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October 18th.


It was deep night when I left the sheriff's station with a certain Greg Connors. Skittish and
paranoid as he was, he left with me to my house with relative ease once I had convinced him I
had a refuge for him far from the prying eyes of my Kindred brethren and sistren.

It was a quiet drive home with the twitchy young man in the seat next to me, it was only when I
found a radio station of some music that he seemed to stop flinching at my every movement.
Attempts to initiate conversation was met with one word answers and cool reception. He didn't
seem receptive to my wanting to hear about his past, or questions of what he thought about the
nights activities. So it was silence until we arrived at my humble abode.

If there was anything William taught me of any worth it was that people can only be on edge for
so long before they crack.

His crack was on my doorstep. Greg basically fell to his knees once I had the door unlocked,
tears streaming down his face as he heaved and breathed, trying as hard as he could to keep
his food that night down. Of course I had leaned down to help him, touching his shoulders gently
and trying to help him to his feet. The boy was scared, more scared then he had been in his
whole life and I only wanted to try to remedy that. Once I got Greg to his shaking feet, locked
the door and helped hi, over to the table it was time to make a decision.

Greg on the other end of the table had quieted down significantly by the time I had swept
around the house and made sure neither Ophelia or Diana happened to be in the house at that
I sat with on the other end of the table after grabbing a glass cup from a cabinet. Greg's eyes
shot around my home as quick as they could, I was surprised that someone could be so skittish
as I watched him, waiting for him to calm to a sufficient level so we could discuss the business I
knew I had next.

After about 10 minutes his fidgets ceased, and his eyes landed on me. He gulped and let out a
shaky breath.

“What happens now?”

I could feel the uncertainty in his voice, it was palpable in the air as this...scared man who had
seen too much sat across from me, his future on his mind. I gave him then the best answer I
could, and did something I never thought I would do to another person. Bring them into this
world. I opened my mouth to speak, sparking a bit of electricity across my wrist so a wound
could be made. Dropping blood into the clear glass turning it to the color of the contents it held.
“I’m going to bring you into this...Little world I share with the others you met tonight. I will protect
you with my life if needed, and I would ask you only drink of the blood in this cup, and join me..

Silence blanketed the room, suffocating me as I waited for his answer. He sat, wide eyed
looking it felt through me, like he was judging me for the new life I was offering him. But..

“I don't want to be afraid like that..anymore”

And with that he reached across the table and lifted the cup to his lips.

*the writing stops here*

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