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Universidad de Sta.

Isabel | Basic Education Department

LESSON 4: Coping with Stress and Maintaining

Mental Health in Middle and Late Adolescents

Directions: Accomplish the stress assessment survey and self-assessment on mental


Task 1: How Stressed Are You?

Are you stressed? How stressed are you? Use this stress assessment to determine the degree of
stress you are experiencing.


Headington Institute

Please note: This scale is not a clinical diagnostic instrument and is provided for educational
purposes. It merely identifies some of the more common symptoms of stress. If you have any
concerns about your state of emotional health, you should consult with a mental health

INSTRUCTIONS: In the last month, how often has the following been true for you? Write the
number that fits your reality on the line before each question.

0 | Never 1 | Seldom 2 | Sometimes 3 | Often 4| Always

__3___ 1. I feel tired.

___2__ 2. I find it very hard to relax or “wind-down.”

___2__ 3. I find it hard to make decisions.

___2__ 4. My heart races and I find myself breathing rapidly.

___1__ 5. I have trouble thinking clearly.

___3__ 6. I eat too much or too little.

___3__ 7. I get headaches.

___2__ 8. I feel emotionally numb.

___2__ 9. I think about my problems over and over again during the day.

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Universidad de Sta. Isabel | Basic Education Department

___4__ 10. I have sleeping problems (e.g., trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, trouble
waking up, nightmares, etc.).

___2__ 11. I have trouble feeling hopeful.

___1__ 12. I find myself taking unnecessary risks or engaging in behavior hazardous to health
and/or safety.

___4__ 13. I have back and neck pain, or other chronic tension-linked pain

___4__ 14. I use caffeine or nicotine more than usual.

___3__ 15. I feel overwhelmed and helpless.

___3__ 16. I have nervous habits (e.g., biting my nails, grinding my teeth, fidgeting, pacing, etc.).

___2__ 17. I forget little things (e.g. where I put my keys, people’s names, details discussed during
the last work meeting).

___3__ 18. I have stomach upsets (e.g., nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, gas).

___3__ 19. I am irritable and easily annoyed.

___2__ 20. I have mood-swings and feel over-emotional.

___2__ 21. I find it hard to concentrate.

___3__ 22. I have trouble feeling that life is meaningful.

___2__ 23. I am withdrawn and feel distant and cut off from other people.

___0__ 24. I use alcohol and/or other drugs to try and help cope.

___3__ 25. My work performance has declined and I have trouble completing things.

TOTAL SCORE (sum of all the scores): _____


0 – 25: A score in this range suggests that you’re probably in great stress-shape!

26 – 50: A score in this range suggests that you may be experiencing a low to moderate degree of

51 – 75: A score in this range suggests you may be experiencing a moderate to high degree of

76 – 100: A score in this range suggests that you may be experiencing a very high degree of


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Universidad de Sta. Isabel | Basic Education Department

Task 2. How Mentally Healthy Are You?

INSTRUCTION: To start your journey with mental health, begin with a simple multiple-choice test.
Read and reflect on the following questions and write the letter corresponding to the statement that
applies to you. Please try to answer as honestly as you can.

How Mentally Healthy Are You?

___a__1. Is there someone in your life that you can talk to if you have problems or if you feel

a. There is usually someone I can talk to.

b. Sometimes, there are people I can talk to but it depends on the type of problem I have.
c. I do not have many people I can talk to.

___b__2. How much do other peoples’ opinions about you affect how you see yourself?

a. I allow their opinions to define who I am.

b. I compare their opinions with who I think I am as well as my personal beliefs and
c. I reject other peoples’ opinions of me instantly.

___b__3. When bad things happen, how much do you think can you turn the situation around?

a. I always believe that I can change the situation for the better.
b. Much depends on the situation that I am in.
c. I tend to think that bad things will come to happen.

___b__4. Do you have enough time for schoolwork, friends, family, and other activities?

a. Yes, I always make sure that I have enough time for everything.
b. I adjust the time I give each, depending on the situation.
c. No, I usually have to pick one over the other.

___b__5. How much do you let your worries and anxieties bother you?

a. I have a hard time in letting go of my worries and I tend to dwell on them for a long time.
b. I think about them until I am ready to let go.
c. I forget about them and do not let them bother me.

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Universidad de Sta. Isabel | Basic Education Department

_____6. In general, would you describe yourself as a moody person?

a. Yes, it takes just a moment to ruin a good day.

b. Sometimes but much really depends on the situation.
c. No, I usually do not let bad things get me down.

_____7. How do you often feel afraid that people you care about might reject or leave you?

a. This has been a constant fear in my life.

b. Sometimes I think about this when certain situations point to this possibility.
c. I am secure enough with my relationships and trust that they will not leave me.

There are no right or wrong answers in the preceding test. Your answers give an insight regarding
your state of mental health at present. Reflecting on them, are you satisfied with your responses?


Although there are no right or wrong answers in the preceding test, there are still ideal answers in
terms of what most mentally health individuals demonstrate. Try to identify which answers indicate
the ideal situation in terms of good mental health.

1. Attachment 4. School Life Balance 7. Self-worth

2. Self-esteem 5. Stress Management
3. Optimism 6. Mood

Which of the mental health indicators explored by each question (attachment, self-esteem,
optimism, school life balance, stress management, mood, and self-worth) is your greatest
weakness at present? Why?


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Universidad de Sta. Isabel | Basic Education Department

Source: Mejora, A.G. and Pasa, N.A. (2016). How mentally healthy are you? Growing in character (pp. 73-75).
Quezon. Brilliant Creations Publishing, Inc.

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