Godly Womanhood Is

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Godly Womanhood Is...

Mar 22, 2011 - 0 comments 

Godly Womanhood Is... 

Submitted by: Christine Russell 

Faith & Fortitude 

The spirit of godly womanhood is present in the woman who, with courage and fortitude,
perseveres through the many challenges of life. She realizes that "faith is the substance
of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen," and consequently strives for the
principled course of action. 

Purity & Contentment 

To be pure in mind, body and spirit is more precious than all the promises the world
offers. A godly woman guards her heart against anything that would rob her of her purity
and she is content to wait upon the Lord and trust the leadership of her husband. 

Femininity & Grace 

The truly godly woman is one who radiates that inner grace which only comes from the
confidence in being a woman of God. She enjoys dressing like a lady and being about
the business of women. Because of this, others think of her with respect. Her very
comportment communicates a gentle, gracious spirit. 

Enthusiasm & Industry 

Proverbs tells us that a virtuous woman "works with her hands with delight" and "does
not eat the bread of idleness." A godly woman is one who sees her life as mission of
service. What others view as a burden, she views as a blessing and opportunity. 

Home & Hospitality 

One of the defining qualities of godly womanhood is a love for home and hospitality.
While other women are driven by careers and ambitions, the godly woman finds true
contentment at home. She makes her home a safe haven, first for her family and then
for the traveler. 

Joy & Friendship 

The woman of God is joyful and seeks close companionship with those who share the
same vision. For the woman who has embraced the beauty of Christian Womanhood,
the richest of friendships begin with her family where she both learns and teaches how
to love and honor, and experiences the joy of belonging to another. 

Submission & Obedience 

The Godly Woman recognizes that "the head of every man is Christ; and the head of
the woman is the man..." She willingly and joyfully submits to him in everything as she
would unto Christ. What other women view as a burden and degradation, she views as
an honor and a blessing. 

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