Use of Plastic Wastes As A Binding Mater

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Materials and Structures (2011) 44:1381–1387

DOI 10.1617/s11527-011-9704-2


Use of plastic wastes as a binding material

in the manufacture of tiles: case of wastes
with a basis of polypropylene
Athanas Konin

Received: 16 October 2008 / Accepted: 28 January 2011 / Published online: 5 February 2011
 RILEM 2011

Abstract This paper aims to study the possibility of tuiles ont une porosite´ infe´rieure à 1% et sont
using plastic waste as a binding material instead of pratiquement imperme´ables meˆme apre`s les essais de
cement in the manufacturing of roofing tiles. The study rupture par choc.
bears on plastics with a polypropylene basis. Plastic
waste is carried to melt and mixed with a varying Keywords Plastic waste  Polypropylene  Tiles 
proportion of sand (variation between 50 and 80% in Porosity to water  Permeability to water  Flexural
weight). Five compsitions of tiles characterized by their resistance  Abrasion resistance
proportion in plastic waste of 0% (tiles in mcro-
concrete), 20, 30, 40 and 50% were studied. The Mots clés Déchets plastiques  Polypropylène 
measuremens of physical and mechanical properties Tuiles  Porosité à l’eau  Perméabilité à l’eau 
show that plastic waste tiles whose proportion in plastic is Résistance à la flexion  Résistance à l’abrasion
40%, give better results than micro-concrete tiles (TP0).
Those tiles have a porosity that is below 1% and are
practically impervious even after breaking impact tests.
1 Introduction
Résumé Cet article vise à e´tudier la possibilite´
d’utiliser des de´chets plastiques comme liant en Nowadays, the treatment of waste becomes a priority.
substitution du ciment dans la confection des tuiles de We can store them after processing or, better, recycle
couverture. L’e´tude porte sur les plastiques à base de them in a new product. The reuse of plastic waste has
polypropyle`ne. Les de´chets plastiques sont porte´s à increased as recycling technologies have been devel-
fusion et me´lange´s à une proportion variable de sable oped and improved during the last years [1–6].
(variation entre 50% et 80% en poids). Les mesures However, the amount of plastic waste is still increasing
des proprie´te´s physiques et me´caniques montrent que world wide. Taking into account that concrete will
les tuiles aux de´chets plastiques ayant une proportion continue to be the dominant construction material in
en plastique de 40% (TP40), donnent de meilleurs the future, several research projects have been con-
re´sultats que les tuiles en micro-be´ton (TP0). Ces ducted on the use of plastics waste in concrete [5–12].
Most studies have been able to demonstrate that plastic
waste can be used as a supplement to aggregates. In any
A. Konin (&) case, the results show that the inclusion of plastic waste
Institut National Polytechnique Félix HOUPHOUËT-
BOIGNY, Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire eliminates the plastic shrinkage cracking of concrete
e-mail: and reduces the drying shrinkage to some extent
1382 Materials and Structures (2011) 44:1381–1387

[7–13]. Some results also show that the tensile strength 2.1.1 Sand
of concrete is slightly improved [14–16]. Yazoghli-
Marzouk et al. [17] found that as the percentage of It is silica sand rolled granular grade 0/2. The sand
plastic waste volume in concrete is below 50%, the must be well graduated and free of any organic
compressive and flexural strength of are not affected. matter. Clay content must not exceed 4%.
Remadnia et al. [18] investigated the effect of plastic
waste as light aggregates on physical properties of
2.1.2 Plastic waste
mortar. Their results showed that the flow ability and
thermal conductivity of the mortar are improved.
Plastic waste used is mainly from packaging and
Recently, Hannawi et al. [19] showed that the use of
other elements with a basis of polypropylene. The
plastic waste as fine aggregates reduce significantly the
reasons which have led to the choice of the material
specific weight and ultrasonic wave velocity of the
cementitious materials. Although a number of studies
have been performed on the reuse of plastic waste in – It is a thermoplastic, that is to say once molded, it
concrete, they were almost based on the use of plastics hardens by simple cooling,
as a part of aggregates. In this context, the idea is to – This material constitutes the most used plastic
reuse plastic waste as a binder instead of cement in the after polyethylene in the manufacture of plastic
manufacture of micro-concrete tiles. packaging in the world [21],
The climatic conditions in tropical countries are – In addition, its combustion does not produce any
make micro-concrete or fibro-mortar tiles be an toxic fumes.
advantageous solution of roofing both for thermal
Table 1 shows the physical and mechanical prop-
and acoustic comfort [20]. However, after a decade of
erties of this material:
production and use of these tiles, the results are not
mitigated. Their aesthetic aspect is questioned taking
into account their porosity and permeability (darken- 2.2 Formulation of the tiles
ing of tiles a few months after their pose).
The purpose of this article is to show that the use The compositions of the tested tiles are characterized
of plastics instead of cement in the manufacture of by their proportion in polypropylene: 0, 20, 30, 40
tiles could constitute a means of recovery of plastic and 50% in weight. The tile whose proportion is 0%
waste and allow the manufacture of tiles that are less corresponds to the reference tile which is in micro-
porous and less permeable. concrete (the binder is a cement CPA CEM I 32.5).
The other tiles determined to 20, 30, 40 and 50% are
obtained by use plastic waste as a binder (these tiles
2 Experimental program do not contain any cement). The compositions of the
five tiles are presented in Table 2.
2.1 Materials The difference between the weight of TP0 and the
other tiles is due to the proportion of colorant (30 g)
For the manufacture of tiles with plastic wastes, the used sometimes in the composition of micro-concrete
materials, that are used, are: tiles.

Table 1 Physical and mechanical properties of the polypropylene [21]

Physical properties Mechanical properties

Absorption of water (%) 0.01 Coefficient of friction 0.1–0.3

Density 0.9 Elongation with the rupture (%) 150–300
Index limits of oxygen (%) 18 Modulate tension (GPa) 0.9–1.5
Melting point (C) 160 Abrasion resistance 13–16
Thermal conductivity 0.1–0.22 Tensile strength (MPa) 25–40
Materials and Structures (2011) 44:1381–1387 1383

Table 2 Compositions of the tiles studied (for a tile 2.3.2 The mixture of materials (Fig. 1b)
500 9 250 9 8 mm)
Components TP0 TP20 TP30 TP40 TP50 Once the plastic is liquefied, it must be added to the
sand while stirring the mixture so that it may be
Cement (g) 600 0 0 0 0 homogeneous. To prepare a tile, 2 min are necessary
Plastic wastes (g) 0 498 747 996 1245 to mix the plastics and sand.
Plastic wastes (%) 0 20 30 40 50
Water (g) 360 0 0 0 0
Sand (g) 1500 1992 1743 1494 1245 2.3.3 The molding (Fig. 1c)
Density (g/cm3) 2.25 2.05 1.88 1.61 1.42
Then, the mixture (plastics ? sand) is discharged in
the mould, previously coating of vegetable fat to
facilitate the withdrawing from the mould. It should
2.3 Manufacture of tiles
be spread out so as to cover the entire mould. This
operation must be carried out before the cooling of
The plastic waste tiles are manufactured according to
the mixture (3 min of latency).
the procedure described below (Fig. 1):

2.3.1 Melting of plastic waste (Fig. 1a) 2.3.4 The demolding (Fig. 1d)

It is the first phase of the operation after the weighing of After the pouring of the mixture in the mould, the
the material. The waste is crushed in order to facilitate mould is placed in a basin containing water till the
the cast and placed in a drum where they are heated up cooling of the mould (T & 38C), which allows to
to 160C (melting temperature of polypropylene). obtain a rigid tile with plastic as a binding material.

Fig. 1 Operating mode of

the manufacture of a plastic
waste tile. a Casting of the
plastic. b Addition of sand.
c Molding of the tile.
d Plastic binder tile
1384 Materials and Structures (2011) 44:1381–1387

After their withdrawing from the mould, the tiles height of the impact is evaluated like that,
are kept in ambient air until the day of the test. causing the appearance of the first cracks.
According to the recommendations of the standard • Abrasion resistance: initially, the specimens
on tiles, five samples have been used for the were secured on the rotary platform and a 300 N
determination of physical and mechanical properties. vertical load is applied. 20 g standard abrasive
dust is placed into the rotating table. After every
30 revolutions, the path and the specimens were
2.4 Physical and mechanical tests
cleaned and new 20 g standard abrasive dust is
placed and the specimens were rotated 90) in the
Tests for the determination of the physical and
horizontal axis. The specimens were weighed
mechanical properties have been carried out on the
initially at every 4*20 revolutions. The total
tiles according to the recommendations of Ivorian
revolutions were 16*20 revolutions. Thickness
standard [22].
measurements of the specimens also have been
– For the physical properties, the tests carried out done from three points. The abrasion volume
are: can be controlled from:
• Porosity to water test: porosity was measured DM
DV ¼
by total satured water method according to q
AFPC-AFREM procedure [23]. The initial
where DV: change in volume due to abrasion,
weight of the specimens were determined
DM: mass change, q: density of specimen
(Ma) and then immersed in tanks containing
water. The specimens were kept immersed
until they reached a constant weight (Mw). The tests were carried out on five samples of tiles.
After that, they were moved to an oven and For TP0 tiles, the age of the tests is 28 days.
maintained at 105C until they reached a
constant weight (Md). The porosity to water is
calculated as follows: 3 Results and discussion
Ma  Md
qð%Þ ¼ 100 3.1 Physical properties
Mw  Ma
• Permeability to water test: the concave part of Figure 2 gives the results of measures of porosity to
the tile is obstructed on both sides by a flange water. This figure shows that the porosity to water
mortar. The basin thus obtained is full of decreases with the increase in the proportion in
water. After 24 h of exposure to water, there polypropylene. However, the values of porosity for
is the state of the underside (wet or not) of the TP40 and TP50 samples are fairly close, the gap is
tile. The rate of humidity of the surface is less than 5% (Table 3). The results show that all the
determined as the ratio of area of wet surface samples of tiles made of plastic waste have a value of
on the total surface of the tile, porosity that is very low (less than 5%) while that of
the tile in micro-concrete (TP0) is more than 10%.
– For the mechanical properties: it relates to the
In fact, the process of hydration and hardening
testing of:
based on compounds of cement give materials with a
• Flexural strength: the test is carried out on hydrophilic character that is more or less increased
tiles of 250 mm wide. The tile with simple according to the content in cement [20]. On the other
supports lays on two wooden transoms. A hand, the plastic is composed of a set of macromol-
weight is suspended at mid-length of the tile. ecules linked by strong intermolecular links. Which
It is possible to obtain the maximum load that gives to the materials with a plastic binder basis a very
may bring the tile, low capacity of absorption of water (cf. Table 1).
• Resistance to impact: the test is carried out Which could explain the very low porosity of these
with a ball of 200 g in weight. The minimum tiles.
Materials and Structures (2011) 44:1381–1387 1385

Table 3 Average values of porosity to water of tested samples

TP0 TP20 TP30 TP40 TP50

Average value of porosity to water (%) 10.05 3.20 2.76 0.65 0.20

practically as impervious as by-products with a basis

of thermoplastic binder [24, 25]. The strong porosity
of TP0 tiles and their sensitivity to the phenomenon of
Porosity to water (%)

withdrawal could justify their permeability to water.
06,00 Yet, the results obtained with the TP20 and TP30 tiles
indicate that the proportion of binder is not sufficient.
04,00 These samples are not completely waterproof, which
also confirms the values of porosity obtained on these
02,00 tiles. A proportion of 40% at least in plastic gives
satisfactory results.
0 10 20 30 40 50
Plastic waste content (%) 3.2 Mechanical properties
Fig. 2 Variation of Porosity to water in relation to plastic
waste content The results are presented in Tables 4, 5 and 6 for the
tested tiles.
Table 4 presents the loads that are admittable to
the bending of the different samples. It results from
Ratio of surface of humidity

this table that the load that is admittable to the
bending increases with the proportion of plastic.
However beyond 40%, the values decline (Fig. 4).
These results match with previous works [16, 26]
which show that the use of a polymer thermoplastic

10,00 Table 4 Average values of admittable load in bending of the

00,00 TP0 TP20 TP30 TP40 TP50
0 10 20 30 40 50
Plastic waste content (kg/m3 ) Admittable load 1.10 0.80 1.01 1.64 1.30
in bending (kN)
Fig. 3 Variation of average surface of moisture in relation to
plastic waste content

Figure 3 shows the results of the permeability to Table 5 Average values of the impact height of the tested tiles
water. It assesses the state of humidity of the lower TP0 TP20 TP30 TP40 TP50
side of the tiles. Thus, it appears that for the TP40 and
TP50 tiles, the results are satisfactory at 100%, no Minimal impact 40 25 30 45 50
trace of humidity is visible on five samples tested. height (cm)
However, for the other, traces of humidity are
perceptible (two tiles out of the five showed spots
of moisture for TP20 and TP 30 tiles and five tiles out
of five for the TP0 tile). However these spots Table 6 Average values of abrasion loss (cm3)
represent less than 50% of underside of these tiles. TP0 TP20 TP30 TP40 TP50
These results were predictable because the nature of
Abrasion loss (cm3) 23.2 21.2 21.8 14.2 15.6
the plastic made of tiles with a basis of this binder
1386 Materials and Structures (2011) 44:1381–1387

01,80 • The proportion of 40% of plastic binder give the

Admittable load in bending (kN)

best results both physically (porosity and perme-

ability) and mechanically (flexural resistance,
01,20 resistance to impact). Therefore, this gauging is
to be used for the formulations of plastic waste
00,90 tiles,
• The results of mechanical tests show that TP40
tiles may be used instead of TP0 tiles. The values
00,30 obtained are relatively better.

00,00 The use of plastic waste instead of cement in the

0 10 20 30 40 50 manufacture of tiles can be considered taking into
Plastic waste content (kg/m3 ) account this study. However, the tests of traction of
Fig. 4 Variation of admittable load in bending in relation to
heel must be carried out in order to design models of
plastic waste content tic waste content tiles adapted to plastic binder.

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