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whether to register it
RA 8293 – Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines
An act prescribing the intellectual property code and TRADEMARK OR SERVICE MARK – is a distinctive and
establishing the intellectual property office, providing for visible sign, symbol, emblem, or device used by an
its powers and functions, and for other purposes. enterprise to differentiate its goods or products
(Trademark) or services (service mark) and includes a
Intellectual property – Part of law that protects ideas
stamped or marked container of goods.
3 Branches of IP Law

1. Copy Rights – artistic and literary in nature JURISPRUDENCE; (CASE ON LIVIS) – for small businesses,
2. Patents – Utility or use for it make sure to indicate that they are not the actual source
3. Trade Marks – Logo, Business name, Brand Name of the original brand. PUT ON DICLAIMER

PATENT – is a grant granted by a government giving an “POST SALE CONFUSION” – The confusion is from 3rd
inventor the exclusive right to exclude others from parties and not from the costumer buying the imitation.
making, using, importing, and offering for sale the because they knew they were buying imitation products.
product of his invention. Hence, no confusion with the original.

Software (Copyright) but if it is shown to have a very

integrated connection with hardware then it CAN be
(ex. Mobile app that cannot function without the A) PATENT – words, diagram, examination (by DTI)
hardware.) New, Applicable in industry, well written, 20 yr
Jointly made – Joint Patent
First-to-file – When 2 separate and independently B) TRADEMARKS- Unique, 10 yr protection
applied for same invention. Law says Registration, Supreme Court say Deposit
Copyright starts at the moment of CREATION
COPYRIGHT – is a set of prerogatives conferring on the
not Registration.
authors of literary and artistic works control over the
PROVE: Originality and Time of Creation
public exploitation of their works and ensuring them
remuneration to which they are entitled in consideration C) COPYRIGHT application should be notarized; National
of their creative work. Library, IPO. Under 500 (250) pesos.

Copyrights protects original expressions in the forms of VALIDITY PERIODS

literary, scholarly, scientific and artistic creations.
Copyright protection may also be extended to software
Literary works – During the lifetime of the
programs, compilation of databases, and derivative
Author plus 50 years after Death
Applied arts – 25 years from date of Creation
These include dramatizations, translations, adaptations, Photographic works – 50 years from publication;
abridgements, arrangements, and other alteration of if unpublished is 50 years from the making of the
literary or artistic works. work.
Audio-visual Work -50 years from publication; if
unpublished is 50 years from the making of the
-Portions are okay as long as used for personal use
-Massive (whole book) is copyright infringement
Sound Recording – 50 years from the end of the
RECEPIES year recording took place.
are not copyrightable UNLESS it is part of a book or Broadcast Recording -20 years from date of
television show. Broadcast
Trademarks – valid 10 years and may be renewed for
periods of 10 years.


Tune of HAPPY BIRTHDAY – Time Warner

Charitable purpose – may be allowed

Public Performance of Work – any music played outside

a normal circle of friend and family that occurs in any
public place. (Must pay royalties and can be penalized)

OWNER- NOT THE GOVT- that should come forward and

sue or demand for it to be enforceable.
Plagiarism –Form of reproduction- portion or bulk
without citation is plagiarism.

Moment of Creation- Time Stamp; defend your claim of


Art/work made in to the Public Domain - Waive of the

owner to his rights or by expiration of the validity period
can it only be in the PUBLIC’s DOMAIN or can be used by
the public.

NEWS REPORT - exception as long as Credited

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

Waiver of Rights

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