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1. The Golden triangle is

a) Thailand-Burma-Laos Borders c) Thailand-Burma-China borders
b) Laos-Thailand-China borders d) Cambodia-Thailand-Vietnam borders

2. A major source of the world’s supply of opiate drugs comes from the Golden triangle in Asia Mainland. This drug is
a) Marijuana c) cocaine
b) Heroin d) LSD

3. According to authority, marijuana drug is difficult to control here because of

a) the big demand c) can easily be smoked surreptitiously
b) can easily be cultivated here d) sold on the supermarket

4. The three approaches to drug prevention and control are

a) Enforcement, information and education and treatment and Rehabilitation
b) Arrest, searches, and Seizure
c) Surveillance, raid and Prosecution
d) Information, Determination, and Award

5. The obvious sign of opium addict is

a) presence of needle marks in the arm c) dizziness
b) hilarity and gait d) trance-like appearance

6. Mescaline, LSD are drugs that cause

a) Depression c) stimulation
b) Hallucination d) intoxication

7. Cocaine’s medicinal use is

a) analgesic c) anesthesia
b) palliative d) sedatives

8. The control of drug addiction is

a) police duty only c) not a police problem
b) community problem d) police-community problem

9. Hashish smells like

a) sweetish odor c) vinegar with bed bugs scent
b) pungent odor d) odorless

10. The most commonly abused barbiturate in the country drug abusers
a) seconal and madrax c) tuinal
b) amytal d) barbital

11. Low grade methamphetamine

a) shabu c) Lahar
b) bato d) none of the above

12. Opium which is derived from the plant Opium Poppy, which the botanical name is
a) Papaver somniferum c. Erythroxylon coca
b) Cannabis Sativa d) Indian hemp

13. A state of Chronic or periodic intoxication detrimental to the individual and society at large produced by
repeated drug consumption.
a) drug addiction c) drug abuse
b) drug experimentation d) drug dependence

14. A state of physical dependence on dangerous drug arising in a person following a periodic or continuous use of
that drug
a) drug addiction c) drug abuse
b) drug experimentation d) drug dependence

15. One who originally use narcotic substance for reason of curiosity, peer pressure or other similar reasons.
a) drug dependent c) polydrug abuser
b) drug addict d) drug experimenter

16. Most common form of stimulant

a) cocaine c) morphine
b) heroin d) codeine

17. Its effect is similar to that of alcohol can produce calmness and relaxed muscles
a) hallucinogens c) depressants
b) stimulants d) narcotics

18. Most abused form of tranquilizers, taken orally and comes in tablets.
a) valium c) miltown
b) Serax d) equanil

19. Drugs that produce persistent memory loss, speech difficulties and self-inflicted injuries.
a) hallucinogens c) depressants
b) stimulants d) Narcotics

20. Another term for heroin:

a) PCP c) blue heaven
b) red dragon d) horse

21. Trademark of marijuana stick

a) palito c) organ
b) triple line d) clitoris

22. Morphine blocks are usually given trademarks; one of the following is not
a) 999 c) OK
b) AAA d) Triple line

23. The scientific name of opium plant is

a) opium poppy plant c) HUL GIL
b) erythroxylon coca d) papaver somniferum

24. The scientific name for the active constituent covering the marijuana leaves is called
a) cannabis sativa c) cannabis indica
b) cannabis Americana d) cannabin

25. Police operatives are most likely to be successful on undercover narcotic investigations aimed at revealing major
sources of supply if they pose as
a) users c) job-seekers
b) runners d) pushers

26. One of the most frightening aspects of addiction to narcotic drugs is the tendency to increase the dose. The is due
to the development of the body tolerance, which proceeds most rapidly in the use of
a) cocaine c) morphine
b) heroin d) marijuana

27. From the standpoint of physiological effect, narcotic drugs are commonly and roughly classified as
a) spinals and cerebral c) cumulative and non-cumulative
b) depressants and stimulants d) ingestants and injectants

28. Drug addicts when under the influence of drugs are menace to community because they are
a) Flagrantly immoral c) ruin their health
b) become violently insane d) feel no remorse in committing crimes

29. Most narcotic drugs are derived or made from one principal drug which is
a) morphine c) codeine
b) heroin d) opium

30. The most commonly abused stimulant

a) Benzedrine c) dexydrine
b) methedrine d) amphetamine

31. A game or scheme the result of which depends wholly upon chance or hazard.
a) Gambling c) Tupada
b) sports d) all of the above

32. A drug that obtained from the leaves of coca, a South America shrub. It is a central nervous system stimulant
a) marijuana c) cocaine
b) shabu d) opiates

33. Grass of marijuana is a crude drug from Cannabis Sativa a plant that contains meal altering ingredient. Which
among the following is not an immediate effect of weed?
a) moderate heartbeat and pulse rate c) acute panic, anxiety reaction-external fear of losing control
b) impaired reflexes coordination and concentration d) altered sense of time/disorientation

34. The Golden triangle where 80% of illicit drugs of the world originated is located specifically in:
a) Thailand- Burma- China borders c) Thailand-Burma- Laos borders
b) Laos-Thailand-China borders d) Burma-Vietnam-Thailand borders

35. Usually operated by experienced madam, who rent legitimate roomers to maintain an appearance of
a) disorderly room houses c) call houses
b) furnished room houses d) massage clinics

36. Classy type of prostitute who engages in prostitution to supplement their income
a) call girls c) hustler
b) factory girls d) door knocker

37. Oldest profession known to man who involves habitual indulgement in sexual intercourse for money or profit
a) gambling c) addiction
b) prostitution d) all of the above

38. This method of therapy for alcoholics is based on conversion and fellowship
a) aversion treatment c) withdrawal method
b) psychotherapy method d) program for alcoholic anonymous

39. This degree of intoxication causes reddening of the face, but no sign of in coordination and difficulty of speech
a) slight inebriation c) drunk
b) moderate inebriation d) coma

40. A degree of intoxication wherein the person becomes argumentative and over confident
a) slight inebriation c) drunk
b) moderate inebriation d) coma

41. The most commonly abused barbiturate

a) membutal c) Phenobarbital
b) methaqualone or madrax & seconal d) amytal

42. LSD means

a) lucid social development c) lysergic secaline methadone
b) lysergic acid diethylamide d) lysergic susa dequalone

43. The most powerful hallucinogen is
a) LSD 25 c) psylocibin
b) mescaline d) ibogaine

44. Demerol and methadone are synthetic drugs intended to cure addiction to
a) heroin c) opium
b) codeine d) all of the above

45. Demerol and methadone which are synthetic opiates are classified as
a) stimulant c) depressants
b) hallucinogens d) curative

46. Cocaine is used as

a) analgesic drug c) anesthetic drug
b) curative drug d) cantharide

47. Cocaine or the so-called Erythroxylon coca is commonly grown in

a) cold region c) humid country or region
c) tropical country d) very hot country or region

48. Opium and its derivative are classified as

a) depressant c) stimulant
b) hallucinogens d) intoxicant

49. Codeine occurs naturally in opium, but is produced from

a) cocaine c) opium poppy plant
b) heroin d) morphine

50. Morphine is discovered to cure addicted to heroin and codeine. It is derived from
a) opium c) LSD
b) shabu d) metamphetamine

51. Heroin is derived from

a) morphine c) cocaine
b) opium poppy plant d) codeine

52. The crude resin extracted from marijuana plant is called

a) codeine c) cannabis
b) hashish d) morphine

53. Raw opium is

a) chewed c) sniffed
b) smoked d) injected

54. Marijuana like some of the dangerous drugs is taken by means of

a) eating c) smoking
b) injecting d) sniffing

55. The most potent part of the marijuana plant is

a) the flowering tops of the female plant c) the roots and the stem
b) the twigs and the seeds d) the flowering tops of the female plant

56. Marijuana reefer or joint is made up of

a) marijuana leaves & roots only c) crude concentrate called tetrahydrocannabinol
b) crushed leaves, stalks, flowers & seeds d) crushed roots & barks

57. Marijuana seedlings appear like

a) tomato or armarillo c.) an eggplant shoot
b) lettuce seedlings d) cabbage seedlings

58. The marijuana plant can easily identified
a) by its branches which occur at opposite points on the stalk
b)by its stalk that grows up to 12 feet
c) by its finger-like leaves broken into leaflets whose edges are serrated in shape
d) by its pungent scent when matured or fully grown

59. Marijuana embraces every kind and class of the plant

a) cannabis-Americana c) hashish bang
b) cannabis sativa d) ganjan

60. Indian Hemp is also known as

a) LSD c) cocaine
b) Shabu d) marijuana

61. Any person found in position of 10 grams of opium shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) all of the above

62. Any person found in position of 5 grams of opium shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) all of the above

63. Any person found in position of less than 5 grams of opium shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) all of the above

64. Any person found in position of 11 grams of morphine shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) all of the above

65. Any person found in position of less than 5 grams of morphine shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) all of the above

66. Any person found in position of 9 grams of morphine shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) all of the above

67. Any person found in position of 4 grams of heroin shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) all of the above

68. Any person found in position of 11 grams of heroin shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) all of the above

69. Any person found in position of 8 grams of heroin shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) all of the above

70. Any person found in position of less than 5 grams of heroin shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) all of the above

71. Any person found in position of 4 grams of cocaine shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) all of the above

72. Any person found in position of 5 grams of cocaine shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) all of the above

73. Any person found in position of 10 grams or more of cocaine shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) all of the above

74. Any person found in position of less than 300 grams of marijuana shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) all of the above

75. Any person found in position of less than 500 grams of marijuana shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) all of the above

76. Any person found in position of 500 grams or more of marijuana shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) all of the above

77. Any person found in position of less than 5 grams of shabu shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) life imprisonment

78. Any person found in position of 5 grams of shabu shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) life imprisonment

79. Any person found in position of 10 grams or more but less than 50 grams of shabu shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) life imprisonment

80. Any person found in position of 50 grams of shabu shall be punished with
a) life imprisonment to death c) 12 years and 1 day to 20 years imprisonment
b) 20 years & 1 day to life imprisonment d) life imprisonment

81. which of the following is considered as the world’s oldest cultivated plant as a source of prohibited drug?
a) marijuana c. ) opium poppy
b) coca bush d) peyote cactus

82. The opium poppy plant is scientifically known as

a) cannabis sativa c) erythroxylon
b) hashis d) none of these

83. The first reference of introduction of the marijuana as an intoxicant was in:
a) India c) Nepal
b) Peru d) Iran

84. The Hindus introduced the use of marijuana through religious ceremonies on the basis that the plant is a source
a) intoxication c) power
b) happiness d) courage

85. The world’s hashis is derived from the name Hasan/Hashasin, a Muslim cult leader. Hashis refers to:
a) male marijuana plant c) the marijuana resin
b) female marijuana plant d) marijuana leaves

86. Which of the following do the Assyrians call the “sacred tree”?
a) coca tree c) bamboo
b) marijuana d) coca bush

87. Knowledge on the opium poppy plant goes back about 7000 years B.C. cultivated and prepared by the:
a) Ancient Muslims c) Greeks
b. Summerians d) Early Romans

88. Which of the following law is called the “Dangerous Drug Law of 1972”?
a) R.A. 953 c) R.A. 7659
b) PD 44 d) R.A. 6425

89. Who is the Greek physician who prescribed the opium poppy juice as an internal and external medicine?
a) Morpheus c) Aristotle
b) Hippocrates d) Plato

90. Where the opium poppy plant was first harvested?

a. Summeria c) Mesopotamia
b) Persia d) India

91.Coke is for cocaine; ice is for:

a) shabu c) marijuana
b) cold turkey d) narcotic

92. One of the following slang terms of opiate addict?

a) juni c) speed freaks
b) junkie d) head

93. What is the term used to describe the intoxicating effect of a drug in the lingo of the drug users?
a) Stoned c) rush
b) high d) trip

94. If the expectorant drugs ease the expulsion of the mucus and phlegm from the lungs and the throat, what about
sedatives and tranquilizers?
a) drugs necessary for normal growth c) combat allergic reactions
b) calm & quite the nerves & relieves anxiety d) control infectious organism

95. The introduction of drugs into the deeper layer of the skin by means of special electric current is known as:
a) topical method c) iontophoresis
b) injection method d) oral method

96. Which of the following is not a slang term of the marijuana drug?
a) Baguio gold c) golden gate
b) green gold d)weed

97. What is the meaning of the Greek word “narkotikos”?

a) stupor c) pain
b) sleep d) opiate

98. Antipyretics are for body temperature, Analgesic drugs are for:
a) pain c) cough
b) influenza d) flu

99. Which of the following drug is a common ingredient in cough syrup?

a) resin c) opium juice
b) codeine d) heroin

100. When was morphine drug discovered?

a) 1867 c) 1806
b) 1800 d) 1890


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