nuclear pewte plat (Terapus) provided ~ additional magnelic foice to this Aegion: ; finulat wos the unipock op discovers of pelzols * Tedlay this Jegion ia entuerely, dinerrified with majo ndistties being, pelaochernical indus , popersincesbiy Jods cody esginering Groth snd od # The mojet cnduitiial houses ulin thie Aegion axe TATA, LA, GODRET aud FIRODIA GROVP, MAHINDRA RELIANCE , Bl is GROUP avd WADIA GROUP | due to Umtcaring promute on rrwmbat potty INPT Wes Conitbaucted oc: Nhove-Shevor al nurmbat.. : In the. tecent years with uareaconing cont of Jeving there J tendency on the. pat of wid shift avoay for this Zegton and there fete pew industries have been Coming dm Nashik — Pune. # Pone is developing os o. Sof tune Conber twhilé Nashik 4a Uacoing foams ft enginernng goon * with growing dndushalioation of this segion Agee ives ~hies will come inthe hinterlaud especially. Sugar trdsbayy Lette mbit hat icultite indusliy , callow industey ana 2 MACHINE RY & BINGE - 1COLS: = EXPRESSWAY ke : propos SUGAR TEXTILE aypeRtooP “ mee ee AGRO PROCESSING 4 Burp 0B SUGAR NILK : PRobueTs ty: — Hume A — Fone lg Olaumenagap — VADEDARA INDUSTRIAL REGION ek cast Ip SURAT me: Tawwnagas. dan wert but the’ maja doidties ase lacated a (Almmedabad— Vadedaas hegion. [alma fala) # Development ¢ in dndushiy Une 1660'S ab @ pork loreng pretdency. # ‘Conitrclion 4 KANDLA poe’ Soon ve Lee helped discovery gat ay ay khernbak! head segion setting op. + piiccherieal waduttiies od- aie Tawinagar aud Ankleshunr. % This pehochernical induiliies acted applic developing Apathetic sadvibiy , chemital windue’ by a | Aacloalg aud pharmaceutical vnndlyitiy. si 3 xy Ahmedhbed has secatiera! ‘odvaminge ver moumBAl becouse rvrnboi textile dandustiy has to poy, double preiget ok But ahinedabad lecaled vn black Soil bolk, the. tiawspottation cost daw material as well as foie cdlvamterge of vert bt dn Stl Ganga bell The lecational advewtage a Koundla. poe us shown above. vigh : 3k KANDLA seayes the Alch Aegiews of povg /Hasyomer aun polhi Nek ancl therefore has xecoid of being the pott bowing Value dn teums of COAGO clegesils dim the Serounding . Vahl / In Recent 4 wind energy ower Solar eneagy har been vkdied- The Bullet dain project connecting murneAl— AED ond ddbi- mumbai indusbial comider along withthe Golden Ruacilederal will make the hanspotbation more eanier ond efficient. fae ; AK most of dnduibies Zu this £eqion lie a NH Gonnedtin ‘ ¢ Delhi Tatprr-clbovosts Gurgomm, Ajmer, Udaspor , Ahmedabed, Vadodara , Sutot aud mumbac. ' * Cox operative dainy fo has inceased the pyschasin Power of people alse the inastitotons duch as 1 Ae Nakienal Intille o Design (nip) have helped Gatngind, Ge management Akills vin this Segien- die © Enwitenmental. ceeadation us the prblens- All this Geb) etch. of saber especially wit SuRAT wis highly elle " ® Ropid vabaniwalion aurd rigelen st sesvlled dard Legion Conplicls on well a» Aegien di disparity. the dupady ble Ketel curd Kodhiowwar has dmtrecared Ee Ea gf tesewolion oF the local Commonly Magee Indudties are @ Agio- preening which uncles milk, cotter Tobacco, ue : Groendnut eil.. - © Diewrord Cotling vende with GuRAT ad cenber- — O Artercbile dundusbiy vehich duncledes TATA (SANAND), Suzuxl, HERO, FoRD etc. & Gujared via deoding tate av | Upcerniang electace veluisle technology. “epectally d Helol Aegion, meas coaches! “at ae a CBernrbadies) © Petr themical industey : © Tertile dindualyy ' ik | @Okagm-Dainarnelige) This dnduitiial Aegion develeped ofter ee ak duaded unt 9 belts. Cows of J Delhi, Agia, mothe , meewt ie i whieh ies Gn Up, while the ether bell ts “bvtgoan— Faridabad Ambak, imdiihial region forowny from mineral 4 power east belt of India aud, hence us 7 egNEERUT 3k The sebling up of mottuvtee cil ie i 1 pow a acted por fefinery.s amipak Aegenerye OS EEE, ov propulrive foams. ia 3 survkd [mauris cAk foctoly ws ebup vine quigonen wilh the ddea of cxectovig new delhi ar & growth pole. : # the automebile dandvabiy acted as & magnet athoclivy uaadustiiy , Engines amd eleckoric und Speco iy cacund feaidobad around MANESAR: 2K with “the Succews oF Green Renolution Gergiabnel emerge ason KARNAL- : Thelecabion a. delhi as a. tovtink hotsert ded to aise of Seawtee Sector dundviliy 7 autorncbile* induibiy Sutrcunding the delhi Region: Today SARAHANPYR YOmUNANAGAR ase coon potted paper producing. cevition. GURGAON # pe 2 MODINAGAR, MEERUT are famous fob NUrmetcr’ i mai This Aegion hos hig pacspects due to oO Hig ground water table. aud poennial Aiveuy B centraltsed ovifted plawning ender Delhi NCR © Gwe Read Infraitirctore " @ Rapid Expamrien of métrer 2 @Ocultral Sinai. cenilypepeleled hirkes ba eit. 1 chet Y detinabion amneng Mmigtants, © High polentigl’er on notional éleed capital cmd vey, haf perl serene dask tovtiwm |). we Be. poblens opti Region Js emveronrmentall. pollitie, is as ee hirkelond & The bet tale @.and lance the JS ‘qpeater cubtinal oe se ie a na | Phoopecks => Refer = et penning This undvittiol 3 hepetn connieh . 2 atotes eu © Tamiewapy aud: experience ‘the fortes qpousth ter 960% till 2000. husgucal Packs] I Toray ta Bion has a =" bell of Seivice Aectot tee dy th 1 me praeree of ba al Ikon ote atevnd Baba + Budhaw hil, Oellany.- Sancli—Hotpel ne Kaunadakca. f | oR phesence of- budding malerials’ sch aX Cerner Gaade dime stone around TELANGANA— RAYALA SEMA Region. x majo hydroclectaic power Powis Auch os SHIVASAMUDRAM Ckaverit) and SHARAVATI (eg follad 3 presence of target bgrite deposits aun. Nyvelle ND. ak phesence of pot facilities ak chennai , moamgalote bud bance \ 2 Indvates Atooded with Bhachavadhi lien & sheel plank over the’ Yl of time numerous steel dowibs Such! as splem were established. wt Le to devdoneck of Aral donduibies Ssobar undvities Sugar nalle , AcRonauries trades. |e paevence of Stalled lobe fiom the reales colleger help! ete development of Light engineering Radio on well ars Setting, vp of Bharat electionicr- A In Mm0's Soltumre Lndusbiy eigen He hegio bs of goed climakie corcktionts , Aelled labors. avd agglometalion op remeovs tourist spots Died leg neering. goods and a daduitiiy.. The Lanpethewd Sectovy of, ths Legion are SHIVvAKAS! Coker), METTUR, MAN DAYA (Siar dnndustiay )., SALEM de- * Recently, Asian development Bank (AD8) and the Geta India has éelecled VISHAKAPATNAM,CHENNA) indvstial Corridor as India's IS coastal corridor which wil help Ln "Aer Engst ECONOMIC PoLicy” of Ineo * SAGARMALA umikative will enhance this corridet. fe 3K This uniduibiial. Region will be hub of artomobile and Pivto-"Coropenent, exdile, | oes oss SS kaANyAKUMAR | 4 EAST Consr Economic © cura NAGPUR puare ay T. R © VISHAKAPAIVAM— —Gwnror J: RB @ kolLam— ees: rR}: L 3 @® mug c Treading L Lecakional Factivr g BHILAL SreeL PLANT i, at) CORRIDOR @ Bhiex Aegion (chedtingasls 8éqtor) ys exdiemely, Mabon metallic vinerabs becavte HF us a park of ARCHEON Rock System. Heres, Laon Gmaasteed dle J fourd in entine Chabtengasb % fore ft ste Regions ane Atch am Atl @® Haersabile Iasn te fa ee es @ Cool —> koran, kARGall : @ clecksicty-5 Keb theumal power plow . 1 © Trawnport > KolKedo. + Mumbai roils, dine NHE mumbai, Kelkoda. pols - 6 Momgamener == . Bhamdarsi(maheranhtie) aloghal (mp)- @ Dolemite — Bile © Lokovt. — nenaby, tibal people: @ masket — Indian Rail: ap DRDO BARC aeons SAIL” # Gk vs avnique distinchion of poe world's lage ingle piece poal. at hos helped the Indian sodluniyr in : Conitcwedting, Josmra— Basamvlle tink , Buagekend Resliony and alae septs high grade steel fr Contlurkion of Submarines: . #* TI8co —> hourclove x Bat. with the help of Soviet union in 1464- * Example Ce undudiial Complen un India. * located an Hagaribhiag dish oh Thakhandat the Confvence ef Damodar River avid Bokare River R Bokaro COAL BADAM Gorummalt eC} “The plant wos aelup wilh the objective of. developing, the Kegion and Therepfote ot classifies as ee jer Under Peroum aid Bovdeville oreclel. DamovAk R LimEsTONE : |X The Région’ vo extemal nich to nibutal Aewovices bbw, under developed- ‘ sing, 4 ¥ The plant har jollowing adiertage: 5 Ly at ss dutounded by Aich dion ole rhines auch ah, Gurv man san], BADAM PAHAR , SLLAIPAT in Cliveo. |b Cool — thanie, Gal fields , Damodar volley. coal feels Ly Uimeshone — patamu disteiet ¢ Thaakhand Ls electaicily — Divinedan’ valley. cotpeation . Ls, Srinath pris pst ful Ls ene of mest profitable steelplonits vw Indian. \ Ly dost —> profet is 82-6 billion Aupeer. A Toclauy this Aegion how Converted dinky ameotbiial compen becapse numero other enrciollars, Undudtices developed "eas Sutiourdiing the Bokoue steel city i | das plats , Alorsiuiere factotien, foltlizen senda / presence 4 ONGC, Cement dndustiy and numetovs Salen in srvch. ob enginessivg, gods & equapreen: includtizes. Ob acted as growth conker for the sunewnding Reqtons ef Dhanbad, Ranchi. Therefore dk Hs conridered am one ¢. the farted growing oy Undes Tier 2 and Teen's, cthies A Recerly ckAR® hal beers Goected with Folkaka. cinyatt "under UDAAN Scheme. This Aion uis fart developing, aban, elenemit Cotuidet. known a Dhanbad, bokare, Ranchi Lene IpusTRIAL Complexes . Industiial Complener are hove segiorss vliichs howe agpome gation tendency. aneng, different undusties. De to the Itcational adventage Undustizes Lend to Ceme neat each ather, Acc. to Cormparakive cost emalyris 3 Due to topoprophic clivnote and the Aige of India. , AesOvECes One nok evenly distributed: 3 Hence wadusbucs im 'lidia ane —— & MAIN INDUSTRIAL ZONE rk evenly dishiboled: oo . The has given Abe to Concegt of- indvittial complexe Jin dipperont pasts of covittiig. An industriel Comnplen Connie of ek of Apecepzc shad chien volach all dantendepernselent on eachother fot precluction mos ~Keling: des duanevation : A + The Concepk ds aeciated with arcuth peleand gett Conte of peapvt curd Bovdeville - the Concepts we popsleniag Communi USSR. x i 3K The iclea: behind “the complexe’ t Geale an engine 4 5 thd balewrced Aegional development eccuts Traoogl tatekle oun effect ; : Bene ers : a tan ‘ , ® Ecernenenier of scale becouse the fitmes ore located rreeaby bvuils'can cvgeged wn! cenbalire beging, aud selling x bulk product alt discounted paices- , slag O€conerios of agglomeration ee ete ae Jabovr Ls pretence Wkpebenedanenes secdenoic peli & Benepils of inter — Aelodednesiy ubich means the : ee el becomes the Jaw material, ge Automobile iadvstig \ eS fel ly costs are seduced: ® low cawotments, ¢ the ments (sale. * durduitial develepment capchind provider unprattinctine, curd Supp foctles thesefote sndudices don't: hove to ¥ wate Hime an pendi the Sesoviter. - Omrvtvel Co-eperaion, most ef the. units engaged sin joont Aertarcly and. development avd share Abawdaady like 180,TQM . Thus, + Baars the Cott. @ “he citer benefils snaclocles J Paral lacknard area's ond better ereyeent {el India SEz's bs Expotl procensing zor Pap fest pit : © Induittial: Complenes vee the oubcome of. news ecoremi policy after 1941- ( On the Covrbries Such ar India at vs ditpicult to Setup indudiial estate which ray abhoct ‘the omcillas imduitiies & ferro hg @ tr developing nations EEA soy teen ell Oaks Liao gna, Sgr OP RRR ane Atk vp ow the t ial SCHEME Complex which distutb the chain of unduttaol unter - © lack of impattuctutel focilsbees especially power. Curis @ Incdequale fanomezal Seppest | ©) by and Lange brian ranks weedeudeveloped while fevull: ionko derrbalanced af ential Comeres. al of skills aud support focrlabes pao thegeven- -ment. » dees 7 @ labour das hich Reqvete vigent nefeirn- waong, selection of quuth conten end quanti poles Fob the bnlarced Regional development vin the aexoutee “ich Coorg Such, 0 Indie lpealined sindvStrial. comple Shovld be ehcovta ged can Aocaliged Aesovicer fo thal econerny and! mation Cave grou: rr 2 > Frostems Of leon « Sreec Inpvsrky thon cand ‘steel andstiy, sequires hogs capital which, | developing courliion Cam't afford and. the private techy 2 Indias not din pabilions to shavers Hence motl of den curd, ateel amt would eitablidts wth feteign aid ound trodes pulic Aecth undertaking. @ [Ragu oF CRE) Lymask of the public sechet undertakengs don't uotk with. | pull copacity as shown um fale belo : | Tiseo logy gril | 967 |. DURGAPUR| = YO) ; 23 Thomppott bottlenecks _ Prequent cbownnfer of top rranageli ia psu's’ > Electaizile protlerny od Labour poblenms- i | @ [ERK oF meTALDAGICAL Bone) COAL) ; ee cs moth Biluminovs and hence we need to op high qtade Anithsocite, |, ‘ Inegficien Psb's dueto inefficient romagernett » heavy. uwwestment in Sort Pk procuclivili ete. low oduchivéty a> -C d to 1 ole ‘orpased to Japan sKolea. . The percopile produckevily, of labout um Indio us qotmnes per yeas, wha din Topo Jo 00 tonnes: i | A maint Heel will un us employs aio people te joa nollien tonnes of steel while the sind foci in India employs 5200 perple- @O \nfesi quality oF product. ee mw atoll K Foe aécenb phannin imdvibey ‘ekalled lobeiar tinteune of cn Chewwictiy medicine Ws sequired: : H Palomjali vs ayswelic oneducone howe hagl conterk. of heoiny enétals 1% * bevs profal margin of the gevenmert, deal hog parce Cortiol , Compu acig Licensing, policy: : f # Thesefre Indian phoma Sects via jot pongo catching bp goue rather than unreatis un the marke > - Corcentiaked du the himalayan ‘Atates because af cory! owetlabelitf of saw material: a Cree nisray) nae ace # love dese decidvour {etext of, Certial Indias are mote preferred : OF Sucly Small dnd usluies find ab liffievlé to Compete x with large Nd UACED CPA cafe ree Te TI = tae Covribies Auch) as China. ‘ : j * chlotine caving Bio accurmlakion’ and Bio. moagriiticadi, * Bio-occumulant ) nek Hoses owny, Slobble cane bie tb te blero wh weed cablecting the Aww wraterial to bhomtpath at to the popex polzcing. tepier 22) GDP of couribiy a OT g phaea f India us 74 Jin procuchion . cnaaket boxed amduilty 2 NORTH 3 Suzuki, HERO, HONDA * * WEST —> FIAT, SKoDA, TATA, BATAT, MARINDRA, MANCHxucks) _ 2 SOUTH —S volvo, FoRD, NISSAN, Bmw aK AS people betene yneke enwixenment friendly There ts lerter demand fo deerel velitcle ox the, porsenger Cot af Slack eisenrrent’ rare avely as BSY—> BS6 pe Confunirg, picture of fot FO!- The tufraitivetore for eleclare vebicle avele ak chosing pov Cott a ition in cenurion en the sscbstdies given fat brid Lechnology are the Laver nok, yet ee f Bloorainorn INST» dvom rbee KE NMIZ are eudtorme of nakiemal mamufoctore policy of 2ot. These are Jorge xeners dedicated fou promotion of wld wold claws monupactring : * 2NmMIz's howe been given final appacral, they are -@ prakasam (Andhra. pradeal.) _ BSanga re Dy: Ce ). @ KALINGINAGAR( odirlra) Gexider this Delhi- Mumbai Industtial eortdor will ale have SNMIZ- & Niniz's axe based on the patnerple of snduitiial qunuti un pasknestip with Atote te mamuefactoring aud emnplogen ern general ton. ' 4 These ore Cveral to gevt's national maningaclting policy, uslrzele ates fo untreare the shar OL manisachsy prom the prssent leh do 85], 0 next fe year x Also aims to create toomtllion jor To allow there ¢ ficient forckening af woll be declared as dnduitizal drsnalip unde the Art 243@ of: Indian A They wel ack as Special peep vehicle wlhicel wilder owning 1 ge clearaucerfot, getteng UP gp sncabiy ae will ar e uum enyeronment aud pelltion protection. 7 “They. will be conceived as large integrated tournaleip with ‘the state of at techuology. Separade lard zone. powering aud howting -Ji even Sociol duyrantucrntt «18 dlean of, al © 2 do delup Aeage sez's which are Sinalaw to china try JNMIZ's. % while the 8Ez's Cow be of ont Age i the mints sy fr NMmiZ i Sooo heckares- s f Thee ds vie pacviniew of ves ae jin NMIZ'6 ® Sub-Contiacli Jabot wis nee Un Niiz!'s and ctleaxt 30; should be Aererved fat manufachiting, i A The maja. NMIZ'S axe a EPA ROI : : 1 Rha addzbion’ to this Cerkaiwe oles pasviriows ta this Zones bs ae ane: on fpornceptal + They will be allowed to foixe i, external Commercial bircwings. os i: Green Bald a Rain wotee hanvesting. will be, | Bee OK Th hove been sep ab Longe inde tqovags, 2 euphad enlilerg © land acquinition ® No ciel shown uy he Companies athe geen ; held prgect } @ Prysical infrorticctore dal sin proce of. building aud external. Linkagen to NMIZ'S an 4 bai Soodway, are not ely O Skill development vib The mmoagdl. Afar. Hor pipeline give Aine to « gosta ak Suge Can be picduced prem Segaatane jbeek ot omy other cays which one having he selec te Sf ue ws the 24 + jus) precenring cobtortedile ak provides oo to sdakh vatkers dneclly oud aca fone unikoduced 10 cent aoe Bihor “hese wer Agron ise of dag ie noth India un OD arkny os an separa ro al nce ae. a Be motel bony te ete eel Fae eesti wa As-zokmes Aaclivs of ogar Glows. AGO” #* Laagesk prrchvces —> vp> hale. # boos sugars 2s Indio Comes ror Salef- elt. * “the black geil belt of mohorarlitio, § capt ey as ond Lae the eastern. slope of worker groks Aegion: ¥ * Aleng The Coastal Andhra = pander, Kainhron—Gedouiat Region errr 6. Analine the duilcbobion plow of Agar indoatig Jui Inde. ee Examine the Aeanon fot Aliipting of Sua dudes lowascls peniravlar, Indaw w- vp sanapile of Noth hadzo. being Jospeh prodvce ef dpetan, Sper indi tb eae sn prado Ice! 6 Sapacane so 0 Hope Cap aspitng 0 be 1 homed climole wolh ong: Lempesobies op ate are. 3" | Inlaler peak of powery. seater temp aboie 2 along with “the open “Ahies to beneficial Pot thickening ihe a ee Bob win India there od patadenical Gharacter of Cullen Fn Segantone that longer aren, ender Avpartane io x ile Indi : i © Bepete ww Indi was the mode done i bok with Fntasdnefchoscaldl oneness replaced by deogascaure J Nextt Indio. : eee ® In perimmlar India, Sparcone foces fourlcorgeition 7 from Tobacco, Cobtor, quoendint; coconut Carseat the. Pintonolat Gages, oe: hd © Penivaclar Indio. offer belies chienabie’ conditions dveto “the abtence of lew ond, froth, The growing amd catle season’ is rel, Lover whale da ndithe India tk ds’ erly ! of y montta. Hence the yield o Saar vin mehasniche 33+) hagles ee @ Extension of [asigation focilibres . by In the Lack soil segion , -bxigabion fh alleyssetiie metatee to be consewed making ak ritoble fot ugarlone. @ the Co-cperalive pills in Soutts are bebter mamaged then ob Nowth «ou Jasod @ rrvst of ralls of South [gE NESE anal equiped wih © the moderate climate of Souther perimwla, dueto B bopeiry shape of peninsula. qeve> highend Sutrote olent wun Supa and product ig Js © milly of Nosti India. Aernain cloted Yo 61 merits bt the Tabor hos to be paid and hence they are in lows.

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