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SS Jawapan ue Leen -04 pr-32+(-04)=-36 Q 2-204 (-04) = -2.4 24 fy .216- 0 +3 2920) +3 122 aB 7 404(-12) +23 + C16) =2 sB 5 _(-2)x16 8 5 =3-(32) +32 Harga 1 kg durian/ The price of 1 kg of durian = RM15 ‘Harga 3 kg rambutan/ The price of 3 kg of rambutan =< RMI5 = RMS. ‘Harga 1 kg rambutan/ The price of 1 kg of rambutan Sn se eco pea) Jumilah jisim/ Total mass ogo (L 1 00+ (0541 008 600 g + 200 g + 500 lg re re Q Comer 10 (a) 265 - 257 = 8 Xe2i7eo (b)(h) 40, 352 11 (@) (), Persepu (ii) Perseribu/ Thousandihs (bq) 02 iy 104 us zat 6 (b)() Palsu/ Fate (ii) Benar/ True 6 () Jumlah jualan pada tahun 2020 ‘The toal sales in the year 2020 = 0.4 « RM532 000 Keuntungan pada tahun 2019 ‘The profit in the year 2019 8 RM532 000 M159 600 Keuntungan pada tahun 2020 The proftin the year 2020 M212 00 = RMI159 600 = RMS 200 4 @@ 1,23 Gi) 2.17 3 aft -(- 2.2 o2[he 2] wepeete-Caete2[er3] 9 oft (7) B i . 8 vin [8 [8 + (6) Bilangan penumpang perempuan ‘Number of female passengers Sx 153 9 85 orang! people Bilangan penumpang perempuan berbangsa Cina ‘Mumber of Chinese fomale passengers 85 — (0.20 x 85) -& * 85) 5-17-34 34 orang/ people Praktis Tikal PTS: Maremauit Tingkatan 1 -Jawapan Scanned with CamScanner 1S @)() X= Ye 22+ Gi) Negara ¥7Counery ¥ (0) Khamis/Therntey ( Jumlah jualan/; #245 « 356 (90 + 102) = Ras Jumlah Kain yang pert dibeli Tal hth nay a) entyal nteat oo ‘bagi S4/ Ractors of 54 = 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 27, 54 Riess ear pesmi = -: > eeie a ope Senses agen 2| 24 32,96 «(zie 3/3418 21146 44747221 8B Faktor bagi 35/ Factor of 5 = 1 5, 7, 35. Jumlah semua faktor perdanal Sum of al prime fctrs 547212 Maka/ Thus, x = 35 Come) 9 (@)x=31,y=47 ()@ Benar/True (i) Petma/Fiater 57+ 3=19 10 (a) 18, 36. (O) (0) Palsu/False () Benar/True (© Penebit imu Batt Sdn. Bhd, csteso 2021 pSTBIHCF 7” (0) P:61, 0:7 P7361) + 79-73) (gi? O28 fe) 242 + 16 = 15.125 3 242 kerana 242 tidak Ian eg aay it die 368 boleh dibahag! tepat dengan 16, 8 bere of 242 braun 22 1 tity 16g Tot ctor of 968 because 968 dab by 16 1200 | 6,24.48 63: 1,3, 7.9, 21, 63 (oy raz, 14 21 28, 35, 42, 49, $6, @ 70 39, 18, 27, 36,45, 54.63) 72 10 Ss :0 1,27, 9,45, 54, 69,7281 , 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84 GSTKILCM =2 x23 =12 ‘Mereka akan berjumpa pada hari ke-12. They will meet on day 12. oo GSTKILCE = 4x 2x23 =48 w |9.12,20_ 3.4.20 3 “ Scanned with CamScanner x29cm Js pod rang tanghi yang masih kosong Yelume of he empey spac ofthe tank Case nad 4 d om 13 a Cage) 120@ {e1-(0.s= "ly AE [TBE x [B= $x$-2 Y4a7 “N25 * Var “V25 3S (b) Anggap x = panjang sisi Let x= length of the side We 12 Sumlah luas permukaan/ Tota! sufce ara: 6x4 = 6x 16 = 96 cm" (0 @) 33 =7 em 13(@ 0) a8 «*/125: (i 6x77 =6x49=294 em" (b) Is pad aie /Voduoe of water: 3 50°» 3 125 000 » 93 750 em" (cts ing me he wat )) 55.79 i) Y0064 + 1=-0.441=08 (00 "a9 = 27 =3 i -Yaz9 = W125 = 5 a) 4700 = °7725 = 8 6B “upaki Base: Tingl/ Height 2 at 28 7B p+ q= RMS 000 - RM4G4 = RMS 536 5 Beg 5+7 Pas 62 p= x 4536 = RMI 890 PraktsTopial PTS: Matematk Tngkatan 1 ~Jawapan Scanned with CamScanner (9) (0 Setarquiaien (4) Tak setara A ue toi 283 tin 2:7 9 (a) Bapa/faher: RMS60 — RMI240 » HAIS20 SO = 72 Ee M4, 25k - 65K +6) BOM asa S 2k 0 (bd) 36:32 47-4 +m (La so pat sam ae arse 38 6 em. 145 14 196 om rar {as sgt empat sama Am fsa rey 2 mcmae em’ 7 ‘zune ‘awh Sem. 8 8-64 Sw 2h swath ‘Zuri , AW Nisbah/Ratio = 196 64 -» 49: 16, wwe Bh OB Ts aw ™ Cem) Se (a) Yale gr tm 3 ae 910) 5 a serupaltit emt {by Sebutan se ae {i Sebutan tidak serupa/ Unlike (b)() 72:84-46:7 Camere) id 2jam 30 init = 25 jam 2 hours 30 minutes = 2.5 hours 4 3 Jam 15 minit = 3.25 jam hours 15 minutes» 323 hows 257325» 10-13 (0 Muri lelai/atte dns 87-21 =36 21369712 (OW) Gx 47 =4x=Gr~ 447 (iy 36-21: 57 15:57 55:19 Gi) ~Sp ~ 8q + 9p 29 = -Sp + 9p ~ Bq -2q Ma) 6:8-43:4 = 4p—10q {iy tor69503 (© 26e-7) 21043) = 10r~ 14 + 16 +6 Aanoatageut r+ 16-1446 e810” 6x- 8 Wpiqer nad 3p+p-5p Be as » Sanna (i 10k —3) + -4) = ky + 77 iBr2012 Wks 3k-a)+ 7-4 pir=I5:1295:4 = 13k44j-4 OW Rk bo) 22 Gi) xy (ii) 7¥ (i Fisim tepung yang digunakan untukmembuatkek | (0) 205 Mas of four ied bake aati i) 50 6(2) = 50-12 = RMB = 269 ke 12 (a) 3~C2m) + 9-m Jumlah jisim tepung/ Total mass of flour =3418+2m-9m 1.25 kg + 1.4 kg + 1.75 kg. 21-7m 4a kg i SoZ gecmed Nisbah Ratio = 2.65: 48 = 53:68 Mar setas ce =4-tshge ly WB cecon gets) a4655 é Commer) Sg-4 1A (b) (Beda tinggi Alya dan adiknya: aa "The diferenceinheght beeen Aya and her sister wx(9 ~ 3y) = -Ox + Suy (Sx-8)~(-9)=5x-x-8 +9 33 sarel 26m ~3) = (m+ 39 (Juma ting The sum of igh Sim =6- tre 6m 9) Gr-8) G99 re ae 7 (0m 6mm 9 SxvxsOreSt-B-94 207 mam iS 19-22 (©) 08x~1)~(WOr~3) = 18x—1Or= 143 = (r+ he Q (© Penerbit au Bakt Sd, Bhd, css 2021 Scanned with CamScanner psc sme tims Lim ym +d m= ial stomema elm (i) -12me x 9) + 84m) (ov) Bee Sys de {id 200 + 3y 4 4) = 30 olde aye3e a= m-2 "F (oO Sp-an8 W Oommen 2e+4y = 154.60 2128.90) + 4y = 154.60 59,00 + 4y = 154.60, 4y = 94.90 y= 23:70 b=2 ‘= 2 ke dalam @/ubstiute b = 2 into ® ferrrerrra] Sw 0) Yate ww nase ou ts Su) yo-7 Sats thy Beam oe) tne (br ase + 7y 60+ 27 (0) (100% + 6%) x (109 + 2) = 318 106% x (109 + x) = 318 1.06 x (109 + 2) = 318 Harga sepasang baju kurung = RM191 The price ofa set of baju kurung = RMISI 10 (a) 2k om 2p- 2p+4q=10 0-0 Gantikan m= 1 ke dalam © Substitute m= 1 into D 3) +2n=9 oo a (uy 12415 =27 34 2(12)=27 Jumlah bilangan oren/ Tova! numberof oranges =27427= 54 ‘PraklsToptal PTS: MatemasikTingkatan 1 -jawapan @ Scanned with CamScanner MW) 52) + 9x © 50-13 1+ ax =37 xe S710 os OVD 24 INH 7 aa m-in= maTe2n Gantikan @ ke dalam © Subaite Q ints 20+ 2m san? Vas ane Sn 27 mete =1 ke dalam @ 1302 - 2b) -2b= 16 156 - 266-2 = 16 b= 16 Gantikan b= 5 ke dalam @ Situ b= 3 ito oo C) 1Sx + 6y= 108. @ eas ay Fike rtneas en roger ~5y < 1941 “sy <20 y>-4 3A x>-3 x4 Maka, penyelesaian ilah x > -3/5e, the solution x> ~3. 4a s3<5-3<4 3-3 or “33-5 , viszce << + (© Penerbit imu Baki Sn Bhd cases 2021 ee = Bi) a> lesalan murid B adalah betul kerana apabila (Penge a guar sau bah dengan soa etka iol keahoamann pea Soop Saran yt bene wn 0 el Sed Bt me man Sreune my co ay Cie wy sam 2g adr >ex4 nese 8 re set o Fmata>15 2m>isens 3 more mea i) x>8 am yn pedcaxs po pei-3 > ps7 ie abner Scanned with CamScanner = 1B 2 180° - 90" 53° x37 aD ‘y= 180" ~ 72°- 31° = 77 x= 180°-72°~ 31 = 77 reysTT + TP = 15 sB ZQUV = 180° ~ 102° = 78° a * Sadutsepadan/Coresponding anges Caer) 7(@) (@ Sudut pada h ty Sa a nnn mi ne wo x i) x Ga 80) () p= 180°~76"= 104" (i) m= 0 (0. Garis NR/Line wa eae! (iy 2625" +52" 90" oo ass aya sW0 x-6" © Wxese of iy yore rey a. Cac oe 48 go 60 1 180" (180607 - 29° the Gor saiteoi aft he 00 ear Feb e yaar = a0 ~ gq - Swe penrzorrm) ew x 100 Benarrtue 71a) (0 Dekagon ay ©) Segl tiga sama sist Equilateral tr (1) Seg! tiga bersudut tegak/Right-angled triangle Gu (a) b= 180" - 190" ~ 65° — 657) - (180%) b= 180"—s0r-60r= 70? (O)(D x= 180° ~ (180° — 60 - 23 = 37° (i) y= 180" ~ 60" = 120" gg METI EIT + ae (W) Palsu/ False - = (180° - 759) = 50° y= 180" ~ (2 « 347) ue yore 12-3 = 78 ) » 0 (01 cane = (18512 « aor 72" 509 =25+ 18'= (a) Bucu DKerana sudatya paling kal! berbanding ‘Ati309, 81189 dan CE. Veter D because Us angle 1s the smallest compared 10 A430"), B15") and C729. rats Topikal PTS Matemati Tgkatan I~ Jowapan Scanned with CamScanner (EME Perimeter dan ivos 2B Katakan lebar = y/tet width= Panjangy/ Longe = 3y yayesye sy = ab em ay= am 'y=6cm Las! Ame = 3) 9 «Bem = 108 em" sc Perimeter /ferimeer Bem 8cms IZem + 24cm + 12cm fem + Bem + Bem =B8cm 45 Las kawasan berlorek/Ara ofthe shaded region +r uapeum "tas ean ‘ove ean Ane ti Teme Hem) 1Bem-0 18cm» 11cm [Laas kawasan berlorek/Area ofthe shaded region += Laas segi empat tepat ~ Luas segi empat selari ‘Area of rectangle - Area of parallelogram = (20cm x 12 em) ~ (9 em x em) = 240 em? - 54 cm? = 186 cm? 6 (a) Benar/Tue (i) Palsu/Fabe ©)@ 2icm Gi) 25cm? Gees 7@@ p+p+6+6. om 4: tose its binge 9 frame Tas cm 10S cm 2 0a ca? ©) Pajng sil Leng of 24 Cue Ia.r8 2S ca (oS dane 81a) Eater 8) 24 = 30cm" @ QR=3 x6=5cm s-Sem-6em=3cm ometinter a4 532m amare igs bush sei empat epet dengan perimeter 22 cm, contohnya: Arye mcang th he rine 2m axa oxsem7atem 9% en (0 0 hia avant fe ne 2x20) 49) Be ne ss = RM 9750 (i) Kos/coet 9 (a) 19 unit unite di) Ralat/Error Fr 100% = 9.52% (b) Panjang ssilenth of sae: 136 = 6 cm Perimeter = 6 cm 8 = 54 cm (©) Perimeter A =6+2+3+3+9+5= 28cm Perimeter B = 4 x 6= 24 cm og Rope Comme) j)_{Perak, Perlis, Pulau Pinang, Pahang) s@e tl raieu 1234 oi se uy huning Re, blue, whi, yellow) WE=LADEAEL MLK MMP ASE UY) ipg@rh aemul N=(D6 CLR hej PGS GUY (©) Subset bagi P/Subsets of P Le AL Oh w =O eh, Ok 10 (a) P Gi) Q= (23, 29, 31, 37) Oy ? “5 ” ” S (© P= 07, 19,23, 29) {i Q= (15,20, 25, 30, 35) (ub R= 11, 2,4, 8 16,32) K=6,5,6,8) iy Lf aan getter ia is ies, 1 K= (10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20) rae ‘ A-B= 28-24 (© Panerbit imu Batti Sdn. Bhd. rzsteno 2021 Scanned with CamScanner “astil oe (ad ee ee Pg ane es a erarsan/ POeMiae = 3 * 100 % = 16% ir ps Mod Made = 5 ew 2D 360" = (120+ 102" + 30%) rrcin + 300 = (120 102» 309 recahan! :CO 3A (20.7) 41409) 60 «30» seer bt vie di in’! = Te9e area eGel s ate 100m = 20-4 100% = 44.45 ges = leet 0 Fee eee Tees sox = 1 980 + 2608 (©) Keputusan Kaz Matemate 2000 + 250 = 18 Tha Reva ofa Mathematics Quit rae aa TTS pre se Tes 2 | ss7es sc 13 + 16 + 18 + 20 + 22 + 23+ 234264254, 5 | ene nen = 2212828 3239 1 30 369 eiliae iz 18 Kekunck 1|9 bermakna 19 markah. am Mey. 1|9 means 19 marks. = 26.5 Plot batang-dan-daun sesuai digunakan untuk 6c Jumiah buku yang dibaca/ Total number of books read (0x2) + (13) + (2x 1) + (3x2)-+ (4x3) + (5% 4) + (6%2) 7a) ()_ Data numerik/Numerica! data (W) Data kategori/Gategrial data (0G), Carta palang/Bar chart (i) Plot ttik/Der plot Gare) ‘menunjukkan markah yang diperoleh setiap kumpulan ‘The te-and ef po sult be wed to show the marks obtained by each group ow Banyan ong ‘Number of people a F E L noes i i TE i { Tho Feb MaciMar Ape May hae ‘lan Mon GGrafgaris sesuai untuk mewakiliperubahan pendapatan ‘Syarikat Q dalam masa 7 bulan. Theline graphs suliable to represent the change Inthe income ©f Company Q within 7 months (1) 100% ~ 45% ~ 10% - 145% ~ 16% - 20% = 36% 36 a 3 « RMS 400 = RMI 944 a, ee ee Se ‘Suban/Spor mis recep (i) Badminxon merupakan sukan digemart feda'don fuplan eal dan Seema ‘Badminton ts the moet favoured both ‘men and women. ecient Praktis Topital PTS: Matematik Tingkatan 1 Jawapan Scanned with CamScanner 3c QS = JTF = = 15cm RS = 15cm—Scm= 10cm RT 10cm = 20cm x= (- 27 B Jarak kotak B dari tiang/ Distance of bax B from the pole {109= 60° (2-6 1m Jarak di antara kotak A dengan kotak B/Distance between ber A and bor B =221m-S1m 7@)@ AC= (a0 7oB = (TDS =35.em @) KL = (3.57 +2.7 = (16.66 = 4.08 cm (by Tinggi Height = Jee = (24 = 4.899 m ee 13 ‘= QRT ialah sebuah segi tiga bersudut tegak QRT tsa right-angied triangle saa mde W) m= fee () Hipotenus: (6+ 8 = 10 cm Luas/Area: 10 x 9 = 90 cm? FaseD | Fah ee 16213 81 e113, 3, 4, 5 memenuhi akas teorem Pythagoras. 3,4 5 fulfl the converse of Pythagoras theorem. 4om © AC AB = 25 - 2 1m AC= 10cm us tawasan before of aed me (0 Pap « 12) x 8 24 (0). QS = (10 TR (17 15-15 fpada kelebaran kherah iz lah pan ium hua Peni s4 w)@ QS= 10-6 = 8m Qn= fares = 17.em ay DB= fares = 5m EB=CE=4cm Bc=8cm AB = (8+ @ = 10cm (c) Panjang batang kayu/Length Varese = (50 = 707 ofthe plank: < 600 Sebarang nombor yang lebih kecil daripada 600. number smaller than 60. 3 Sunland 31,7 dan/and 29, 13 dan/and 23, 17 danand 19 4 iharga slepas dskaun Price after dicount Pusat membeli belah The malt Dalam talian/Ontine 238, «399 = RM359.10 359.10 ~ 349.30 = RM9.80 Pilihan yang terbaik ialah pembelian di pusat membeli belah kerana harga yang ditawarkan RM9.80 kurang daripada harga dalam talian. ‘The bes choices by purchasing a the mall because the price offered is RMS.80 less than the online price. 5 2r~ 5y + 5x Sy = (r+ 5x) ~ (Gy + 99) =7x- ly Jawapan/Answer: C 6 Panjang sisi/side length = /¥00 = 10m Perimeter = 4x 10 = 40 m 7 (a) K=(RE,R,S,0,N,A} IEP AL (o) nu) 8 235-123-112 9 500 : (500 + 200 + 350) 500 : 1050 re 11 (a) Nilai bagi ‘seorang/ Value per person: Set 1 = 84. peat Set 2= y = RMI18.50 ‘Set 2 menawarkan harga lebih murah kerana bernilai RM18.50 seo1 Verba a yang ernst Rat sean enn denen set Set2 offers the cheapest price as it ls worth RM18.50 per person Perimeter = 10 + 12 + 10+ 12= 44cm enetae Bakrt Sdn. Bhd, cmsiss0 2021 ‘compared 0 se 1 that worth RM21 per person. Scanned with CamScanner yaangan al LSE /Smte fy mrt Le 81.6 = 18 orang pple 2 saab nor ang cg =, Aegon antec 360 | ZPOR inlah mud honjugat bagh 2x¥7- Mab Zr cone arg of SAY? 1 fs te ne Vande Bem has trapertum/ Ar of tape: 1268) 4= 40cm" sitangan seg tiga! Number of triangles as takan/Let 14 Tate Wena! Wena mas = faim Ua mas = x ffim Zakaral Zakaria mast = 3x ~3) ve tr-3) + 3-3) =218 xox-S4 3x9 = 218 ‘Wiena = 46 kg Mla = 46-3 = 43 kg Zataria = 3(46 ~ 3) = 129 kg sso BE «122s Jadi, kain itu dapat digunting kepada 12 bahagian. ‘a. the fabric can be cut ino 12 paris (b) 96 ~ (12 « 8pe = 2pq" mx 100 = 200pq" em Jarak sebenar/ Actual length 10 km Jka a gdh = 0S 08D wba a Perimeter’ rorimeter = 9 cen x 6 = $4.¢m, nq. Mism= Tem: 7M «29 cm Laas/Are » 20 ¢1m « 7 em = 140 ern! toc {tans kawasan berlorek/ Ar of the shaded region © 094 en « 22 cm) — 4007 em 6 15.) «11 em 74M cmv — 176 erm! = S72 em! ne 22 = 1p +4q p= 2244 “pales. O12: 02-10 + 5q 10-54 qe? Gantikan q = 2 ke dalam (/Subatuteq = 2 ino D Laas segi tiga /Araofrangle = 5 «3+ 4= Germ? Laas Chama C= 77 = 49 em? [Laas seluruh rajah/Area of the whole diagram ‘om? + 25 em? + 49 em + 6 cm! = 89 cm? ic Bax2b 12218412 15 wc Gandaan bagi 4/Muliple of 4= 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 21 (a) 30, 90 (0) (0, Perseratus/Hundredih (i) Ratus ribu/ Hundred thousands 22 (a) (i) Sisi-sisl yang bertentangan adalah selari. ‘The opposite sides are parale. (ii) Sepasang sudut bertentangan adalah sama. A pair of opposite angles is equal wo € ae aim ¥ Ai) x (b)() Benar/ tue (i) Palsu/Fatee 24 (a) Sx-+ y~42, 8mn— p+ 12 woe ws ‘Prkris Topikal PTS: MatematikTingkatan 1 ~Jawapan Scanned with CamScanner 25 (a) ral Balch ual (atau Jewapan Tain yang munghin/or oer posible wma 28 (a) x4 14 = 2e- 26 (Wi) Kotak A/Rar A: x4 142404 14 =o Kotak B/nar & 2x ~ 26» 2(40) - 26 2) Jumnlah epal/ Toa! numberof apples 54+ Se = 108 bij/appes Hq) 88-2969 396 tidak boleh dibahagtepat dengan 13. Maka 306 bukan fabtor bag a ay Beer 1 6S aa fa 8 rg = RMI32 RMI32, RMI32, RMI2 (13-2) bahagian/ para agian parts 1 bahagian/ part peqer=(9+2+ 13) x RMI2 = RM208 dx ke 2+ke xB bx (ke k= 1 «2 © 30-594 191-30 Ba) x<3r-8 , <8 x>4 n448 Gi) x4 14> 48 > 48-14 x34 £235, 36,97, 3, (© Penerbit imu Baki Sd, hd. asso 2021 = (A Bem @ ie (hot cn AC 21048 = 10cm aT 1 acm toe UE ian) 94 4 (300+ 18 9) 2 48 + 64 + 16 + 104 = 282 cm 3 30 (a) () QM = 13 = QR = /148 12m 35+ 12? {1369 (sage 2518 tbatapan/pr Ladin = +5 +8) SKE 90 (c) Harga sehelai baju/ Price ofa shirt = 79g x RM89 = 1M69.10 Hang sepasang kas rie of pal of sos = BB rao = RMI3930 Hane sebuah beg tanga Pic of handbag = s09 = RMI79.70 Juma arga/ price abo 10% RMI200 » RMI70-7 = RMGO8.10 Zurin boleh membeli ketiga-tiga barang tersebut. Zurin can buy all the items. 31 (a) y0| 20, 30 2 3 osteici= 1032-0 ret resin ts Savas Bere Ane he sade on f se exem+ 20m xazem~(En21 ems 20en) sen -210 raven! (c) Kadar/ Rate = — 120 km__ “| aa 45 minit/ minutes = per mii pe mine 1 jam 30 minit = 90 minit 1 hour 30 minutes = 90 minutes Jala jaro dace 8 9 «240 bm @ Scanned with CamScanner

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