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DiPSMUN 2022
Welcome Ceremony

The welcome ceremony of DipsMUN 2022 began with trepidation,

and excitement, emulated by all the delegates present. the
ceremonious lighting of the lamp, followed by a majestic dance
performance by the students of Delhi public school, south. After
the breathtaking performance, we had some inspiring words given
by the principal of DPS South. Following the unforgettable advice,
was the keynote speech of the Cheif guest, Rajeev Gowda,, who,
with his inumerable accolads and accomplisments, also provided
the delegates with amazing advice and information into the world
of politics and debate. After that, we had a speech from the
secretary general of the conference, Rohan Kanna, who gave
words of wisdom to the delegates as well as officially announced
the conference to be open.
La Cosa Nostra
(Semi Crisis committee)
La Cosa Nostra was an unconventional committee that
functioned beyond the scope and norms of any traditional
MUN committee. As a gathering of the members of the
Sicilian mafia, the committee witnessed the delegates bring
out creativity and meticulous plans to take the Godfather’s
seat in this race to consolidate power. Camaraderie, vested
interests, and a keen drive for profit pitted the delegates
against each other, resulting in the culmination of an
intense situation: can the vast mafia organization maintain
unity in the face of external threats, or will inter and intra-
mob chaos ensue and take them all down? The delegates
were posed with a slew of crises and they managed to
navigate this labyrinth of challenges with tact. They
inculcated the feedback given to them and came back on
day 2 with detailed directives that took us by surprise with
their technicality. Towards the end of the committee, this
multifaceted conflict on ethnic and generational lines
fizzled out with the establishment of a one-of-a-kind
syndicate that was surprisingly cohesive.
(General Assembly)
The second committee of DiPSMUN 2022 is the SOCHUM.
At least six hundred thousand people have been forced to
evacuate their homes in Afghanistan since 2021, most of
whom are from the northern districts. The number of
internally displaced people (IDPs) continues to climb, with
women and children accounting for 80 percent of this tally.
The delegates of SOCHUM, although being first timer
dominated , truly exceeded our expectations and managed
to deliver fruitful and meaningful debate throughout the
course of the committee, it was nice to see that each and
every delegate spoke at least once in the committee and in
turn learnt something valuable and irreplaceable.
The documentation process, i.e,the entire point of
gathering, successfully managed to pass and deliver viable
solutions to the current humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.
The success of a MUN conference is not judged by whether
the resolution passes or not but by whether each and every
delegate had fun and learnt something new, keeping this in
mind, we can proudly say that the SOCHUM was successful
(General Assembly)
The sixth committee of DiPSMUN 2022 was the DISEC. The
deliberations that happened here were of paramount
importance in trailblazing the future of what warfare will
look like. With the introduction of non-state actors, 4GW
has introduced new domains of conflict, mixing the lines
between politics and power, civilians and combatants. This
form of warfare is characterized by its guerrilla and terror-
based tactics. The confusion and chaos created thus posed
unique challenges that the DISEC was ab to combat.
The delegates were all eager to learn and despite many of
them being first-timers we were presented with three
working papers. while the committee did fail, we were
pleasantly surprised by the resolution submitted by Russia
and China as it managed to maintain status quo while
flipping the bird on other Western countries.
while we didn't get to have a dedicated motion to entertain
committee itself was carried out with multiple jokes
throughout, including photo snipes, inside jokes and absent

The third committee of DiPSMUN 2022 is the UNHRC which

is the forum that seeks to scintillate human rights issues
and formulate solutions for them.
China has been accused of committing crimes against
humanity, possibly even genocide against the Uyghur
population and other Islamic ethnic groups in the north-
western region of Xinjiang.
There are also allegations of Uyghurs being used as forced
labor and of women being forcibly sterilized. Some former
camp detainees have also alleged they were tortured and
sexually abused. while it was not the most productive
session of the HRC, both the chair and vice chair were not
bored. With a not so nuanced agenda such as the Uyghyr
Muslims we fully expected to have regurgitation of
speeches but they were pleasantly surprised by the changes
in foreign policy. Countries that seemed to have no say in
the matter were suddenly pushed to the forefront of the
debate because of their skilled delegates.
Palace of Soviets
(Contionus Crisis Committee)
It was an energetic and fast-paced committee that
discussed the dissolution of the Soviet Union from 1988-
1991. It was the process of internal political, economic, and
ethnic-separatist disintegration within the USSR, which
resulted at the end of its existence as a sovereign state
In the committee, east and west Germany finally rejoined,
and surprisingly, west Germany conceded giving east
Germany a 49-50 split in the house. There were galore
scandals, as Ukraine's Latvian president successfully left the
USSR and was independent. With a strange twist in fate, the
USSR remained intact, with a new amendment made to
their constitution preventing the other regions of the USSR
from leaving the union.
(United Nations Security Council)
Since Russia launched a full-scale military invasion into
Ukraine on February 24, 2022, fighting has caused over nine
hundred civilian deaths and pushed millions of Ukrainians
to flee to neighboring countries—the majority of whom have
arrived in Poland, a NATO country where U.S. troops are
preparing to offer assistance to refugees.
With no signs of the war stopping and Russia increasing her
efforts to conquer Ukraine, the world community is in dire
straits. The energy economy is in shambles and the prices of
oil are ever increasing. Countries fight to lobby their allies
leading to the formation of new friendships and pacts which
may affect our near future. Claims of genocide, war crimes,
civilians being bombed and considerable violations of
international law plague Eastern Europe today.
Lok Sabha
(Indian Committee)
The recent hijab row in southern India has led to the
rekindling of old flames. Many human right activists and
religious leaders have come forward to battle the verdicts
given by the High Court. This has lead to communal
violence, riots and boycotting of the education system itself.
Many argue that the legal and moral dilemmas faced by
lawmakers and the populous alike has reached its boiling
point. It is finally time to decide the scope of Article 25, long
shrouded in supposed hypocrisy and favoritism.
This invites discussion on regulation of freedoms and
especially the freedom to choose
DiPSMUN 2022

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