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(NBA Accredited)
ENGLISH (22101)
Duration: 1 hr MM: 10 Marks

Name: Rushikesh Patil

Roll No: 21202A0041

Seat No:-253499

Attempt all the questions-

1. Write a paragraph on current pandemic scenario and its impact on social context. (Word
Limit 150 words)

2. Write a dialogue between the two students regarding the online exam pattern and
guidelines shared by the institute.
Write a paragraph on current pandemic scenario and its
impact on social context. (Word Limit 150 words)

In the beginning, coronavirus cases in India happened due to the abroad

connection rather than transmission within the country. The first three
infection cases occurred on 30th January in Kerala as they returned from
Wuhan China. To control this spread, the Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare (MOHFW) issued travel advisory restrictions which were similar to the
previous pandemics Some people were self-quarantine for 14 days to all
international travellers entering the country.
On 22nd March, Prime Minister Narendra Modi encouraged people to follow
14 h of Janata curfew in India. Responding to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s
appeals, citizens across the country came out of their homes and in their
balconies, clapping, beating. On 24th March first phase of 21 days lockdown
started in India. Due to the growing number of infestations from COVID-19, on
14th April, Indian government declared an extended 2nd phase lockdown till
3rd May which was further lengthened till 17th May and later imposed till 31st
May. India began its vaccination programme on 16 January 2021, operating
3,006 vaccination centres on the onset. Each vaccination centre will offer
either Covishield or Covaxin, but not both. 165,714 people were vaccinated on
the first day of availability. People are facing financial difficulty now a days as
their jobs are getting out of hands in this pandemic
Write a dialogue between the two students regarding the online exam pattern and guidelines
shared by the institute.

Nasim: Hello Sam, how are you?

Sam: I’m fine, what about you, Nasim?

Nasim: Yeah, good. So, are you ready for the upcoming final exam?
Sam: Yes, I am. But I have some problems with my Chemistry. I am very much tensed
about that subject. Only for this subject, I can’t prepare properly.
Nasim: sorry to say but I think you are not doing it in proper way You should make
notes for chemistry this will help you to remember it in last moments

Sam: Yeah, I am getting what you are trying to say I will do like this only. Do you
know how are they going to take our online exams?

Nasim: Yess it will be online and will be conduct on MSBTE official website. You have
to go on that link and give the website your camera permission once you start the
exam you are not allow to change the tabs changing the tab will instantly end your

Sam: Okay I got It I was wondering is your physics book complete?

Nasim: If you want, I can give it to you, I have completed everything.

Sam: Yess

Nasim: So nice of you, I will come to your home today afternoon to take physics
Sam: Okay, then see you there. Take care, bye.
Tamim: Bye, take care.

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