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Test 1 UNIT 1 On The

Critérios Específicos de Classificação


A. When you’re a high school student anxious to get out of your hometown and into the world, you probably bump
into a few obstacles: you don’t have enough money to pay for international travel, mom and dad have
said absolutely not, or you’re secretly a little worried you’ll end up missing your friends… Are we right? We get
it. Well, there are 1-2 week high school programs abroad that provide you with the chance to travel to a foreign
country for a short period of time, which you will be able to afford, with your parents’ permission, and return
before homesickness kicks in.
N Identifica 3 frases corretamente. 6
4 Chave:
1. a; 2. b; 3. a
N Identifica 2 frases corretamente. 4
N Identifica 1 frase corretamente. 2

B. It’s always better to go somewhere than nowhere. And once you’re under the spell of the travel bug, you will
almost certainly keep going back for more. So, start now! Take that step towards high school programs abroad
for 1-2 weeks, and who knows, maybe you’ll chatter about your experience so much that your parents will be
willing to send you abroad again for longer! 
The best tip out there regarding international travel, and especially when going abroad for a shorter duration, is
to plan very well everything you want to do. You can fit it all in and have a great experience. Make sure you’re
excited about the location and make sure you’re passionate about the activity. Make a list of everything you
want to happen during your 1-2 weeks abroad, whether that’s making a friend, trying five new foods, or learning
a local expression. Plan for it and you will succeed. (AmE; abridged and adapted)
N Completa os 7 espaços corretamente. 14
5 Chave:
1. travel bug; 2. high school; 3. your parents; 4. going abroad; 5. great experience; 6. new
foods; 7. local expression
N Completa 5 ou 6 espaços corretamente. 10/12
N Completa 3 ou 4 espaços corretamente. 6/8
N Completa 2 espaços corretamente. 4
N Completa 1 espaço corretamente. 2



A. N Faz as 5 correspondências corretamente. 10

5 Chave:
1. d; 2. e; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c
N Faz 4 correspondências corretamente. 8
N Faz 3 correspondências corretamente. 6
N Faz 2 correspondências corretamente. 4
N Faz 1 correspondência corretamente. 2

B. N Completa 9 ou 10 espaços corretamente. 9/10

5 Chave:
1. abroad; 2. moments; 3. teenagers; 4. activities; 5. school; 6. friends; 7. community; 8.
volunteering; 9. countries; 10. learning
N Completa 7 ou 8 espaços corretamente. 7/8
N Completa 5 ou 6 espaços corretamente. 5/6
N Completa 3 ou 4 espaços corretamente. 3/4
N Completa 1 ou 2 espaços corretamente. 1/2


A. N Completa as 5 frases corretamente. 15

5 Chave:
1. … comfort zone … travelling to unknown
2. … cultures, living habits, traditions and religions, as well as new languages, music genres
and foods.
3. … beaches in Belize … Mayan ruins.
4. … a bit of Spanish as well as fascinating facts about the Mayan history. … about diverse
5. … help people in need and to make a difference.
N Completa 4 frases corretamente. 12
N Completa 3 frases corretamente. 9
N Completa 2 frases corretamente. 6
N Completa 1 frase corretamente. 3

B. N Faz as 5 correspondências corretamente. 5

5 Chave:
1. d; 2. e; 3. a;4. b; 5. c
N Faz 4 correspondências corretamente. 4
N Faz 3 correspondências corretamente. 3
N Faz 2 correspondências corretamente. 2
N Faz 1 correspondência corretamente. 1



A. N Completa corretamente os 8 espaços. 8

5 Chave:
1. loved; 2. was staying; 3. had; 4. arrived; 5. were learning; 6. were taking; 7. visited; 8.
N Completa corretamente 6 ou 7 espaços. 6/7
N Completa corretamente 4 ou 5 espaços. 4/5
N Completa corretamente 2 ou 3 espaços. 2/3
N Completa corretamente 1 espaço. 1

B. N
N Reescreve as 3 frases corretamente. 6
4 Chave:
1. The campers were neither swimming nor diving.
2. After dinner, the campers can either play games or go for a night hike in the jungle.
3. Kate missed both her parents and her friends.
N Reescreve 2 frases corretamente. 4
N Reescreve 1 frase corretamente. 2

C. N
N Corrige as 3 frases. 6
4 Chave:
1. Kate used to miss her family and friends a lot when she travelled abroad.
2. Mark always tries to visit as many monuments as he can when he is in a foreign country.
3. There didn’t use to be school programmes abroad when Sarah’s parents were young.
N Corrige 2 frases. 4
N Corrige 1 frase. 2


Competência Pragmática
A. N Escreve um texto respeitando o tipo de enunciado pedido, contemplando os aspetos 10
5 indicados. Utiliza mecanismos de coesão corretamente e articula as ideias de forma
adequada num texto organizado, claro e coerente. Respeita os limites de palavras indicados.
N Escreve um texto respeitando o tipo de enunciado pedido, contemplando os aspetos 8-9
4 indicados. Utiliza alguns mecanismos de coesão e articula as ideias de forma quase sempre
adequada num texto organizado, claro e coerente.
N Escreve um texto respeitando o tipo de enunciado pedido, contemplando os aspetos 5-7
3 indicados. Utiliza um número ainda limitado de mecanismos de coesão e nem sempre
articula as ideias de forma adequada num texto organizado, claro e coerente.
N Escreve um texto simples, não abordando todos os aspetos indicados. Utiliza conectores 3-4
2 simples para ligar frases elementares e estrutura deficientemente o texto. Pode não respeitar
os limites de palavras indicados.
N Escreve um texto simples, não respeitando o tipo de enunciado pedido e não abordando os 1-2
1 aspetos indicados. Utiliza conectores simples para ligar frases elementares e estrutura

deficientemente o texto. Pode não respeitar os limites de palavras indicados.

Competência Linguística*
A. N Escreve um texto elaborado, utilizando recursos linguísticos adequados que lhe permitem 10
5 transmitir a informação de forma precisa. Utiliza vocabulário adequado e variado para se
exprimir. Revela um bom domínio das estruturas e formas gramaticais. A ortografia é precisa
e a pontuação é adequada.
N Escreve um texto razoavelmente elaborado, utilizando recursos linguísticos adequados que 8-9
4 lhe permitem transmitir a informação de forma precisa. Utiliza vocabulário suficiente para se
exprimir. Revela geralmente bom domínio do vocabulário e das estruturas e formas
gramaticais, não cometendo erros gramaticais que possam causar incompreensão. A
ortografia é razoavelmente precisa. A pontuação é geralmente adequada.
N Escreve um texto coerente, utilizando recursos linguísticos adequados, que lhe permitem 5-7
3 transmitir a informação de forma compreensível. Pode ainda revelar alguma influência da
língua materna. Utiliza vocabulário suficiente para se exprimir, embora pouco variado,
podendo surgir algumas lacunas. Pode ocorrer alguma confusão e escolha incorreta de
palavras. Nem sempre revela um bom domínio das estruturas e formas gramaticais, embora
os erros gramaticais não causem incompreensão da mensagem. A ortografia nem sempre é
precisa e a pontuação nem sempre é adequada.
N Escreve um texto simples, utilizando padrões frásicos elementares. Utiliza vocabulário 3-4
2 bastante restrito para se exprimir e estruturas muito simples, cometendo erros gramaticais
elementares de forma sistemática. Revela problemas ao nível da ortografia e pontuação. A
compreensão global da mensagem é frequentemente afetada.
N Escreve um texto simples, utilizando padrões frásicos elementares. Utiliza vocabulário muito 1-2
1 restrito e inadequado. Utiliza estruturas muito simples e comete erros gramaticais
elementares de forma sistemática. Revela muitos problemas ao nível da ortografia e
pontuação. A compreensão global da mensagem é frequentemente afetada.

* A competência linguística só será avaliada se o aluno tiver tratado o tema proposto, situando-se o seu texto, pelo
menos, no nível 1 da competência pragmática.

Suggested sentences:
School programmes abroad can be unforgettable experiences for teenagers. It’s true that teenagers can miss their
family and friends, but the people they meet in the places they go to, teachers and the other staff and other students,
are very friendly and always willing to help. Teenagers have the chance of living abroad for a short period of time and
learn many things. They can improve their communication and language skills, their creativity, adaptability and self-
confidence. Moreover, these programmes allow teenagers to make friends from all over the world, learning about their
cultures and life in their countries, and they can expand their world view.


Suggested answers:

1. Yes, I have. / No, I have never been to a summer camp.
2. I prefer Tech Camps/ Sports Camps/ Science and Nature Camps/ Academic Adventure Camps/ Art and Performing
Arts Camps…
3. Technology-related activities/ sports-related activities/ activities like visual arts, music, theatre, dance…/ activities
related to the natural world/ activities related to an academic programme…
4. Yes, I have. / No, I have never been on a school exchange programme.
5. It was a great experience! I made friends from all over the world and I learnt about life in their countries. I improved
my communication skills and my self-confidence. / I think I would like to go to… I would like to go a school where I
could have specialized training in… I would like to go to a country where I could help people in need.

STUDENT A: Have you already decided which summer camp you are going to go to next summer?
STUDENT B: Well, I think I have… I think I am going to go to Belize Eco Kids Camp…
STUDENT A: Where is that summer camp?


STUDENT B: It’s in Belize, by the Caribbean Sea.

STUDENT A: What activities does it offer?
STUDENT B: Look at these photos on the camp’s website! You can learn about the history of the country and visit
different villages there, you can play lots of team games, you can go for a night hike in the jungle...
STUDENT A: It seems fascinating! And the location is great!
STUDENT B: Yes, and we could meet new people and try new foods…
STUDENT A: I think I will probably go with you…
STUDENT B: Great idea! It will be amazing!

STUDENT A: In this picture I can see four people sitting and standing at a departure lounge of an airport. The
departure lounge seems to be in a terminal hall with a big airport window. I can also see two information panels. One
of them is the arrival/ departure board. Marion Taylor is standing, and her luggage is next to her. She is wearing
casual clothes. She is going to Guatemala. She is going to spend two weeks in a summer camp. She will learn many
things about the way people live in Guatemala, their traditions, music and typical food, and she will learn a new
language. I’m sure she will have a great time there.

STUDENT A: In this picture I can see four people sitting and standing at a departure lounge of an airport. The
departure lounge seems to be in a terminal hall with a big airport window. I can also see two information panels. One
of them is the arrival/ departure board. Jack Stewart is sitting, and his luggage is next to him. He is wearing casual
clothes. He is going to Haiti. He is going to spend two weeks there on a school programme. He will learn many things
about the way people live in Haiti, their traditions, music and typical food. He will probably do community service as a
volunteer and help people in need. I’m sure he will have an unforgettable experience.

STUDENT A: Would you prefer to stay in a summer camp for two weeks or to go on a school programme abroad?
STUDENT B: I would like to go to the summer camp in Guatemala. I would be able to learn many things about the
way people live in Guatemala, their traditions, music and typical food, and I would learn a new language. I’m sure I
would have a great time there. What about you?
STUDENT A: I think I would prefer to go on a school programme abroad. I would be able to do community service as
a volunteer and help people in need. I’m sure I would have an unforgettable experience.
STUDENT B: Well, we would have two unforgettable experiences. I wish we had that chance!

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