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Reading comprehension

Daniel Goleman

Daniel Goleman is an American psychologist, researcher and writer. He was born in

Stockton, California on March 7th, 1946. His parents were university professors, so he
grew up in a very analytical and academic environment. Goleman received a scholarship
to attend Amherst College which is a prestigious institution that offers undergraduate
programs that last four years. The program he attended was very important for his
career, and it helped him to his transfer from high school to the University of California
at Berkeley.

After that, Goleman returned to Amherst where he graduated magna cum laude. His
second scholarship was from the Ford Foundation to study at Harvard University.
Goleman obtained his PhD from Harvard. There, he studied under the supervision of
David C. McClelland. Goleman did not know at that time that McClelland would
recommend him for a job at Psychology Today. It is one of the most important
magazines about psychology in the world. Goleman also studied in India and Sri Lanka.
He was able to study thanks to all the scholarships he received. 

Goleman wrote his first book about his time in India and Sri Lanka. In 1970 he returned
to Harvard as a visiting lecturer. Goleman’s theory about psychology of consciousness
was popular. In 1984, The New York Times recruited him as the editor for the behavior

science and brain section. In 1995, he published his book Emotional Intelligence. It is the
most important book about the topic and it is also a best-seller. 

Goleman co-founded the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning at
Yale University's Child Studies Center. Nowadays, Goleman co-directs the Consortium for
Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations at Rutgers University. He also
manages the Mind & Life Institute.

Based on the text choose the correct option: 

David was an American psychologist, researcher and writer.



Respuesta incorrecta

Retroalimentación: Sin retroalimentación

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