Setites Too Stronk, Plez Nerf

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From the earliest days of the Cult, the Faithful were assailed on all sides by the powers and magics of
the ignoble, the priests sought to defend their charges from the depredations of the infidel. It’s
efficacy against the powers of vampires was surely only a coincidence.

Note: This Path only functions against supernatural powers. It cannot aid them in contested rolls
that only utilize mundane Skills, even if those are aided by a supernatural power (such as a punch
enhanced by Potence).

[ 1 ] Buttress The Soul

With a word of prayer and a quick ritual of protection, the theurge can focus her supernatural
defense against outside forces, heightening it for a brief moment.

Upon activating Buttress the Soul, the character gains a bonus to her defense equal to her rating in
the Path against any powers that target her for a single turn. This functions in a similar fashion to,
and stacks with, countermagic, but can be used against any power that targets her not just
sorceries. This power is reflexive, can be activated as a reaction, and needs to be activated only once
in a given turn to defend against all powers used against the character during that turn. Successes
subtract from the target roll for the purpose of defending the character, not from negating the
power. Powers that affect an area do so, with the theurge as a conspicuous hole.

[ 2 ] Light of Lies
The Priest performs a short ritual or sign, banishing the lies the light shows. The theurge destroys
illusions created by other supernatural beings (though the Priest has no dominion over natural
optical illusions).

The number of successes required to dispel an illusion is equal to the number of successes garnered
by the crafter of the illusion, and so may require an extended action. In the case of multiple illusions,
the weakest is banished first; once an illusion has been dispelled, a character must begin the
extended roll again to banish further illusions. An "illusion" includes any effect intended to disorient
or mislead a character's senses. The effect must be established (the power does not prevent effects
from coming into play, it only dispels extant effects) and independent (it must be focused on a space,
item, or area, not an individual — false walls, illusory flames for example). Light of Lies grants no
ability to see an illusion for what it is, but does not require a character to be cognizant of the
presence of an illusion to function. A character who suspects a nearby illusion can utilize the power
in an attempt to overcome it (the range of the power is equal to the character's Path Rating + Blood
Potency in yards).
[ 3 ] Cleanse The Mind
The Priest speaks a quiet prayer before touching the forehead. Through the power of her blood, she
banishes that which would subverted the minds of the Blessed of Night.

This costs one point of Willpower to activate. The character removes a single supernatural effect
from the target and the character must touch the target's forehead to use this power. The effect
must be something that directly affects the mind. Examples include Dominate commands, Presence
powers, and the powers of Obfuscate. (Cleansing a character of the effects of Obfuscate allows her
to see an otherwise hidden character, even if her companions cannot) Cleanse the Mind only cancels
ongoing effects; powers that have a permanent effect after they have been completed (such as The
Forgetful Mind and Conditioning powers of Dominate) are not affected.

[ 4 ] Banish The Summoned Servitor

The denizens of the world beyond the borders of the Dominion often truck with the foul creations of
the Aeons, binding them to their will and using them as tools against the Nobility. Others create
entities out of thin air or call to themselves animals to guard them. The theurge denies them.
This costs a point of Willpower to use and requires the character to succeed in a contested
willpower roll with their target, or the caster of the effect in question. If successful, she can choose
to drive a possessing spirit or ghost from a body (whether living, dead or undead) or banish it from
the Priest's presence. Similarly, she can command an animal either created through a supernatural
power or under a supernatural compulsion to flee the area. A banished spirit returns to the spirit
realm and a banished ghost is thrown into the Sunless Sea. If the target is an animal, it flees, even if
other magic affects it. A swarm of small creatures (such as insects, rats or fish) is considered a single
animal for the purpose of this power.
The target cannot return for one night per success. If the character gains 5+ successes over their
target, they remain banished for one week per success on the character's roll, or, if an animal, it
turns against its former master.

[ 5 ] Break the Wave

One of the most potent of the powers of the theurge, Break the Wave immediately ends supernatural
effects. Characters whose effects are broken in this manner do not regain any expended Willpower,
Vitae or other supernatural traits. The theurge shouts a simple prayer, unleashing a powerful wave
of energy that disrupts other supernatural powers.

This power costs a point of Willpower. If the roll is successful, all supernatural effects on the
targeted character, item or locale immediately end. This power can target active
Disciplines/Gifts/Magick and their remaining effects. This power has no ability to affect “natural”
properties such as regeneration, resurrection, or mere existence as a supernatural entity. It cannot
undo healing of any kind, though it can reverse changes made to the body for any other purpose
such as Blood Buffing or forcing a Shifter into their Breed form. The presence of ghosts or spirits is
not considered a supernatural power (unless summoned into the scene, in which case the specific
effects of the power used to summon the entity is undone, possibly including the entity's ability to
be present), though Numina that allow an entity to manifest in the physical world are. This power
cannot remove a template from a character (meaning that it cannot undo the Embrace, First Change,
Awakening, etc.) or destroy a character's Advantage pool (Vitae, Essence, etc.). This power cannot
revert a ghoul to human state.

This Magical Path of study was developed in tandem between Faithful sorcerers and their brethren
among the practitioners of blood magic.The faithful may temporarily pass along aspects of God's
grace. Through these sympathetic experiences ("echoes," to the Cult) the mortal herd of the Cult
may be strengthened for the Cult’s benefit. While the Path's most efficacious targets are those who
have not been themselves blessed with undeath (mortals, mages, Lupines, etc), its power is equally
effective against Cainites, as it "refreshes" their existing benefits — a reminder of their divine nature
and of God's will.

Among the faithful, this renewal is believed to be good for the soul, even a mortal’s soul, bringing
them closer to the Eternal Dark. To this end, some Priests both within and outside the
Consanguinist sect proper make confessors of local sorcerers, to receive regular infusions of this
magic as part of their routine ablutions.

Although these powers are moderate in the overt effects, their potency comes in two key factors:
the potential for both multiple effects and extended durations. If a blood magician possesses
sufficient, mastery of this Path, he may choose to impart any or all of the effects leading up to and
including his current level. In essence, he determines, just how much of the vampiric nature to
"bestow" upon his target. The blood magician may pass along one blessing for each success acquired
on the roll, up to the total number he has learned. Once the magician has blessed a target, however,
further applications of this Path are useless: Only by voluntarily canceling all blessings on a given
target and starting anew (with another blood expenditure, and Road roll) may the same target be
prematurely re-cast.

The practitioner must be able to see those whom he would curse with this Path. The duration of
effects are determined by the Road rating of the caster. If the character’s Road is not faith aligned,
then the duration is halved (round down).

Caster's Road or Path Rating Duration

1-3 One hour per success

4-6 One day per success

7-9 Three days per success

10 One week per success

[ 1 ] Gift of Lifeless Mien

The first, and some would say principal, aspect of the Blood of Set is the understanding of their own
puissance and their place in the world. This power grants the same presence to the target, making
him a leader among his own kind. For those to whom close social interaction is a requirement for
daily survival, this can mean a world of trouble.

The player rolls Willpower. Success grants or enhances a Vampire’s physical presence. Mortals
"darken," becoming impetuous and aggressive. Gain one dice to any social interaction, and the
difficulties to command or intimidate are reduced by 1.

[ 2 ] Strength of Night
According to the Faithful, the gift of vampirism is one brought down from on high — a physical and
spiritual liberation straight from the hand of the Almighty. By birthright, a kindred is an emanation
of the power of the Infinite Darkness, wherever he may encounter it. This level of the Path echoes
and imparts that vampiric blessing of faith.

The player rolls Willpower (difficulty 8 or 10 - Road rating, minimum 3). If the roll succeeds, the
blood magician can cause any target to become resistant to the effects of True Faith as though the
subject himself was one of the Eternals. Until the end of the effect's duration, the target resists True
Faith effects as if they were one dot higher.
Further, Kindred find their own resistance to Faith heightened. Difficulties against or to resist the
effects of Faith are lowered by two for the duration, and any damage suffered from the appropriate
source is halved.

[ 3 ] Atramentous Fury
Nobles are creatures of ferocity and instinct, driven by a raging Beast Within. At this level of
mastery, the practitioner gains the ability to arouse such a beast inside others as well. This force
heightens the senses of the subject, making him susceptible to sudden onslaughts of instinct that
force him into mindless fight or flight reactions and strengthening them in the process.

This power incites a force similar to the vampiric Beast inside its subjects. This makes mortal targets
susceptible to frenzy, whether the source be from provocation or imminent fear of aggravated
damage. Creatures that already possess a "beast" of their own (such as vampires and werewolves)
find their difficulties to resist frenzy of any kind increased by two, and in the ability to resist
Rötschreck or Fox Frenzy or the like reduced by 2. While under the effects of this power the subjects
may distribute dots equal to the caster’s rating in this power among their physical attributes. The
normal benefits and drawbacks for frenzy apply.

[ 4 ] Bounded Thirst
At this level, the darkness unleashed within an opponent has grown strong enough to allow the
mortal to subsist only on blood. For so long as he remains thus blessed, the target gains nourishment
from the ingestion of blood; he no longer needs normal food to sustain him.

For the duration of effect, the subject only requires blood to sustain him (the equivalent of one blood
point's worth per day, minimum). The blood may be from any living source, and his body mystically
processes the blood and nourishes him in place of food. If the subject ingests anything except blood
during this time, he finds it repulsive. He regurgitates it immediately unless he makes a Willpower
roll (difficulty 8).
Nobles affected with this power need only spend blood to rise once every four nights. Further, the
Noble may spend a Willpower to increase their effective Potency for the purpose of determining
their normal blood expenditures by two for the remainder of a scene.

[ 5 ] Blessing of Night Everlasting

Light may be snuffed out, but Dark lasts. No matter what may drive it away, it will always return. The
arc of time leans towards the Abyss. All light shall fail in time.

Targets of this power Instantly gain the vampiric ability to heal. For the duration of the power's
effect, he regenerates as a Vampire. This also has the effect of reversing subjects' natural biological
rhythms, twisting their favoured activity cycles from daytime into night, and gaining some
sensitivity to bright light.
Kindred (or creatures with regeneration) have their rate of regeneration doubled. Further, once per
round, they may roll Stamina + Fortitude (difficulty 8) to heal one level of aggravated damage. They
also may reduce the time frame it takes to rise from torpor by one step.

In the early nights of the Cult, the cult was best by many factors. They had enemies all around and
still do to this day. This Path was developed to help counteract one’s enemies and weaken them so
they may be dealt with more easily. Knowledge is the first step to power, and this path focuses on
knowing your enemies and then succinctly dealing with the possible threats. Especially when this
knowledge focuses on the pacts and ties ones holds to other worldy entities.

[ 1 ] Enumeration
All exists bounded by and supported by the Abyss. The Darkness hides all secrets. This power reveals
existing blood bonds and Vincul and spiritual connections to the theurge, These bonds appear
differently to each theurge, depending strongly on her preferred sensory stimulus. Some see the
bonds as threads of light wrapped around others, pulsing with colors that define their nature; others
hear them as a rich and complex song whose internal melodies, harmonies, tempo, and beat contain
the information they require.

If successful, any and all infernal pacts, spiritual pacts, and voluntary or involuntary bonds of any
kind (including the blood bond) to become “visible” in some way to the caster. Although the caster
may not know the individuals in question, this power does reveal the names and gives rough psychic
impressions of the individuals in question.

[ 2 ] The Serpent of Silver

The cult may view spirits as the debased servants and creations of the Aeons, but freedom is
ultimately the natural state. And sometimes it serves to subvert the tools of the enemy.

The theurge invokes the gift of the argent serpent, spending one Willpower point and rolling against
a difficulty equal to the target’s current Willpower. If successful, the invocation causes a single
selected bond between the target and an enthralled spirit or bound entity to be broken, or it’s bonds
to a location. This, of course, frees the previously bound spirit or ghost to flee, take vengeance, or
visit whatever consequences of bondage they prefer upon their former owner. Spirits and ghosts
freed from fetishes and the like must be rebound before the item may function again, but otherwise
does not harm the item. Blood bonds cannot be broken in this manner, but may be suppressed for
one day per success.

[ 3 ] Feast Of Ashes
Primarily used as a punishment for wayward Cultists, this power temporarily removes a vampire's
dependency on blood, whilst simultaneously interfering with the Noble’s ability to spend it. Living
supernaturals with energy pools (gnosis, quintessence, glamour, etc.) find their ability to ragin this
energy slowed and the difficulty raised significantly.

The effects of this power last for one week per success. The victim of this power can no longer
consume blood, vomiting it up as he would mortal food or drink. Blood in the character’s body at the
invocation may be spent to power Disciplines, raise Attributes, or feed ghouls, but may not be
replenished. The victim must still spend blood to rise each night, but the vampire does not fall into
torpor if their blood pool drops to zero, instead suffering the full weight of their hunger (and the
associated risks of frenzy) until the power ends.
If used on mortals, this power similarly removes the need as well as the ability to eat. Though not
hunger. Targets suffer increasing discomfort and penalties to dice pools as they begin suffering the
pains of starvation even as they are protected from actual death. Beings that would regain gnosis or
another time of regenerative energy have the time it takes to do so multiplied by the number of
successes rolled. Any attempt to draw such energy (gnosis, quintessence, or glamour) must succeed
on a Willpower roll (difficulty 9), even if a roll is not normally required, gaining (or losing) as much as
successes rolled.
[ 4 ] Disfavour of the Abyss
This power invokes the primal darkness of Beginingless Time, reminding the Kindred of the source
of their divinity. All but the dimmest of light causes the subject excruciating pain, and bright light
may even damage. Only by seeking the comfort of the Father may they find solace.

Though it does not provoke the Red Fear, the presence of any light makes the subject
uncomfortable, and bright light of any kind — flashlights, headlights, etc. — inflict one health level of
aggravated damage on the character for every turn he remains under its direct focus, as per the
rules of sunlight. Most Nobles who suffer this curse elect to sleep for the duration, hiding away in
the darkness of their havens until they can walk again in the light without pain. This power lasts for
one week.

[ 5 ] Valediction

Many rightfully fear this power, though very few have ever seen it used. It levies a punishment for
breaking the commandments of Faith and House. Weakening the offending party until they have


The roll for this power is made against a difficulty equal to the target’s Road rating or their Highest
virtue. When this power takes effect, the subject immediately has their maximums reduced equal to
the number of successes rolled. This change may entail losing points in certain Traits, and the
artificial cap holds even if the target has powers or abilities that grant them the ability to exceed
their normal pool (ex. Horrid form or shifter war forms). This power lasts for one day per success,
after which any Traits reduced to return to normal at a rate of one dot per day. It takes three turns
to speak the full verse that implements this power's effects.

Kindred have feared the use of Theomachy since time immemorial. To look upon a person or object
with weight of divine displeasure may inflict a curse upon them. Some possess a powerful resonance
whether they want it or not. Such persons can kill animals with a careless word or glance, shatter
stone, or in even explode heads.

The Path of Theomachy inflicts a variety of calamities upon its victims. Although the power takes
little time to use, the effects may take hours or nights to manifest, and the sorcerer often cannot
know or control the exact nature of the curse.

The powers of this path do not cumulate. While affected by a curse, a victim becomes immune to
further use of that specific power by that specific vampire. For instance, if a magician inflicted Peril
on a victim, he could not curse that person with another Peril until the first had run its course. He
could, however, still attack that victim with a Loss or any other Theomachy power. Likewise, another
theurge could impose his own Theomachy curse (making for a very unlucky victim).

The victim also has ways to remove an Theomachy curse before it runs it course. People with True
Faith can remove the Theomachy's effect through ritual and prayer and repentance. Occultists can
work out rituals to weaken or void a curse with a Wits + Occult roll (difficulty 8). Each success rolled
by the player cancels out one success of the Theomachy attack. For some powers, however, the
exorcism works only if performed very soon after the theurge lays the curse. No exorcism can
restore what the victim has already lost.

[ 1 ] Humiliation
With a venomous glace, the vampire inflicts bad luck upon his victim. This bad luck attacks the
victim's social standing. The victim suffers some terrible embarrassment, with the next few nights.
Neither victim nor attacker knows what form this embarrassment will take, so the victim has no way
to defend against it. Will you say something incredibly stupid? Will a servant trip and drench you
with blood? Will a childe or ghoul commit some hideous blunder? You have no way to tell. The
Humiliation inflicts no real harm, but can ruin a person's prestige or credibility for a while.

The attacker's player makes the usual Willpower roll. If the roll succeeds, the victim suffers
humiliation some time within the next week.

[ 2 ] Loss
This curse affects the victim's property. Within a few nights of the curse, the victim loses both real
wealth and some possession of emotional value (assuming the victim has such a thing). Lost property
does not magically vanish; some "natural explanation" (such as fire, accident, theft, confiscation or
unexpected legal fees) cause the loss. Even the sorcerer who casts the curse has no idea what form
the loss may take. Loss is permanent, barring special exertions by the victim. Lost money and
possessions do not magically reappear, either.

If the Willpower roll succeeds, the victim loses one dot of Resources within the next week. The
Storyteller decides what sentimental loss the victim suffers. If all else fails, the victim might lose a
Retainer or a dot of Herd. Even if a victim completely lacks Resources, the curse still finds something
to strip away. Perhaps the victim loses his wedding ring, the last memento of a happier life, or an
abandoned building used as a Haven might burn down.

[ 3 ] Peril
This power puts the victim directly in danger. Over the next few nights - neither victim nor attacker
knows precisely when - the victim finds herself in dangerous situations. The victim might cleverly
escape the danger, and Kindred can probably survive even the worst Perils. Then again, they might

The number of successes on the Willpower roll gives the number or severity of the perils:
1 success One mild Peril (Example: mugger)

2 Two mild to moderate Perils (a car crash)


3 Three mild to moderate Perils


4 Three moderate to severe Perils (collapsing building, locked out of haven near
successes sunrise)

5 Three Perils, one catastrophic (meet a Lupine pack, haven catches fire during the
successes day)

Each night is 50% likely to bring a Peril, and the curse continues until all Perils have occurred (or the
victim finds a way to lift the curse).

[ 4 ] Enemy
This level of Theomacy has the most far-reaching effect on a victim. Friends turn away; enemies
appear (and may be former friends). Perhaps the victim can recover lost allies and placate new
enemies, but the Storyteller should not make it easy.

For each success on the attacker's Willpower roll, the victim either loses one dot of Allies, Contacts,
Influence or Retainers, or gains the Enemy Flaw worth one point. For instance, with four successes
on the roll, the victim might lose two dots in Allies and gain a two-point enemy (perhaps a former
Ally). A victim never gains more than one Enemy from the curse; more points of Enemy indicate a
more dangerous foe. No one ever lose more than two dots from any single Background.
Imposing an Enemy takes time. The attacker might spend several hours in places where the victim
has interests and connections, for example, spreading insults and innuendos - just like a normal
smear campaign, but the curse makes sure the smear campaign really works. The effects manifest
within a week.

[ 5 ] Seqer-Ajet
The "Eye that Wounds" represents the most immediately dangerous use of the Evil eye, unlike other
powers, this power acts immediately. The magician expresses fulsome praise, vicious insults or utter
astonishment at the target person or object - and on the next turn, something really bad happens to
the target.
If the player's Willpower roll succeeds, the target person or object suffers one health level of
aggravated damage per success rolled. The magician's speech shapes the form of the damage. For
instance, saying nasty things about a person's car could make the engine explode while praising a
person's martial prowess could make her arm instantly wither. Mortal victims usually suffer some
permanent maiming. Animals affected by Seqer-Ajet usually drop dead on the spot.

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