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NF Republic of the Philippines BPepartment of Coucation CARAGA REGION September 14, 2021 REGIONAL MEMORANDUM No. __‘Il¥__, s. 2021 To: | SCHOOLS DIVISION SUPERINTENDENTS This Region A DRAFT DEPED CARAGA CONTEXTUALIZED RECORDS (CoRe) MANUAL 1. norder to provide adequate and proper documentation on policies, programs, projects, and transactions of the Organization for its efficient, effective, and economical operations, this Regional Office disseminates the draft DepEd Caraga Contextualized Records (CoRe) Manual for comments, corrections, and suggestions for improvement, as a means to address the different contexts of the field offices to suit the needs based on geographical location. 2. The draft CoRe Manual was crafted by the Regional and Division Records Officers, together with select School Registrars and School Records Custodians. It was then reviewed by the Regional Office Records Management Improvement Committee (RMIC). Specifically, the Manual aims the following: a.To establish standard records management related processes among schools, division offices, and the Regional Office of DepEd Caraga; b. To provide records officers and records custodians with a quick guide that operationalizes the laws, rules, and regulations pertinent to records management that are based on the context of DepEd Caraga; and c. To institute legal basis for decision making related to records management. 3. Comments, corrections, and suggestions for the draft CoRe Manual shall be emailed to not later than September 28, 2021. 4. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is highly desired. R. FETAL! CESO IV Director Encls.: Draft CoRe Manual, Table for Comments, Corrections, and Suggestions Reference: NONE ‘To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: MANUAL, POLICY RECORDS MANAGEMENT REC/meao 09/14/2021 howdy <>) NNN Teunkline No: (085) 342-8207 ee 2021-09-115 Telefax No: (085) 342-5969 ‘ogeenanis cennmen Email: thee Enclosure No. 1 to RM No. _‘I__, s. 2021 vu. vill. TABLE OF CONTENTS General Provisions Objectives. . Records Management Improvement Committee (RMIC) Roles and Functions of Records Officer, School Registrar, and Records Custodian General Guidelines on Records Management as Mandated by Laws, Rules, and Regulations Specific Records Management Guidelines Storage of Physical Records Standard Labeling Storage Areas Preservation of Physical Records Inventory of Physical Records Disposal of Valueless Physical Records Storage of Digital /Electronic Records Safety and Security of Digital/Electronic Records Standard Operating Procedures Regional Office Division Offices Schools Effectivity References Annexes Annex 1: Directory of Regional and Division Offices Annex 2: List of Documents that will not pass through The Records Office for Receiving and Releasing Annex 3: List of Active Records Stored in the Records Office Annex 4: List of Identified Routine and Non-routine Documents Annex 5: List of Records Stored in the Records Office with Personal ‘And Sensitive Personal Information Annex 6: List of Records in the Records Office that Can Readily be Released to the Requesting Party Annex 7: Classification of Records Processes Based on Ease of Doing Business Law Annex 8: Records Request Form for Regional and Division Offices Annex 9: Records Request Form for Schools Annex 10: CAV Form 1 - Request Form (School) Annex 11: CAV Form 2 ~ School Referral to Division Office Annex 12: CAV Form 3 - Indorsement for Correction of Entries in In the Academic School Records Annex 13: CAV Form ¢ - Certification of Enrolment /Completion/ Graduation Annex 14: CAV Form 5 - School Transmittal to Regional Office Annex 15: CAV Form 6 - List of Approved CAV Request AY 49 50 51 Annex 16: CAV Form 7 - Certification on Non-Availability of Academic School Records in the Division Office Annex 17: CAV Form 8 - Return Indorsement of Schools Division Office to the School Annex 18: CAV Form 9 - Certification of Discrepancy /ies Annex 19: CAV Form 10 ~ Request Form for ALS and PEPT Ratings ‘Annex 20: CAV Form 11 - Certification of Non-Availability of Rating (A&E/PEPT) Annex 21: CAV Form 12 - Certification of Rating (A&E/PEPT) ‘Annex 22: CAV Form 13 - Division Office Transmittal to the Regional Office Annex 23: CAV Form 14 ~ List of Approved CAV Request (for Division Office) Annex 24: CAV Form 15 - CAV Application Form Annex 25: CAV Form 16 ~ CAV Form Annex 26: CAV Checklist of Requirements Annex 27: NAP Form 1 - Records Inventory and Appraisal Annex 28: DepEd National Inventory Form ‘Annex 29: NAP Form 3 ~ Request for Authority to Dispose Records Annex 30: DepEd Freedom of Information Request Form Annex 31: DepEd Records Disposition Schedule Annex 32: NAP General Records Disposition Schedule a 72 73 14 75 76 7 78 79 81 82 84 85 86 105 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 uit 112 113 4 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 1234 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 DEPED CARAGA CONTEXTUALIZED RECORDS (CoRe) MANUAL POLICY 1. General Provisions Section 1. Short Title - This Manual shall be known as the DepEd Caraga Contextualized Records Manual, CoRe Manual for brevity. Section 2. Legal Bases of Promulgation and Related Policies - This Manual is promulgated in line with the following legal bases of promulgation and legal policies: 2.1, Executive Order No. 2, s. 2016, Freedom of Information 2.2. Republic Act No. 11032, Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018 2.3, Republic Act No. 9470, National Archives of the Philippines Act of 2007 2.4, Republic Act No. 10173, Data Privacy Act of 2012 2.5. Republic Act No. 8792, Electronic Commerce Act of 2000 2.6. DepEd Order No. 98, s. 2009, Implementation of Administrative Service Operations Manual 2.7. DepEd Order No. 19, s. 2021, Revised Department of Education People’s Freedom of Information Manual and Implementing Guidelines 2.8. DepEd Order No. 48, s. 2017, Policy and Procedural Guidelines on the Certification, Authentication and Verification of Basic Education School Records 2.9. DepEd Order No. 19, s. 2016, Guidelines on the Organizational Structures and Staffing Patterns of Stand-alone Integrated Public Senior High Schools (SHS) 2.10. DepEd Memorandum dated January 25, 2018, Compendium of DepEd Office Functions and Job Descriptions 2.11, DepEd Memorandum No. 140, s. 2016, Creation of Records Management Improvement Committee 2.12. DepEd Memorandum No. 133, s. 2016, National Inventory of Public Records Section 3. Scope - This DepEd Caraga Contextualized Records (CoRe) Manual Policy shall apply to all the basic education public schools, 12 Schools Division Offices, and the Regional Office of DepEd Caraga Region. Section 4. Language and Instruction - The language used in this Policy is English. ‘The words expressed herein shall be understood in generic sense with exception to those which were specifically defined. Any uncertainty in the meaning of any provision of this 3] 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 wm 172 173 174 175 176 17 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 Manual shall be interpreted in favor of the mandates of DepEd. All laws of the Republic of the Philippines and other related rules and regulations shall be considered when decision making is necessary. Section 5. Definition of Terms ~ In reference to those provided by laws, rules and regulations, the following terms are hereby defined as used in this Manual: 5.1. Active Records — Records in this phase of the life cycle are frequently used in the operations of the agency. These records are kept in current folders (electronic or physical) located in the office for easy access. The number of years a records type is considered active can be seen in the DepEd Records Disposition Schedule. 5.2. Agency Storage Area - It refers to a repository area, managed and operated by the Records Section of a certain agency, responsible for the maintenance and preservation of office records. 5.3. Archives - These are public records, papers, periodicals, books or other items, articles or materials, whether in the form of electronics, audio-visual, or print which by their nature and characteristics have enduring value, that have been selected for permanent preservation. Records with permanent retention are listed in the DepEd Records Disposition Schedule and National Archives of the Philippines General Records Disposition Schedule. 5.4, Data breach ~ It refers to the intentional or unintentional release of secured or confidential information to an untrusted environment. 5.5. Data Subject - It refers to an individual whose personal information is processed. 5.6. Digital or Electronic Record - It refers to the records that are generated with and used by information technology devices. 5.7. Document ~ It refers to recorded information regardless of medium and characteristics. 5.8. Financial Records - It refers to records created and maintained by the agency about their financial transactions and obligations. 5.9. General Records Disposition Schedule (GRDS) ~ It refers to a records control schedule, issued by the National Archives of the Philippines, governing the disposition of specified recurring records series common to all government agencies. 5.10. Inactive Records ~ These are records that are less frequently used but are required to be retained before destruction or disposal. These records may be located in a designated secondary storage area. The DepEd RDS identifies the inactive period of certain records types. 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 22 223 224 225 226 227 28 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 245, 246 207 248, 249 5.11. Inventory of Records - It refers to descriptive listing of the records holding by records series indicating its specific location, inclusive dates, and volume in cubic meters; conduct related activities to locate, identify, describe, count, and measure all records in the office and storage area including all loose and bound papers, microfilms, optical disks, and magnetic tapes and disks. 5.12. National Archives of the Philippines (NAP) — It refers to the government agency mandated to create records management policies, guidelines and programs and to oversee compliance of all government agencies. 5.13. Personal information ~ It refers to any information or opinion about a particular individual including name, address, date of birth, staff or student identification number, personal information pertaining to current and former students, officials and personnel. 5.14. Physical Records - These are records, such as those printed in paper, that can be touched and which take up physical space. 5.15. Records — It refers to information, whether in its original form or otherwise, including documents, signatures, seals, texts, images, sounds, speeches, or data compiled, recorded, or stored in written form, in film or negative, or in any recording device, computer, or other electronic devices. 5.16. Records Disposal ~ It refers to the act of selling, landfill/burying, or any other way of discarding valueless records. Disposal of official records shall always have authority from the National Archived of the Philippines. 5.17. Records Disposition ~ It refers to the process which involves transfer of non-current records from an office to a storage area, the preservation and transfer of permanent records to the archives room, and the disposal of valueless records. 5.18. Records Disposition Schedule (RDS) - It refers to the listing of records series, created by the Department of Education and approved by NAP, which shows the period of time each records series shall remain in the office area (active), in the ‘storage area (inactive), and its preservation (archives) or destruction. 5.19. Retention Period - It refers to the specific period of time established and approved by NAP as the life span of records, after which they are deemed ready for permanent storage or destruction. 5.20. Sensitive Personal Information - It refers to an individual's race, ethnic identity, marital status, age, color, and religious, philosophical or political affiliations; information pertaining to an individual’s health, education, genetic or sexual life; or to any proceeding for any offense committed or alleged to have been committed by such person, the disposal of such proceedings, or the sentence of any court in such proceedings. 5.21, Valueless Records ~ It refers to all records that have reached the prescribed retention periods and outlived the usefulness to the agency or the government as a whole. 5 250 251, 252 253 254 255, 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 m1 m2 273, 274 275 276 277 278 279 281 282 283 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 Il, Objectives Section 6. General Objectives — The DepEd Caraga Contextualize Records (CoRe) Manual generally aims to raise the bar of records management practice by setting standards relevant to the related laws, rules and regulations in order to provide adequate and proper documentation on the policies, programs, projects, and transactions of the organization for its efficient, effective, and economical operations. Section 7. Specific Objectives - The specific objectives of the Contextualized Records (CoRe) Manual shall be as follows: 7.1. To establish standard records management related processes among schools, division offices, and the Regional Office of DepEd Caraga; 7.2. To provide records officers and records custodians with a quick guide that operationalizes the laws, rules, and regulations pertinent to records management that are based on the context of DepEd Caraga; and 7.3. To institute legal basis for decision making related to records management. Ill. Records Management Improvement Committee (RMIC) Section 8. In compliance to Paragraph 3.4, Article 3 of the National Archives of the Philippines (NAP) Circular No.1 dated January 20, 2019, which states that Bach agency shail create a Records Management Improvement Committee (RMIC) as an advisory body on the development of records management, the Chairman and members of which shall be designated by the Head of Agency. Section 9. The Committee shall, among others, perform the following functions: 9.1. Implement a systematic Records Management Program in all phases of records management, i.e. creation, maintenance, and disposition; 9.2. Identify and preserve documents which are of continuing value and promptly dispose of those which are of continuing value and promptly dispose of those which are of temporary upon the expiration of predetermined period; 9.3. Determine the retention period of the agency's records and formulate the Records Disposition Schedule, subject to the approval of the agency head and the final approval of the Executive Director of the NAP; 9.4. Develop policies and techniques for repairing damaged records and take positive steps to prevent loss and unauthorized destruction of records; and 9.5. Establish a repository for storage of records which are no longer needed by the agency, but which are not yet ready for disposal or a program to transfer the records to the Records Management and Archives Unit. 299 300 301 Section 10. The Records Management Improvement Committee (RMIC) of the Regional Office is composed of the following: Chairperson: Vice Chairman: Members: Secretariat: Assistant Regional Director Head, Records Section Chief, Curriculum and Learning Management Division Chief, Education Support Services Division Chief, Field Technical Services Division Chief, Quality Assurance Division Chief, Policy, Planning, and Research Division Chief, Human Resource Development Division Chief, Administrative Services Division Chief, Finance Division Head, Legal Unit Head, Information and Communications Technology Unit Head, Public Affairs Unit Document Custodians of Functional Divisions Section 11. The Records Management Improvement Committee (RMIC) of the Division Office is composed of the following: Chairperson: Vice Chairman: Members: Secretariat: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Head, Records Unit Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division Chief, School Governance and Operations Division Chief, Administrative and Finance Section Head, Legal Unit Head, Information and Communications Technology Unit Records Unit, Division Office IV. Roles and Functions of Records Officer, School Registrar, and School Records ‘Custodian Section 12. Roles and Functions of Regional and Division Records Office Key Results Area Objectives Key Performance ‘Outputs Indicators Records To perform |100% of the | Correspondence ‘Management effectively and | documents received, efficiently the | received, maintained, and records maintained, properly released management cycles | classified, and | on time. such as | released. classification, filing, maintenance, and disposal of documents within the year. 336 337 338, 339 To establish, | 100% of [Accessible and implement, and | correspondence _| updated database maintain a| encoded and systematic and | updated scientific records management —_(e- database) To promptly process | 100% of documents | Certification the authentication | authenticated and | Authentication and and certification of | released Verifications (CAVs) school records in processed and accordance to released DepEd and DFA guidelines Records Unit Section 13. Duties and Responsibilities of Administrative Officer V in Regional Key Results Area Duties and Responsibilities Records Management System + Establish, implement, and maintain a systematic and scientific records management system and control the creation, use, transmission, retention, maintenance, storage, retrieval, preservation, and disposition of operational records. * Implement means of recording or preserving information on paper, print, tape, scanning, micro fiche, or any transmitting medium as needed. * Implement policies and guidelines on records disposition to determine the ultimate fate of various records. © Assist in the preparation and maintenance of a continuing program for the management, preservation, and disposition of records. © Establish and maintain a configuration for a clean and orderly records storage room that will ensure safety and security of records, but easy access and retrieval as needed. ‘* Verify and certify documents emanating from the Regional Office or documents in possession. Receiving and Releasing * Check and classify official issuances and communications for recording before release and/or filing to be able to properly track released documents. * Monitor critical documents received for the Regional Office for recording, routing, and tracking to be able to respond to management’s queries on such documents. ‘Documentation Authentication and Verification ‘* Receive request for document authentication and verification as well as copy of the document then implement protocol for verifying and authenticating copies of documents and provide feedback to 8 340 341 342, 343, requesting entity by providing authenticated copies of documents or reason why document can't be authenticated. © Represent the agency in court to comply with subpoenas ducestecum. Reporting ‘ Provide details and mechanics relevant to the schools division, for the process of conducting an annual inventory of records to determine physical condition of records and identify those for retention, maintenance, storage, preservation and disposition. * Prepare report on the conduct and findings of the annual inventory of records and — submit recommendations for retention, maintenance, storage, preservation, and disposition. Technical Assistance ‘* Conduct training/ orientation on records management to staff in the schools division, schools and learning centers. * Provide technical assistance and interventions to support effective records management in the schools and learning centers in the schools division. Unit Performance ‘* Determine and implement the Records Unit's operational plans, identifies and acquires resource requirements. * Provide feedback on the performance of the Administrative Aide VI for Records. Records Unit Section 14, Duties and Responsibilities of Administrative Aide VI in the Regional Key Results Area Duties and Responsibilities Records Management * Receive, record, and file documents according to the recommended filing system. + Maintain cleanliness and orderliness of storage area for records to ensure daily safety and security of records and easy access and retrieval as needed. * Retrieve records requested by the AO V - Records Officer and keep track of the whereabouts of the original document. Receiving and Releasing * Receive and record all documents ‘brought to the records office. * Release, route, or file non-routine critical documents as classified by the Records Officer. Verification Documentation Authentication and © Assist AO V - Records Officer in document authentication and verification following protocol for such. 344 345 346 347 * Receive request for certifications and gathers the data required to prepare the certification for the approval of the AO V - Records Officer. © Prepare certifications for the signature of the appropriate management level. Reporting ‘© Implement process for conducting and annual inventory of records and submit findings to AO V- Records Officer. ‘Administrative and Secretarial Support © Coordinate training/ orientation schedules and logistics on records management to staff in the schools division, schools and learning centers. * Provide assistance and administrative support to training and conferences as assigned. # Prepare or encode into electronic format word documents and other presentation materials Section 15. Duties and Responsibilities Division Records Section 's of the Administrative Officer IV in the ‘Ker Results Arca Duties and Responsibilities Records Management System ‘* Establish, implement, and maintain a systematic and scientific records management system and control the creation, use, transmission, retention, maintenance, storage, —_retrieval, preservation, and disposition of operational records. © Implement means of recording or preserving of information on paper, print, tape, scanning, micro fiche, or any transmitting medium as needed. ‘* Implement policies and guidelines on records disposition to determine the ultimate fate of various record: * Assist in the preparation and maintenance of a continuing program for the management, preservation, and disposition of records. « Establish and maintain a configuration for a clean and orderly records storage room that will ensure safety and security of records, but easy access and retrieval as needed. u 10 348, 349 350 351 352 353 * Verify and certify documents emanating from the Schools Division Office or documents in possession. Receiving and Releasing ‘* Check and classify official issuances and communications for recording before release and/or filing to be able to properly track released documents. '* Monitor critical documents received for the Schools Division Office for recording, routing, and tracking to be able to respond to management's queries on such documents. Documentation Authentication and Verification © Receive request for document authentication and verification as well as copy of the document then implement protocol for verifying and authenticating copies of documents and provide feedback to requesting entity by providing authenticated copies of documents or reason why document can't be authenticated. © Represent the agency in court to comply with subpoenas duces tecum . Reporting * Provide details and mechanics relevant to the schools division, for the process of conducting an annual inventory of records to determine physical condition of records and identify those for retention, maintenance, storage, preservation and disposition. * Prepare report on the conduct and findings of the annual inventory of records and submit recommendations for retention, maintenance, _ storage, preservation, and disposition. ‘Technical Assistance ‘* Conduct training/ orientation on records management to staff in the schools division, schools and learning centers. * Provide technical assistance and interventions to support effective records management in the schools and learning centers in the schools division. Section 16. Duties and Responsibilities of Administrative Aide VI in the Division Records Section aL 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 Key Results Area Duties and Responsibilities Records Management System * Receive, record and file documents according to the recommended filing system. + Maintain cleanliness and orderliness of Records Storage Area that will ensure daily safety and security of records and easy access and retrieval as needed. * Retrieve records requested by the Records Officer and keeps track of the whereabouts of the original document. Receiving and Releasing * Receive and record all documents brought to the records office. * Release, route, or file non-routine critical documents as classified by the Records Officer. Documents Authentication, Verification and Certifications + Assist Records Officer in document authentication and verification following protocol for such. © Receive request for certifications and gathers the data required to prepare the certification for the approval of the Records Officer. * Prepare certifications for the signature of the appropriate management level. Reporting ‘* Implement process for conducting and annual inventory of records and submit. findings to Records Officer. Technical Assistance * Coordinate training/ orientation schedules and logistics on records management to staff in the schools division, schools and learning centers. * Assist Records Officer gather data on needs regarding records management and provide technical assistance and interventions to support effective records management in the schools and learning centers. Section 17: Duties and Responsibilities of Senior High School Registrar 17.1, Receive, update, and maintain the records, reports, and documents of the school, its staff, and learners. 17.2. Manage and update the Learner Information System (LIS). 17.3. Ensure an efficient process of registration and enrollment. 12 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375, 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398, 399 401 402 403 405 407 410 an a2 17.4, Facilitate the process of releasing records of the school, staff, and learners to the necessary institutions. 17.5. Report to the Assistant Principal for Operations and Learner Support and/or Principal /School Head. 17.6. Process academic school records for Certification, Authentication, and Verification (CAV). 17.7. Conduct annual inventory of records. 17.8. Facilitate request for disposal of valueless records. Section 18. Duties and Responsibilities of School Records Custodian - Due to absence of School Registrar item in some schools, the Schools Division Superintendent shall issue an official designation order to school records custodians, indicating their eligibility to claim service credits, when applicable, and their responsibilities as follows: 18.1. Receive, classify, record, and route incoming documents; 18.2. Record and release outgoing documents; 18.3. Maintain the security and safety of records on file of the School, its personnel, and learners; 18.4, Conduct annual inventory of records; 18.5, Facilitate request for disposal of valueless records; 18.6, Process academic school records for Certification, Authentication, and Verification (CAV); and 18.7. Indorse records to the School Head or the new records custodian upon termination of the designation. Section 19. Records Officers, School Registrars, and School Records Custodians are expected to do the following activities: 19.1. Conduct regular orientation on Records Management; 19.2, Facilitate and consolidate Annual Inventory of Records; 19.3, Facilitate Annual Disposal of Valueless Records; 19.4, Facilitate Transfer of Records from Office storage to Archives Room; and 19.5. Turnover records to successor. (Rule 36, Article 57 of the Implementing Rules & Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9470). 13 413 414 415, 416 417 a8 419 420 aan 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433, 435 436 437 438 439 440 a1 442, 443, 44s 447 449 450 451, V. General Guidelines on Records Management as Mandated by Laws, Rules, and Regulations Section 20. Protection of Personal, Sensitive Personal, and Confidential Information - In compliance with the Data Privacy Law, organizations shall comply with the guidelines in protecting personal, sensitive personal, and confidential information. 20.1. High value shalll be placed in protecting the privacy, confidentiality, and security of personal and sensitive personal information. Official records shall be protected against risks such as loss and unauthorized access, destruction, use, modification, or disclosure. 20.2. Any entity who wishes to access records with personal and sensitive personal information shall send a written request, stipulating the specific information needed and the purpose of the request, and present a valid identification card. The said request shall only be granted upon the approval of the Regional Director/ Schools Division Superintendent/ School Head concerned and the consent of the data subject. Request made through phone calls and text messages shall not be granted. 20.3. For request made by a representative, she/he must present a special power of attorney or an authorization letter and a valid identification card of both the requestor and the representative. 20.4. Disclosure of records or information is based on the principles of transparency, legitimacy of purpose, and proportionality. 20.5. Processing of personal information without the consent of the data subject will only be allowed if doing so is necessary under the following circumstances: 20.5.1. For fulfillment of a contract with the data subject or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract; 20.5.2. For compliance with a legal obligation to which the personal information controller is subject; 20.5.3. For protection of vitally important interests of the data subject, including life and health; 20.5.4. For responding to national emergency, for complying with the requirements of public order and safety, or for fulfilling functions of public authority which necessarily includes the processing of personal data for the fulfillment of its mandate; or 20.5.5. For the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the personal information controller or by a third party or parties to whom the data is disclosed, except where such interests are overridden by fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection under the Philippine Constitution. 14 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 a7. 472 473 474 475, 476 477 478 479 486 437 439 490 491 492 20.6. Processing of sensitive personal and privileged information without the consent of the data subject is prohibited, except on the following situations: 20.6.1. The processing of the same is provided for by existing laws and regulations: Provided, that such regulatory enactments guarantee the protection of the sensitive personal information and the privileged information: Provided, further, that the consent of the data subjects are not required by law or regulation permitting the processing of the sensitive personal information or the privileged information; 20.6.2. The processing is necessary to protect the life and health of the data subject or another person, and the data subject is not legally or physically able to express his or her consent prior to the processing; 20.6.3. The processing is necessary to achieve the lawful and noncommercial objectives of public organizations and their associations: Provided, that such processing is only confined and related to the bona fide members of these organizations or their associations: Provided, further, that the sensitive personal information are not transferred to third parties: Provided, finally, that consent of the data subject was obtained prior to processing; 20.6.4. The processing is necessary for purposes of medical treatment, is carried out by a medical practitioner or a medical treatment institution, and an adequate level of protection of personal information is ensured; or 20.6.5. The processing concerns such personal information as is necessary for the protection of lawful rights and interests of natural or legal persons in court proceedings, or the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, or when provided to government or public authority. 20.7. Standard operating procedures on the processing of information, such as processing of Certification, Authentication, and Verification (CAV) of academic records and other school records, shall be followed. 20.8, All electronic confidential/personal information shall be protected via firewalls, encryption and passwords. Physical documents containing such information should be secured in a cabinet with lock. 20.9. Confidential and personal information of an employee should be secured and shall not be disclosed to another employee without a good and lawful reason. 20.10. All Employees shall refrain from leaving confidential and personal information visible on their computer monitors and tables when they leave their workstations. 15 493 434 495, 496 497 498 499 501 502 503 505 506 507 508 509 510 sil 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 827 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 20.11. All confidential information, whether contained on written documents or electronically, should be marked as “confidential.” 20.12. Ensure and maintain the confidentiality, integrity, availability, and resilience of processing systems and services. 20.13. All confidential personal information shall be disposed of properly and shall follow NAP Guidelines and DepEd Records Disposition Schedule. 20.14. Before disposing unserviceable computers, coordinate with the ICT and Asset Management Unit to ensure that data contained in the computer are wiped out. Software programs or destruction of the hard drives may be done. 20.15. Get permission from the concerned personnel before passing on email address or phone number to another organization or business. 20.16. Use of scratch paper as worksheets may be allowed provided that the document does not contain personal, sensitive personal, and confidential information and that proper disposal after its use is observed. 20.17. Handling of documents shall be within the sole authority of the officially designated division and regional liaison officers. For schools and district offices without officially designated liaison officers, records/documents for schools and district offices shall be handled by their respective school heads and district supervisors. 20.18. Only official DepEd emails shall be used in all official transactions. Directory of DepEd Caraga Regional and Division contact details is attached in the Annexes. Section 21. Freedom of Information (FOI) — Pursuant to the Presidential Order, there shall full public disclosure and transparency in the public service provided however that it should be balanced with the provisions of the Data Privacy Law. 21.1, Standard Operating Procedure on handling request for information shall be followed accordingly. 21.2. The FOI standard request form (see Annexes) shall be used for FOI requests. 21.3. FOI requests that involve a small volume of material are considered as simple request and shall be processed within three (3) working days. Those that require resolution of complicated issues (complex request) shall be processed within seven (7) working days. Highly Technical requests or those that require highly technical or specialized knowledge shall be processed within twenty (20) working days from the receipt of the request. 21.4. The Office shall have a designate Receiving Officer and Decision Maker. ‘The Receiving Officer, whose position is at least an Administrative Officer level, 16 538 539 540 a1 542 543 544 545, 546 347 548, 549 550 551, 552 553 554 555 556 557 558, 559 560 561, 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 S71 572 573 574 575 576 87 initially evaluates the request and asks clarifications on the request. The Decision Maker, whose position is at least Division Chief level, shall approve or deny the request. 21.5. The release of information shall be balanced with the provisions of the Data Privacy Act. Section 22. Ease of Doing Business — The law aims to increase efficiency in government processes by reducing processing time, eliminating red tape and bureaucratic practices. 22.1. The Schools, Division Offices, and the Regional Office shall identify their respective processes and categorize them as either simple, complex, or highly technical. Please see Annexes for classification. 22.2. A citizen’s charter shall be posted at a conspicuous place in the school/office premises for the clients to see. 22.3. All the elements stipulated in the citizen’s charter shall be strictly followed, such as the time frame, requirements, and payments. Section 23. Management of Electronic/Digital Records ~ Just like the physical records, electronic/digital records shall be strategically transmitted, stored, and safekept for easy access and proper protection. 23.1. Electronic copy of Form 137 and other school forms may be allowed, provided that it is in conformity with the standard format, duly signed and approved by the School Head concerned whose signature ensures accuracy and reliability of all the contents therein. Provided further that the use of e-signature should have the prior consent of the School Head and the document bears a tracer (initials) of the personnel preparing the document at the bottom-left portion. 23.2, Transmission of School Record (softcopy/electronic copy/scanned copy) to receiving school through any medium of online facility is allowed provided that security of the document is ensured. 23.3. Except for legal and highly confidential documents, submission of routinary documents such as travel authority, Form 6, and accomplishment reports are allowed through electronic means (official email, Document Management System). 23.4, To ensure that documents have been received by the requestor, an acknowledgement receipt is asked through electronic means indicating the following information: 23.4.1. Date and Time Received 23.4.2. Name of Student (is applicable) 23.4.3. Types/Kinds of Documents Received 17 578 579 581 582 583 584 585, 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593, 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 23.4.4. Name of Receiver 23.4.5. Remarks (Optional) VI. Specific Records Management Guidelines Section 24. Storage and Filing of Physical Records - Records shall be filed and labeled based on Functional Subject Alphabetic Classification Scheme (FSACS) for easy access and retrieval. The Records Disposition Schedule (RDS) is arranged based on FSACS and can be referred to for guidance. Section 25. Standard Labeling Format ~ For easy access and retrieval as well as to aid inventory and disposal activities, a strategic standard labeling format shall be adopted. 25.1. Regional Office 25.1.1, Binder Folder and Filer Organization’s Seals Binder/Filer Box Number Division /Unit Code Document Title/QR Code Period Covered (Retention Period) a4 6. Year of Disposal Binder Folder label color-coding: ASD- Pink r b. CLM- Light Brown ESS- Green d. FIN- Red e. FTA- Peach f. HRD- Yellow Yr g. PPR-Lavender hh. QAD- Royal Blue i, QMS-Orange j. RDO-Gold k. ARD-Maroon a 1m. r r gaoye 4 Purchase Order 5 2018 (6 years) oop 6 202 |. DCC-Grey . BAC-Light Green Label Size: 2” x 6” (Binder Folder) Binder Folder Color: Blue (General Records) ” x 6” (Filer Box) Red (Archives Records) Font Style: Calibri, Bold Filer Box Color: Blue (General Records) Font Size: Depending on the number Green (Archives Records) ‘of words. Aesthetic value shall be considered. 18 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 67 618, 619 621 622 623, 624 626 27 628 629 630 631 632 633 25.1.2. Folder Name of Division/Unit (e.g Records Unit) Document Title ‘Coverage Year (Retention Period) (e.g Regional Memorandum) Year of Disposal Font Style: Calibri, Regular Font Size: Depending on the number of words. ‘Aesthetic value shall be considered. Label Size: 0.6" x 6”| Label Size: 3” x 5” Folder Size: Legal 19 634 25.1.1. Archive Box Only permanent records will be Document Tie stored in the archives room. Box Number coy aaa Records for archiving must be placed Divistoo/Usie in a sealed box, with duly oe accomplished inventory of records. 2018 — REC- 001 - Regional Memorandum (Retention Period) Year of Disposal 635 636 Label Size: 6” x7” 637 Font Style: Calibri, Bold 638 Font Size: Depending on the number of words. 639 Aesthetic value shall be considered. 640 eat 642 643 644 645 646, 647 48, 649 650 651 20 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 25.2. Division Offices 25.2.1. Document Binder ft ‘we ® LEGEND: Se?” 1. Organization's Seals 2, Functional Division and Section 2 3. Binder Number 7 4, Title of Record 3 5. Coverage year (Retention Period) 6. Date of Disposal A Purchase Order Sores 3018 (4 years) Dimension: 2” x 6” 6 Font: Bookman Old Style, Bold 02 Font Size: Depends on the number of words DIVISION/ UNIT ‘COLOR NAME COLOR ‘OSDS RED ‘ADS PINK FIN’ LIGHT GREEN LEG TAVENDER 1cT ORANGE cD SKY BLUE SGOD YELLOW 21 659 660 661 662 663 665 667 668 669 670 7. 672 673, 674 675 676 677 678 679 25.2.2. Folder Font Style: Bookman Old Style, Bold Font Size: Depends on the number of words. Aesthetic value shall be considered. Dimension: (e.g. SGOD - HRD) Title of Record Coverage (Month/Year) (e.g. Activity Design) (e.g. January 2018) 25.2.3. Other Archive Labelling MM - YYYY- REC -001 Month Year Section/Unit Code Bundle/Box Number ‘Document the document and keepe ale coy. [The Records fn-charge releases Talmsssia) | Records tn-charge |the approved documents to the| 3mine, [Record loghook, Document document concemed client. 45 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 37.3. Certification /Verification of Originality of a Document RESPONSIBLE FLOWCHART = DETAILS TIMELINE [INTERFACE DOCUMENT tie ecords in-charge receivea ecaees e the request form (electronic | request form Recordstncharge | hard copy); checks 3 mins. Request Form Peer completeness of entries, and talidates purpose ofreuest. aa] The records in-charge Brant he seerches the academic school ‘eacoers records of the learner, checks Leamer's Academic — = a ‘and validates the correctness | 1 P ‘School Records Sal ‘nd completeness ofthe — Peoeopies ay The records to-charge will | 16 ming, | Certified Verified See " prepare the document, i. . document =ias Tie reds inches c - illstamp "Certified True , Certified /Verited Document, Hs Copy” or “Verified True Copy"| © 7 document and afi his/her signature maa The records in-charge wil Seen Records In-charge | record the document tothe | 2 mins. Records logbook logbook. (naires the records officer wil release ae ‘Document ‘Records In-charge the document through 10 mins. ic ua ae lectonie of hard copy aaa 37.4. Filing/Storage/ Archiving RESPONSIBLE = DETAILS ‘tiwetine [nrreRrace Document Fie record incrgs sors the Records Tn-ciarge | en econ | Stine | Hard copies ofthe records Period and Ses them The records incharge stores aan the records in container. = Roguleriy updates entree and Complete document, Records In-charge |‘ agintains back up Ges of all | 1S mins ‘electronic copy important documents sft and had copy. raha The records incharge makes ros thre that record are sored (esis) Designated permanent Records fo pace br selekneping 46 1152 37.5. Records Disposal 1153 1154 RESFONSIELE WTERFACE] TLOWGHART DETAILS ‘owt | BTERFACE ocoras ‘Al concemed employees conducts ienton’ of Cone secori in their ponsesio. Theft wil en be seen ‘consolidated per ofce/ department tobe ‘econ, ueacatase submitted to the schol records Beery Ist et ones custodian/regstrar. Guidelines set by the | Quarter of ‘empleyees | pepartment of &ducation Records Disposition | the year ‘Schedule (RDS) and National Archives ofthe Philippines General Records Disposition | ‘Schedule (GRDS) shal be flowed ae "Records in-charge, | Details of records tha are already de for scan tat Records custodians | disposal wil be logged using NAP form Sand | OPI | ap Form 3 stette b ‘pee ‘submits the duly asomplihed form tothe | SU a office/department |" School records custodian/reistrr. aa t The records incharge consolidates the NAP TOR | precy ana Requestor Sehoot Records | 1 and NAP Form 8 from the oftes/departents na | Letter Request, ‘geno custodan/ Register| ‘and prepares inter request tobe submited to | weet | “Nap om 3 5 Tarot =a Tye, proceed to disposal ilowing the ny SS Shoot Records Information guidelines et by NAP. tan, return records | acheduled ere ‘the storage area. gmap) | Saale Be =a School Records sauce) Jeustodian/ Registrar] Dispoeal ofthe records wil be observe by the P oe ‘School Head" |NAP Representative, COA Representative, School| 48.4 | har rorm § iesrocats J | seprventaie fom | Head, Records lcharge and Depla Ofice | “Reduled | (Certets NAP, COA. and ‘Representa. 1155 ae 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163, 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 um. 1172 1173, 1174 1175 1176 117 1178 1179 1180 a7 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 37.6. Certification Authentication and Verification (CAV) of Academic School Records =a << a 5 eg CE) | ei [ee aa ae: Records The records tn-charge recrieves the academic iSmins. | Academic School Records: eM || | entities | “eae a ‘Earlain, pce oat of 8. act, aes a ae | ee =. ee ate i, | hoe | a, rot ‘custodian/ Registrar “accuracy of the information in the ASR janie as & ee secant jamal SEE | |e me VIII, Effectivity - This CoRe Manual shall become effective after final approval from the Regional Director and shall take effect immediately. 48 REFERENCES Adobe. (2021). Electronic Signature Laws and Regulations ~ Philippines. Retrieved from: https: / / /sign /using/Ie -philippines.html. Brown University Library. (n.d.). Guidelines for Managing Electronic Records. Retrieved from: https: //library. /collections /archives/recmgt guide elecrec.php. (n.d). eSignature Legality in the Philippines. Retrieved from: | /legalit lobal / philiy (nd). Understanding Digital Signatures. Retrieved fro y-it-works /electronic-signature/digital- i sit -faq. General Commission on Archives and History. (2017). Guidelines for Managing Digital Records. Retrieved from: Resources /Guidel ital Records-GCAH-2017.pdf. Government of Newfoundland and Labrador. (2011). Guideline ~ Physical Records and physical-records-storage-development.pdf. JDSUPRA. (2020). Utilization of Electronic Signatures and Records: What You Need to Know. Retrieved from: _https://www, clectronic-signatures-25583/. State of Michigan Records Management Services. (n.d.). Frequently Asked Questions about Electronic Records for Local Governments. Retrieved from: https: / / mhe rms_electroni Z.pdf, ‘Technopedia. (2016). Digital Signature. Retrieved from: https: / / /definition/5426/digital-signature. (n.d). Digital Signature. Retrieved from: https: / / /definition /digitalsignature. 49 Directory of Regional and Division Offices Office Email Address Regional Office Agusan del Norte Division Agusan del Sur Division Bayugan City Division Bislig City Division Butuan City Division Cabadbaran City Division Dinagat Islands Division dinagat Siargao Division Surigao City Division Surigao del Norte Division Surigao del Sur Division Tandag City Division 50 Annex 2 List of Documents that WILL NOT pass through Records Office for Receiving and Releasing The following are the documents that are not required to be received and released in the Records Office and should be given directly to the concern office for an immediate action: REGIONAL AND DIVISION LEVEL RECORDS Legal Records + Administrative Decisions (With respect to Cases / Opinions Decisions /Resolutions /Orders) * Cases (Administrative, Civil/Criminal) * Complaints/Grievances (Actions Taken on the Complaints, Counter Affidavits and/or Answers, Investigation Reports) Rejoinders Resolutions Corrections of Name/Birthdate (Personnel, Students) Deeds (Acquisition of Books/Teaching Aids and Vehicles) Donations, Sale ‘* Contracts of Services (Contract Records including Correspondences /Related Papers) * Memoranda of Agreement/Understanding © Other Legal Records SCHOOL LEVEL RECORDS Advisory * Excuse Letter Library * Book Cards © Borrowers Card, etc. Supply/Property Office ‘+ SF3-Books Issued and Returned * Acknowledgment Receipts ‘* Inventories and Inspection Reports, etc. Finance Office * MOOE 51 Clinic PTA Liquidation Reports, etc. SF8 - Learners Basic Health and Nutrition Report Student’s Health Card Deworming Form 1 Personnel’s Health Card Guidance Office Learner's Needs Progress & Achievement Cardex Parent/Guardian Communication Cardex Student’s Disciplinary Actions 52 List of Active Records Stored in the Records Office ‘The following are the records in their active phase that need to be stored and properly kept in the Records Office and make such records readily available upon legitimate request: REGIONAL AND DIVISION LEVEL RECORDS ITEM No. RECORD SERIES TITLE AND DESCRIPTION RETENTION PERIOD ‘etive ‘Storage Total 1 13 14 ‘ADMINISTRATION & MANAGEMENT AUTHORITIES TO TRAVEL + Employees © Officials © Teachers/Principals/Asst. School Division Superintendents /Division Superintendents CERTIFICATIONS * Certifications, Authentications and Verifications (CAV) CHARTS © Organizational/Functional * Process Flow CREATION OF DIVISION AND DISTRICT OFFICE RECORDS OUTGOING COMMUNICATIONS/ CORESPONDENCES + Non-Routine * Routine DIRECTIVES/ISSUANCES * Issued by the Head of Agency documenting policies, procedures, standards, rules and regulations, programs of the agency 2 years 1 year PERMA NENT PERMA ‘NENT 2 years PERMA NENT 2 years L year PERMA NENT PERMA NENT 2 years PERMA NENT ‘To be filed with appropriate records series After acted upon 53 15 17 18 25 * Issued by the Head of ‘Agency reflecting routinary information DIRECTORIES OF PERSONNEL/SCHOOL OFFICIALS © Advisories * Bulletins © Circulars Lists Officials (Local /National) MANUALS. SPECIMEN SIGNATURES 2 years 2 years lyear PERMA PERMA NENT 2 years 2 years 1 year NENT NENT superseded After updated 54 SCHOOL LE’ RDS ITEM | RECORD SERIES TITLE RETENTION PERIOD No. AND DESCRIPTION ‘Active | Storage | Total 1 | SFI (School Register) Permanent Permanent 2 | SF2 (Learner Daily 2 years 2 years Attendance Report) 3 | SF4 (Monthly Learner 2 years 2 years Movement and Attendance Report) 4 | SFS (Report on Promotion | Permanent Permanent and Level of Proficiency) 5 _| SFSA (End of Semester and | Permanent Permanent School Year Learner | Status) | 6 | SFSB (List of Learners with | Permanent Permanent Complete SHS Requirements) 7 | SF6 (Summarized Report | Permanent Permanent on Promotion and Level of Proficiency) 8 | SFO (Learner’s Progress | Permanent Permanent Report Card) 9 | SF1O (Learner's Permanent Academic Record) with PSA | Permanent Permanent Birth Certificate Certificate of Recomputed | Permanent Permanent 10 | Final Grade Basic Education Enrolment | 2 years 2 years 11 | Form with Affidavit of Undertaking 12 | Child Mapping Tool (Survey) | 1 year 1 year 13 | Diploma Permanent Permanent 14. | Certificate of Graduation | Permanent Permanent 15 | Certificate of Completion | Permanent Permanent 16 | Good Moral Certificate 1 year lyear (Graduating Students Only) 55 17 | Yearbook/Souvenir Permanent Permanent Program 18 | Certificate of Honor Permanent Permanent Student 19. | Ranking/List of Honor 3 years 3 years After Students graduated 20 | Class Record with Permanent Permanent Summary of Quarterly Grades 21. | Summary of Final Grades L year 1 year and Average 22. | Student’s Test Papers Permanent Permanent 23 | NCAE Results 1 year Lyear After sraduated 24 | NAT Results 2 years 2years | ganetea 25 | Copy of Student's S years 5 years Disciplinary Action 26 | Copy of Anecdotal Records | 2 years 2 years 5 years 5 years Note: Other offices shall transfer permanent records in the Archives Room provided they submit accurate inventory with transmittal /indorsement. 56 List of Identified Routine and Non-Routine Communications REGIONAL AND DIVISION LEVEL RECORDS Routine Communications: 1, Programs/Invitations 2. Letter Requests/Correspondence 3. Communications that are of ordinary interest 4. Communications that require ordinary action and do not need reply 5. Communications intended for information dissemination only Non-routine Communications: 1, Legal Documents 2. Financial Documents 3. Communications with historical value 4. Communications classified as “Top Secret”, “Secret”, “Restricted”, or “Confidential” 5. Vital Documents (land tiles, deed of donation, deed of sale, memorandum of agreements} SCHOOL LEVEL RECORDS Routine Communications 1, Requests Good Moral Certificate Enrolment Certificate Certificate of Graduation Certificate of Completion Certificate of Honor Student Diploma Reconstruction of Diploma (for CAV purposes) Yearbook NCAE Result English as Medium of Instruction NAT Results SF1O . Request for CAV (CAV Form 1) BURT rom meno op 2. Mails/emails a, Answers / Replies to Requests ST Non-Routine Communications 1. Correspondence to and from Stakeholders 2. Legal Documents 3. Financial Documents Note: Non-routine mails and communications should be given priority and be routed to the concerned offices with proper acknowledgement. 58 Annex 5 List of Records Stored in the Records Office with Personal and Sensitive Personal Information ‘The following records that have personal and sensitive information: REGIONAL AND DIVISION LEVEL RECORDS . Certifications * Certifications, Authentications and Verifications (CAV) © Certificates of Graduation © Diplomas © Student Report Cards (Form 137) © Special Orders . Authorities to Travel Copy of Released Documents (Transfer documents, Communications, Reports) SCHOOL LEVEL RECORDS SF 1 (School Register) SES (Report on Promotion and Level of Proficiency) SFSA (End of Semester and School Year Learner Status) SF9 (Learner's Progress Report Card) SF10 (Learner’s Permanent Academic Record) with PSA Birth Certificate Certificate of Recomputed Final Grade Basic Education Enrolment Form with Affidavit of Undertaking Learner’s Needs, Progress and Achievement Card ex (or Anecdotal Record) Parents/Guardians Communication Cardex 10. Records of Student's Disciplinary Actions 11. Child Mapping Tool 12. Diploma 13. Certificate of Completion 14, Class Record with Summary of Quarterly Grades 15. Summary of Final Grades and Average 16. NCAE Results 17. NAT Results 18, Personnel Records PRnansone 59 List of Records in the Records Office that Can Be Readily Released to the Requesting Party REGIONAL AND DIVISION LEVEL RECORDS: 1, Directives/Issuances + Executive Orders + Proclamations + Administrative Orders * Office Memoranda + General Circulars * Office Circulars * Office Orders * Special Orders + Department Orders + General Memorandum * Circulars Office Memorandum + Circulars/ Office Memorandum + Orders + Bulletins Note: Provided that above documents do not contain confidential information 2. Authorities to Travel (provided that it is released to the concerned personnel or his/her authorized representative) + Employees + Officials + Teachers/Principals/Asst. School Division Superintendents /Division Superintendents SCHOOL LEVEL RECORDS 1. Good Moral Certificate 2. Certificate of Enrolment 3. Certificate of Graduation 4, Certificate of Completion 5. Certificate in English as a Medium of Instruction 6. Diploma ‘7. Certificate of Honor Student 8. Yearbook 9. NCAE Result 10. NAT Result 60 11. SF9 (Learner's Progress Report Card) 12. SF10 (Learner’s Permanent Academic Record) Note: Provided that it is released to the owner or his/her authorized representative. 61 Annex 7 Classification of Records Processes Based on Ease of Doing Business and Anti-Red Tape Laws REGIONAL AND DIVISION OFFICE Simple Transactions * Request for Certification /Verification of Document * Request for Copy of Directives/Issuances and Travel Authority Complex Transaction «Application for Certification, Authentication, and Verification of School Records SCHOOL LEVEL Simple Transactions * Request for School Records and Honorable Dismissal * Request for Certification /Verification of Document Complex Transaction * Application for Certification, Authentication, and Verification of School Records 62 Request Form (Region /Division) ee ‘Republic of the Philippined BWepartment of Education CARAGA REGION Division, Date of Request. Date Released: Control No. Name of Employee:_____ Representative: Contact No. ‘School/Station/ Office Document to be requested: (Please check any of the following) {_ Travel Authority ( Directives/Issuance No. and/or Title: (Others (Please specify) Purpose: (Please check any of the following) Ranking/Promotion (transfer of School/Division Travel Abroad Other (Please specify) Signature Over Printed Name Employec/Representative Note: If request is done through representative, there should be a written authorization and Identification Card 63 Request Form (School) REQUEST FORM of, 2 Republic ofthe Philippined Department of Education CARAGA REGION Division. School, oe School Address. Date of Applicatior Date Release: Control No. Relationship: ‘School Address: School Record to be requested :( Please check any ofthe following) (Form 138 1 Form 137 > Good Moral © Diploma 7 Othera( Please specify) Purpose (Please check any ofthe folowing) Local Employment ~ ‘Transfer of School © Registration for LRC __ Employment Abroad ( Travel Abroad Others (Please specify) Signature Over Printed Name Applicant /Representative/Teacher Note: If request is done through representative, there should be a written authorization, proof of fliation, Identification Card 64 Grade: Section: Annex 10 ANNEX A ‘CAV FORM 4 ~ REQUEST FORM -SCHOOL (RF) Republic ofthe Philipines Department of Education Region. Division ‘Control No. Date of Applicaton Dato of Release. if rf REQUEST FORM FOR ACADEMIC SCHOOL RECORDS. NAME OF LEARNER: DATE & PLACE OF BIRTH SCHOOL YEAR LAST ATTENDED / GRADUATED CONTACT NO, PURPOSE: (Please check any ofthe following) (Clemptovmenr asroap [FIANCE VISA [_]STUDENT VISA [Olszamans goowsrc = []Tourist isa [“PeScENDANTSs viSA MIGRATION ABROAD [__JREIMBURSEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL "ALLOWANCE! TUITION FEES OF CHILDREN OF OFWs [7] such OTHER PURPOSE AS MAYBE REQUIRED BY THE DFA Signature Over Printed Name (Applicant / Representative) 65 Annex 11 CAV FORM 2. SCHOOL REFERRAL TO DIVISION OFFICE Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region {at Indorsement Respectfuty forwarded to the Schools Dwision Superintendent, Dwision of requesting for assistance in securing a certied true copy of ‘School Form 18 (now Schoo! Form 5) for reconstruction of Form 137 in relation to the herein ‘sitached request of Name of Leamer, who claims to be 9 graduate of / student in Name of Schoo! during the Scnoc! Year ‘The eid record, despite diligent search, is ‘ot available in this Office For the preferential appropriate action of the Schools Division Superintendent. (Over Printed Name ‘(School HeadPrincipal) 66 Annex 12 ANNEX C CAV FORM 3 - INDORSEMENT FOR CORRECTION OF ENTRIES IN THE ACADEMIC ‘SCHOOL RECORDS Republic of the Phiippines ‘School Neme_ tat Indorsement Date Respectfully forwarded to the Regional Director. DepEd Regional Office _, Atorey V, Legal Und) rusting fo ‘assistance in the Correction of Entries in the Academic School Records of Name of Leamer, a graduate of / student in Name of Schoo! during the School Year_ For ready reference and perusal, attached are the following documents / records: 1. Certificate of Live Birth (!ssued by Philippine Statistics Authority), 2. Affidavit of Discrepancy; 3. Affidavit of two (2) Ovsinterested Persons: 4, Form-137; and 5. Diploma For the preferential appropriate action of the Regional Director. Signature Over Printed Name (School Head/Principal) 67 Annex 13 ANNEX D CAV FORM 4 — CERTIFICATION OF ENROLMENT / COMPLETION / GRADUATION Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region. Division ‘School Name. CERTIFICATION OF ENROLMENT / COMPLETION / GRADUATION, ‘TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ‘This is to contity that, based’ on available records in this schoo!, the following information pertaining to Name of Leamer with Leamer Reference Number ‘appear: (enwofled in Grade ____ during the School Year__ () completed Grade __ during the Schoo! Year_ () Satisfactory graduated from Elementary / Secondary Course for the School Year 88 prescribed by the Department of Education’, ‘This certification i issued on, upon the request of Name of Learner in ‘connection with his / her application for Certification. Authentication and Vertication. ‘Signature Over Printed Name {School Heed/Principal) ‘Woreacened trom sucondery course m pevete schoo, eioete Specie! Order Humber date, 68 Annex 14 ANNEX E CAV FORM 5 - SCHOOL TRANSMITTAL TO THE REGIONAL OFFICE Republic of the Philippines. Department of Education Dwislon———— ‘School Name, 1” indorsement Date Fee earner tanto ects Rae Oe Cavitation MAMOAICRION God Wercaton (CAV) of hs her Academe Schoo! Records. For ready reference and attached are the following J mared (below propery endosed otal envelope: ) Cortfication of Completion/Graduation ) Certification of English as Medium of instruction ) Form -137 ) Diploma For the preferential enpropriate action of the Regional Director. i i i i ‘Slonature Over Printed Name ‘(School Head/Principal) 69 (ANNEX F ‘CAV FORM 6 - LIST OF APPROVED CAV REQUEST Republic of the Philippines Department of Education DWision, ‘School Name_ CONTROL Rae DATE OF DATE OF NO. APPLICATION TRANSMITTAL youn nothing xan er ai ‘Signature Qver Printed Name (School Records Custodian/Registrar) (Schoo! Head/Principal) 70 Annex 16 ANNEX 6 CAV FORM 7 ~ CERTIFICATION OF NON-AVAILABILITY OF ACADEMIC ‘SCHOOL RECORDS IN THE DIVISION OFFICE Republic of the Philippines. Department of Education Region Division CERTIFICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ‘This is to certity that after due verification, there is no available records on file In this Office of the requested Academic Schoo! Records (ASR) of Name of Leamer Issued this day of » 20__ for whatever legal purpose it may serve. (Division Certifying Officer) nm Annex 17 CAV FORM 8 - RETURN INDORSEMENT OF SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE TO THE SCHOOL Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region, 2nd Indorsement Date Respectfully returned to Name of School Principal, Name of School, address oLschoo|, the attached Schoo! Form 18 (now School Form §) in connection with the request for Academic School Records (ASR) of Name of Learmer, a graduate of / ‘student in that school. For the preferential appropriate action of the School Principal. ‘Signature Over Printed Name (Division Certifying Officer) Attached: as stated. 72 (CAV FORM 9 - CERTIFICATION OF DISCREPANCY /IES Republic ofthe Philppines Department of Education CERTIFICATION ‘TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Annex 18 ‘This is to certity that, based on the Guly verified Schoo! Farm 1 (now Schoot Form 5) on Tha in this Office, copy sttached, the discrepancy / les marked () below has / have been noted in the Academic Schoo! Records (ASR) of Name. of Leamer, Place of a ‘Schoo! Year of Attendance. zis NEEL a Wesued this __ day of ___. 20__ for whatever Segal purpose & may ‘Signature Over Printed Name {Otsion Cestfying Officer) Annex 19 ANNEX J (CAV FORM 10 ~ REQUEST FORM (RF) FOR ALS A&E AND PEPT RATINGS Republic of the Philppines Department of Education Region. Division, Controle. ses Date of Application: (ate ot Release: REQUEST FORM FOR RESULTS OF RATING ON: {) Altemative Loamning Systems Accreditation & Equivalency Teat {) Philippine Educational Ptacoment Test (NAME OF LEARNER: DATE OF BIRTH: PLACE OF BIRTH. PRESENT ADDRESS: CONTACT NO. DATE OF EXAMINATION. PLACE OF EXAMINATION: PURPOSE: (Please check any of the following): ([) ewecovmenrt asroan [—] Fiance visa [7] STUDENT VISA (CU) seamanss aookisrc [7] TourIstvisa [—) DESCENDANT'S ViSA (7) micration abroad — [] REIMBURSEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL ALLOWANCE) TUITION FEES OF ‘CHILDREN OF OFWs [C1 such oTHER PURPOSE AS MAYBE REQUIRED BY THE DFA (Aoptcant/ Represptnye) Annex 20 CAV FORM 11 — CERTIFICATION OF NON-AVAILABILITY OF RATING (ARE) PEPT) Republic of the Phitppnes Department of Education Diasion CERTIFICATION ‘TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ‘This is to certify that afles due verification, there # no available records on He in thie Office of the requested Results of Rating on ( ) Altemative Learning Systams Acweditalion and Equivalency Test ¢ } Philippine Educational Placement Test of ‘Marne of Learner, issued thie __ day of ___, 20__ for whatewer legal purpose & may serve. 75 (CAV FORM 12 ~ CERTIFICATION OF RATING (ASE / PEPT) Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region Division CERTIFICATION ‘TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ‘This is to certify that, after due verification, the following information marked (1) below pertaining to Name of Leamer, appear in the records of this Office: (.) he / she passed the Alternative Learning Systems Accreditation and Equlooy ACSA KE et fr mr Scr Le administered : and he / she has the comparable to that of a marry 7 Secondary gradvot into oral schoo! sytem and as Such eligible to enter secondary / tertiary education. (_) he J she took the Year Philippine Educational Placement Test (PEPT) at ‘with Examinee Number which indicate that he / she has met the basic academic requirements of Elementary / Secondary Level: and he / she, therefore, is eligible for ‘admission to Year Level subject to the satisfaction of other school admission requirements. Issued this day of 20__ for whatever legal purpose it may ‘Signature Over Printed Name. {Schools Division Supenntendent) 76 Annex 21 Annex 22 ANNEX Mt CAV FORM 13 - DIVISION OFFICE TRANSMITTAL TO THE REGIONAL OFFICE Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region. Division, 1" indorsement Respeciuly forwarded tothe Regional Dreier, DepEd Regional Offce —_____{address)_____, the herein request of Certification, Authentication and Verification (CAV) of Academic School Records For ready reference and perusal, attached are the following documents/records marked (1) below property enclosed in sealed envelope: () Certification of Results of Rating (VALSABE OPEPT ( Diploma (©) Form 137 © Others: For the preferentiat appropriate action of the Regional Director. ‘Signature Over Printed Name (Schools Division Superintendent) ‘Attached: as stated. 17 Annex 23 ANNEX ® (CAV FORM 14 - LIST OF APPROVED CAV REQUEST Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Education Region. Division ‘Schoo! Name. DATE OF DATEOF | APPLICATION | TRANSMITTAL | a eaten [ToS SET 78 CAV FORM 15- CAV APPLICATION FORM Republic of the Pritppnes Department af Education NAME OF LEARNER DATE OF BIRTH PLACE OF BIRTH PRESENT ADORESS: CONTACT NO. NAME OF SCHOOL ADORESS OF SCHOOL: PURPOSE: (Please check any of he tolawing): (Clempcovmentaproap [“] ANCE Visa [—] STUDENT VISA [)seamawseooxs sac] rourssr wsa [] DESCENDANTS visa (migration aaron = [“] REMBURSEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL ‘ALLOWANCE! TUITION FEES OF See 7 (70 GE FILLED-UP BY THE REGIONAL OFFICE) — Graduates Undergraduates Requirements Public Private Public Private 4. Student Peemanent Record (Form 137} (sa a] 5 pemeel a ee asa =| =) ee) 3 4 Speceal Order 5 Cerificate of Accredtation (ler PAASCU o , Neetted Seneat) oo 7 MBASE (REPT A cI ‘@ Certification from BEA ois A €. _ Conifcation om Onision Office 8. Passport Sam Picture (2 pos 9. Documentary Stamp A =] * Ifthe applicant is not the learner himsett! hersait ly 79 CAV FORM 16 - CAV FORM Republic of me Pniippines Department of Education ‘Sze a PICTURE (CERTIFICATION, AUTHENTICATION AND VERIFICATION DATE: CAVNO! Series of 20, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. ‘This & to catty that, Dased on Guly veriNed available records on fhe, te Jollowing information pertairwng to Name of eames appner, 10 wit: [.) he the completed the academic requicements of the Department of Education for graduation from the course ____ in the School Year ~_ in Name of Schopl, es evidenced by harem aliached marked 0) below () Student Permanent Record (Form 137) () Diploma: () Centication of Speciat Order (ha,J she comlated the saademic mequrements of fe Depareneet of Education for | Yaar Level —— of fre Elementary { Secondary ‘course in the Schoo! Year __ $2 Silkancad by heron ailached Bhadern Permanent Record ror 137} (.) be / she passed the Atemative Learning Systems Accreditation and Equivalency (ALS A & E} Test for Elementary / Secondary Level ‘adrninistered “on and he J she has the competencies comparable to thai of a Elemertary | Secondary graduste the fornel ‘echool system and as such. is: jerter secondary | tertiary education .a3 evidenced by herent atached of Rating and Diploma. {2 a Fate tock te ase Pratopine Eoucatonal Pacement Tee (PECD given at with Examine Shot abe Rs matin becla nossa requcerine of Waar Level 6 Elementary / Secondary Level and ne / she, therefore. @ eligible for admission to Year (ele! subject 10 the satistaction of fer schoo! admission requirements as evidenced by herein attached Certifoale of Rating, This Office further certifies the veracity and aulhentioty of the attached tecords herewith, and issued in connection with the application of Name of Aeplicant for purposes. ‘Stanature Qver Printed Name (Regional Director) Mot vad without offical seal, wees nema or wharaton 7 80 oe Se Republic of the Boiipoines Department of Education CARAGA REGION ‘CAV CHECKLIST OF REQUIREMENTS. ForGraduates: {L Indorsement (CAV Form 5) ~ original copy 2. Diploma ~ 2 Original (or Reconstructed) and 2 Certified True Copies signed by the Schact Head/Registrar/Records Custodian 3. Form 137 - 1 Original and 2 Certified True Copies signed by the Schoot Head/Registrar/Records Custodian Certification of Encollment/Completion/Graduation (CAV Form 8) ~ 1 Original and 2 Certifies ‘True Copies signed by the School Head/Registrar/Records Custodian. Special Order (3 Certified True Copies, for PRIVATE schools onlyb UD. Picture (3 pes passport size with white background) ‘Documentary Stamp (1 pcb Long brown Envelope (2 Bc) » pyey FocNon-sraduates: Indorsement (CAV Form 5) - original copy Form 137 - 1 Original and 2 Certified True Copies signed by the Schoot Head/Registrat/Records Custodian 2. Certiication of Enroliment/Completion/Graduation (CAV Form 4) ~1 Original and 2 Certifies True Copies signed by the Schoo! Head/Registrar/ Records Custodian LD, Picture (3 pes passport size with white background) Documentary Stamp (2 pe) Long brown Envelope (1 pc) pee ForALSARE Test and PEPT. 1. Indorsement (CAV Form 13) - original copy 22 Diploma/Certification from BEA - (Original and 2 Certiied True Copy) 23. Certificate of Rating from BEA - (Original and 2 Certified True Copyh {4 Certtcation from Division Office (CAV Form 12} - (Original and 2 Certified True Copy} Incase of Representative, 1. Special Power of Attorney (SPA) 2. Photocopy of 1 valid 10 of applicant and representative with signature Incase of Minos Applicant: 1L_ Birth Certificate of the minor applicant (tiled by the parent) 2. nth Certificates of the minor applicant and the brother/sister (If Fed bythe brother/sster of egal age 3. Court Order if fed by the legal guardian) Reference: Deptid Order No. 48, 5.2017 Tanke No $08) 498307 ena caaestdeped goo 81 sence ae NAP Form 1 - Records Inventory and Appraisal 82 eee DepEd National Records Inventory Form NAP Form 3 ~ Request for Authority to Dispose of Records ‘This ato cert nana above mandoned cane re nolanger neato ae ot ineed ot cornet ny aaminasare ct scl cates 84 DepEd Freedom of Information Request Form {scar ati og ing amin ny ey nd at gayi cn ne (Seine mye pasa 85 quopusyurradng uoIstAtc S}0049S wosradaeyo OIA BOTT Sp1099y WorstAK, :8q ponorddy Aq paIONn, :4q pasedosg ‘suOnseBZNg 0 ‘suONSaLI09 ‘syuSUTEIOD, sequin ourT suonso®fng pur ‘suonoauiog ‘syusUTEOD 105 TG, 1e0G "Sy, “ON NA 2 Z ‘ON JUOUTYDEHY

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