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GenStat Release 12.

1 ( PC/Windows Vista) 05 May 2019 17:47:08

Copyright 2009, VSN International Ltd.   
Registered to: VSNi


GenStat Twelfth Edition

GenStat Procedure Library Release PL20.1

      1    %CD 'C:/Users/Denil/Documents'
      2    "Data taken from unsaved spreadsheet: New Data;1"
      3    %PostMessage 1129; 0; 49068448 "Sheet Update Completed"
      4    "Data taken from unsaved spreadsheet: New Data;1"
      5    %PostMessage 1129; 0; 49068448 "Sheet Update Completed"
      6    "Data taken from unsaved spreadsheet: New Data;1"
      8    UNITS [NVALUES=*]
      9    VARIATE [NVALUES=5] DOK1
    10    READ DOK1

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

DOK1 19.40 28.82 33.00 5 0

    12    VARIATE [NVALUES=5] DOK5

    13    READ DOK5

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

DOK5 17.70 23.98 27.90 5 0

    15    VARIATE [NVALUES=5] DOK4

    16    READ DOK4

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

DOK4 9.100 14.64 19.40 5 0

    18    VARIATE [NVALUES=5] DOK7

    19    READ DOK7

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

DOK7 18.60 19.92 21.00 5 0

    21    VARIATE [NVALUES=5] DOK13

    22    READ DOK13

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

DOK13 11.60 13.26 14.40 5 0


    25    READ KOMP

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

KOMP 16.90 18.82 20.80 5 0
    28    %PostMessage 1129; 0; 49068448 "Sheet Update Completed"
    29    "Data taken from unsaved spreadsheet: New Data;2"
    30    DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] _stitle_: TEXT _stitle_
    31    READ [PRINT=*; SETNVALUES=yes] _stitle_
    33    PRINT [IPRINT=*] _stitle_; JUST=left

Stacked on: 5-May-2019 17:54:56

    34    DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] Source,Biakan

    35    UNITS [NVALUES=*]
    36    FACTOR [MODIFY=yes; NVALUES=30; LEVELS=6; REFERENCE=1] Source
    37    READ Source; FREPRESENTATION=ordinal

Identifier Values Missing Levels

Source 30 0 6

    39    VARIATE [NVALUES=30] Biakan

    40    READ Biakan

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

Biakan 9.100 19.91 33.00 30 0

    43    RESTRICT Source,Biakan

    45    %PostMessage 1129; 0; 82617008 "Sheet Update Completed"
    46    "General Analysis of Variance."
    47    BLOCK "No Blocking"
    48    TREATMENTS Source
    49    COVARIATE "No Covariate"
    50    ANOVA [PRINT=aovtable,information,means; FACT=32; CONTRASTS=7; PCONTRASTS=7;
    51      PSE=diff,lsd; LSDLEVEL=5] Biakan
Analysis of variance
Variate: Biakan

Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr.

Source 5 845.68 169.14 14.31 <.001
Residual 24 283.70 11.82
Total 29 1129.38

Message: the following units have large residuals.

*units* 1       -9.42 s.e.      3.08
*units* 6       -6.28 s.e.      3.08

Tables of means
Variate: Biakan

Grand mean    19.91

Source 1 2 3 4 5 6
28.82 23.98 14.64 19.92 13.26 18.82

Standard errors of differences of means

Table Source
rep. 5
d.f. 24
s.e.d. 2.174

Least significant differences of means (5% level)

Table Source
rep. 5
d.f. 24
l.s.d. 4.488

    52    "General Analysis of Variance."

    53    BLOCK Source
    54    TREATMENTS Source
    55    COVARIATE "No Covariate"
    56    ANOVA [PRINT=aovtable,information,means; FACT=32; CONTRASTS=7; PCONTRASTS=7;
    57      PSE=diff,lsd; LSDLEVEL=5] Biakan
Warning 1, code AN 43, statement 1 on line 57
Command: ANOVA [PRINT=aovtable,information,means; FACT=32; CONTRASTS=7; PCONTRAS
Term occurs in both the BLOCK and the TREATMENT formulae.
Term Source occurring in both the block and treatment models has been deleted from the block model; its
variance ratio may be inappropriate.
Analysis of variance
Variate: Biakan

Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr.

Source 5 845.68 169.14 14.31 <.001
Residual 24 283.70 11.82
Total 29 1129.38

Message: the following units have large residuals.

Source 1 *units* 1       -9.42 s.e.      3.08
Source 2 *units* 1       -6.28 s.e.      3.08

Tables of means
Variate: Biakan

Grand mean    19.91

Source 1 2 3 4 5 6
28.82 23.98 14.64 19.92 13.26 18.82

Standard errors of differences of means

Table Source
rep. 5
d.f. 24
s.e.d. 2.174

Least significant differences of means (5% level)

Table Source
rep. 5
d.f. 24
l.s.d. 4.488

    58    "Data taken from unsaved spreadsheet: New Data;3"

    59    %PostMessage 1129; 0; 83028304 "Sheet Update Completed"
    60    "Data taken from unsaved spreadsheet: New Data;3"
    61    %PostMessage 1129; 0; 83028304 "Sheet Update Completed"
    62    "Data taken from unsaved spreadsheet: New Data;4"
    63    DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] _stitle_: TEXT _stitle_
    64    READ [PRINT=*; SETNVALUES=yes] _stitle_
    66    PRINT [IPRINT=*] _stitle_; JUST=left

Stacked on: 5-May-2019 18:04:17

    67    DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] Source,%1_1
    68    UNITS [NVALUES=*]
    69    FACTOR [MODIFY=yes; NVALUES=20; LEVELS=4; REFERENCE=1] Source
    70    READ Source; FREPRESENTATION=ordinal

Identifier Values Missing Levels

Source 20 0 4

    72    VARIATE [NVALUES=20] %1_1

    73    READ %1_1

Identifier Minimum Mean Maximum Values Missing

%1_1 103.0 279.9 471.0 20 0

    76    RESTRICT Source,%1_1

    78    %PostMessage 1129; 0; 83046752 "Sheet Update Completed"
    79    "General Analysis of Variance."
    80    BLOCK Source
    81    TREATMENTS Source
    82    COVARIATE "No Covariate"
    83    ANOVA [PRINT=aovtable,information,means; FACT=32; CONTRASTS=7; PCONTRASTS=7;
    84      PSE=diff,lsd; LSDLEVEL=5] %1_1
Warning 2, code AN 43, statement 1 on line 84
Command: ANOVA [PRINT=aovtable,information,means; FACT=32; CONTRASTS=7; PCONTRAS
Term occurs in both the BLOCK and the TREATMENT formulae.
Term Source occurring in both the block and treatment models has been deleted from the block model; its
variance ratio may be inappropriate.
Analysis of variance
Variate: %1_1

Source of variation d.f. s.s. m.s. v.r. F pr.

Source 3 135034. 45011. 12.70 <.001
Residual 16 56714. 3545.
Total 19 191748.

Tables of means
Variate: %1_1

Grand mean    280.

Source 1 2 3 4
150. 323. 275. 371.

Standard errors of differences of means

Table Source
rep. 5
d.f. 16
s.e.d. 37.7

Least significant differences of means (5% level)

Table Source
rep. 5
d.f. 16
l.s.d. 79.8

    85    "Data taken from unsaved spreadsheet: New Data;2"

    86    DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] _stitle_: TEXT _stitle_
    87    READ [PRINT=*; SETNVALUES=yes] _stitle_
    89    PRINT [IPRINT=*] _stitle_; JUST=left

Stacked on: 5-May-2019 17:54:56

    90    DELETE [REDEFINE=yes] Source

    91    UNITS [NVALUES=*]
    92    FACTOR [MODIFY=yes; NVALUES=30; LEVELS=6; REFERENCE=1] Source
    93    READ Source; FREPRESENTATION=ordinal

Identifier Values Missing Levels

Source 30 0 6

    96    %PostMessage 1129; 0; 82617008 "Sheet Update Completed"

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