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Part two (2)

Q1.Write short note on FOUR (4) of the following FIVE (5) topics :

i. Herd immunity
ii. Natural history of disease with explanation of ice berg phenomena
iii. Chose an example of one of non-communicable disease (breast cancer,
hypertension, diabetes mellitus, ect) to show how would the principal of
Prevention apply to it.
iv. Evidence based medicine triad
v. Chain of transmission

Q2. Write an assay on TWO (2) of the following THREE (3) topics:

i. Public health surveillance

ii. List millennium development goals (MDGs) and discuss health related goals
iii. Social class and health


i. Question
An outbreak of illness from West Nile virus (WNV) (mosquito transmitted
disease) infection took place in Blue Nile State.

For each numbered situation below, select the most appropriate term from the
following lettered options. Each option can be used once, more than once, or
not at all.

A. Epidemic
B. Sentinel case
C. Incidence rate
D. Risk
E. False-positive
F. False-negative
G. Risk factor
H. Prognostic factor
I. Natural history
J. Case fatality
K. Median survival
L. Randomized controlled clinical trial
M. Cohort study
N. Case-control study

1. Persons with fever/headache were ten times more likely than others to
have serum evidence of WNV infection. Fever/headache is best
described as

2. Among Blue Nile residents, 2.5 per 100,000 persons developed severe WNV
neurologic disease during this time period. This measure is best
described as

3. West Nile virus had occurred for the first time in Blue Nile l the
preceding year. This unusual pattern of occurrence is best described as

4. A person who has the symptoms consistent with severe WNV

neurologic disease, but does not have definitive serologic evidence of

5. Two of 21 patients with severe WNV neurologic disease died. This is

best described by
6. The first person with severe WNV neurologic disease became ill the
week of July 15. This individual is best described as

7. Clinical outcome of severe WNV neurologic disease was substantially worse

for elderly patients. Advance age is best described as

8. A study of antiviral agents is conducted for the treatment of severe WNV

neurologic disease in which treatment assignments to individual patients
are made by chance

9. A study is conducted comparing prior use of mosquito repellent by persons

with and without severe WNV neurologic disease. This is best
described as

10. A study is conducted in which the rates of subsequent WNV infection are
compared in communities with and without mosquito abatement
programs. This is best described as

ii. Question

A new test for Chlamydia infections of the cervix is introduced. Half of the women who
are tested have a positive test. Compared with the gold standard of careful cultures, 45%
of those with a positive test are infected with Chlamydia, and 95% of those with a
negative test are free of the infection. Match the epidemiologic terms below with the
correct percentage.

a. 5 %
b. 25%
c. 80%
d. 90%
e. None of the above
1. Sensitivity test
2. Specifity tests
3. Prevalence of Chlamydia infection in that community
4. Predictive value of a positive test
5. Predictive value of a negative test.

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