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A Complete each sentence with a verb from the box.

1. Luis buys the groceries on Saturday morning.

2. My sisters cleans their rooms every week.
3. Neftali walks his dog twice a day.
4. Alonso never takes out the trash.
5. Fumiko always vacuum the floor before she washes it.
6. Veronica and her father wash the dishes together.
7. Mrs. Tanaka usually cooks dinner for her family.
8. Every weekend, Sorin don’t clean his car.
B Unscramble the present perfect sentences.
1. Jose has cleaned his room.
2. Has she bought the groceries?
3. No, I haven’t taken out the trash.
4. Monica and Jaime have cleaned their car.
5. Have they washed the wishes?
6. Have you vacuumed the living room floor?
C Complete the present perfect questions and answers. Use the verbs in
1. A: Have you studied for the test?
2. B: Yes, I study.
3. A: What has she cooked for the dinner?
4. B: She cooks fish.
5. A: Has dad bought the groceries yet?
6. B: No he didn’t. He’s at the store now.
7. A: Have they arrived yet?
8. B: No, they haven’t.
D Find and correct the mistake in each sentence or question.
1. Have he washed the dishes?
2. They has cleaned the car.
3. What have you learn?
4. No, I hasn’t read that book.

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