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An adventure for 4-5 characters levels 1-2.

5th Edition


DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers
League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their
distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of
the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.

©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe,
4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Area D2 – Taxidermy Room / Ulav’s
Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster
Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all Bedroom ...................................................... 11
other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective
logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and A Good Night’s Rest .............................................. 12
other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are
property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under The Wine Cellar ................................................. 13
the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any
reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork Area C – The Cellar ..................................... 13
contained herein is prohibited without the express written
permission of Wizards of the Coast. Area C1 – Peter’s Room ............................. 14
©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA Area C2 – Kesta’s Room............................. 14
98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-
Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Area C3 – Wine Storage ............................. 14
Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex,
UB11 1ET, UK. Area C4 – Pantry ......................................... 15

Artwork: Area C5 – Kitchen ....................................... 15

Area C6 – LaDonna and Krakov’s Room 16
Thanks to and Wizards of the The Last Son .......................................................... 17
Coast. RPG Map Editor 2. Bestiary .................................................................. 19
Diary Attachment .................................................. 21
Playtesting: Maps ...................................................................... 22

Thanks to Stacy Fenhaus, Terrell Bateman,

Giovan Melendez, and Richard Gouger.

Getting Started......................................................... 2
History ...................................................................... 2
Adventure Hooks ..................................................... 3
Important Characters............................................... 3
The Lonely Road ....................................................... 4
Arriving Late ............................................................. 6
The Vistana Woman ............................................ 6
The Yawning Oak Inn ........................................... 7
Area A .............................................................. 8
Area A1 – The Cellar Entrance.................. 10
Area A2 – The Store Room ........................ 10
Area B ............................................................ 10
The Green Barn .................................................. 10
Area D1 – Secret Trapdoor........................ 11

1|P a g e
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Text printed in gray boxes is intended to be read aloud
Getting Started
to players. These boxes verbally describe the
This adventure has been balanced
environment and activities the players see.
against a group of 3-5 player characters
levels 1-2. Encounter difficulty will vary  Any information presented in this

depending on how many characters are in the bullet format constitutes information

group and what levels they are. DMs should that can be acquired from a person.

feel free to adjust any encounters as they see

fit to ensure the best possible experience for
their players. It gets so cold in those parts I once had the
bottom of my beard freeze and break off.
Monsters and important NPCs/Items will Wretched place it is!
have their names bolded for easier —Thurst,
Remembrances Volume IX
reference/context; as will DCs and monster
names relevant to encounters. This module Traveling the lands of Barovia always
will provide suggested XP values for carry with them the threat of danger. Even
encounters and pre-generated treasure for along well traveled routes, the presence of
the player characters (PCs). bandits, beasts, and worse can lead travelers
For ease of reference and gameplay, the to a shallow grave.
only books needed to play this module are This module is intended to be played as a
the 5th edition Player’s Handbook, Dungeon one-shot adventure that takes place on and
Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual. If a near the Old Svalich Road in the domain of
unique, or module specific, monster appears Barovia. The adventure is set in Ravenloft
in bolded text, reference the bestiary at the D&D setting, though it could be easily
back of this document for full statistics. adapted to fit almost any lonely road in any
It is highly advisable that the DM should fantasy setting.
pre-read the module and become familiar Barovia is characterized by the
with it before play. It will make treacherous Balinok Mountains replete with
understanding the nuances of the adventure jagged cliffs and snow covered passes.
easier to run for a group of players. Narrow valleys, choked with ancient forests,
fill the gaps between the high mountains. On

2|P a g e
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occasion, moss and grass filled meadows • A beloved family member has been
create a reprieve from the claustrophobic accused of a horrible crime in a nearby
encroachment of dense forests and ominous village. The player is going to investigate and
peaks. clear their loved one’s name.
The Old Svalich Road takes a winding
path, east to west, through Barovia. The road Important Characters
creeps through the dense foliage of the Here are the major characters associated
valleys and clambers over the high Balinok with the module.
range. Merchants, pilgrims, and adventurers
LaDonna Deski. The cook and hostess of
are surprisingly common in the spring and
the. She appears as a middle-aged woman
summer months while the road is clear of
with a penchant for flirting with younger
snow and ice. In late autumn, when the
men. She is married to Krakov Deski and the
ferocious Barovian winter looms, passage
mother of Peter, Kesta, and Ulav.
through parts of the road become near
Krakov Deski. The owner and barkeep of
the Yawning Oak Inn. Krakov is a dour
Adventure Hooks
mountain of a man. He dresses mainly in fur
There are many ways that player and leather accoutrements made by his son
characters can be introduced to this Ulav. His general disposition is icy and
storyline. This short module can make for an unlikeable, but he treats LaDonna kindly.
appropriate entrance to the Curse of Strahd
campaign. DMs should feel free to alter and Peter Deski. Peter is the gangly and
change anything within this module to suit disheveled son of Krakov and LaDonna. He is
their existing game needs. in his early 20’s. Peter sports a nasty skin
• There is a need to leave the region before condition causing him great discomfort. He is
dire winter storms make travel impossible. primarily tasked with acting as a janitor and
grounds keeper for the inn. Krakov prefers
• A character was told by an old friend to
that he spend most of his time outside, in the
meet them at the Yawning Oak Inn regarding
barn, or in the wine cellar away from the eyes
some urgent business.
of the customers.
3|P a g e
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Kesta Deski. The young daughter of The players find themselves traveling by
LaDonna and Krakov. She is in her late teens carriage along the Old Svalich Road. The four-
and of modest attractiveness. Her time is horse carriage is guided by a grizzled
spent assisting her mother and waiting on coachman named Boris.
customers of the inn but she longs to leave Thus far, the ride had been bumpy and
Barovia. uncomfortable. The old road is becoming a
quagmire of mud and slush due to constant
Ulav Deski. Ulav is the hulking Caliban son sleet and snow. Winter is coming to Barovia
of Krakov and LaDonna who lives in a hidden and Boris desperately wants to be clear of the
room under the barn. He remains out of sight ominous mountain passes before it is too late
of any visitors and has a malevolent to do so.
temperament. He ventures out at night to The carriage rolls along. Night has fallen and the sky is
check animal traps and bides his time making nearly dark from foreboding storm clouds masking the
fur clothing which is sold in the inn. glow of the stars and moon.
Boris, the coachman, sings a discordant tune
Boris. The carriage driver bringing the that is barely audible over the sounds of creaking wood
players west along the Old Svalich Road. He is
and stomping horse hooves. Suddenly there is a loud
cordial and adores his team of four roan
CRACK! The carriage abruptly comes to a halt under a
mares; always speaking highly of their
hail of curses from Boris and the whinnying of horses.
breeding and lineage.
One of the wheels of the carriage has
broken after crossing a particularly large rut
Misha. The missing daughter of Zarelda.
in road. Boris busies himself with effecting a
She is also deaf and mute.
repair that will get the carriage moving again.
The repair will take approximately an hour
Zarelda. A Vistani woman who waits near
for Boris to complete alone.
the inn for her daughter, Misha, who has gone
missing. She leery of the inn and its’ Players can attempt a DC 12 Strength check

occupants. to assist Boris removing the broken wheel. A

successful attempt will reduce the amount of
The Lonely Road time to repair the broken wheel by thirty
4|P a g e
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Handle Animal skill are futile since the
Encounter (125xp)
creatures are borderline insane with hunger.
“When wolves come calling” If a player offers rations to the animals,

The broken carriage and warm bodies attract one of the wolves will quickly snatch up the

the attention of a particularly desperate pack food and attempt to escape. The wolves will

of starving wolves after about fifteen fight on viciously until more than half of them

minutes has passed. are incapacitated; at which point the

The creatures move in on the players survivors will attempt to flee. If the wolves

from all directions. Characters with a Passive succeed in subduing a player, they will

Perception of 14 or more notice the attempt to drag the body off to consume it.

animals approaching their position. If Boris immediately scrambles on top of

noticed, the wolves will attack immediately. If the carriage when the encounter begins. He

they remain unnoticed by all the characters, watches over his prized horses and soothes

the wolves will move close then single out a them so they will not flee as the fighting

random character to attack in mass. starts. He may offer words of encouragement

Characters with a Passive Perception less to the players but will not otherwise get

than 14 are surprised. involved in the fray.


The ground is saturated with water Boris thanks the characters for fending

making the road muddy and treacherous. off the wolves and gives them each 5cp for

Likewise, the land off the road is covered in their trouble. He also offers to buy them a

snow and ice. The ground is treated as round of drinks when given the opportunity.

difficult terrain.
X5 Starving Wolves (see bestiary)


The wolves attack ferociously and gang

up on players in an attempt to knock them
prone and finish them off quickly. Attempts
to stave off the animals’ attacks using the

5|P a g e
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The Vistana Woman
If the characters approach the Vistana
woman they see she is clearly distressed. She
gives her name as Zerelda, a fortune teller,
and she tells them of her beloved Misha, a
young girl of 12 years, who vanished while
Arriving Late collecting roots for dinner three nights

After the troubles with the wolves, you find yourselves before.

back on the road in short order. The carriage bumps She lingers near the Yawning Oak Inn

along much as it did before. Soon you are looking at the because it is the only shelter for miles in any

flickering lights of the Yawning Oak Inn. direction. She hopes her daughter will be able
to find her way to the inn if she still lives and
The inn is run-down and ramshackle; a two-storey
meet her mother there. Zerelda refuses to
stack of rotted wood, shingles, and cracked glass
enter the inn herself stating the inn keepers
masquerading as a dwelling. A single Vistani vardos
do not welcome the Vistani.
wagon sits across the road from the inn and a woman
If the characters offer to help find the
sits on the wagon steps. Her breath is visible in the
missing girl, have the players make a DC 15
brisk night air. Behind the inn sits an equally derelict
Charisma (Persuasion) check. Zerelda thanks
green barn.
them profusely for the kind gesture but
assures them she feels her daughter will turn
Boris stops the carriage at a location up at the inn. The Vistana states, “She can
known as the Yawning Oak Inn and almost hear her Misha on the winds.” If any
encourages the characters to have a look character succeeded at the Persuasion check,
around and grab a meal. He tends to his team Zarelda gives the characters a Trinket of
and leads the horses to the shelter of the Fortune, and wishes them well.
barn. He notes that he will be along shortly to Zarelda declines to speak of the Deski
enjoy some ale. family who runs the inn, saying only, “fate
plays out at is should for some.”

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Trinket of Fortune wine cellar which is off-limits to customers
Wondrous Item; Common and guests. All the Deski’s, except Ulav who
This small innocuous coin bears strange lives in the barn, have their quarters
inscriptions. Once per week the power of the downstairs in the cellar.
trinket can be invoked to grant advantage on As the characters approach the inn
one attack roll, skill check, or saving throw. read this:
If the owner of the trinket dies in spite of
A green sign with white letters sways above the door
having utilized the trinket within the past
and threshold. The sign reads “Yawning Oak Inn”.
week, the trinket crumbles to dust; it’s magic
There is another sign nailed loosely to the right side of
the doorway which reads:

~One copper piece a night. An additional copper for

each horse, mule, or donkey to be boarded.

~One copper piece for a warm bowl of stew.

The Yawning Oak Inn ~Wine and Vodka available. Price negotiable.
A functional, albeit dilapidated, inn along the VISTANI NOT WELCOME.
Old Svalich Road. The inn is nestled in a small
meadow along with a well, outhouse, and a
small green barn.

The inn is a two-storey building with

several upstairs rooms of meager
accommodation. The Deski family rents out
rooms to travelers seeking shelter from the
frequent bad weather.

The first floor of the inn (Area A)

consists of a modest dining area, pantry
room, and bar. The selection of refreshments
is limited to wine and hot stew prepared by
LaDonna. The inn also sports an extensive
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Area A pot. The woman’s hair is tussled and unkempt. She

The first floor of the inn is warm and well- acknowledges the characters with a curt “hello” and

maintained despite outward appearances. calls Kesta over to the bar.

Several small tables are arranged centrally in LaDonna pours wine and stew for those
the main room. A short bar runs along the characters who ordered some. Kesta serves
eastern wall. The western wall sports a flight the food and drinks while making polite
of wooden steps leading up to the second conversation. Boris interacts with the
floor. characters, Kesta, and LaDonna as well.
The young daughter of the inn keeper,
Having finished putting his prized steeds
Kesta Deski, busies herself sweeping the
up in the barn, Boris lavishes coinage on
floor. When the characters enter the inn,
warm food and ample wine; quickly
Kesta invites them to sit and takes their
becoming drunk. He is kind to Kesta and
orders for food and drink. Read this to the
quickly gains a good rapport with her.
characters upon entering the inn:
The inn is cozy and warm; a welcome reprieve from the
If the characters have been previously caught
harsh cold clawing you to the bone outside. The air by Peter entering the taxidermy room under
the barn, Peter will enter the inn and busy
carries the wonderful scent of wine and homemade himself helping the women. It is obvious that
stew. Lanterns hang suspended from hooks on the walls he is keeping an eye on the characters.
For her part, LaDonna is cordial and
providing the place with an intimate lighting. A young
polite. She makes small talk but avoids
woman smelling of sweet wild flowers encourages you
discussing the Vistana with the wagon
to take a seat and introduces herself as “Kesta”.
outside. LaDonna believes the Vistani have
As characters settle down at the inn for a caused her and her family enough trouble
hot meal and drinks, LaDonna Deski enters and would rather not get involved with them.
the Area A1 from a door leading down to the If the characters inquire about the
wine cellar. She brings up a fresh pot of stew missing girl, Misha, LaDonna claims to have
and carries a couple bottles of wine under no knowledge of her. The characters can
her arm. make a DC 11 Wisdom (Insight) check to

A middle-aged woman in a well-worn dress trudges up know that LaDonna is not being truthful. If

from the wine cellar carrying wine and a fresh stew the characters call her out on the lie, she
8|P a g e
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reiterates she does not want to get involved leaves the 1st floor, he is quick to yell at Peter
for hanging around the “guests” and tells him
with the Vistani and refuses to say more.
to go help his brother set more wolf traps.
After the characters have received what
Krakov pays little attention to the
food and drink they have ordered, Kesta
characters. He tells Kesta to fetch Peter and
collects any fees for the food, drink, and stay
instruct him to go help his brother with the
at the inn.
wolf traps. Krakov meets the gaze of the
Development: characters, but says nothing to them (unless
At some point before the characters retire for they’ve been in Ulav’s taxidermy room).
the evening to their rooms, Krakov Deski
makes an appearance. He reminds LaDonna to have a bucket
Krakov Deski dramatically throws open ready in case the drunkard (Boris) decides to
the front door allowing snow and wind to vomit, then trudges off downstairs to the
billow into the dining area before abruptly wine cellar. LaDonna introduces her husband
slamming the door closed. though he has already departed. She asks that
they forgive his rudeness for not staying to
A huge bear of a man with a bushy black beard and fur
hat plods across the room to speak with LaDonna. His
voice is booming and mood dour. From what you Shortly after Krakov storms through the

overhear, it sounds like wolves have gotten into the inn, LaDonna will begin wrapping up

frozen food stores. business for the evening. Kesta will show the
characters to their rooms.
Krakov tells LaDonna the frozen food
If the characters inquire, Kesta assures
stores were raided by wolves and the meat
them she will ensure Boris is taken care of
supply is running low. He notes that he spoke
after she finishes her chores. For his part,
to Ulav and told him set more traps in the
Boris perks up briefly from his drunken
stupor to assure the characters he’ll certainly
Development: enjoy being taken care of before laying his
If Peter has told Krakov about the characters
head on the table with a mischievous smirk
snooping in the taxidermy room under the
barn, he turns his attention to the characters across his face. When the characters are
and gives them a stern warning about poking
ready to rest, they will find their rooms
their noses around Ulav’s private things before
trudging over to the wine cellar door (Area upstairs (Area B).
A1) and disappearing downstairs. Before he
9|P a g e
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Area A1 – The Cellar Entrance Area B
As characters approach the door to the The second floor of the inn contains six
wine cellar, they notice a small sign that says sparse, but comfortable, rooms with straw
“Private Quarters – No Entry”. Another beds. The doors to each room are lockable by
nearby door must be the rear exit of the inn. a simple latch from the inside.

A heavy wooden door, the sturdiest you have seen, bars The Green Barn
your way. A keyhole is visible under the iron door
Area D
handle. A cursory check of the handle determines it is

The door to the wine cellar is locked but

can be unlocked with a DC 10 Dexterity
check using Thieves’ Tools.
There is also a spare key to the lock
hanging on a tiny hook behind the bar which
can be discovered with a DC 12 Wisdom
(Perception) check. Alternatively, the door
can be forced open with a DC 15 Strength

Area A2 – The Store Room

This room is filled with dried goods, If the characters investigate the green barn
seasonings, and stacks of hand-crafted fur (Area D), they will find the dilapidated
coats; the quality of the clothing is shoddy. structure to be small but functional. The hay
loft is well-stocked and it is evident that it
gets frequent use from travelers seeking to
get their animals in from the wretched
weather. Boris’ fine roan horses are kept here
out of the weather for the stay at the inn.
Upon entering the barn read this:

10 | P a g e
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The barn is sparse and a bit drafty; though certainly Area D1 – Secret Trapdoor
better than being out exposed to the elements. An old
The padlocked trapdoor can be unlocked
oil lamp clings to a support beam and the whole place
with a DC 20 Dexterity check using Thieves’
has a persistent smell of mold, hay, and excrement. The
Tools. Ulav Deski keeps the key to the
interior walls are decorated with animal pelts; some
padlock on him at all times.
obvious and some unknown…
A steep descent down flimsy wooden
If the characters choose to search the steps leads from the padlocked trapdoor to a
barn, a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check small taxidermy room (D2). The room also
reveals a secret padlocked trap door partially serves as a bedroom for Ulav, evident by a
hidden under animal droppings and hay crude stack of hay and animal hides in the
(Area D1). corner. The taxidermy work on display is

Development: crude and unappealing. If characters enter

Peter Deski watches the characters from the room read this:
the woods near the barn. He has been
disposing of unwanted offal and the presence Area D2 – Taxidermy Room /
of visitors draws his attention. If the
characters enter the barn, Peter creeps up to Ulav’s Bedroom
the outside of the barn and peers through a
crack between boards in the wall. Characters The small room reeks of putrid flesh and animal hair. A
will notice Peter’s presence with a DC 10
Wisdom (Perception) check. small candle burns on a wooden table littered with
If the players attempt to enter the locked rusted implements and bones. Poor taxidermies litter
room under the barn, Peter will quickly move
to confront them if they have not already the tiny space. Animal traps hang on the walls; many
noticed him. He will not fight, choosing to still clinging to bits of rancid meat on their iron jaws. A
cower if assaulted, but will protest vigorously
about the violation of his brother’s private filthy hay bed covered in patchy hides sits in the
room. corner.
Peter, if able, will proceed to find Krakov
and tell his father about the snooping visitors. It is obvious that someone has been in the
Thereafter, he will linger nearby the
room recently and will likely come back soon.
characters watching them closely whenever
possible. A DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence
(Investigation) check reveals a scrawled note
crumpled in the corner under the table

11 | P a g e
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among discarded animal remains. The note straw and furs of the bed from whence they
reads: came.

“Damn them. Damn all the Vistani and X1 Swarm of Rats (see MM pg. 339)
their cursed mouths. They won’t forgive. TREASURE: None.
It’s not even my fault, but I’m punished just
the same. I’m hungry.” A Good Night’s Rest
The remainder of the note is indecipherable. Some hours into the night, while the
It has been badly burned; likely in an effort to characters are sleeping, ask for a DC 10
destroy the musings. A character can make a Wisdom (Perception) check. Characters have
further DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check to advantage on the check if they did not
learn the note is likely written by a woman partake of any wine earlier in the evening.
due to the near-imperceptible perfume of A strange heavy *thud* and shuffling sounds echo
wild flowers (Kesta Deski).
through the floor of the old inn. You are aroused from
The arrow shown on the map in Area D2 your slumber and an ominous chill creeps down your
indicates a low passage, no more than two spine.
feet in height (a crawl space). The passage
If the characters venture into the upstairs
leads all the way back to the inn, and stops at
hallway, more muted noises can be heard
the wall of the wine cellar. A small hole in the
downstairs. If the characters check the room
mortar allows a view into Area C2.
Boris was supposed to occupy, they find it
If the characters search near Ulav’s bed, empty; having never been used.
they disturb a vicious swarm of rats that
Venturing downstairs the characters find
immediately attacks.
the inn cloaked in darkness save for a single

Encounter (50xp) candle light burning on the bar top. The place
where Boris had been sitting downstairs is
“Gnashing Teeth” empty. An empty wine bottle and full vomit
TACTICS: bucket sit nearby. Characters can make a DC
The rats rapidly swarm around any 12 Wisdom (Perception) or DC 12
creature near the bed. If they suffer fire Intelligence (Investigation) check to notice a
damage, they immediately retreat into the small splatter of blood on the tabletop. A faint
12 | P a g e
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blood trail leads towards the door to the If the characters get into a fight with Peter,
wine cellar. LaDonna and Krakov are alerted to the
intruders and prepare themselves for a fight
with the characters in Area C5.
The Wine Cellar
Kesta will not leave her room (Area C2) if
The door to the wine cellar is locked but any conflict breaks out in the cellar. She hides
can be unlocked with a DC 10 Dexterity in her room until all fighting has subsided.

check using Thieves’ Tools. There is also a Area C – The Cellar

spare key to the lock hanging on a tiny hook
Once the characters get the door to the wine
behind the bar which can be discovered with
cellar open, read the following:
a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check.
Alternatively, the door can be forced open A vile odor assaults your senses as the wooden door
with a DC 15 Strength check. swings open. The dank air is laden with smell of blood,
charcoal, and mildew. A faint light flickers from deep in
the bowels of the structure and voices can be heard
speaking softly. Drag marks are visible in the dust on
the floor. Blood stains, old and new, mark the steps.

At the bottom of the stairs a darkened

doorway is visible. This is Peter’s room (Area
C1). If the characters do not wake Peter by
forcing the cellar door open, they can hear
Development: faint snoring coming from the open doorway.
Forcing open the door will alert Peter who is Area C3 down the hall from the stairs has a
sleeping with the door to his room open at the
few large wine barrels. An oil lamp flickers on
base of the wine cellar stairs (Area C1). If the
characters come downstairs after forcing the a wall just beyond the barrels.
door, Peter will attempt to ambush them as
they reach the bottom. Next to the stairs is another room (Area
C2). The front of the door is decorated with
Characters can notice the ambush with a
DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check. The wilted wild flowers and a bowl of stew sits
entryway to Peter’s room is dark forcing any uneaten outside the door on the floor.
character without Darkvision to take
disadvantage on the roll.

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A stout oak door is directly across the hall “Good. Help me with this…“remarks the male voice.
from the door to Area C2 (Kesta’s room).
You hear heavy chopping sounds faintly rattling a table.
This door leads to Area C6 (LaDonna and
Krakov’s bedroom). This door is locked and Encounter (25xp)
barred from the inside and the room is only
accessible from Area C5. **Optional**
Area C4 is accessed by a door from the “Peter’s Ambush”
hallway where the wine barrels are located.
It leads to the Deski pantry. The door is
Peter will attempt to attack the least
locked and LaDonna has the key. The door
armored individual he can reach. He screams
can be opened with a Dexterity check DC 12
wildly to sound the alarm for his parents in
using Thieves’ Tools, or broken open with a
Area C5. He fights until dead or
Strength check DC 12.
incapacitated, while his parents prep
Next to the wine barrels is another door themselves to fight in the kitchen.
leading into LaDonna’s kitchen (Area C5).
Area C1 – Peter’s Room
The door is closed; but unlocked. If the
characters have not alerted LaDonna and The personal room of Peter Deski. A small
Krakov to their presence, read the following bag of silver coins is hidden in the straw of
before the door to the kitchen (Area C5) is his bed.
opened: TREASURE: 10sp

The voices of LaDonna and Krakov can be heard through

Area C2 – Kesta’s Room
the closed door. “What was Ulav thinking bringing the
The personal room of Kesta Deski. The room
Vistani girl here?” hisses an agitated female voice.
is sparse and contains nothing of real value.
“He thinks he can leverage them to break the curse. I
think he is being foolish” a gruff male voice responds. Area C3 – Wine Storage

“He took her to his room in the barn by way of the The wine selection is limited to a local

forest after the visitors went to bed. Kept her out of Barovian brand. There are several empty

view of the mother” notes the female voice. wine barrels stacked against the walls.

TREASURE: x2 bottles of Barovian Wine

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Area C4 – Pantry of him seem to have found their way to a smaller
prepping table…ready for stew.
LaDonna Deski’s pantry is appalling. The
remains of an unfortunate traveler hangs Krakov holds a heavy cleaver in his hand and wears

from meat hooks. An Intelligence a blood-stained apron. LaDonna clenches a tenderizing

(Investigation) or (Nature) check DC 20 can mallet and drops a handful of seasonings to the floor.

identify the true origin of the carcass.

This small room is stacked high with empty boxes. A NOTE:

moldy cheese wheel hangs from the rafters next to In the spirit of a true horror tale, the Ravenloft
setting caters to the shocking, terrifying, and
eviscerated and butchered carcass. It looks like a pig, macabre. Upon witnessing the state of Boris, the
though you don’t recall seeing any livestock at the inn acts of the Deski’s, and perhaps the realization they
may have dined with cannibals, characters may
besides horses. become unhinged.
As the Dungeon Master, you may want to ask the
Area C5 – Kitchen characters make a DC10 Wisdom saving throw
If the characters open the door leading versus Madness. Information on Madness can be
found in Chapter 8 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
into the kitchen, Krakov and Ladonna freeze Characters failing their Madness saving throw will
momentarily in a state of surprise. If they are suffer a Short-Term Madness effect.

alerted to the characters intruding, they Krakov and LaDonna hold nothing back
stand ready to fight. against the characters. They fight full of rage
Read the following as the characters and to the death. The Vistani curse they
first view what lays beyond the door to the suffer is more torturous to them than finding
pantry/kitchen: peace in the grave. They will not be reasoned
The metallic smell of blood violates your senses. The
pantry-kitchen is laid bare to your disbelieving eyes. A The fight between the characters and the

large stew pot burbles over a small stove and bones lay elder Deski’s rouse Peter if he is not already
defeated. Peter appears at the start of the 2nd
strewn in the corner closest to the pot.
initiative round and acts on initiative count
A large gore encrusted table sits in the middle of
20. He uses a discarded thigh bone to
the room. Boris lay on this table, eyes closed, with a
bludgeon the characters; fighting as insanely
bloody wound on his head. Horrifically, bits and pieces as his parents. As noted before, Kesta will not

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fight and stays in her room waiting out the foreground…his face obscured by damage to
conflict – fleeing if possible after the fighting the painting.
If the characters open the heavy wooden

Encounter (225xp) chest they find a pouch of silver coins,

various personal effects (likely belonging to
“Come and Get It!” their victims) and a small leather-bound
TACTICS: dairy written by LaDonna. The contents of
LaDonna and Krakov work together as a the chest are as follows:

team attempting to flank and kill the TREASURE: x20sp, x1 Diary (see “Diary
characters. They show no mercy and will Attachment” if the characters read the diary)
finish off characters that are unconscious.
Area C6 – LaDonna and At the conclusion of the fight, Boris
suddenly awakens.
Krakov’s Room Read the following:
The bedroom is unlocked and sparsely The Deski’s are no more. The silence is
decorated. A heavy wooden chest sits against suddenly broken as Boris awakens shrieking.
the wall. The door to the hallway if barred The coachman’s horrific wails resonate in the
with a heavy wooden beam. The chest is enclosed space. His eyes fall to the ruin of his
unlocked. Read this when characters enter body and then dart madly to you. A single
the bedroom. phrase escapes his lips, as tears fill his eyes,
The final room of the cellar is a modest “they’re eating me!”
bedroom for the elder Deski’s. There are few The coachman is in dire trouble. Blood
decorations save for a family portrait on the loss and horrific wounds leave little doubt
wall, a small side table, and a heavy wooden that he will die. The characters can try to
chest against the wall. tend his wounds with a DC 15 Wisdom
The portrait shows a much younger (Medicine) check. Success allows Boris to
Krakov and Ladonna. LaDonna holds two survive 1d6 more minutes and eases his
young children; a boy and a girl. A much suffering; magical healing provides a similar
older boy with twisted features stands in the reprieve.

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If this happens, Boris tells the characters Ulav Deski fights practically. He singles
where he hides his coinage in a secret out wounded characters in an attempt to
compartment on his carriage. He bequeaths finish off those who may be injured from
his roan horses to the characters and begs their fight with his parents and brother.
that the steeds are well kept. The secret Eventually, he will flee to the barn (Area D).
compartment (when/if investigated) Ensure Ulav gets to the barn for his last
contains: stand. Ulav sets fire to the structure
TREASURE: x25cp, 10sp, x1 Bottle of Fine immediately upon entering the barn by
Barovian Wine (2sp value) smashing an oil lamp.

The Vistani girl, Misha, is bound and

The Last Son gagged in Ulav’s taxidermy room (Area D2).
When the characters exit the kitchen, they When the barn is set on fire, the horses panic
see Kesta racing away in a panicked run; forcing their way through the front door
desperate to get upstairs and away from while Ulav cackles evilly. Characters need to
them. When the characters move upstairs to make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or take
the 1st floor of the inn (Area A), read the 2d10 bludgeoning damage as they
following: frantically dodge the panicked horses. Misha

You finally leave the hellish basement and manages to get her gag loose and begins to

return to the ground floor of the inn. You are scream alerting the characters to her

met with a hulking brute of a Caliban presence if they had not found out earlier.

blocking your exit from the building. Kesta Misha is a deaf-mute and cannot vocalize

lay unconscious at his feet and his hateful coherent words, only noise.

eyes meet your own.

Encounter (200xp)
The disfigured abomination can only be
the Ulav. He stands as tall as an entryway and “Ulav”
is clothed in several layers of wolf hides. A TACTICS:
large iron-shod club hangs loosely in this Ulav is brutal and cunning. He retreats to
clawed hands. Unleashing a roar of bloodlust, the barn after making his initial attack;
Ulav charges! setting fire to the structure and causing the

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horses to panic. He finishes the battle to the Handling) check and take approximately 30
death in front of the burning barn with Misha minutes.
trapped in his taxidermy room. Zarelda preps her vardos and cautions
RESOLUTION: the characters that the mists are rolling in.
When the characters defeat Ulav and rescue She offers to ensure they can get to a safer
Misha, Zarelda approaches quickly and place if they wish to follow her. If the
takes her daughter up into her arms. Kesta, characters decide to accompany Zarelda’s
now awake, wanders over to the gathering in wagon, the mists engulf the entire group and
a daze and watches the fire consume the old deposit them to a safer location where
green barn. The girl appears haunted and Zarelda thanks them again for saving Misha
lost. and parts ways.

Kesta stares blankly at the fire ravaging the

barn. She shakes her head absently
mumbling. Zarelda calms Misha then walks
over to stand in front of the last Deski.

Zarelda states, “You did not aid your

family. You rejected their evil. You, young
lady, I forgive of my curse.”

Kesta appears relieved that the curse of

cannibalism will no longer bedevil her. The
characters may assist her if they wish; taking
her to a nearby village.

This could be used as a lead-in to another

adventure nearby. If left alone, Kesta sits
quietly watching the barn burn down. It is
unclear what will become of her. The
characters will need to round up the horses if
they wish to claim them as their own. Doing
so will require a DC 15 Wisdom (Animal
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The Vistana’s daughter cursed us and fled
Diary Attachment into the winter night. She likely won’t survive.
Day 17

~ A quick entry… Oh gods the pain. The mind-numbing hunger.

Nothing satiates save for one thing. Will this
I think the gods forsake us. The winter has affliction affect my unborn? The girl’s curse
arrived with a fury that I have never is still fresh in my ears.
witnessed beforehand. I pray the food stores
last. “Your family will consume, as you’ve done to
live, until the last wolf’s howl echoes in the
A Vistani and his daughter came in with the They say Vistani can revoke their curses… I
blizzard last night. I know little of the strange don’t think we’ll ever be forgiven. I suppose
gypsies, but the man Toren, has given us no we don’t deserve it either. I pray the girl
trouble. The daughter, Zarelda, is quite survives running off alone into that wretched
adorable dancing to the songs we’ve been night…she may be our only hope.
singing to pass the time. It’s too bad I cannot
partake. A dance would be most enjoyable, Day 32
but at this stage of pregnancy I don’t want to
Ulav spends his days with his father hunting
risk it. Toren, the gypsy man, says he feels it
and killing every wolf they can find. This is
in his gut that I carry twins; a boy and a girl.
futile. Barovia has more wolves than people.
Ulav continues to sulk about. His
We need another solution. I’ve prepped the
appearance scares folk…I pity the boy. He
inn for what needs to be done. Just posted a
fancies the Vistani girl but she will have
small sign outside that reads, “Travelers
nothing to do with him.
Welcome!” My family is hungry…gods forgive
Day 14 us we are so hungry.

It has been fourteen days since we ran out of

food. We’re starving. The devil- sent
blizzards continue to bury the inn, and us
along with it, in a cold grave. Something is
happening upstairs. I should investigate…
Day 15
The deed was done. My husband ensured
our survival, but the girl found out. That
poor girl…what have we done? What have we
become? Her father was sick from the cold
and would not make it through the night.
Krakov was merciful to end his suffering…the
spilled blood saved more lives than it cost.
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The Yawning Oak Inn – 1st Floor

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The Yawning Oak Inn – 2nd Floor

The Yawning Oak Inn – Wine Cellar

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The Green Barn

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