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NAME: Joel Noriega

DATE: 2021-07-07

1. Mark all the words directly connected with travel. After listen and check.
backpack X hairdryer size
moneybelt X iron travel X
check-in X journey X trip X
check-out X luggage X unpack X
corkscrew pack X voyage X
(suit)case X pocketknife weight X
guidebook X scissors wheel

2. Mark V (verb) or N (noun) next to the words. Some words can be more than one thing.

backpack X hairdryer X size X
moneybelt X iron X X travel X X
check-in X journey X trip X
check-out X luggage X unpack X
corkscrew X pack X voyage X
suitcase X pocketknife X weight X
guidebook X scissors X wheel X

3. Complete the sentences with Cheryl, Arun or both

1. Cheryl like(s) to be ready for anything.

2. Cheryl has/have to carry a heavy bag.
3. Arun doesn’t /don’t have to pay for any bags.
4. Arun can spend less time at the airport.
5. Arun know(s) the rules for carry-on baggage.
6. Both travel(s) with lots of reading material.

4. Read the three sentences in the grammar box. Which one is…..

a probable? (90% certain) 2

b possible? (60% certain) 3

c possible but unlikely? (30% certain) 1


5. Read the six tips for traveling and underline all the items of clothing in the tips.

Six tips for traveling light on vacation

If you are like Cheryl, but you´d like to travel lighter, 3. You should take just one set of smart clothes-just
Here are some tips. in case. You probably won’t need three dresses
1. It’s a good idea to check the weather forecast 4. Choose just one or two colors and only take
where you’re going and only pack suitable clothes. clothes that match.
2. Pack one top, one pair of socks, and one change 5. Take a small pack of detergent so you can wash
of underwear for every day and one skirt or pair of things there.
pants for every two days. Consider a swimsuit, 6. Don’t pack your heaviest clothes, wear them!
Short, etc.

6. Listen and repeat these words with the /∫/ sound

ship shop Russian Finnish sure sharp shorts wash

7. Listen and repeat the tongue twister.

Show me what´s in your shopping bag, Shane.

A shirt, shorts, shoes, shampoo, shower gel,

aftershave, and a washcloth.

I’m going on a ship to Shanghai shortly!

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