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SESSION 1: Features of Business Correspondence: Cultivating the Art of Writing

Business Letters and Creating a Modern, Visually Appealing Resume

(June 20, 2022)

Nowadays, visual elements in a resume are as important as its content. So, first

impressions count when attracting the interest of a hiring manager or recruiter, and an

impactful visual resume can make thoughts of one’s application linger for that little bit

longer. And this is what I learned for the first session of webinar.

It is really important to adapt to changes, especially we’re now in visually-driven world

where’s everything’s improving, for instance, the way we write business letters and

creating new format of resume.

I learned today that a well-designed, visually appealing resume can help to

highlight your/my skills as good design helps your resume look cleaner and draw the

hiring manager’s eye to the bits you want to showcase. While a poorly designed resume

can be distracting.

Above all the different elements of design one can include to make the optimal

resume, it is crucial to consider the elements, or principles, of visual design. The principles

of design work together to create a visual piece that is aesthetically pleasing and

optimizes the user experience, the experience of the hiring manager viewing your resume

is highly important for your success.

Along with the resume, it is also important to know how you can attract the hiring

manager by your business letter or cover letter. Why though? It’s because a cover letter

is an important way to showcase how your unique combination of skills and experience
meet the key requirements of the job description. It is your chance to show a clear link

between your knowledge, experience and abilities and the needs of the employer. Also,

the wording of your cover letter can express your personality in a way that your resume

cannot. The tone of your letter gives the employer an important insight into your

personality and the kind of traits that could add value to their team. It allows you to explain

in your own words why you are the best person for the job.

Ms. Abigail also mentioned that a tailored, compelling cover letter shows you have

taken the time to research the company and understand the employer’s needs and job

requirements which makes it an opportunity to express that you are enthusiastic about

the role and to demonstrate the value you would add to the employer.

Overall, it was really a fruitful webinar in which I learned a lot. As this will give me

a chance to stand out and be considered a strong candidate amongst tough competition.

Where I can immediately emphasize my key strengths that will help ‘sell myself,’ grabbing

the reader’s attention and increasing the likelihood of progression through the selection

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