Anna and Her Special Gift

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Fourteen years old Anna was sitting happily in the backyard waiting for her

mother to return, but she had no idea that her mother would never return.
She became an orphan and lived with her beloved grandmother since then.
Anna’s grandmother adored her with all her heart beacause she was her only
Years passed by as Anna turned 18. She was so excited for her 18 th
birthday, so did her grandmother. She invited her friends to her birthday party.
They were having fun throughout the party. After the party ended, Anna and
her grandmother plumped down on the sofa and looked around at the empty
glasses, crumpled tissues, and crumbs that lay strewn all over the carpet. They
both sighed and started cleaning. After a few moments of silence, her
grandmother spoke.
“ Anna before I forget, your mother had prepared a gift for your 18 th birthday.”
Grandmother handed her the gift
It was a small red box. She took the necklace and admired it before
putting it on. At the sight of her granddaughter, grandmother smiled
“she is stunning” she murmured to herself.
Before Anna could read the letter, she yawned loudly, earning a chuckle from
her grandmother . She told Anna to go to sleep and read it the next day. Anna
was on her way to school the next day. She noticed an undenitified man
standing behind the tree. She got goosebumps and sped up her bike. When
she returned home from school, she rembered the letter and ran into her
room. She took it and began to read it. She was stunned after reading it there
was a picture of a man who claimed to be her biological father, as well as an
address with a key. Anna was determined to track down him .She called her
best friend, Maria.
“Maria , I need your help and need you to come over.”
“ there at 5” Maria said.
When they met ,Anna explained everything about what happened after her
birthday. Maria took the letter and the photograph. Anna decided to find him
no matter what . They must figure it out.
The next morning, they woke up and got ready. While waiting for Maria ,
she took out her phone and began searching for that andress. The results
showed that it would take an hour to arrive. It was Maria who honked infront
of her house. They decided it was easier than riding a bike because of the
location is a little far away. They arrived an hour later. There was a mansion up
on the hills. There was an old inhabited house. They got out of the car, and
they went to the house. Anna tried but failed to open the door. Maria gave her
the key from her mother’s gift. She tried again, and this time it opened. The
door squeaked and gave off a dreadful vibe.
Anna walked in without hesitation. She looked and found nothing,except
for a photograph of a family. She squinted as she realized there were more of
them. There was a sudden sound of creaking door, and Maria quickly grabbed
Anna’s hand and turned around. There was a man and Anna stared at him for a
long time, wondering where she had seen him before. Then it clicked he was
the man behind the tree. Maria took out the picture and handed it to Anna.
They both gasped when they realized it was the same person. Anna as crushed
when she realized who he was. The man sobbed. They hugged for a long time.
After Anna and her father had calmed down for a moment, her father
began to explain what had happened in the past. The man is about to explain
to anna and he began to explain.
“ I was a spy back then who had to embark on a highly confidential mission.
Fearing that I might put my family in a perilous situation, I had to leave your
mum. It was a difficult decision and I had no idea that we were expecting you.”
Then, Anna also explained how they ended up in his house. After showed
him a necklace given by her mother. He said calmly
“ it was a gift from me for our anniversary. I’ve never thought I would see you
again after what had happened. I am delighted to see you here. You have no
idea how much I’ve missed you.”
They returned at her house safely. Her grandmother was take aback when she
saw him and bursted into tears.

The end.

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