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we Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON Minutes of the Opening of Bids Project: Purchase of Continuous Forms and Supplies and Materials for Consumption of RPSU DepEd RO Ill Mini Conference Room December 9, 2020 9: 00 a.m. ABC: P 2,698,800.00 Attendance: Bids and Awards Committee: Chairman ARD Rhoda T. Razon, Members Dr. Pedro Q. Pascua, Dr. Edwin T, Marcos, Mr. Sammy P. Sampang and Atty. Misael F. Costes BAC Secretariat: Head Ms. Lourdes L. Macapagal, Members Engr. Albert A. Manlutac, Mr. Edward Bonn F. Manuel, Ms. Olivia M. Sibug, Mr. Melito S. Manaloto and ms. Jane Justine P. Antonio Technical Working Group: Head Mr. Antonio G. Arquero, Members Ms. Felisa R. Ebreo, Ms. Irene C. Lusung, Mr. Alvin A. Lingad and Ms. Grace C. Santos End-User Representative: Mr. Alvin A. Lingad Internal Auditor: Ms. Angelina S. Manio COA Representative: NGO Representative: Participating Bidders: G-Well General Merchandise By: Renato Mendoza Advance Computer Forms, Inc. By: Cris dela Cruz, Jr. J.D.G.M. Office Supplies Trading By: Joel Marin and Jonna Marin 1. Call to Order «The BAC Chairman, ARD Rhoda T. Razon, presided the bid opening conference * She called the bid opening conference at 9: 20. a.m. Page 1 of 4 f ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) VAB ‘Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89; Email Address: (etd AAI? hs, 8 Republic of the Philippines: Department of Education REGION II-CENTRAL LUZON ll. Certification of Quorum The BAC Chairman read in toto Memorandum dated December 1, 2020 re: Reconstitution of the Regional Bid and Awards Commitee. She requested the Head of the Secretariat, Ms. Lourdes L. Macapagal to Tecognize the attendees, including the participating bidders. The Secretariat Head made a roll-call based on the attendance sheet and further mentioned that a COA representative was invited but was not able to attend. The BAC Chairman certified that there was a quorum and whatever agreement made during the proceeding shall be valid and official. She requested the Secretariat and the TWG to be seated together as they will be working as a Committee, especially the TWG, who shall be determining the eligibility of the participating bidders. She mentioned the responsibilities of the TWG, particularly the determination of the participating bidders’ eligibility for both technical and financial components. I. Opening of Bids The BAC mentioned the name of the project “Purchase of Continuous Forms and Supplies and Materials for the Consumption of RPSU with Lot 1 (Continuous Forms) and Lot 2 (Supplies and Materials). The BAC Chairman asked for any motion to open the envelopes for Lot 1 and Lot 2 simultaneously. BAC Member Mr. Sammy P. Sampang made the motion. BAC Member Dr. Pedro Q. Pascua seconded the motion. BAC Member Atty. Misael F. Costes made a “no objection” manifestation. The BAC Chairman instructed the distribution of the bid proposal envelopes to the BAC TWG The BAC Secretariat distributed the bid proposal envelopes as follows: 1. Advance Computer Forms Trading- Mr. Antonio G. Arquero. Observer: Mr. Sammy Sampang 2. G-Well General Merchandise ~ Ms. Irene Lusung 3. J.D.G.M. Office supplies Trading — Ms. Felisa R. Ebreo. Observer: Mr. Edwin Marcos The unsealing of envelopes was done simultaneously as agreed upon earlier. = BAC Secretariat Member Edward Bonn Manuel took photographs to complete the documentation on the bid opening proceeding. Page 2 of 4 ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) ‘Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89; Email Address: Republic of tye Philippines Department of Education REGION III-CENTRAL LUZON. Page 3 of 4 IV. Adjournment The proceeding was formally adjourned by the BAC Chairman at exactly 10: 20 in the morning. Prepared by: Reviewed by: oulhlhtioce LOURDES L. MAGAPAGAL AO-V AO-V Member, BAC Secretariat Head, BAC Secretariat Concurred by: one Aton BAC Member BAC Member Page 40f 4 ‘Address: Matalino St. D.M. Government Center, Maimpis, City of San Fernando (P) Ba Telephone Number: (045) 598-8580 to 89; Email Address: ore AAT?

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