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com Marketing Me

(May 6, 2022)

As someone who lacks work experience, this webinar is really a great tool for me

to make a job winning resume and somehow grasp the next chapter of my life, and

the corporate world. I was actually amazed by Mr. Elmer’s opening remarks. That time,

I asked myself, what path should I take after I graduate? Will I be able to adjust? Since

I’m used to school setups, doing homeworks and projects and other academic related

activities. So, I’m a bit scared with his “plan for your future”. Because it is hard to

think about my own personal future when I have not experienced much of life. I believe

there are so many paths I could take but I don’t know what direction I will be heading in

tomorrow or what if my mind will change the next day or the day after. But Mr. Elmer’s

words somehow comforted me with his inspirational words, “Continue to learn and

unlearn because it’s normal and your vision is the end”. From that, I know, lifelong

learning will be the process of where I can gain knowledge based on something. Like

an individual’s interest and developing skills throughout the life to improve their life and

this will help me to visualize the purpose of life from a new perspective that’ll inspire to

be self-contended and goal oriented.

Through this webinar, I was able to know some company process and company

ethics that I should be looking forward, when I land a job. I also learned that there are

5 most-sought-after workplace ethics and behavior that an employee should possess and

these are Integrity, Honesty, Discipline, Fairness & Respect, Responsibility

& Accountability. Among these, I know that Integrity is the most important. Why? Because

it summarizes all the other components. Having integrity involves being honest and
truthful, it involves being responsible or liable for self-action, you behave ethically

and professionally. You get to lead by example and be ready to work. That’s why, from

that moment, I thanked my professors that helped me to build a strong integrity within me

in which I can apply to the next chapter of my life. Next to my favorite is Discipline. I

believe a person who is disciplined performs everything in the right manner and is able to

achieve great heights in life both personally and professionally. Discipline is the only way

which can bring stability in a person’s life. Not even a single work can be executed

properly in the absence of discipline. Thus, it is essential to practice discipline in every

sphere of life.

Lastly, I learned the components of personality development: Self-confidence,

Communication Skills, Positive Attitude, and Credibility. Based on the speaker,

having these traits will help you develop yourself personally or professionally. Being

confident and believing in yourself can help you give out your best performance, and you

know you won’t regret anything. By having strong communication skill, you’ll get to

strengthen the impact of your message in which everyone will hear you and understand

you. Next is having a positive attitude. I think this is one of the most important things in

life that we should practice because being positive means that you can get through to all

hardships in life. Lastly, your credibility. When you're credible you have an air of

confidence which expresses itself through the way you move, behave, carry yourself and

speak. Overall, I believe that I can do better in the future. Especially if I will apply all the

learnings I’ve learned through this webinar. I just want to finish my paper with my favorite

phrase from the speaker, “The vision is the end”. This will describe your values, your

strengths, and your goals and your ways to achieve that.

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